• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 937 Views, 8 Comments

The Author - Hekkar

What if every story ever told, big and small, was recorded and kept in a single place? What if it was all run by a single being, never dying, but always aging?

  • ...

The Author's Story

The darkness is lit, by a single flame from a candle. The candle, while dimly bright, provides all the light the person needs as his hands brought out quill and parchment for his story. The story is written by a single person, a human by his looks, but one not over twenty-five, yet older then time itself. His stories, the ones he had recorded and retold hundreds of times, but not just from one world, but hundreds, millions of them in different times. The human wrote slowly and softly as he was careful in his writings, but also careful to not wake his wife, a fellow immortal, whom he had been stricken by as one who would live as long as he, yet also show him something he had missed for eons to go.

As he writes, he soon stops as he simply looks around, the room dark and full of shadows that creep along the walls, yet small star like images grace the ceiling of the tall room. On a bed nearby, sleeping soundly, was his wife, a princess by the name of Luna. When he turns back to his writing, he wrote down the story of how he came to be. As the story went, he was a being that was born when the astral being called God was created from nothing. As a fellow immortal, God had asked what to call this creature for he held no form himself and simply asked to be called 'The Author', a being to watch, listen, and record everything that would happen as he faded. From behind the scenes he watched, listened and recorded as he said and watched it all. The beginning of life, the world grow and develop and of course the creation of Hell. As the world spun, The Author found interest in creatures called Humans and found it strange how God wanted his own children to love humans more them himself, a immortal being. Yet as he stated before, he was to watch and listen, not interfere.

Something changed though within The Author as he took on the visage of a human. A man about five foot five and looked like a professor in his suit and tie. Yet, he found more stories being written and recorded, all of which he himself recorded within a simple book he held. That book, sent the stories to his realm, a realm not even God could enter and where stories laid in wait to be written and read aloud. Despite it all, the stories he had recorded were not great. In fact, the tragedies outweighted the good stories. WWII, Cold War, 9/11, all titles of tragedies past and present as that is how the world went. As countless humans live and die, he himself never grew a year older, but kept himself in the dark to the people. As he walked amongst them, a bright flash came and soon found himself in another world, full of equines that are walking like humans, yet with wings, horns and such. One thing that was sure of, was they all feared him.

He was different, he was unlike them, yet aside from them fearing him only four beings found him... interesting. One was a alicorn as she called herself, white as God's robes, yet with a aura of a warm sun named Celestia. The other seemed to of found a interest in his book, a young purple alicorn who called herself Twilight. The third creature was a rather mischievous one, trying to take the book, yet The Author was able to stop him at each attempt and yet... the creature was harmless when with Celestia. One called Discord he was, but the final one struck him to feel a beat in his chest. She was beautiful as the night sky, yet held years of experience in her voice and power. The one called Luna. As Celestia told the ponies to gather around to welcome him, he opened his book as he explained he was called 'The Author', a being that is able to tell any story, word for word, leaving out no detail at all. As if a challenge came, a small pink creature came up and asked him to recite the story of the founding of Equestria.

With a move of his hand, a chair appears as The Author sat down on it and opened the book. His voice echoed for all to hear in Ponyville as he spoke of each detail to the last. The hardships, the creation of the planet, even the first settlers, all of it, detail for detail up to the point of the return of Tirek and his defeat. As he closed the book, everypony stood there, shocked he recounted each even word for word as if he had been there himself. Suffice to say, more of the foals came up and asked for stories and despite protests of letting him rest, he told the stories of each event and of each other story within the land.

All that happened a good ten years ago today. The Author dips the quill into ink as he starts again, telling the story now of the night, the night princess and The Author had come together as one. The night was like any other, yet this time was of the Grand Galloping Gala. He stood at the stairs with the princesses, whom let him live at the castle to rest and add stories, if he wished. As he stood there, he saw each couple walk in with someone in hoof. The egotistical Rainbow Dash and her special coltfriend Thunderlane, the hard working Applejack and Flam of the Flim Flam Brothers, who returned to run a pawn store in town and to help make amends for their past mistake. The next two to walk in was Rarity and Spike, a young dragon, who was now more mature then he was before. Beside them came the soft spoken Fluttershy and her rarely speaking coltfriend, Big Mac, as they were both hardworkers. The next ones in, always seemed to of brought a small grin to The Author, Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie in nearly matching outfits. The final ones were the alicorn Princess Twilight and Flash Sentry.

No matter how many times they all meet, the mane 6 excluding Twilight all felt a bit afraid of the creature. He was immortal, but different as that did not matter to him. As the party started, the Author simply sat outside as he wrote down new stories coming to him each minute, but felt a pull on his arm. As he turned, he looked into the eyes of the mare known as Luna as she had convinced the man to come to the party, to dance and get closer to others. As they did, the two felt a small spark in how they held one another and of how they danced with looks into eachother's eyes, ignoring every sound around them as they simply danced. When the dance stopped, the two leaned into one another and there, for all ponies to see, the two shared their first kiss of many to come.

As The Author got ready to write again, a light crying is heard as he stands up. He walked over to a small crib as he picked up a baby, a small alicorn baby who had for the most part Luna's body color, but his hair as he rocks him to sleep. After the young foal named, Written Night, was back asleep, The Author went back to his work to find his wife awake and looking at the so far ten page story he had written. She smiles as he hugs her from behind as she looks up "You know you should not be working late my love... it leaves less time for us to be together" she says. He looks down and nods as he kisses her "I am sorry, but it is my job. Just as it is yours to raise and lower the moon" he says as he rubs her cheek. In the last few years, the two had grown up and he had become slightly taller then her, excluding her horn as he rubs her silky dress.

She had gone back to bed soon as he continued to write of all the good his stories did. For one, every land was in a peace treaty now and know the true story behind why Discord went evil. The lands had acquired a new sense of harmony with every tribe from the Changelings up to the Dragons as the lands had experienced this peace in sheer dreams. As he finishes up with the wedding of him and Luna, he felt his hand put the quill down as he smiles. He puts them into a hardback cover as it was over a hundred and fifty pages long. He sets the book down as he looks at the title of it. He smiles a bit as he puts the light out as he crawls into bed with Luna and holds her close and whispers "Happy anniversary my moon" he says. He kisses her lips softly as the two held eachother in a embrace as the minds went to dream land.

The Author kept the book close by as he thought of it more as a journal now, filling it with his own personal story of how he came to be here and what he experiences in his immortal life. It was not much, but.... he didn't care as he had something that no one could of just given him. A family and happiness.

Author's Note:

Try at one-shot and I know it's not as long as I thought I was going to make it, but meh I liked what I did with it :).

"It is the function of art to renew our perception. What we are familiar with we cease to see. The writer shakes up the familiar scene, and, as if by magic, we see a new meaning in it."
- Anais Nin

Comments ( 8 )

I really liked this. You explored an interesting concept and I can see you worked hard to figure out how to tell this story. Good job.

Small problem with dialogue spacing, but otherwise, a good story.

5134313 Yes that always seems to be my problem :/

5133912 Yep, can you believe I originally planned a story of a human who lives in Ponyville and avoids traps set by the mane 6? :rainbowlaugh:

5134551 No worries, just remember that when a different character speaks they need new a paragraph. Even still, the way this is written allows me to forgive that blunder, it's even and it flows.

This is an interesting and somber story with deceptive simplicity. Thank you for helping me get rid of a sense of general malease that has been plaguing me.

5807900 Somber? Huh, never got that vib. Also I am please to help free you of your general malease

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