> the life of a human turned pony. > by Shadow Blaze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > chaper 0 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaper 0 Hello my name is nick or at least it was now it is shadow blaze Once upon a time I was human I lived a normal life I went to school had some friends I was however abnormal I was one of the people who were always thinking but when it came time for action well I went all out. I was fast but stealthy I did parkour it honed my skills and after 5 years I started to take it to the next level. I started climbing taller buildings testing my limites going stright up a bulding the cops most of the time did not mind well until one day and that was the day my life changed. This is that story Adrenalin that’s what I was runing for the cops had seen what happened those guys were chaseing me and well I had to do something -flashback about 20 min ago- I was walking down the street hands in my pockets minding my own as always thinking about good ways to write a story when I heard it down the ally way Guy 1 “just give us the purse bitch and you we won’t have any trouble” Guy 2”yeah just hand it here girl” Girl “ok fine fine here take it please don’t hurt me!” Guy 1”ok now get on your knees and” He got now farther then that I came up behind him and kicked his leg out and slamed my knee into his skull The second guy after getting over his shock turned around noticeing this pulled out a knife and swung at me grazeing my arm it stung but I was no stranger to pain I jumped back from him Guy 2 “ok kid you asked for it!” He foolishly swung the knife again but I was ready for it grabing his arm and hiting him in the elbow bending it and breaking his arm then hiting him in the nerve cluster under his arm and grabing the knife from his hands before roundhouse kicking him in the neck leaveing him chokeing for breath before a swift kick to the head knocked him out. Women “OH MY GOSH THANK YOU!!!” She pulled be into a hug crying on my shirt when I saw the third guy aiming a gun at my head from down the ally I pushed the girl out of the way while throwing the knife at the gunman then ducking before I heard the bullet wizz by my head the knife landed right between his eyes which lost their color soon after But as the universe always one to fuck with me had a police man runing down the ally at the same time he shot killing the police man I walked over to make sure the guy was dead when more police ran down the ally seeing their dead cop and crying girl along with me bent over checking a guy to see if he was dead had them runing after me with guns drawn I quickly ran and scaled the nearest building the bullets thet shot comeing very close at one point blowing a brick apart that was next to my head Lets just say im lucky the police are bad shots That brings use to were we were before me runing for my life. I soon came to the end of the row of buildings quickly. My first thoughts were oh god where am I going to run before I saw the pool below it was deep enough. I looked back seeing the cops aiming their guns at me Cop “ok kid get down right now” Me “ok” I fell backwards no hopeing the fall would not kill me then I felt the water hit me. And so did the bullet It hurt like hell but I got out and kept runing it was dark out so any people were sleeping or minding their own so I ran until I could not run anymore I saw blood and lots of it my own I looked at the wound and saw it was far beyond my capacity to fix with what I had I lay down in the ally accepting death as it would come to me My life flashed before my eyes my first day of school my friends, family, my first impact roll and my progress through the ranks of parkour then I rememberd something That something happened to be My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic I remembed the fanfics the show how they made me wish my life was better they gave me hope and made me happy when I was sad. I smiled as I felt my life leaveing me my last thought on the ponys that had made happy for the last few months that happened to be the last few of my life. ____________________________________________________________________________________ So what does everyone (and evreypony) think huh? For a first chapter I think it went well I will try and upload each day so contiue to look for more chapters as they come up. > chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Darkness. thats all i saw was darkness then sudenly i saw a bright light flash from a distance away i moved to it when my vision was engulfed in white Voice "HELLO MY CHILD " Me "ARGH MY EARS!" Voice " oh i am sorry my child i will be more quiet is this voice acceptable" Me "yes umm can i ask who are you?" i had an idea yet i couldn't put my finger on it dieing kinda fogs up your mind Voice "i am the one who created your people and all livening creatures i am who you call god" Me "oh" i was downcast i was dead then a thought came to be a promise i had asked him God" my child i made a promise to tell you you were a brony and wanted to go to equestria " was god really telling me i was a brony i knew this guess i thought i would die older oh well what does this mean was he going to give me a second chance? this was something out of the fanfics i read. God " in light of what you did and what your reward for saving that women you saved i am going to grant you a second chance in any world you wish to enter you will retain your memories and skills i thought about this is could go to any place ever at any time any reality. i knew where i wanted to go i wanted equestria so that was my answer Me" god if you could i want to go to equestria" God "It is done my child when you next awake you will be in equestria i read your thought a bit and decided to give you a power you wanted so i will give you your control over shadows" i couldn't believe it i was going to equestria with power over shadows i wanted to add onto it i wonder if i would have my pony's color i hoped so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i closed my eyes in the darkness i had a feeling of falling vertigo and then i saw light behind my closed eyelids i opened them i was in the middle of the road around where i think was canterlot. i couldent belive i made it i was so happy i couldent exspress it i was a unicorn i had... clothing i thought back when i made my pony he wore what was like a doctors getup with a hood on it and pockets i was a unicorn i started walking down the path to where some signs were i saw ponyville 250 M dang that was far... oh well being an equine and thinking the rivers and water would be clean enough to drink along with having shadows on my side and unicorn magic i would be OK... i hoped it was midday at the time so i thought my shadow powers would wait until