• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 487 Views, 9 Comments

Forbidden Magic - ChaosDragoon

in the mist of battle, a unicorn must use a spell that could turn the tides of war, but this magic spell is filled with dark magic that could cause more destruction.

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The Counterattack: War VS Harmony

Flames and a golden cross rose up into the sky before both dissipated. Six orbs flew towards Harmony as he smiled. War snarled before he charged at him. War lunged for Harmony who just side stepped him. War skidded on the ground, leaving scorch marks before he galloped toward him again. He tried to hit Harmony, but Harmony just continued to dodge each attack. War jumped back and blasted flames towards him. The orbs around Harmony flew towards the flames and collided making a large cross rise into the sky.

“Is that all you have to offer War?” Harmony said.

War grinded his teeth as he yelled, “Shut it!” he reared back and blasted a massive amount of flames towards Harmony who smiled. So predictable. Never once realizing his anger is clouding his judgment. Harmony thought as he watched the cross rise up into the sky again.

“Enough of this!” War spat before he slammed his front hooves to the ground. Flames shot out of the ground and started to form into monstrous stallions. They were made out of flames, their fore-hooves had three five inch claws, and their mouths where filled with dagger like teeth.

“Incinerate him!” War shouted. The stallions reared up and roared before they galloped towards Harmony. Harmony simply smiled as the talismans floated in front of him and changed shape into six golden ponies: Two earth ponies, two pegasi, one unicorn, and one alicorn. The ponies charged towards the army of stallions.

One of the earth ponies stopped a few feet away from the flame stallions and lifted her hat up and smiled. She lunged at one of the stallions close to her and punched it, making the stallion flew into another. The pony stood up on two hooves and pointer her front hoover towards the two stallions. Her hooves where hollow and started to gather blue magical energy.

The energy shot from her hooves and hit the flame stallions casing them to explode. She soon pointed her hooves in opposite directions towards the group of stallions around her and began shooting the blue balls of energy at each stallion making them explode. She went back down on all fours and bucked two of the stallions that where behind her as blue energy gathered in her back hooves as well. She shot out the blue energy at the two stallions. They flew through the air before exploding. She held onto her hat as the shock wave flew past her. She smiled before she galloped towards another group of stallions.

The other earth pony hopped around each flame stallion. Every time they attacked her, it felt like they fazed right through her body. Two stallions lunged at her, but fazed right through her body and collided in the air. She giggled before she turned towards the stallions and took in a deep breath and screamed, sending a massive shock wave of sound towards them. Each stallion hit by the shock wave exploded into confetti. Two stallions snuck up from behind her and lunged towards her. When they came in contact with her, they suddenly changed into balloons that floated into the sky. She turned to see the balloons and giggled as she hopped towards more stallions. Two more stallions lunged towards her and as they made contact with her she seemed to just disappear. The sound of squeak like laughter was heard at their feet. They looked down to see thousands of ant size ponies jumping around them. They soon started climbing their legs and jumped on the stallion’s bodies before the small ponies glowed and exploded. A massive eruption of explosions filled the battle field before a normal sized pony hopped out of the smoke giggle before she hopped towards more of the stallions

A Pegasus darted through the air before dive bombing towards a group of flame stallions. A massive mushroom cloud erupted before the Pegasus flew towards more of the stallions. Her wings sliced at every stallion’s body she flew past. She landed to the ground and as she posed the stallions behind her exploded. She looked towards the other stallions and licked her lips before she flew towards them. This time she punched and kicked the stallions into the air before she flew up and sliced them with her wings. Each stallion exploded before she hovered above another group of stallions. She began to spin like a twister before her feathers flew from her wings and pierced into each stallion’s bodies. She stopped her spin and connected both her front hooves together before the feathers on the stallions glowed. The stallions suddenly disappeared and as they did, the Pegasus flew to the ground and slammed her right hoof to the ground. The stallions suddenly appeared in the sky and where slammed down into the ground before they all exploded. The Pegasus extended her wings before her feather. flew from the smoke and reconnected to her wings. She smiled before she flew towards another group of stallions.

The other Pegasus stood in the middle of a group of flame stallions. Her body shacking before she took a deep breath. Her body glowed and transformed into a massive Tyrannosaurus Rex. She roared into the air before she whipped her tail around. With each stallion she hit, she flung them into the air before they exploded. She then glowed again and changed into a bull and charged towards more of the stallions. She flung each stallion she gored into the air. She glowed again and changed into a gorilla. She grabbed five of the stallions and flung them into the air before changing into a pony size spider and shooting webs around her.

Each stallion caught in her web was pulled closer to her and wrapped together before she changed into a humming bird and flew into the air. The stallions she flung into the air landed in the pile of stallions stuck in the web. She glowed again and changed into a humpback whale before falling to the ground and crushing the stallions under her. She quickly changed into a hawk and flew towards more stallions.

The unicorn and alicorn ran side by side towards a group of flame stallions. The unicorn glowed before changing into two five inch daggers. The alicorn took a dagger in each hoof and she suddenly disappeared. The stallions looked around before two of them had their throats slit as flames jettisoned from the cuts before they fell to the ground in a pile of ash. Three more stallions feel victim with similar cuts. The alicorn appeared above the stallions and threw the two daggers before they changed to thousands of daggers. They fell like rain as they pierced into the stallions flame bodies before they exploded. All the daggers disappeared except for two that changed back into the unicorn. The alicorn flew towards her and glowed before changing into a sword with small wings on each side of its handle. The unicorn took the sword and golden wings appeared on her back. She darted towards another group of stallions; the wings increasing her speed. She sliced at each stallion before they exploded. She continued to slice at each stallion before she flung the sword towards another stallion. The stallion side stepped the sword before the sword changed back to the alicorn and a light darted towards her and split in two before daggers appeared in her hooves. The alicorn slit the stallion’s throat before it exploded.

Moments later, all the flame stallions where gone, leaving behind scorch marks on the ground. The six ponies changed back into orbs and flew back around Harmony. They floated round his body as he chuckled, “I do believe that’s check mate.” War’s mane roared in flames as he galloped towards Harmony. His eyes filled with rage as he slammed his hooves to the ground and flames exploded from his mouth towards Harmony.

“You’ll never learn my friend,” Harmony said before the orbs flew towards the flames and collided as the golden cross rose up. War galloped towards Harmony as the cross dissipated.

“I refuse to be defeated by you again!” War screamed. Harmony shook his head.

“I didn’t defeat you War. You defeated yourself,” Harmony said as small crosses pierced into War’s body. His gallop turned to a trot and soon he walked towards Harmony. Lava dripping from the wounds as he spat out lava from his mouth.

“H-how,” War questioned before he coughed out more lava.

“You let anger and rage cloud your judgment. Your lust for battle has taken you down the path of destruction. Peace and tranquility could have granted you a victory,” Harmony said. War chuckled before he coughed up more lava, his back legs becoming igneous.

“I might have been defeated, but you know as well as I do: my legacy lives in the hearts of all ponies. War is inevitable to create peace and you can’t deny it,” War spat before completely becoming igneous. His body cracked collapsed into ash.

“You may be right, but peace will always win in the end,” Harmony said before he bowed to his dead adversary and walked away.