• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2017

Starlight Shadow

This account is inactive.


The Dazzlings are in poverty. While Adagio sleeps, Aria tries to comfort a sad Sonata.


This goes out to Bookish Delight, who requested I expand on the second chapter of my Halloween anthology.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

Awwwww, this was sweet! I really liked it!

On a side note, I'm currently waiting for my story about the Dazzlings to be approved. :pinkiehappy: I'm glad this one was!

Slightly miffed there's no Romance tag, but I shall put on my shipping goggles and enjoy this awesomeness anyway.

5096569 I actually forgot to add the Romance tag. Whoopsie doodles. :twilightsheepish:

Go back over the formatting. You've got some paragraphs stuck to each other. :twilightsmile:

Name reminds me of my favorite fallout add on's message from dead money, nice job.

Awww that was so cute!!!
Will there be another chapter?

5096823 oh oky, but anyway it was really cute. Thanks for this little masterpiece ^ω^

Author Interviewer

This is decent, but I felt like I really needed something showing me how their relationship changed from what we see in the movie. Not that I can't buy them as a couple, just not without some kind of explanation first.

Where'd the drawing come from?

You have a singularly interesting interpretation of Aria and Sonata. (That's my way of tactfully saying you pulled it out of your ass.)

I kind of have to agree with both Mythril and Present.

I don't really see Sonata and Aria sharing this kind of close relationship, not without some explanation. If anything, Aria showed nothing but exasperation and condescension towards Sonata in the movie. Not saying that Sonata and Aria couldn't have a closer relationship, but you'd have to do a lot of handwaving (or even better, character exploration and explaining) to get them to the point where their relationship could be believable.

As it is now, their personalities seem so disparate from their movie counterparts you could have called them "Josephine" and "Esmerelda" the sirens and it'd make as much sense.

This was a really good, sweet story. :twilightsmile:


I prefer to think of Aria as more of tsundere type character, but this is sweet too :pinkiesmile:

Hi! I'm new here, and I can't get how to read the story. I use a tablet, with,mobile version.
Can someone please help me? Sorry if it's a stupid question :twilightblush:
Thanks :pinkiehappy:

5741905 Tap the chapter. If that isn't working, I don't know. (Also, thank you very much for the follow!)

5744137 thank you very very much !! :raritystarry::raritywink:
You're welcome, I'm really interested in your stories :rainbowkiss:

For some reason, I feel like this song would fit nicely. c:

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