night i decided to test out my magic i thought to all the magic i knew from games and the show deciding to try a simple levitation of a rock oh dayum that was cool the rock was surrounded by a black and red color magic felt second nature this just felt right i started walking thinking about my day so far well couldn't get any better huh as the sun moved around the sky as time passed i had a long walk ahead of me. Location canterlot castle POV celestia celestia had been siting in her throne as her most recent meeting ended she continued to move the sun across the sky when she felt a shiver move through her. her sister luna walked up to her luna"sister did you feel that just now?" celestia"yes sister i did it felt odd like a shiver it was close by too" luna"do you want me to see if i can find the source of the disturbance sister?" celestia "yes sister please if you can i will raise the moon tonight find this... disturbance if you can." luna set across the sky to where she could find the disturbance celestia had not felt a disturbance like this ever since she had found those artifacts that looked to be like weapons she had never seen before she had wiped the minds of all who knew about it she wondered if it was another one of these things like it had been before yet this thing felt like a larger disturbance she hoped it was nothing that would send the world into turmoil if it had been like the weapons she hoped nopony would be hurt by it. > chaper 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 2 i rememberd something I HATE WALKING ARGH oh well it was much easier as a pony but i was still geting used to useing four legs to walk it sucked not being able to run so i decided i would try speed was what i felt to my surprise after getting to what i felt was my fastest i saw a mach cone forming around me then remembering it was night i thought it must be the shadows my intent was speed so they helped me with the task so i started to move faster however in shock i stoped and was flung back from the wall of air landing on my back Me "sheesh i move fast and i loved the dark in my world i also loved runing guess its only just i can break the sound barrier here.... right?" hmm talking to myself again well whatever i did it on my world i will do it here. when i got to my legs i saw yet another sight Ponyville 50M dang i was moving faster then i thought i was well might as well take a rest and admire the night i laid down near a tree it was dark but i had great night vision so i was capable of seeing to stars and moon. wow was all i thought Me "wow" yep i said it too the night here was amazing the stars in the sky shined bright and the moon was full and shined bright in the sky Me " the nights here are amazing the days are perfect and not too bright....." i trailed off in my thought then picking it up again Me " i think i will get used to living here" i closed my eyes feeling tired the day was long and eventful i soon fell into a much needed sleep. Pov Luna I had been flying along the path around the area of where i felt the disturbance when i felt something farther ahead in the road after a quick flight along the path i found a stalion he was a tall unicorn and he seemd to be reading a sign he was looking at the sign to ponyville and started on the path he was an odd looking one he wore what looked like doctors clothing although his color and mane did not match yet they did it was strange -time passes- the stallion seemed to be in deep thought for quite a while eating some grass and drinking water from rivers he passed he then started moving fast soon after night had fallen he was moving FAST at some point a mach cone formed around him. he. seemed startled and the wall of air flung him backward he was faster then he should have been the shadows seemed to flow into him moved him it was odd yet it did not seem like he meant any harm when using the shadows. he looked tired when he notices a nearby sign the sign said ponyville 50 M the stallion seemed to be confused and then started talking to... himself? stallion "sheesh i move fast and i loved the dark in my world i also loved runing guess its only just i can break the sound barrier here.... right?" it was odd yet he said he loved the dark on.. his world? what did that mean? he started to talk again i listed closely he was looking at the night sky seemingly amazed by it i felt happy at least somepony admired the sky. stallion "wow stallion " the nights here are amazing the days are not too bright....." he trailed off he said the nights were amazing and mentioned the nights before the day she felt even happier stallion" i think i will get used to living here" with this new found information i decided to head back to my sister -after flying back to canterlot- i had explained what had happened to my sister she listed when i mentioned his talk to himself her eyes seemed to get wider then i thought possible celestia" so luna what did this stallion act like?" me"well he seemed to be a quiet one yet he moved when he wanted it was like he was part shadow." celestia"well lets bring him here as soon as we can i have some.... questions for this odd stallion." me"OH sister he seemed to be heading to ponyville cant twilight talk to him and tell you about him?" celestia" What a wonderful idea sister i will do it as soon as possible -meanwhile in twilights library- Pov twilight Spike "im heading to bed twi see you tomorrow" twilight" OK spike goodnight" i had been studying all night spike was going to bed seemed like another day coming to a close nothing insane had happened no chaos no wired animals attacking town a normal day finally as spike was walking up the stairs he belched out a letter...what? Spike "its a letter from the princess twi!"he handed the letter to me i opened it it read dear twilight sparkle in some time in the near future a stallion will be coming to ponyville i want you to tell me if he does anything weird in your next letter we have reason to believe he might be dangerous but we might be wrong please tell us in your next letter he will be wearing what looks like doctors clothing with a hood his color of mane tail and coat will be opposite of it please keep your eye on this stallion and remember tell us what he acts like? reading the letter twice to make sure i read it right i sighed. i can't catch a break can i? > chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 3 Pov Shadow blaze Me "yawn" i woke up from my sleep it was still early morning and the sun was just rising i stretched out my body hearing some satisfying cracks of vertebra. Me "well i guess i should start walking into town but first some grass and water" after eating it was kinda bland just eating grass but it got the job done i started walking to ponyville all the greetings and pony's