• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 1,803 Views, 18 Comments

the life of a human turned pony. - Shadow Blaze

my life started and ended quite quickly with another chance i made the most of it.

  • ...

chapter 4

Going to attempt a new style of writing so the first three chapters will be written differently enjoy.


Chapter 4

Pov Rainbow Dash

(dash had just been pulled into the library by spike while leaving shadow outside)

"what the hay spike!" dash yelled at the small drake

"do you know who that pony was!" spike yelled back at dash just as loudly

"yeah that pony was new to ponyville it was shadow blaze" dash said to him.

"that may be his name but do you know where he came from?!" spike was not done with the arguing

dash and spike went on like this for about five minutes before twilight came down and got them to stop asking what happened
spike told her how the strange new stallion showed up in town that day.

"oh that must be the pony the princess was talking about" twilight said while looking around the library

"spike where is he?" twilight asked spike

"i pulled dash in away from him then slammed the door on him" spike said if looks could kill spike would be dead with the look twilight was giving him.

"spike why would you do that the princesses told us we needed to get to know him to see if he was a threat or not!" twilight told him

"well i wasn't about to let a pony who could hurt somepony into our house!" spike retorted

"what are you two talking about a threat and the princesses telling you to watch somepony?" i asked them both

"oops sorry dash i forgot you were here" twilight said

" the princesses told us in a letter that an odd pony would be heading into town today and we should keep an eye on him because he could be dangerous" spike explained

"wait wait wait and that odd somepony was shadow? " i asked spike

"well yeah he's the only pony who showed up in town today isn't he" spike told me

"i don't think shadow is mean or dangerous he looks like it but he's really nice" i told spike

"and what i suppose you were around him all day showing him around town" spike said sarcastically

"actually i was showing him around town all day" i told him

he seemed surprised by that being what i did all day.

"you took time out of your day to show somepony you don't know around town?" spike asked

"i know him pretty well i would say spike we are already pretty good friends" i said

"and fluttershy seemed pretty calm around him and she only knew him for a few hours before i met him" i added

they seemed shocked by that news a stallion that came into town and befriend fluttershy to barely be shy around him at all i wouldn't have believed it either if i hadn't seen it.

"well if fluttershy already knows him and trusts him i guess i he can't be that bad" twilight said

"well lets let him in here he has been standing outside this entire time ya know" i told them

spike ran over to the door and opened it to see..... nopony behind it.

"i swear he was right here" spike said

"i hope he didn't run off somewhere" i said worried

"why would he do that?" twilight asked me

"well due to the fact he has been traveling for the past week or so he doesn't have much of a care for where he sleeps"

"well i guess we should go find him huh?" spike said slightly saddened we wouldn't be here if he hadn't slammed the door in his face in the first place.

"its ok spike we will find him" twilight told him

"i'll look for him i will find him in ten seconds flat!" i told them as i flew off

i flew around for a while until i could find him i he was sleeping under a tree he must have been a heavy sleeper to have slept though all my yelling

he was rolling alot in his sleep a pained expression on his face he must have been having a bad dream i decided i would wake him up.

i got ready to yell into his ear.

Pov shadow blaze

i was having a nightmare

i was dreaming that i had instead of went to heaven went to hell and served an eternity being ripped apart and put together again it was horrifying the reason i went in was because i had killed the one robber i thought about it he was about to kill me but i could have just hurt him made him drop the gun but what i did was for the right reasons... right?

just as it was getting ready to be pulled apart again i was brought back to the land of the living by a shout in my ear.

