• Published 8th Dec 2014
  • 3,011 Views, 145 Comments

The Siren Song: Razzle Dazzle - Shadowmane PX-41

As the trilogy of The Dazzlings and The Blasters continues, we find Adagio, Aria and Sonata take on their toughest challenge yet... Fitting in at Elementary School...

  • ...

Return To Equestria (Part 1)

"You sure took your sweet time, didn't you?" Twilight said once Sunset had arrived back in the confines of her Human World home. She could immediately tell that something was wrong with Sunset purely by looking at her facial expressions. "What's the matter with you?"

"Twilight..." Sunset started, but then decided to hold herself back for a second. She had no idea how Twilight could ever have responded to her if she had been told that Sunset had met The Blasters and seen them for what they truly were. "I have to tell you something very important!"

"Oh? What is it, Sunset?" Twilight responded, immediately taking Sunset's facial expressions into account. There was something that had struck her on the drive home and Twilight wanted to know what it was.

"On my way back to the house, I ran into The Blasters," she said, explaining to Twilight as much as she could recall. She knew that this would pique Twilight's interests the second she could see Twilight's looks of concern. "Don't worry. They didn't sing to me, yet..."

"That's good." Twilight said, brushing some of the relief away like sweat on her forehead.

"However, they imparted an old Lyrican prophecy that I think you should hear..." Sunset continued, continuing the explanation at hand. "This might interest you and give us a helping hand in bringing The Blasters to their knees..."

"A prophecy?" Twilight looked stunned. She knew that Sirens had some deep lore, but digging into even deeper lore than what she'd already learned interested her more than anything. "Tell me everything they said to you."

"It was in some kind of rhyme, as if they were trying to confuse me. But I'm sure you can make sense of this..." Sunset took a deep breath and remembered perfectly what The Blasters spoke to her. "Blissen and Furen, like light and dark are one in the same and have the same mark. The war had been spoken of, pain and torment. But there was one way for them to repent..."

"Repent?" Twilight took all the words she'd just heard spilling from Sunset's lips and could immediately see some deeper Siren mythology starting to brew up in her mind. "What did the rest of the prophecy say?"

"The Dazzlings and Blasters, with powers almighty will sing one last song of serendipity..." Sunset continued, getting Twilight to show even more shock and awe at all this new knowledge. "A song of resurrection, of rebirth and life. To revive all the Sirens erased by the strife..."

"A song... Of resurrection?" Twilight couldn't piece anything together from that part. She'd never heard of any song from neither this place or Equestria be able to bring someone back to life. She could now tell that The Blasters truly were that powerful, if they held a song that could bring someone back to life, let alone the entire Siren species.

"I'm just as baffled as you are, Twilight." Sunset said, sharing the emotions she felt. They both knew nothing of a song that powerful in their worlds and were starting to worry if their 'counterattack' wouldn't be powerful enough to stop The Blasters at all.

"If it says that The Blasters need The Dazzlings to sing this song, then all we need is to prevent them from ever getting their grubby hands on Adagio, Aria and Sonata," Twilight said, thinking of a good way to prevent The Blasters from succeeding in their devious plan. "As long as The Dazzlings are kept away from their brothers, then there's a good chance we can keep our worlds safe from another catastrophe..."

"Well, that might be a plausible answer, Twilight. But The Blasters are Sirens and as such, they could start brainwashing people to capture The Dazzlings and bring them back to them," Sunset pointed out one flaw in Twilight's plan. "It is a good plan, minus that one little hitch..."

"Well, there is one other alternative..." Twilight responded, thinking up another plan for her and Sunset to utilize for themselves. "I could try investigating the Pit Of Lyrics with my friends back in Equestria, to find any clues about this 'song of resurrection' The Blasters spoke about..."

"How long do you think it will take?" Sunset decided to ask.

"It'll take at least a week to find the place, let alone discover the secrets inside," Twilight went on and on. "The ruins have long since been lost from Equestrian maps and it might be hard for us all to find it."

"Oh..." Sunset looked a little downhearted at that. She and Twilight needed to find the place as quickly as possible and knew that this little hitch would be a massive damper on their plans.