i would meet it was still new to me so pegsi and unicorns and earth ponies being real well i could take it but it amazed me i just hoped i would not have a stupid grin on my face when seeing my first other pony what a introduction that would be. i remembered my favorite pony was twilight sparkle the princesses personal student she would most likely send a letter to the princess and i would meet them AND the mane six. I was pulled out of my thoughts by somepony talking to to a ... rabbit? i then realized oh shit... that's fluttershy Fluttershy"please angel eat the carrot" angel the rabbit made some gestures and turned his head away Fluttershy"angel look at me" oh shit shes not going to use the stare is she? angel turned around only to be met by fluttershy's stare Fluttershy" you are going to eat the carrot right?" angel quickly nodded and ran off with the carrot i chuckled to myself a bit then realized she was going to see me and well i did not look like good news although i was a good person or at least thought myself to be. fluttershy looked up and saw me down the road i heard her eep as i got closer Me"umm hello there...miss" i was going to play off the who are you and where is this act better they don't know about my old life she eep'd again and hid in her mane and then said something i could barely catch Fluttershy"hello im fluttershy"she whispered it was one of the cutest things i had ever seen i felt like 5 years had been taken off my life my heart felt like it was going to explode im pretty sure if i hadn't been keeping myself under control i would have squeed ME "well hello there umm fluttershy can i ask what you are doing near the forest at this time of day?" the sun had barely risen i was not worried about her but still i was playing the dumb act so i might as well ask her what she was doing. fluttershy"you were able to hear that?" well i guess my super hearing was amazing around here too Me "yes and if you don't mind me saying you have a beautiful voice." it was a harmless compliment just to be nice i was a charmer too i guess. she blushed and turned away hiding behind her mane she still seemed a bit terrified of me well i guess that's allowed i did look kinda scary Me"hey i know im ugly but im not THAT ugly and im shadow blaze" fluttershy"oh no its not that your not ugly and umm that's a nice name" Me" well at least im not ugly and thank you i am proud of my name Fluttershy"can i ask a question shadow blaze?" Me"sure fluttershy what is it?" "why are you wearing clothing shadow blaze?" Me" you can just call me shadow fluttershy" Me" as for the clothing well i just wear them for the heck of it i like wearing them" Fluttershy"ok then shadow bla- uhh shadow you can just call me shy i guess." hmm fluttershy or shy now i guess was not very scared of me guess i do have a good personality Me"well fluttershy it was nice talking to you i guess you have some things to do i will get out of your mane im heading into town now i guess." fluttershy"oh! you are new around here aren't you i could show you around.... that is if you don't mind Me " i don't mind fluttershy thank you i would love for you to show me the town" hmm i always thought fluttershy would be more... shy guess i can relate i don't talk that much so i come off as shy i might be shy i guess but whatever its nice of her to show me around i wonder if we will meet any of the other ponies from the mane six. as if on cue a cyan blur shot into me knocking me from my thoughts yep rainbow dash just crashed into me she got up as i was laying on my back she was on what would be my chest i guess her eyes cartoonishly rolling around her head she shook her head they went back to normal she looked at me weird before getting off me and saying. dash"oh my gosh im so sorry!" Me " that's alright miss uhh?" she posed proudly and said dash"i am rainbow dash ponyville's best flier and future wonder bolt" well at least dash followed her character being proud and boasting alot i liked that she was my second Favorite pony Me"well that's quite a goal dash im shadow blaze you can just call me shadow or shade i guess" dash"shadow blaze huh? that's a pretty cool name well rainbow dash is cooler though but still." dash was nice could tell we would be great friends Me"well fluttershy was just showing me around the town here uhhh would you like to join us? Fluttershy" oh my i forgot to feed my other animals im sorry shadow i will see you later" she ran off well as fast as fluttershy runs off i guess back to her house to feed her animals dash"well i guess i am showing you around now" Me"thanks dash you really don't need to do this but still its really nice" dash"no problem for a friends and your pretty cool you look pretty cool too" Me ""well thanks dash its always nice to be complimented i guess" a smile spread over my face she was nice and she thought of me as a friend well awsome i guess dash" oh hey look its applejack shes one of my friends lets go say hi to her we walked over to the apple stand applejack saw us and waved to rainbow yet saw me looking confused Applejack"well howdy there dash nice to see ya who's this with ya? Dash"hi AJ this is shadow he's new in town im just showing him around i wanted to let him get one of your apples he hasn't ate much today as far as i can tell. i looked at myself as well as i could i looked kinda skinny now eash guess eating only grass will do that to ya Me "i would like that dash i haven't been eating much but grass lately been traveling without well anything" dash and applejack both looked at me with expressions that i could best disguised as DA FAUQ BRO faces i couldn't suppress the laugh that came when i saw it. Applejack":well dang there we best be getting you something to eat then here eat this" she tossed me an apple which i gladly ate within about 5 seconds it was one of the best things i had ever eaten Dash"wow if i could fly as fast as you could eat i would break the sound barrier within ten seconds flat!" AJ"well somepony was hungry huh" Me"yeah i have to say applejack this was one of the bet apples i have ever eaten. AJ"shucks its nothing just an apple" she seemed happy with the comment though Me"well dash i guess we should continue the tour huh?" Dash"oh yeah! lets get going shadow" today was awesome i ate an apple met half of the mane six and was going to meet rarity could be better but then again where would i get a bulldozer and five thousand pounds of pudding? then 3 filles fell from a tree landing on my back Applebloom"told you we couldn't fly scootaloo" Scootaloo"hey i said i wanted to fly not you two" sweetie belle"well you should have been clearer with what you said" they started arguing before they noticed they were on somepony Me"as much as i like listening to you three fight could you please do it