• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 490 Views, 9 Comments

Forbidden Magic - ChaosDragoon

in the mist of battle, a unicorn must use a spell that could turn the tides of war, but this magic spell is filled with dark magic that could cause more destruction.

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The Counterattack: Pestilence VS. Purify

Green gas and blue mist swirled in the air before the green gas fell to the ground and reformed into Pestilence. The blue mist reformed into Purify as she landed a few feet away from him. White smoke coming out her mask as she breathed out. Pestilence’s head twitched before he roared, “Die already!” he reformed into the green gas and flew towards her. Purify formed back into the blue mist and the two swirled and twisted in the air again before the green gas flew away from the other and reformed back into Pestilence. He looked around for Purify and just as he turned to his left, Purify’s right fore-hoof smashed into his check. He was sent flying towards one of the houses. He quickly changed into gas as he flew through the structure. The home’s wood rotted, the hay roof turned to mulch. Purify changed back into mist and flew through the home. The entire house froze sold before cracking and crumbling to the ground.

Pestilence reformed himself and suddenly changed back into gas as Purify tried to hit him again. She flew through the gas and flopped to the ground. Blisters started to form on her body before they froze and fell off.

“Why can’t you just die?!” Pestilence screamed as he reformed himself. Purify stood up and white smoke came from her mask. Pestilence’s head twitched again before he yelled, “Say something! Anything!” Purify said nothing and galloped towards him. Pestilence changed into green gas and it took the shape of a large green serpent. Purify changed into mist and took the form of a giant blue sphinx. The two collided in a massive cloud of green and blue.

The gas and mist engulfed part of ponyville, the grass turned brown as black liquid oozed from the ground; trees began to rot as leaves fell from the dead branches. The wood on the houses started to rot while the hay rooftops molded and turned blackish green before ice coved the ground. The trees froze and shattered into shards of ice, and the homes became blocks of lice that shattered to pieces. When the smoke cleared, Pestilence and Purify stood in the middle of a frozen tundra that was once a part of ponyville. Both where breathing heavily as small spirts of white smoke came from Purify’s mask. Pestilence winced as his back legs turned to into gas but then reformed back.

“Looks like we’ve used up too much power and can’t reform into our mist state,” Pestilence said before his head twitched. Purify took a deep breath and white smoke flew from her mask before she extended her wings made from fog. Pestilence did the same as the slime that made up his wings dripped to the ground and began to melt the ice under him before he added, “Guess We’ll be doing this the old fashion way.”

The two stood feet away from each other, waiting for the other to make a move. A home that was still frozen began to crack and when it crumbled to the ground the two darted towards each other. Both collided in a flurry of hooves. Purify’s right hoof slammed into Pestilence chest, Pestilence’s hoof connected into Purify’s right eye. The two continued to fling hooves at one another. Black liquid fell and began to melt the ice below as blue liquid fell and crated ice glaciers on the ground. Purify’s right hoof and Pestilence’s left hoof collided in the air sending a shock wave that cracked the ice on the ground before both flew towards the ground. Purify’s left eye had begun to swell and blue liquid seem to drip from the breathing holes of her mask. When they hit the ground, small glaciers rose up from the ground. One of the hooks holding Pestilence’s mouth in a permeant smile had come lose so now part of his mouth was hanging like lose skin. Black liquid oozed from his nose and as it hit the ground it melted the ice like acid.

Pestilence reared back and threw up black liquid that smelled of rotting flesh towards Purify. She used her wings like propellers and slid on the ice to avoid the liquid. It shot past her; she felt the heat from it as it landed on the ground and melted the ice, then the ground under it. Pestilence flew up into the air and spun like a twister and as he did, the blisters on his body spat out the same black substance he had just threw up. Purify skated around on the ice avoiding the acid like rain. Pestilence stopped his spin and fell to the ground; he began to stumble as his eyes rolled around in their sockets. He shook his head to stop the world from spinning as Purify stopped as her hoof hit dirt. She looked around and saw the acid like substance had nearly melted the ice around them and exposed the dead earth under it. Pestilence started to cackle as his skin started to change into the black liquid and singed the ground under him.

“I’ll finish this once and for all!” he shouted before his entire body formed into the black liquid and lunged itself towards her. Purify sighed as white smoke flew from her mask. She reached up and removed the strap from the back of her head to remove her gas mask. She opened her toothless mouth as white smoke started to crawl out of it. The air around her grew colder as she reared back, sucking in a massive amount of air and when she exhaled. The white smoke bellowed out of her mouth towards the green liquid. When the two collided the liquid started to be covered in ice as it froze. Pestilence’s head formed out of the green liquid screaming, trying to escape the frozen prison crawling towards his head. In seconds he was nothing more than a large ice sculpture. It began to crack and it shattered to the ground as Purify placed her mask back over her mouth. She formed into blue mist and flew into the sky.