• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


U-um... I like ponies...

Comments ( 31 )

Great, might as well check out True Colors although im pretty much fed up with Celestia is evil (long) fics.

Well, Celestia just crossed the moral event horizon. Go go Nightmare Moon! :moustache:

This was well written and works well within the story. Props to you At The End Of Bliss.

490147 i hate the idea of Celestia being evil, a mostlester, and an internet's variation of a troll dead straigh period.:trixieshiftleft:

that was awesome!:pinkiehappy:


I don't know what this story did, but I for a moment was lost in a trance and the words were like a movie to me.

That means a lot to me coming from the original author of True Colors. Thanks again for the thumbs up when I decided to go public with this story piece. And all your work with the pre-read. :pinkiehappy:

If you don't like Celestia being evil there is a cure for that… Watch the original show! :facehoof:
And do check out the original story of True Colors! It's very different place from the Equestria we all know.

Well this is an offshoot from True Colors so the sequel is going back to True Colors.

And thank everypony for your support! I'm very happy to receive it seeing as this is my first fic! Thank you!


If its good i do like it, but there more Celestia is evil stories then there is stories (focused) on good Celestia and i get tired of seeing them pop up and end up not even give it a try then.

Yeah... I can see where you're coming from. And that's what's so great about having a free choice. If there's something you don't like you can always stop reading. But do give True Colors a go. After all... my story makes a whole lot more sense if you read it. :pinkiesmile:


I would say you made it good enough that its understandable without reading True Colors, but it is in my read later list.
Love dark fics as long as its not just gore for the shock effect and such. (can be dark without gore like here, i know)

And while your free to stop reading whenever you want, i tend to stick to a story that i liked enough, even if it starts sucking badly later, probably hope that it will get better eventually or that the ending will redeem it. I dont like quitting what i started reading something. >.<
but i do eventually drop it if i really cant like it anymore.

Great job! :twilightsheepish: Echos told me about this, in fact :twilightsmile:

Why thank you, good to know that story is understandable even if you just trip over it before you read True Colors.

And I'm the same as you when it comes to paperback books. Can't stop reading even if they're not up to par. I'm reading three books IRL right now. City of dragons by Robin Hobb, The great book of Amber by Roger Zelazny and Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. These three I highly recommend to anybody. And then there is Renegades Magic, the book I'm reading when I have nothing else to do. Mostly because… Well I've already read half of it so why not???


Hi again Echos! Just thought I'd but in on your comment here to DoctorWhooves. The big question that prompted me to write this was why Celestia did what she did. As I saw it Celestia had nothing to gain by doing what she did. That's when it hit me. Celestia could probably have anyone or anything she wanted. Most ponies would probably throw themselves at her. There was only one little purple mare that didn't like the way she looked at her. And even worse in her opinion, she seem to like someone else more. Since Celestia grown accustomed to having everything she wants, and then find herself alone with Twilight. She ends up doing something well... not so good…

Well what can I say that... oh of course! Yaaaaaaaay :yay:

Ah poor Twi. The third best pony can't be raped by Tia! It just isn't right!
Although it was pretty hot.
Wait does that make me weird?
What about the fact that I called ponys hot?
Or that I...... Never mind it would take me too long to list even 1/32 the things wrong with me.
So yeah... Great story! Watched and faved.
Now back to echo's story!

i don't usually read clops but when i do its cannon to a good story

A fanfiction of a fanfiction, very meta. Your writing was very excellent and I have incorporated this into my mind-canon for true colors. It has really added something to my readings of how Twilight reacts later on. The line "...she was looking downright anemic." is completely stuck in my head because of you. Just the way it is said so flippantly just increases the indignity of what happened to Twi. Huzzah to you and write on! :twilightsmile:


Why... thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Really warms the old pump to hear it. :twilightsheepish:

(I died inside).........

I hope Echos of a Dream has Celestia kidnap Twilight for this very reason, and Nightmare Moon has to go save her. If her does, you could totally write another clop scene! :pinkiehappy:

This story...

It was genuinely sickening. Beautifully so.