somewhere other then my back they all jumped off as i got up from the ground all three at once"were sorry mister we were just trying to get our cutie marks!" sweetie belle" im sweetie belle Applebloom" and im applebloom" Scootaloo"and im scootaloo all three"AND WE ARE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS AUGH MY EARS but its so cute! dash"well you girls go play somewhere else im showing shadow here around town" Me" in fact weren't we going to see a boutique or something next dash? sweetie belle "ooh your going to see rarity can i come with you!?" applebloom and scootaloo went to go do something else while sweetie belle followed us Me"well you seem like you live there so sure you can come with us." dash"well here we are you two" we walked inside only to be greeted by a face full of fabric rarity"oh my im so sorry dash and Mr.?" Me"shadow shadow blaze miss rarity i presume?" rarity"yes that would be me and what is that you are wearing?" before i could get a word in she picked me up and moved me to her looking at my choice of clothing Me"well its just something i wore i chose to wear clothing today so i did " rarity "its the opposite of your mane and coat color why does it fit so well???!" Me" not so sure but it does i chose them myself well me and dash were just going around town she was introducing me to her friends" rarity " oh well don;t let me keep you go on your tour come back later darling its hard to find good male's to fit for clothing" Me" i will try and come back some time latter rarity bye!" dash" you seemed eager to get out of there" rarity was my least favorite pony nothing against her also i just wanted to save her for spike Me"well i don't like places like that also standing in the same spot too long makes me go a bit crazy bit i can pose for her some day i guess" dash" so your going back some day even though you don't want to? that's nice of you shadow" Me"that's me dash mister nice" she smiled as we started to the library when... pinkie pie saw me gasped loudly and ran off faster then possible then again i was breaking the sound barrier yesterday so i shouldn't be calling names huh? dash" that was pinkie" Me" well that's nice..." pinkie was my second favorite pony we finally arrived at the library dash knocked on the door and it opened to see spike dash"hi spike can i come in i want to show somepony a new pony in town" spike looked at me and was kinda scared looking he slammed the door and ran off somewhere in the library after pulling dash away with him Me "huh well that was odd" i was really hoping to see my favorite pony oh well im going on a walk it was getting darkener so i decided to find somewhere to sleep for the night i curled up below a tree and my eyes closed i was out before i knew i was asleep yet. my last thought was what tomorrow would be like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ well everyone hope you are liking the story so far its late so im off to sleep expect some more chapters tommorrow > chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Going to attempt a new style of writing so the first three chapters will be written differently enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Pov Rainbow Dash (dash had just been pulled into the library by spike while leaving shadow outside) "what the hay spike!" dash yelled at the small drake "do you know who that pony was!" spike yelled back at dash just as loudly "yeah that pony was new to ponyville it was shadow blaze" dash said to him. "that may be his name but do you know where he came from?!" spike was not done with the arguing dash and spike went on like this for about five minutes before twilight came down and got them to stop asking what happened spike told her how the strange new stallion showed up in town that day. "oh that must be the pony the princess was talking about" twilight said while looking around the library "spike where is he?" twilight asked spike "i pulled dash in away from him then slammed the door on him" spike said if looks could kill spike would be dead with the look twilight was giving him. "spike why would you do that the princesses told us we needed to get to know him to see if he was a threat or not!" twilight told him "well i wasn't about to let a pony who could hurt somepony into our house!" spike retorted "what are you two talking about a threat and the princesses telling you to watch somepony?" i asked them both "oops sorry dash i forgot you were here" twilight said " the princesses told us in a letter that an odd pony would be heading into town today and we should keep an eye on him because he could be dangerous" spike explained "wait wait wait and that odd somepony was shadow? " i asked spike "well yeah he's the only pony who showed up in town today isn't he" spike told me "i don't think shadow is mean or dangerous he looks like it but he's really nice" i told spike "and what i suppose you were around him all day showing him around town" spike said sarcastically "actually i was showing him around town all day" i told him he seemed surprised by that being what i did all day. "you took time out of your day to show somepony you don't know around town?" spike asked "i know him pretty well i would say spike we are already pretty good friends" i said "and fluttershy seemed pretty calm around him and she only knew him for a few hours before i met him" i added they seemed shocked by that news a stallion that came into town and befriend fluttershy to barely be shy around him at all i wouldn't have believed it either if i hadn't seen it. "well if fluttershy already knows him and trusts him i guess i he can't be that bad" twilight said "well lets let him in here he has been standing outside this entire time ya know" i told them spike ran over to the door and opened it to see..... nopony behind it. "i swear he was right here" spike said "i hope he didn't run off somewhere" i said worried "why would he do that?" twilight asked me "well due to the fact he has been traveling for the past week or so he doesn't have much of a care for where he sleeps" "well i guess we should go find him huh?" spike said slightly saddened we wouldn't be here if he hadn't slammed the door in his face in the first place. "its ok spike we will find him" twilight told him "i'll look for him i will find him in ten seconds flat!" i told them as i flew off i flew around for a while until i could find him i he was sleeping under a tree he must have been a heavy sleeper to have slept though all my yelling he was rolling alot in his sleep a pained expression on his face he must have been having a bad dream i decided i would wake him up. i got ready to yell into his ear. Pov shadow blaze i was having a nightmare i was dreaming that i had instead of went to heaven went to hell and served an eternity