• Published 8th Dec 2014
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The Siren Song: Razzle Dazzle - Shadowmane PX-41

As the trilogy of The Dazzlings and The Blasters continues, we find Adagio, Aria and Sonata take on their toughest challenge yet... Fitting in at Elementary School...

  • ...

The Blasters: The Siren Brothers of Those of Hatred

"Brother..." Adagio spoke as she eyed up the cold-hearted Lyrican that was known as her brother. It was as if she'd been haunted by a nightmare that would not go away until she confronted it head-on. "Why do you still care about us?"

"Because you are still part of the equation, little sisters..." Allegro said as the three Lyricans approached The Dazzlings. "Despite the three of us hating your guts for not showing your faces to us, you are still required for the Song of Resurrection."

"We're working together, in a way. Despite the need to like it, that is." Orchestral said, showing his sadistic side once again.

"For over twelve years, we've watched the three of you, Dazzlings. We've seen you mature from such tiny infants, into powerful and dependable queens..." Fortissimo spoke, seeing The Dazzlings twitch at his words. "You are quite capable of working your way around a sword, and you've slain everything we've thrown at you..."

"But even that will not be enough to make us run and hide in fear, like the cowards your Rainbooms make us out to be..." Allegro turned his attention to Rainbow Dash, who still looked like she'd lost all hope. "Lyricans never shy away from combat when roped into it, but will do everything to avoid potential fights."

"We've still got a few more years to wait before your perfection, though, so there's still some time for you ladies to better yourselves..." Orchestral said, looking very closely at all ten of the girls with a rather vicious look. "After all, you want to look your best for the grand revival of the Lyrican Sirens, don't you?"

"I'm still confused..." Twilight said, still showing no traces of hope or enthusiasm. "What do you mean by all of this?"

"Hmm... I suppose I should really explain from the beginning, shouldn't I?" Fortissimo said as The Blasters began circling the group of ten girls. "Alright then, since you girls won't live past this arena, I think it's only fair to tell you the entire story, before you all perish..."

"Once, there were six Lyricans, all gifted with King Allure's hatred and his bliss. They were chosen to be the overseers of the emotions that governed the Balance of Lyrica," Fortissimo began explaining to the entire group. "The Right Souls of Fury and the Left Souls of Bliss, were everything that King Allure felt in the ways of both happiness and anger. However, it wasn't enough for him..."

"Seeking more opportunities to further spread his way of order, he found two neighbouring worlds; Equestria and the Human World. Using some almighty magic of his, he spread the Balance of Lyrica to those worlds before the species there even rose to dominance," Allegro stepped in. "We Lyricans seeded the planets you inhabit before you even took your first steps. In fact, we spread our judicial system before the rise of Celestia, Luna, and this world's pathetic government."

"With the Balance of Lyrica tightly rooted into the three worlds, Allure saw a brighter future for all of the species, and hoped that his decision would bring everlasting peace and unity..." Orchestral continued. "However, the Lyricans themselves decided to prepare the Souls of Song, in case of a massive disaster."

"They were so close to completing us, but we were not even close to perfection when the war had started. Some asshole named Starswirl the Bearded came, murdered Blissens, and ruined everything..." Fortissimo sighed with a hint of anger and frustration in his voice. "Because of him, The Blasters and The Dazzlings were incomplete, and unable to use the Song of Resurrection to save the felled Sirens."

"Incomplete?!" Adagio was horrified with that last statement. "So, even now, we're still not finished?"

"That is correct, little sister..." Fortissimo spoke as The Blasters finally returned to face the entire group face first. "However, you needn't worry about your imperfections..."

"You see, we've also been nurturing you, like a majestic tree which will soon tower over the heavens..." Allegro spoke in a rather philosophical tone. "We've been testing you with Lyrican forces, seeing if you could truly muster up more than songs to fight. And from the data you've given us, you're proceeding with your perfection regime rather swimmingly..."

"As you continued to butcher Euphorians and the deities that commanded them, it awakened your innermost power, piece by little piece..." Orchestral begun explaining once more. "Did you three notice a red glow when you fought Obedium back in Coltimore? Those was the Right Souls of Fury, awakening from their ten-thousand-and-twelve year slumber..."