I hate you for writing this, and I applaud you for making it so damn enthralling.


:twilightblush: Sorry...

:twilightsmile: Well not really... I did feel this piece of the story was genuinely needed. I just had to come up with a reason for way Celestia did what she did at that particular time and place and this was what I came up with. The fact that it was good enough for Echos to make it cannon within his own story was just a great honor for me.

:facehoof: But still... you know... sorry for the emotional scarring and... and...

:twilightoops: Oh crap... come on THINK! What can be a perfectly good non-creepy excuse for me writing this hmmm...

:twilightsmile: Aha!

:twilightsheepish: I was dead at the time! So it's not my fault!!!

:twilightsmile: There... That usually worked when I was five so I foresee no possible way that answer can come back to haunt me in any way.

:pinkiegasp: GASP!!!!! You're a zombie author!



:twilightangry2: No I'm not a zombie Pinky! And quick breaking the fourth wall!!! It's not good for physics! And I'm not really Twilight either as well you know! These are just some funny facial expressions I as an author use to try and make my answers to the comments I read a bit more fun...

:pinkiehappy: Ooooo FUN! Hey look there are more comments over there on your other stories! Bye see you later Mr author! *POOF*

:twilightoops: Pinky! Pinky?! Oh crap where did she go?!

:facehoof: She's going to tell Spike about this zombie thing at some random and completely inappropriate time isn't she...

Funny story.
I read the comments on this weeks before I actually read this thing. Or True Colors, for that matter.
Just happened that way. So now that I've finally read it... I'm surprised to find the comments EXACTLY THE SAME as they were before.
Huh. :rainbowderp:

Nevertheless... I don't know what to think of this. I read it because I never like to leave any part of a story unread, even the clop scenes. The exception to this is when I discovered Cupcakes and decided not to read it. I'm glad I didn't... but unfortunately I was curious if anyone was sick enough to animate it. Fifteen minutes of Youtube later, I found myself with thoughts and images that plagued me for a while.

Anyways, this is in the category of "Things that I wasn't sure if reading to sate my desire for completeness outweighs my desire to not hate myself for possibly accepting its existence later". Other things that fall into that category are pony gore for the sake of pony gore (Cupcakes) and some of the more depraved clopfics. But because this is a good story so far and because Fallout: Equestria was gory as all Hell but was still excellent (and also because of Rule 36: "There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw."), I read this and will commend you as a good author for writing something well-written. Good on you.

I'll certainly be reading more of your stuff. True Black is on my "To Be Read" list.
I'm looking forward to it.



Wow... a comment... on At The End Of Bliss? That doesn't happen every day.

So first things first. Thank you for liking the story even if it was on the edge of what you find acceptable.

Also we seem to be somewhat on the same page when it comes to pony gore and clopfics. I can stomach quite a lot of gore as long as it serves the story, and it's not only their for shock value.

I hope you will enjoy True Black when you get around to it, and when you do, please do comment on any bull I try to pull... Yay! I can be Zebra oc now!

Until then, have a good one!

Quick reply. Neat.
I'll certainly be willing to divulge my opinion on True Black once I read it.
And it turns out I also have your "A different kind of Music" on my read list: it involves Vinyl, therefore, you're awesome. :rainbowdetermined2:

Also, if ever you need help with editing anything, I'd be quite happy to lend a hoof (although more so on the grammatical side of things: when it comes to plot correcting and OOC-ness, I'm pretty useless, but I'll spot just about ANY grammar error you throw my way.) so feel free to ask. :rainbowwild:



Slow response... I'm slipping...

Why thank you, I'll definitely keep your offer to edit in mind. It's always good to have another willing editor on hoof! So, until the day you ro this statement... Have a good one Evanescyan!

That was hot.

Hello every pony!!! To understand the story you are about to undertake, one simply must read the thrilling work from Echos of a Dream titled True Colors . This scene takes place after The Golden Days Part II. You will probably understand more with the setup for this story.

Stumbling upon this ten years later really makes me wonder what that story was about, Seeing as both the author and the story are gone. Does anyone have a summary/A working link?

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