being ripped apart and put together again it was horrifying the reason i went in was because i had killed the one robber i thought about it he was about to kill me but i could have just hurt him made him drop the gun but what i did was for the right reasons... right? just as it was getting ready to be pulled apart again i was brought back to the land of the living by a shout in my ear. "WAKE UP SHADOW!!" dash yelled in my ear i tried to think up something witty to say a joke or something but my reaction was something like "OH DEAR CELESTIA MY EARS!" i yelled as i jumped back hitting a tree while doing so "oh good you're awake now"dash said as if she did not just scream in my ears making me deaf "what the hay was that for??" i asked even though i was thankful for being awoken from that nightmare "twilight is ready to see you now lets get going"she said that was nice i would get to seem my favorite pony but i still had a question in my mind "dash why did spike freak out when me saw me?" she seemed to think for a moment like she was trying to tell a lie but in the end said "she and spike got a letter from the princesses telling them that you might be some sort of evil pony trying to hurt somepony and to look out for you" well that was slightly shocking i was hurt in a way i guess i wasn't trusted by people or pony's until they got to know me "well i wouldn't hurt somepony" i said in my defense when i then remembered and quickly added "that is as long as they are not hurting my friends"i added "do you ever think about yourself shadow?" she asked me "it looks like you would do anything for your friends not that that's a bad thing though" she said i really didn't want to tell her about it but i was going to tell her anyway "dash for my friends hay even a stranger i would gladly die for them if it meant they were safe to me my life... just feels like nothing if i can't help somepony" i said dash seemed like she was happy with the answer all for one part "shadow you shouldn't have to die for anypony don't just throw away your life your a nice stallion i wouldn't want you to die for no reason" she said she really did care for me it seemed "don't worry dash i don't plan on dieing anytime soon" i said she seemed to calm down a bit what did she think i was going to jump at the first chance to get myself killed? we finally arrived at the library dash opened the door i walked through after her and closed the door behind me. twilight and spike had been siting on the couch waiting for us to return i guessed twilight looked up from the book and saw dash and me quickly putting the book down ran up to me and said "hello im twilight sparkle you must be shadow blaze right?" twilight said "yeah that's me shadow blaze just call me shadow ok twilight sparkle" i answered "just call me twilight" she said spike walked up and introduced himself spike looked taller then he did in the show but still was much a baby dragon "hi im spike im twilights assistant" he said to me "hi spike just call me shadow alright" i said "ok shadow its nice to meet you" he was talking like he had something better to do so i turned back to twilight he soon left to continue what he was doing "so what brings you to ponyville shadow?" i quickly came up with a lie that was pretty believable to my standards "i was traveling for a while so i decided i would look for a good quiet town to settle down in and ponyville was the closest town that fit that description so that's what i did" i answered her "oh that's nice" i changed the subject due to the fact i diffident think i could keep it going if i had to keep lying like this " so i noticed there were not many males in town mostly mares and not many unicorns" i asked "yeah the population from mares to stallions is about 10 to 1 so there's not many as for unicorns they normally go to places like canterlot instead of a place like ponyville" she answered "well im here to stay canterlot is too... fancy for me" i told her it was getting dark out dash had left some time during our conversation so i turned to leave. "so where are you staying tonight" she asked quickly i was planing on sleeping in a tree or something so i told her that "i was just planing on sleeping in a tree or something im no stranger to sleeping in weird places" that much was true back on earth i slept on rooftops all the time when it was to late to go home " oh no im not letting you sleep outside its going to start getting cold out you can have the guest room" she told me "ok well if you insist" i was happy i was sleeping over my favorite pony's house guess it was wishful thinking but could she like me? i would have to get to know her better "its on the second room to the left" she told me she started to walk away then i asked "oh yeah twilight do you have any books on magic?" i asked she seemed to perk up at the mention of books. "yeah here let me get them for you" she looked at some books and levitated them over to me i barely held the books with my magic i didn't let it show my aura of magic was still awesome i caught twilight looking at the color of my magic then she looked away and started up the stairs saying "well goodnight shadow see you in the morning i guess" she said as she left to go to her room not to sleep though most likely to read some more in peace i moved to my room before i started reading time passed as i read through the first book i was trying to learn as much as i could before i fell asleep the bed was softer then the ground though so i soon did start to drift off i marked my page with a piece of parchment before rolling over and falling asleep. i looked back over the day before i fell asleep i met my favorite pony i met the mane six minus pinkie who was going to.... then it hit me like a freight train pinkie ran off to.. throw me a party uh oh going to look out for that then well i met my favorite pony and was sleeping at her house until i could get my own. after taking a look back at today i realized something i WAS in equestria i knew people who would die for this right to come here. i guess my luck was finally looking up i couldn't go on any longer i fell asleep in the warm bed thinking how lucky i was. > chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 5 Shadows Pov I woke up in a warm bed i was slightly confused although im not sure why guess due to the fact i had spent most of my time in equestria sleeping by trees or in the grass of fields, i then remembered the events of yesterday i was still pretty happy that i had got to bunk at my favorite pony's house. i got out of bed stretching and hearing some cracks from my back and neck i had had time to adjust to my pony body near a week now i still was getting used to the fact i had magic and no fingers, it was going to get hard to use hooves but i would manage, i