"WAKE UP SHADOW!!" dash yelled in my ear

i tried to think up something witty to say a joke or something but my reaction was something like

"OH DEAR CELESTIA MY EARS!" i yelled as i jumped back hitting a tree while doing so

"oh good you're awake now"dash said as if she did not just scream in my ears making me deaf

"what the hay was that for??" i asked even though i was thankful for being awoken from that nightmare

"twilight is ready to see you now lets get going"she said

that was nice i would get to seem my favorite pony but i still had a question in my mind

"dash why did spike freak out when me saw me?"

she seemed to think for a moment like she was trying to tell a lie but in the end said

"she and spike got a letter from the princesses telling them that you might be some sort of evil pony trying to hurt somepony and to look out for you"

well that was slightly shocking i was hurt in a way i guess i wasn't trusted by people or pony's until they got to know me

"well i wouldn't hurt somepony" i said in my defense

when i then remembered and quickly added

"that is as long as they are not hurting my friends"i added

"do you ever think about yourself shadow?" she asked me

"it looks like you would do anything for your friends not that that's a bad thing though" she said

i really didn't want to tell her about it but i was going to tell her anyway

"dash for my friends hay even a stranger i would gladly die for them if it meant they were safe to me my life... just feels like nothing if i can't help somepony" i said

dash seemed like she was happy with the answer all for one part

"shadow you shouldn't have to die for anypony don't just throw away your life your a nice stallion i wouldn't want you to die for no reason" she said

she really did care for me it seemed

"don't worry dash i don't plan on dieing anytime soon" i said she seemed to calm down a bit

what did she think i was going to jump at the first chance to get myself killed?

we finally arrived at the library

dash opened the door i walked through after her and closed the door behind me.

twilight and spike had been siting on the couch waiting for us to return i guessed twilight looked up from the book and saw dash and me quickly putting the book down ran up to me and said

"hello im twilight sparkle you must be shadow blaze right?" twilight said

"yeah that's me shadow blaze just call me shadow ok twilight sparkle" i answered

"just call me twilight" she said

spike walked up and introduced himself

spike looked taller then he did in the show but still was much a baby dragon

"hi im spike im twilights assistant" he said to me

"hi spike just call me shadow alright" i said

"ok shadow its nice to meet you" he was talking like he had something better to do so i turned back to twilight he soon left to continue what he was doing

"so what brings you to ponyville shadow?"

i quickly came up with a lie that was pretty believable to my standards

"i was traveling for a while so i decided i would look for a good quiet town to settle down in and ponyville was the closest town that fit that description so that's what i did" i answered her

"oh that's nice"

i changed the subject due to the fact i diffident think i could keep it going if i had to keep lying like this

" so i noticed there were not many males in town mostly mares and not many unicorns" i asked

"yeah the population from mares to stallions is about 10 to 1 so there's not many as for unicorns they normally go to places like canterlot instead of a place like ponyville" she answered

"well im here to stay canterlot is too... fancy for me" i told her

it was getting dark out dash had left some time during our conversation so i turned to leave.

"so where are you staying tonight" she asked quickly

i was planing on sleeping in a tree or something so i told her that

"i was just planing on sleeping in a tree or something im no stranger to sleeping in weird places"

that much was true back on earth i slept on rooftops all the time when it was to late to go home

" oh no im not letting you sleep outside its going to start getting cold out you can have the guest room" she told me

"ok well if you insist" i was happy i was sleeping over my favorite pony's house guess it was wishful thinking but could she like me? i would have to get to know her better

"its on the second room to the left" she told me she started to walk away then i asked

"oh yeah twilight do you have any books on magic?" i asked she seemed to perk up at the mention of books.

"yeah here let me get them for you" she looked at some books and levitated them over to me

i barely held the books with my magic i didn't let it show my aura of magic was still awesome i caught twilight looking at the color of my magic then she looked away and started up the stairs saying

"well goodnight shadow see you in the morning i guess" she said as she left to go to her room not to sleep though most likely to read some more in peace

i moved to my room before i started reading time passed as i read through the first book i was trying to learn as much as i could before i fell asleep the bed was softer then the ground though so i soon did start to drift off i marked my page with a piece of parchment before rolling over and falling asleep.

i looked back over the day before i fell asleep i met my favorite pony i met the mane six minus pinkie who was going to....

then it hit me like a freight train pinkie ran off to.. throw me a party uh oh going to look out for that then

well i met my favorite pony and was sleeping at her house until i could get my own.

after taking a look back at today i realized something i WAS in equestria i knew people who would die for this right to come here. i guess my luck was finally looking up

i couldn't go on any longer i fell asleep in the warm bed thinking how lucky i was.