• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 361 Views, 8 Comments

Indecision - Cinnamon Sketch

Misty Daze, a bat pony, and Snowy Sonnet, a unicorn, are on a quest to rescue Luna from the Changelings. But when Chrysalis offers more to Misty, she is undecided on her task. Will Misty succumb to evil? Or will she save Luna and all of Equestria?

  • ...

Prologue: The Stars of Others

Celestia took off her crown, collar, and boots. She sighed as she lay her tired bones onto the soft grassy field. Before her a glimmering stream trickled past, clear and cold. Trees with delicious red apples were widely spaced about, and Celestia delightedly picked one with her magic. The sun had already set, and her sister was busy lifting the moon into the twilight sky. The white alicorn raised her head to watch the silent orb rise, and admired its beauty, with its round perfection and slight gray depressions on its surface. Stars appeared, risen by their own alicorns in the many other Earths Celestia knew were out there.
Night was beautiful. Celestia held back tears as she remembered those horrible 1000 years she had spent alone. Always alone. But now she had her sister. The white ruler sent a letter to her Luna, that said to meet her at the Dragon Valley by the stream once Luna had finished.

"You are lonely." A soft voice that spoke of pain and suffering sounded behind Celestia. Luna fluttered her wings and lightly set down beside her sister. She took off her shoes, collar, and tiara, as none but her peer was to see her.
Celestia lay her head on the grass. "It is lonely at the top. I'm sure you know." Luna looked at her sister sharply, aware of a deeper meaning. The white alicorn caught her glance and nodded. "I was alone while you were there, too. I missed you. I love you."
Luna blushed and said, "I was too busy plotting revenge to notice, I think." The sisters shared a glance and giggled. "You know, its been ever so quiet since Twilight froze Discord in stone. It feels... too quiet. The laws of the universe will make something happen soon. I can feel it."
Celestia perked her ears. A small whimper had sounded nearby. "Sister!" Celestia whispered. "I heard something. Listen." Luna narrowed her eyes and raised her ears. They listened.
"Sister! I heard it too! A small animal, in pain. Over there, I think." Luna pointed to a bush nearby after hearing a small creature's whine. She stood up and glided over to the raspberry bush. Pushing it aside with her magic, she revealed a small baby pony. It had a dark gray coat, a dark purple mane with burgundy highlights. The mane was wild and long, with a single clip shaped like a moon holding back the side-swept bangs. But the most astonishing feature was the bat's wings. A bat pony hybrid... Luna thought, surprised beyond belief. The creature opened its mouth and let out a small whimper.
Luna lifted the filly with magic and flew back to Celestia. "It is... something." She paused, puzzled. Celestia frowned and examined the hybrid.
"I'm guessing one of the few bat ponies that exist have left a filly out here... I wonder why..." The white princess then smiled. "Perhaps it is offspring from your royal guard."
Luna giggled. "Can I keep her? She doesn't seem to have a family, and..."
Celestia looked at her sister with concern. "You're sure...?" Luna nodded eagerly. "Well, I assume so. As long as we can't find her real parents. I will send out a search party and do all that I can to try and find her mum and dad. You can hold on to her until then, I guess. Just don't get too attached."
Luna gasped, then quickly composed herself. "Thank you! I will make sure she is appreciated."

The princess of the night took the sleeping pony with her magic and flapped and soared to her room. She looked at the bat pony skeptically, hesitant to care for it, as her real parents might still be out there. But as she watched, she grew more in love. It was a creature of the night, like her. Scary bat's wings, huge tufted ears, it was adorable in Luna's eyes. And when it yawned, she noticed a small fang in its mouth. She wrapped the bat pony in a soft gray blanket once she arrived to her room, and whispered a lullaby,

"Dear my sweet pony,
Close your tired eyes.
Find yourself not so lonely,
As I sing you a surprise.

It seems that as you sleep,
And listen to my voice.
My heart gets ever deep,
And you will have a choice.

To find me while you dream,
To see me in your nightmares.
Things are not as they seem,
For I have a heart that cares.

Dear my sweet pony,
Slow your breathing so fast.
Find yourself not so lonely,
As you let go of the past..."