then realized something, i hadn't showered since i got to equestria except for the one time i fell into the river, i decided i would ask twilight if i could use her shower as soon as possible i didn't want to smell around the pony's i hadn't met yet or around the ones i knew. i walked out of my room still pretty confused about how to get around the house so i just followed my nose(or is it snout now?) until i reached the kitchen it really did smell pretty good i quickly sat near the table as spike was preparing eggs. "morning spike" i said the small dragon seemed to jump at my voice "geeze dude don't do that you don't exactly make much sound for a stallion of your size" spike said while still cooking " sorry spike i guess i should try and make more noise or something you're not the first to tell me i don't make much noise for my size" it's true it seemed that my stealth had followed me when you went around in the dark where i was you learned to be fast or not make much noise as to not attract attention to yourself i thankfully learned both. i was pulled out of my thoughts by a plate of eggs and what i think was hay bacon being put in front of me "there you go eggs and hay bacon" spike said wow guess i can guess the foods i started using my magic to eat with a fork that had been placed on the plate i even though i had been eating grass for a week while traveling to ponyville i was still getting used to eating food the pony's ate as i was not the slightest a vegetarian it was a big leap eating barely any greens to nothing but them but to be truthful the hay bacon was pretty tasty i continued to eat as spike walked up with a bowl of gems "your going to eat all of those?" i asked him he seemed confused for a moment and said "well yeah im a growing dragon i need my gems" he told me whatever not my problem how much he eats he bit into the gem making a loud crunch making me cringe as he crunched the gems with his teeth dang that sounded painful if i tried to eat one of those i think i would break all my teeth. "does that hurt at all when you eat those spike?" i asked i wanted to start some sort of conversation "nah I've been eating them all my life not once have they hurt my teeth"he told me i shrugged as best i could with my pony body. "hey wheres twilight?" i asked she should have been down before me if anything just as spike was getting ready to answer twilight walked in *yawn* "morning spike, morning shadow" she said walking to get a plate of eggs "morning twilight" i said spike mumbled something along the lines of good morning with a mouth full of gems as she sat down at the table to eat. "hey twilight are there any job openings around town?" i asked not that i wanted to leave the library any time soon i wanted to get some money at the very least "well you could always help at the library...."she trailed off as if she wanted to ask more but couldn't spike finished for her saying "well there's a message board in the middle of town if you take a look at it there should be some job listings there" spike informed me so now i knew where i was going hmm seemed like something out of an RPG get a job do a quest earn gold.... ok now i can tell im just making myself sound stupid. "why do you want to get a job shadow do you want to move out of the library so soon?" she asked she seemed a little hurt "i wasn't aware i was allowed to stay as long as i wanted if that's the case sure i will stay as long as you let me pay for me staying here" i told her i wasn't one to take others charity without paying them back for no reason. "well i guess that's ok you don't really have to" twilight said i was surprised yesterday she seemed like she thought i was evil or something now she seemed like she really liked me... no probably just being friendly noticing i was not going to hurt her i put my plate in the sink and started out i took a book with me about basic magic in case i had time to read at any time in the future. "ok im heading out to see if i can get a job twilight be back later!" i yelled back into the library as i left the sun was bright and warm as i walked out of the library i headed off to where i supposed the middle of the town was. then the three filles from yesterday came up to me i had striped my clothing off yesterday so i was just my natural coat color and tail and mane. i then realized i had never looked at my cutie mark huh guess it never occurred to me. i turned my head to get the best look i could without looking weird my cutie mark was the symbol from assassins creed i thought that was pretty badass. the three filles came up to me i turn around and asked "hi there you three got something to ask me" they tried to play it off as if they were not following me for the past 5 minutes i didn't really care applebloom then asked me "where did ya get your cutie mark mister?" hmm what to tell her oh well might as well tell what is sort of the truth well i got mine from doing something i really wanted to do i spent my life training for it and well one day i got it" i really wasn't about to tell pony's i was some sort of an assassin even though i was not... or in this world was i? "well i think it looks pretty cool" scootaloo told me well that's nice the crusaders followed me around for the rest of the trip to the message board when i started reading they started asking me questions "are you getting a job mister?" sweetie belle asked me "i sure am,and by the way you can all just call me shadow if you want"i told the three filles "ooh ooh can we help you pick out a job" scootaloo asked me "sure i don't see harm in it" we looked over the message board until apple bloom pointed out a message for a help wanted sign at a magic shop. "that looks like a nice one i think i will check that one out" i said grabbing the message and putting it in my saddle bags "well i will see you three some other time im going to check out this job bye!" i yelled to the crusaders as they ran in the other direction screaming something about roofing tar.... you know i don't even want to know after some directions from a passing pony who i couldn't figure the name of i found the shop i walked in the shop making a ringing sound as i pushed through there was a small line in the shop i stood in line until it was my turn to talk to the pony at the counter. the pony was a mare she looked at me noticing i was a unicorn she said hello "hello there sir" the pony said to me "hello there miss?" i wanted to know the mares name "im sorry my name is night mist" that was a pretty cool name "well hi there night mist im shadow blaze" i told mist "oh your that new pony in town right?" she asked me i returned with a nod "that's me mist i came here looking for a job?" she seemed confused for a moment then remembered about the job offer "OH yes the job offer