"Ever since, you three have easily decimated forces of both this world and Lyrica with deadly precision and no remorse. You are almost complete, Dazzlings..." Fortissimo smiled at The Dazzlings. "Your power is drastically rising, and your old defeats are now meaningless."

"With only Hierarxe and Honous remaining, you're not far off from taking your trial and earning your brand new pendants..." Allegro told them, seeing them recoil in surprise once more. "Once you do, you will be able to harvest negative energy once more, expanding your power to drastic levels..."

"With such power like that, you will find no more use for those miserable humans you continue to travel with, and you will ultimately turn on them with a little song, forcing them to fight and spill the energy you so desperately need to defeat us..." Orchestral spoke, but then grew a smile once more. "Provided they even had any energy left to steal! Haha!"

"Don't sugar coat it, Orcestral. They are fully aware of the fact that The Rainbooms are nothing more than insignificant vessels to us now." Allegro explained to his insane brother.

"Brother... You really have gone off the deep end, haven't you?" Adagio explained as she finally got some words in from the midst of silence that gripped the entire group.

"We've watched your tree grow, Dazzlings. And now it's time for the tree to bear its' majestic fruits for us to harvest..." Fortissimo's wings appeared along with some extended hair as he rose into the sky. It wasn't long before he saw his brothers doing the same. "When you defeat us, you shall continue on your road to perfection, and see nothing but a conquerable trinity of worlds!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Pixel Pizazz appeared in a bright flash of light, along with Violet Blur and Photo Finish. "Hey, girls. Nice to see you again."

"Snapshots?! What are you doing here? This is far too dangerous for even you to handle!" Adagio warned them as they turned their attention towards The Blasters.

"We overheard everyzing, girls! When zis story gets out, Ze Blasters are finished!" Photo Finish said triumphantly. "All zat's left for you iz to subdue zese heathens and-"

Fortissimo merely burst out laughing, cutting Photo Finish off mid-sentence. He then calmed down and looked at the three photographers with a little grin. "And just how exactly do you plan on getting that story out, without killing innocent lives?"

"I'll tell you; you can't!" Fortissimo merely laughed and held up his hands, showing six little orbs with tortured souls screaming and banging against the glass. "Unless you intend to save your families instead of the world?"

"If the story on our true plan is leaked, then your families will instantaneously die..." Allegro raised his hands, summoning six unconscious bodies to his location, so that The Snapshots got a very good look on them. "Right now, they're in a coma, sleeping for as long as the orbs are intact. But if that story goes, then your families' sleep will become eternal..."

"YOU BASTARDS!" all three of The Snapshots said as they charged towards The Blasters with their fists ready to punch their lights out and save their families.

Fortissimo made the orbs vanish, then he lifted all three of The Snapshots off of the ground and suspended them in mid-air, choking and gagging as he balled his hand into a fist. He then burst out laughing once more. "Did you really think that it was going to be that easy, spies of this world?"

"You three have gotten into more trouble than you could have ever imagined, Photo Finish, Pixel Pizazz and Violet Blur..." he continued. "Did it ever occur to you that Lyricans like their privacy?"

"Either way, your deaths will prove to these worlds that they've been messing with a force they are unable to defeat..." Fortissimo used his other hand to charge up a powerful spell that would end the lives of all three of The Snapshots instantly. "May you join your mommies and daddies; SCREAMING IN DYSTOPIA FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!"

Fortissimo fired three blue and red orbs, which were all seeking out the bodies of Photo Finish, Pixel Pizazz and Violet Blur.The Dazzlings charged towards the suspended reporters, their swords drawn and ready to save their lives. They brutally timed the sword swings and knocked the orbs right back at all three of The Blasters, getting them to knock them away into a nearby wall, shattering the world around them.

Within seconds, the execution arena and the audience had vanished, leaving a spectral plane of existence in its' wake. In the sky was the heavenly confines of Euphoria, but underneath the new platform that this was all happening on, lied the endless pits of Dystopia.

When the world had transformed into this new spectral plane, Fortissimo levitated The Snapshots over the edge, so that they were straight above the depths of Dystopia.

"Farewell, spies..." he said, removing his spell on his other hand, breaking the levitation.

