• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 487 Views, 9 Comments

Forbidden Magic - ChaosDragoon

in the mist of battle, a unicorn must use a spell that could turn the tides of war, but this magic spell is filled with dark magic that could cause more destruction.

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The Summoning

A unicorn strained to control the amount of magic required to perform the powerful spell as he winced while his horn glowed black and green. He cracked open his eye to watch the green changeling blood slither from their lifeless bodies. It started to form a large circle with strange symbols like that in the spell book. If this didn't work, all of pony kind would be reduced to cattle for the changelings.

The battle that lead up to this point was a growling one: at the very start, the Equestrian army was ambushed by the changelings. As the battle continued, they suffered heavy losses. The hive they were sent to destroy produced changelings every second resulting in an endless army of the insectoid creatures.

He winced again as he felt the warm blood drip from his right nostril and from the corner of his mouth. The circle under him grew and started to glow as the symbols rose up from the ground and imbed themselves into his body. He felt them burn into his skin as he bit his lip to stop himself from screaming. Just a little longer, got to hold out a little longer! He thought to himself. The sky started to grow dark and filled with storm clouds as lightning shot all across the sands, the crackle of thunder echoing throughout in the sky. Four funnels started to descend from the sky as lightning swirled around them. He felt a magical surge building up inside of him and with one jerk of his head he sent the massive amount of magical energy hurdling into the clouds. A loud crackle of thunder boomed in the air before a massive pitch black lightning bolt blasted from the sky and into the unicorn's horn. Pitch black lightning swirled around his body before he fell unconscious as the army of changelings advancing on him.

One of the funnels of clouds dissipated. Standing there was a blood red stallion, his mane and tail made of flames as well as his hooves. He cracked a smile as he walked towards the changeling army, every step singeing the sand beneath him. His ember eyes moving back and forth counting all the changelings before him. He reared back breathing in a large amount of air before he exhaled and flames blasted out of his mouth towards the changeling army. Those unfortunate to move were caught in the blaze.

However, the screams coming from the flames weren't the changelings, but the sounds of torchered souls trapped within the crackling flames. The changelings inside the flames felt claws rip and tear at their skin. The flames weren't burning them, but tearing them apart. Many tried to escape the flames but felt the claws cut into their hooves keeping them inside the flames. The flames started taking the form of ponies that lunged at the changelings and began eating then alive. Their bright green blood stained the sand as the flames ripped open their chests with their razor sharp teeth and clawed hooves. Some jerked back from the changelings, tearing organs and intestines from their bodies. The changelings who hadn't been trapped by the flames shot green streams of magical energy at the stallion. As they hit his frame, he didn't flinch; he didn't even acknowledge their weak attempts. He simply watched as the flames consumed the changelings.

The second funnel had disappeared and a green gas enveloped some of the changelings. They soon started to wheeze, cough, and dry heave as their skin began to blister and spew out puss. Some fell to the ground convulsing and foaming at the mouth. A voice cackled as the gas started to swirl around the changelings before taking the shape of a dark green Pegasus. His skin seemed to be melting off his body as some slipped from open wounds revealing his bones. His skin was covered in sores and blisters that spat out black puss. His mane looked to be falling off as small strands of hair still lingered on the back of his head, and the corners of his mouth where lifted up with hooks keeping a permanent smile on his face.

He cackled again before turning into the green gas again and flying into the sky towards the changelings that had escaped him. As he passed by them, their wings melted and they fell to the ground wheezing and hacking as their skin began to melt. The cackling laughter continued as the gas flew towards the red stallion and reformed into the Pegasus, black saliva dripping from his mouth.

"You have something," The Stallion said pointing to his mouth. The Pegasus whipped the black saliva from his mouth and flung it to the ground.

"Isn't this fun!" the Pegasus yelled as he cackled again and flew into the air doing loops, his wings looked like green slime and as he flapped them, the green ooze hit the ground and began to singe the sand like acid. The stallion's ears bent back at the sound of his laughter. The Pegasus landed back on the ground and added, "It's so good to be back."

"Yes, well, you don't need to be so loud Pestilence, your laughter could wake the dead," the stallion said. Pestilence cocked his head and looked at him before laughing again.

"Come on War! You can't tell me trapped in Tartarus hasn't gotten you all giddy with excitement," he said before a beam of green energy shot past him. He turned to see more changelings advance on them.

"These creatures don't know when do give up, but I'm not complain. Their helping me get the kinks out of my joints," War said.

Pestilence turned his attention to the third funnel that had suddenly disappeared. He cackled in excitement and yelled, "Yay, sister has awoken, now we need to awaken father and we'll be ready for the show." He cackled again and formed back into the green gas and flew towards the changelings.

War watched before a stray beam of yellow magical energy flew past him and hit the ground in front of the changelings. Suddenly the ground shock and trees started to grow from the sandy wasteland. The trees suddenly bearded fruit that enticed many of the changelings with their sweet scent. One of the changelings took a pear from the tree and a vine suddenly flew out of the dense leaves and wrapped itself around the changeling's body. It pulled the changeling into the leaves and the sound of flesh being torn apart and bones being crunched came from the top of the tree as green blood slithered down the trunk. The other trees suddenly shot out vines that wrapped around changelings and pulled them into the tops of them.

"You know, offering food just for them to be food is harsh," War said with a chuckle. A unicorn walked next to him. Her tan body was covered in small tree branches protruding from her skin. Her mane was wet moss that had mushrooms growing from it.

"Well, Famine is a fickle creature that can't make up her mind on whether to feed them, of starve them," she said with a crooked smile.

"You're fickle, that's for sure," War said before the green gas returned and formed back to its physical form.

"That was awesome Famine, the way you made the trees eat them, oh can you teach me that?" Pestilence said bouncing up and down, the black puss flying into the air.

"Sorry darling, but just like your unlike talent. My talent is reserved for me," Famine said. Pestilence stopped and sighed.

"That's alright, I like the way I make them wheeze, but," Pestilence cackled before he turned to the hive that was producing more changelings and then turned to the last funnel that hadn't disappeared.

"Father hasn't awakened yet, what do we do?" Pestilence asked.

War chuckled before he turned to the raging army in front of them and said, "We continue to destroy these creatures until he wakes. And would you stop calling him father." Pestilence let out a loud, high pitched squeal before he flew up and became a massive cloud of green gas.

"We get to have fun before he awakes," Pestilence cackled before the gas flew towards the changelings.

"Should we let him handle this?" Famine asked. War shook his head.

"Where would the fun be in that? We can't let him have all the fun," War said before he started to gallop towards the large army. Famine just smiled and walked towards the battle. Inside the last funnel, a figure stirred as its blood red eyes glowed through the swirling clouds.