Luna finished her lullaby, she noticed the filly was staring up at her. It was awake. The moon princess reeled back a small amount as she saw its peculiar eyes. They were slitted, and reminded Luna of her eyes while she was Nightmare Moon. Luna shivered a bit at the memory but shook it off quickly. She wasn't like that anymore.
Luna looked at the filly's eyes more closely. They were the same color as the burgundy highlights in its mane, and didn't look at the alicorn with hatred, but rather an uncertain love. "HELLO--" Luna began, but quickly corrected her 'real-life caps-lock' voice. "Um, hi... um... Wait, what IS your name, dear filly?"
The bat pony's ears fell flat. Her pupils grew smaller, and she said in a sweet but slightly gruff voice, "I... d-don't remember... But I loved your song! It made me happy, and I... I'm sorry I don't know my name, um, Princess...?" The filly guessed.
"Luna. My name is Luna, and we must find a name for you!" she let go of her usual awkwardness and grew excited. "It will be a... fun outing!" But as Luna grinned, the nameless filly yawned and seemed tired. She tried to smile, but her burgandy eyes started to droop. She collapsed on the night-colored plush blankets and sighed. "Well, maybe tomorrow." Luna blushed, embarrassed. She curled up and snuggled closer to the filly. Their breathing slowed and they drifted off into the dark ocean of dreams.

"...Luna! Luna, wake up!" the bat filly was bouncing on the bed and squealing happily. Luna stretched and yawned, a tired lion.
"Whatever is the matter? Can't a princess have one more minute...?" the sleepy blue pony yawned again, this time even larger. She curled up and again and rolled to the side.
"But Luna! We have to find my name, right? You said we would!" the filly's slitted eyes pouted as she whined. They grew huge, and Luna had no choice but to give in. She grudgingly flopped off the bed and walked with her head lowered, grumbling. The filly, however, bounced and fluttered her little bat's wings, excited as ever.
"What are we going to try first, Luna? Luna!"
"We are going to eat our breakfast." Luna replied, grumbling. she trudged to the royal kitchen and asked the chefs who were waiting on her for the standard royal breakfast, and a smaller version of it for the filly. "Then we will decide your name."
The filly beamed and skipped to a small chair beside Luna's, and rocked back and forth while the royal servers passed the food to the two waiting ponies. "Mmmmm! This looks amazing!" She dove in, munching and gobbling. Luna hesitantly let go of her grumps, and shone a small smile.
"You're gonna have a tummy-ache by the time you're finished, Little Bat." Luna cooed affectionately. She then resumed her dinner, sighing at her luck.

When the pair finished their luxurious breakfast, Luna let 'Little Bat' (as she had begun to call the filly) tag along with her as she did her royal duties. Once they had finished dealing with bills and meeting with guests, the night princess settled in her navy blue velvet chair beside a large fireplace in her private quarters, and let Little Bat snuggle up beside her. "Are we going to decide my name now, Luna?" She queried excitedly.
"Why not? I've certainly got nothing else to do. Why don't we start with your favorite things?" Luna asked.
"Okay! Um, well, you told me I'm part bat, so that means I should pick a cool name! Something mysterious!"
"OK! What do you think is right?"
"Well... I don't really know anything like that except... Oh! Why not 'Misty'? Like the mist part in mysterious? And that also means fog, right?"
Luna beamed at Misty's cleverness. She would definitely not have thought of that. "That suits you well, Misty. Do you want a second part?"
"Yeah! How 'bout you pick this time?" The filly looked expectantly up at the princess.
"Alright." It's gotta go well with her first name... Luna thought long and hard. "You sure are putting me in a daze, Misty." Then Luna realized something and broke into a wide grin. "Daze! Your name should be Misty Daze! Do you like that?"
Misty Daze smiled and kissed Luna on the cheek. "That's perfect. Thank you, mommy." The newly named filly yawned with a smile still on her face and closed her eyes. Luna felt a warmth in her heart as she watched the filly's chest rise up... and down... until she too fell asleep.

Author's Note:

This is my first story, so feedback is appreciated! Sorry if this doesn't fit into canon, but it explains Luna's annoying disappearance in the Canterlot Wedding. Also, I know bat ponies are cliche, but I needed a logical explanation for a darker side in the mane character. Thanks for reading!
P.S: I will make sure that the next chapters will be longer! This is a prologue after all. :3

Comments ( 8 )

Yay! Tell me if you guys want more of this story, I would gladly write more!:raritywink:

, are on a quest to rescue Luna from the Changlings.

to save Princess Luna from the Changlings,


5442040 You misspelled changeling. That doesn't bode well for the rest of your story, given that a simple glance at the character tag tells you how to spell it.

5442043 OMG! Thank you for catching that, god am I stupid.:derpytongue2: I'll go fix that.

:heart: it! Please write more:fluttershysad:

5459566 Alright, I'm already working on the next chapter, and I'll be a bit more motivated now that you've spoken up... :raritywink:

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