Within seconds, loud screams of terror filled the area as The Snapshots fell down to the hellish landscape that was Dystopia. All the other girls had run over to the edge of the platform, only to see Photo Finish, Pixel Pizazz and Violet Blur fall into their final resting place for all of eternity.

Adagio looked once the girls had made ripples in Dystopia's window with their fall, and shed a single tear afterwards. She'd seen many things in her life, but this was without a doubt the most savage thing she'd ever seen. Her own brother had murdered three innocent reporters.

"Brother..." Adagio turned around to face him with a massive amount of fury on her face. "You've been corrupted as well, haven't you?!"

"Whatever are you talking about, little sister? I'm not pushing the Balance of Lyrica into hatred like you three once were!" he angrily retorted.

"You're doing even worse crimes than that! The Snapshots were completely innocent bystanders! You're not only corrupted, but you're COMPLETELY corrupted!" Aria looked at all of The Blasters with her own fury showing. "The Blasters WE knew would never stoop to such criminal acts of terrorism!"

"Well, The Dazzlings WE knew would never dare to start another war with Equestria and the Human World!" Orchestral shouted back to The Dazzlings with his own furious looks. "I can't believe that you three almost put everything at risk once more! What kind of sisters are you?!"

"ENOUGH!" Adagio roared out in fury as The Dazzlings all glowed a radiant red, blinding everyone on the platform.

Within seconds, The Blasters and The Rainbooms saw The Dazzlings were garbed in regal robes with their insignias running down the sides. Gems in treble clefs were on Adagio's robes, with Aria and Sonata's robes bearing their marks as well. Not only that, but their hair had grown even longer, and it now adorned red stripes in the center of their hairstyles.

"Blasters, your crimes against all three worlds are worthy of death. However, knowing that you are the Left Souls of Bliss, you shall only be re-incarnated in another era of time..." Adagio stated out. "Only by giving up the Magic of Friendship and returning it to the RIGHTFUL owners will we see you walk away from this arena alive..."

"As of now, we instate a Serekel! Or in the words of our human friends, a FIGHT TO THE DEATH!" Adagio spoke out, perking up all the ears of The Rainbooms almost instantaneously.

Fortissimo, Allegro and Orchestral merely flew up above the arena and held out their hands to begin a procedure. Within seconds, they had summoned the Cutie Marks of all of The Rainbooms in seven more orbs, accompanied with magic swirling around each mark.

"Honesty... Kindness... Laughter... Generosity... Loyalty... Magic... And Hope..." The Blasters all recited as the orbs now overlooked all ten of the girls. "The seven elements that make up the Magic of Friendship; the greatest power in all of Equestria and the Human World. Any one being, or multiple vessels with these elements will be granted infinite amounts of power, and the strength to overcome all adversaries..."

"With these seven elements in our hands, we shall remove those who are unworthy of the Magic of Friendship, and usher in a new era!" The Blasters said as they prepared to consume all the orbs. "With these seven orbs and their power alone, we shall cleanse these worlds of all the filth, and bring forth a more knowledgable, more powerful, and more obedient kind!"

"With the Magic of Friendship running in tune with our Lyrican powers..." The Blasters consumed all seven of the orbs and curled themselves up to absorb tremendous amounts of rainbow-coloured energy. "WE ARE NOW ABLE TO OVERCOME ALL OPPONENTS, AND BRING AN ETERNITY OF HAPPINESS!"

A massive explosion of rainbow-coloured light happened, revealing a rather shocking transformation. The girls all looked up and saw The Blasters reaching a new state of power, far beyond that of their previous selves.

Each of The Blasters' hair grew even longer, and now had all seven colours of the rainbow running down the middle of their hairs. They had also grown pony ears and new robes with their special marks on them. Fortissimo's robe had a large gathering of musical score in the middle of what looked like an explosion. Allegro's mark was also some musical score, but the track seemed more jagged than usual, and it overlapped a dangerous maelstrom. Whereas Orchestral's mark seemed to be a treble clef wrapped in a thick layer of ice. When they finally landed to face The Dazzlings, the length on their swords had grown to the size of three regular humans. Not only that, but they were now dual-wielding swords; one with blue crystals and one with red crystals.