umm you will just be my assistant getting things from storage and helping me recharging enchanted items the pays good twenty five bits an hour" twenty five bits wow that was a good offer "that sounds good to me i'll take the job" she smiled and looked very happy that i accepted the job offer "that's great you can start right now we close at five at night each day for 4 days a week Friday Saturday and Sunday are all days off so don't worry about time we open at ten each day but people don't start showing up till about an hour later so be in around ten to eleven" geeze she said that all on one breath of air she reminded me of pinkie pie whenever she talked on the show. it was about one now so i decided to get started " can i just start now?" i asked she nodded i went behind the counter -time passes until the end of the work shift- the job was kinda fun i got to run to the basement to get some artifacts sometimes and i learned a bit of enchanting from my boss as we recharged enchanted items like lamps and gemstones. "ok here's your pay shadow don't spend it all in one place!" she yelled at me as i left wow i had earned almost 200 bits in one day almost seemed unfair. oh well i wasn't one to complain about making easy money i walked for a bit before starting to decide where to go i was about to head back the the library when i heard "HEY SHADOW!"dash yelled at me from the sky landing next to me "oh hi dash whats up" i said turning to face the cyan mare "oh nothing just coming to visit my new friend and i haven't seen you around all day where have you been?" she asked "well i got a job enchanting and assisting somepony in a magic shop" "really?" she game me a funny look"you don't look the type to work in a job that slow" "well looks can be deceiving dash" i said as i continued walking "oh well now that you have some bits lets go to sugercube corner!" she seemed pretty excited about getting to the sweets shop oh well i could go for some sweet snacks. "sure dash let's get going" i said happily as i walked down the street. -after a short walk- "ok here we are" dash said as we walked up to sugercube corner.\ "geeze i think i just got diabetes just looking at the place" i said dash laughed "well they have some good sweets lets get inside" she said walking inside i followed her only when i got inside did i notice it was dark i then heard a loud "SURPRISE" evreypony in ponyville shouted pinkie pie bounced up to me talking so fast i could barely understand her "sohuhuwereyousuprisedhuhimadethispartyjustforyouitwasasupriseandnowwecaneatcakeandplayagamesand-" she was silenced by dash sticking her hoof in her mouth. "sorry about that pinkie gets excited around new pony's in town" dash told me removing her hoof from pinkie's mouth "i don't mind dash and yes pinkie the party is great you really surprised me" i smiled as the pink party pony got a huge smile and bounced off somewhere into the party. the rest of the mane six came up to me as i reached the snack table "so how are ya enjoin the party shadow?" applejack asked me "it's really fun so far apple jack thanks for asking" i reached for a muffin as another hoof reached at the same time i looked up to see none other then ditzy doo grabbing or the same muffin she had a face that said give me this muffin or it will be the last thing you eat "you take it" i said she smiled "thanks hi im ditzy doo most pony's call me derpy though" "well you enjoy that muffin ditzy" i smiled and took another muffin which i happily ate twilight walked up as i finished my muffin with a drink in her magical grasp and one in her hoof "here shadow i thought you might like this" she said handing me the drink "oh thanks twi" i said as i took a drink i was expecting punch except i got something that tasted like punch with something extra "twilight i think somepony spiked the punch" i told her sh smiled and said "yeah that was probably pinkie or dash just enjoy it" we sat there enjoying the party twilight after about 30 minutes of drinking got a look on her face between happy drunk and worried "something wrong twi?" i asked her "no its nothing really..." she trailed off "no really twi you can tell me if you want to i wont get mad or anything" she sighed and took another sip of her drink "i really like you even though i just met you" she said blushing i smiled she just looked away embarrassed "im sorry if you think im weird or something its just your one of the only other stallion unicorns in town and well your the only stallion who doesn't avoid me at every turn" she said putting her head in her hooves i put a foreleg around her she looked up at me confused "well twi i kinda umm think your cute too" i told her i felt a blush she was some shade of red that i couldn't even tell anymore "really?" she asked almost confused "yeah twi i really do would i lie to you about something like that?" i asked her she smiled and hugged me "shadow i know you just showed up here but since your staying at the library and well you need a house would you like to be my umm" she couldn't seem to finish the sentence "i think i know how to finish that sentence twi would you like to be my marefriend?" she smiled wider then i though possible "yesyeyesyes" she said rapidly while hugging me tightly it brought a smile to my face i just showed up here got my favorite pony as a marefriend and managed to get a job all in one day i was on a lucky streak geeze. then again i was on a bad luck streak a mile wide before i got here so i guess luck does exist she however was called over by her friends soon after so i let go of her embrace the seemed to talk the smiled i think she told them we were going out now dash walked over a few moments later "so you and twi going out now huh?" she asked "yeah i almost can't believe it myself" i said "well umm good luck there i guess" dash told me she walked away to go talk to somepony i didn't recognize big mac and another pony i didn't recognize walked up to me "hi there shadow im nova blitz" he told me he extended a hoof for a hoofshake big mac did the same "so dating twilight" nova said "yeah you already heard about it?" i asked shocked news traveled so fast "big mac told me applejack told him"nova told me, ah that explains it "well good luck with that it's getting late hope to see you around we might be able to hang out sometime soon" nova said before walking away i looked outside it was pretty dark and to confirm my beliefs twilight walked up to me "we should probably get going shadow" she said while looking at me with a smile "ok lets get going twi" we both left the party and walked back to the library at some point she started leaning on me i didn't mind she was light we walked in and spike saw us he look confused "whoa are you two dating to something now?" he asked jokingly i smiled " as