"Now then, Rainbooms. It is time for us to do what our little sisters could not..." Fortissimo swung his sword into the distance, immediately calling a gathering of other platforms to life all around them. Then, everyone could see that there was some kind of stream flying past them, a sign that all these platforms were moving at dangerously fast speeds. "Now it's time to FINSH YOU!"

The Blasters all began swinging their swords erratically, so that The Dazzlings had no choice but to cross blades with them. They mainly had their eyes sighted on The Rainbooms, but The Blasters' attacks were deflected with The Dazzlings' swords. However, after a few swings of the swords, The Blasters disappeared and reappeared behind The Dazzlings, slashing them into another platform.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata all crashed into the platform and saw The Blasters trying to strike down their mother and aunties. Seeing an opportunity to fight back, The Dazzlings charged at impossible speeds and struck The Blasters in the back as they were charging up a powerful seal of magic.

When they kept on striking The Blasters, they'd failed to notice the seal was still charging, ready to annihilate The Rainbooms with a powerful deluge of magic. The Dazzlings quickly teleported over to The Rainbooms and threw them to another platform, so that the seal missed its' mark and destroyed only the platform.

With The Rainbooms out of harms' way, The Dazzlings returned their attention to The Blasters, who were now chaining swings of their elongated swords with different waves of magic. Eventually, even The Dazzlings were caught off guard, leaving them to take the full brunt of The Blasters' power. They could only grunt in pain with each of The Blasters' strikes hitting their mark, before slamming them into another platform, breaking it up into thousands of pieces.

"Uggh! I can't concentrate when Mom and her friends are still in trouble!" Adagio yelled when she finally got up from that impact.

"That's the idea, little sister. I finally figured out how to defeat you after all these years..." Fortissimo grinned as he held up a colossal orb of Rainbow Power Magic in the direction of The Rainbooms. "By giving you a constant reminder on what you have to save, it distracts you from the true goal; defeating me."

The orb turned into a massive laser, vaporizing The Rainbooms instantaneously. Fortissimo could hear the screams of Twilight, Sunset and the Humane 5 as the laser began eating away at their flesh and reducing them to nothing but dust.

"Not so fun when you're on the receiving end now, is it?" Orchestral gloated when The Rainbooms finally got back onto their feet.

Adagio charged towards Fortissimo, her attacking speed drastically improving when her aura glowed brighter than ever. She was easily pushing back against Fortissimo's strikes, and was about to deal a fatal blow. However, she'd failed to notice that Allegro and Orchestral were now above her, and were about to use their elongated sword to finish her off.

Aria and Sonata quickly stepped in and intercepted the swords that their brothers planned on using against Adagio. It wasn't long before all three brothers and sisters were fighting one another with their powered swords. Their hatred for each other was evident as the sweat dripped down from their foreheads and collided with their swords with every swing. One way or another, their opponents would fall.

Eventually, The Dazzlings broke The Blasters' defences and threw them all into each other. When their brothers collided, Adagio, Aria and Sonata began swinging their swords so erratically that it seemed like they weren't moving at all. Their speed was inconceivable, and it was already confusing and disorienting their brothers. With The Blasters looking like they'd had enough of their attacks, The Dazzlings all flew above them and prepared a massive orb of red energy, which they planned on throwing down onto their brothers.

They threw the giant orb, entrapping The Blasters inside it. Adagio, Aria and Sonata could quickly see that The Blasters were all being assaulted by spirits of Dystopia when they were falling with the orb. There were far too many for them to handle, and The Blasters quickly found themselves outnumbered by the monsters. The Dazzlings could only watch as the orb exploded when it crashed into the next platform, leaving The Blasters wounded for once.

"Emzel Kringera!" The Dazzlings uttered, bringing their Hippocampi to finish the job. The three horse-fish hybrids were quickly surrounding The Blasters with their fast movements, and it wasn't long before they would deal the final blow.

The Hippocampi all knocked The Blasters all throughout the plane of existence, making them smash into other platforms with such brutality that it would have killed anything else at this moment in time. Then, when their brothers were at what seemed like the end of their tether, the Hippocampi let out sonic roars, which would have completely finished the job once and for all.