a matter of fact spike we are" his mouth dropped open and he just looked between twilight and me he couldn't seem to get the words out " i know im a lucky one ain't i" i smiled as we went upstairs "you know you could always sleep with me in my room" twilight said as i was heading to my room i smiled "ok twi i would like that" she got into bed and i followed she seemed to be eyeing my flank "see something you like?" i asked her she looked at me with a blush and said "well yes but i was mainly looking at your cutie mark" she said ... oh no i really hope she didn't read something about assassin's and know what the mark was from. "yeah it is pretty cool looking ain't it?" i said hoping to get off the subject "yeah i never saw anything like it around here at least" she said, phew ok so she has no idea what it is i laid down next to her she ran her hoof over my cutie mark "eh twilight we just started dating today can we wait a bit before we get into things like that" i asked as much as i would have liked i still wanted to wait so she could know me a bit better "oh ok then lets just sleep i guess" she said i laid down and put a hoof around her and she pulled close to me the only thing about the bed was the only way i could fit was if we spooned... well i didn't mind and nether did twilight so i was ok with it. i fell asleep with a beautiful mare in my arm's (forelegs?) and fell asleep faster then i had in the past few days. > chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 6 i awoke to the sound of breathing that was not my own i was confused for a moment, that is before i remember yesterdays party and twilight telling me she wanted to date me it brought a smile to my face. I used magic to lift her off me as i slipped downstairs and quickly looked through the cabinets for food of some sort before creating something that resembled a sandwich, i have to say that sandwich was pretty good noticing the time it was around 8-ish i then proceeded to realize pony's had clocks how had i not noticed this before? oh well I ran upstairs and jumped into the shower when i started to hear some movement from the other room i guessed twilight was wakening up so i finished my shower and went to go say goodbye before work but instead brought her to the bathroom for her to get a drink of water and pain medication i then figured out that light headache was my hangover from the party i knew i drank just as much as twilight, guess i can hold my drinks a bit better after getting her water i started some conversation "feeling better twi?" i asked her as she laid down in bed "yeah much better i have some water and the headache is going away" she said i got up and gave her a kiss she seemed startled but returned the kiss it was quick but then she pulled me back in for another before backing away blushing "well you just rest today ok twi take it easy" i sad not wanting her to get in even worse condition then she was already in. "ok shadow i won't thanks again" she was quiet for a while " i guess you got to go to work today huh?" "yeah i do twi i will be back as soon as i can alright?" i said to her she smiled and laid down "would you mind looking for spike if you can shadow he stayed with rarity yesterday"she said, alright i could do that "i don't mind twi i'll do it when im done work" i walked outside again it was slightly colder but still pretty warm out for what ever time of season it was i guess. i quickly walked (trotted?) to rarity's when spike was already outside. "oh well that saves me trouble" i said, spike turned around to face me "oh hey shadow" spike said "enjoy taking care of rarity last night?"i asked the dragon he smiled and nodded "she wasn't that drunk but she needed some extra help with dresses so i decided to stay over" he said, he really liked working with her "alright then spike im glad you enjoy her company keep working at her like this and you will have your own marefriend" i told him he smiled, i presumed he was thinking about rarity he then proceeded to burp up a letter with the royal seal on it "is that a letter from the princess?" i asked he nodded " i had better get back to twilight see you later shadow!" spike yelled running to the library i smiled the kid had potential that was sure, reminded me of.. well me when i was younger hehe i walked to work not much happened i met mist at work and we worked all day i left with my pay when getting out i decided i would visit rarity i had after all made a promise to model for her i walked to rarity's place yet again it was a short walk from work i opened the door and walked in the bell making a ding as i walked in "hello there welcome to - oh hello shadow" she said happy i was there "hey rarity how are you doing" i said to her "fine darling how are you is twilight ok are you treating her good" she said suddenly serious "im are fine rarity twilights just home resting from the party i was really wondering if you were ready for me to model for you" i said she smiled "oh yes darling come right this way and we can get started" she led me to a room i stood there as she measured me -alot of time standing still later- i think im going insane it was getting late i wanted to get home eat and be with twilight, rarity was almost done though so that was good i think i counted to about 5000 before she was finally done "ok darling im done" YES FREEDOM i managed to keep calm though stepping down from the area she had me modeling in "thank you again for modeling for me darling it helps alot" rarity said "oh it was no trouble rarity anything for a friend" i smiled and walked out of the shop as soon as the door closed "FREEDOM YES HAHAHHAHA SWEET FREEDOM!!!" i ran as fast as i could using shadows to move faster i was at the library within seconds i walked in to see twilight just siting there most likely waiting for me. i came in and pulled her into a hug "so how was your day twi?" i asked her "oh you know just reorganizing the library the usual " she told me spike came running down the stairs of the library. "twi we got a letter from the princesses!" he yelled running towards us. "oh give it here spike" twilight asked him, he handed it to her she opened it and then looked confused. "it looks like its for you shadow" she told me, hmm wonder what thats about the letter read this Dear Shadow Blaze We would like you to come to canterlot castle to answer some questions, You are allowed to bring friends if you wish to you will be staying for a week. Princess Celestia And Luna. huh wonder what that's all about, oh well guess i get to go to canterlot for the week "well twi pack your bags we're going to canterlot" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sorry for not uploading much been busy with school and such but enjoy the chapter hopefully will have another written soon.