When the roars were uttered, The Blasters grinned and quickly disappeared from sight when the roars hit them. They quickly appeared behind the three Hippocampi and cut them clean in half over and over and over until they were nothing more than mere chunks of what they used to be. The Blasters then knocked all the chunks towards Dystopia, where the spirits would claim the dead Hippocampi once more.

"Please, Adagio. You'll have to do better than that to impress me!" Fortissimo gloated as he kicked Adagio out of her trance, whilst Allegro did the same with Aria, and Orchestral with Sonata.

The battle quickly resumed, but this time, The Blasters' attacks seemed like they had absolutely no gaps in them at all. Even when it seemed like they were stopping, they were only continuing their endless combos with absolutely no breaks in between it all.

It finally seemed like The Dazzlings were going to lose for once, but they still held out and pushed back against their brothers' endless assault. Eventually, they got an idea and disappeared from The Blasters' sight, getting them to stop their erratic attacks and frantically look for their little sisters.

Eventually, The Blasters were struck in the back by what looked like little lasers of red energy. However, they were quickly hurtled into another platform when the laser intensified both in size and power. When they crashed, they saw red flashes of light before The Dazzlings smashed them straight through the platform, causing it to shatter and fall to the depths below.

When their brothers were disoriented once again, The Dazzlings charged forward and dove their heels straight into their brothers' foreheads, getting each of them to cry out in both pain and fear. With The Blasters distracted yet again, The Dazzlings began their own endless combo, striking The Blasters with what seemed like over one-hundred sword swings.

When their combo had ended, they joined hands and called forth another beast from Dystopia. "Arnzelek Darangark Meldrin!"

The next beast they called was a giant monster made entirely out of plant life. It used a variety of vines to entrap The Blasters and deal them a torrent of poison. Within seconds, The Dazzlings' brothers were being deluged by corrosive poison, which would prove fatal to anyone unfortunate enough to bathe in it.

When The Dazzlings fought they had won again, the giant plant monster was quickly cut into millions of little leaves by some invisible sword swings. The leaves faded, revealing The Blasters once again, who were looking rather peeved at this moment.

"Seriously, Dazzlings. This is not the Battle Of The Bands. DRAW YOUR SWORDS!" Fortissimo roared out, enveloping The Blasters in a massive orb of rainbow-coloured energy.

"Fine then, brother. You want to make me pissed? You just got your wish!" Adagio and The Dazzlings were quickly coated in a massive red orb of their own.

The Rainbooms could only watch as the orbs revealed only the silhouettes of The Blasters and The Dazzlings with how radiant they all were. Then, without warning, the two orbs fired colossal beams of energy which consumed everything in a massive collision of both red and blue energy. All the other platforms around Twilight, Sunset and the Humane 5 began to break up as the lasers continued their struggle.

"BROTHER!" The Dazzlings roared and held for as long as possible as the lasers continued to fight.

"SISTER!" The Blasters responded, holding that word for as long as they could themselves.

The two lasers grew to colossal sizes, almost to the size where they'd destroy the Human World if they continued to struggle. As The Blasters and The Dazzlings continued to hold their words, the lasers kept on pushing against each other, determined to beat each other.

Everything around everyone began breaking up as the lasers continued to struggle. Euphoria began breaking up and falling into the spectral plane, causing many floating spires to break up completely and fall to Dystopia, where pieces of their landscape were starting to collide with the platforms themselves.

As The Blasters, The Dazzlings and The Rainbooms let out one final scream, the entire spectral plane was engulfed in a massive explosion of red and blue energy. The power of all six Lyrican Sirens had become too much for the world to handle, and it was now destroying itself, taking everyone inside it down with it...

Author's Note:

Adagio: Wait! What happens next? I'm dying to know!

Me: Sowwy, Dagi. You'ww just hafta wait tiww de epiwogue ta find out...

Night--Mist: De epiwogue's next?

Me: Yup... (Sighs) Aww good tings must come to an end, aftew aww...

PeanutButterBrony: Once de epiwogue's finished, den yoo can stawt A Siwen's Fight, so we can see de concwusion of Da Dazzwings and Da Bwastews' twiwogy...

Aria: Either way, I'm excited for what happens next. Keep up the good work, Shadowmane (Tussles my hair with her hand)

Me: I wiww, Awi...