"However, there might be a way for me to find it a little quicker..." Twilight's smile returned to her face relatively quickly as she thought of another plan to locate the Pit Of Lyrics. "But it might sound a little far-fetched..."

"Well, what is it?" Sunset didn't even care what Twilight had to say at this moment. She needed a plan and would be happy with whatever came to Twilight's mind.

"If The Dazzlings sang a song from the Pit Of Lyrics, then I can bring it back to Equestria and back-trace it back to the place of origin..." Twilight started.

"...And that way, we can use the magic to find the Pit Of Lyrics and find some clues to this little conundrum we find ourselves in!" Sunset finally got where Twilight had been going with her little plan. "Twilight, you're one of the most smartest and most wonderful friends anyone could ever have!"

"Thanks, Sunset." Twilight blushed at that statement. She had been called many nicknames over the years, but just being called smart was a wonderful thing for her to hear, especially since it came from Sunset's lips.

"So, should we get going?" Sunset asked, opening the door again so Twilight could see the world outside.

"At this point, do you really need to ask?" Twilight smiled and got up from the couch she'd been sitting on.

The two of them walked out of the house and shut the door behind them. Once it was shut, Sunset locked it up tight so that no-one could break in and steal something from them.

After this deed was done, Sunset and Twilight got back into the car, buckled up their seatbelts and shut the doors. Once this part of the process was done, the two of them drove off of the driveway and made their way to The Dazzlings' old house; the one they owned before and slightly after their defeat at CHS...

Meanwhile, The Blasters were all gathered around the ruins of what used to be an old Lyrican castle's throne room. There were tapestries in ruins, arched doorways had been collapsed and all the colour that used to be shown around the castle had been long since forgotten.

They sat on three thrones, which they had all made themselves with a combination of Lyrican materials and their own magic. The thrones they sat on had what looked like their Equestria Cutie Marks at the top, in the centre of a massive circle impaled on what looked like the throne's spike.

Fortissimo was deep in thought once again, wondering how strong their first assault on The Dazzlings would be. Allegro was quite concerned with his leader's many moments of deep thought. Orchestral, on the other hand was reclining on his throne with his legs outstretched in a rather leisurely fashion.

"The Dazzlings are still under-developed at the moment, so the first deity of Euphoria we hurl their way should be one to test them to their limits," Fortissimo said, finally breaking out of his thought. "Since they're gonna need courage to wise up to us, we'll give them some courage..."

He rubbed his pendant again, spawning a holographic projection of the giant warrior with a shield, sword and its' Hippocampi scarf.

"Courageour, the time has come for you to serve Lyrican forces once again..." Fortissimo addressed the spirit quite clearly, staring directly into the dark blue balls that were Courageour's eyes.

"E, Fortissimo. Pom kire fizera xes powsler?" it asked, wondering what Fortissimo possibly had in store for it.

"We'll revitalize your body and send you four years into the future of the Human World. Once you finally arrive, you must utilize your power to maintain the Balance of Lyrica," he explained to the massive deity that now followed on all of his words. "Your newfound powers will allow you to find The Dazzlings. Once you have their signal, you must attack them with no mercy, forcing them to fight back and unleash their untapped potential."

"K jue lir krip ordrea fel Furens? Si kes fi por, Fortissimo..." Courageour spoke, in his usual Lyrican tongue.

"Very well then..." Fortissimo said as he held up his two pendants with his two fellow Blasters.

"Kiren lapera fizeral! Courageour, we offer you our strength!" The Blasters all spoke, watching as Siren Magic flew out of their pendants and onto Courageour's spirit, giving him his true body back. "Delran scirenza kaprinjo! Arise from the ashes and serve Lyrica, defending these worlds from a never ending spiral of pain and suffering!"

Courageour took in all the Siren Magic that The Blasters offered him and he unfurled his hands in bliss. He could feel his long-lost body returning to him and his powers returning. His spirit became flesh, his sword and shield became realistic as you and I and he was now draped in what looked like majestic armour of Lyrica, complete with Blissen gems coated all around it.

Every part of his new armour had blue Blissen gems on each piece. From his helmet, to his chestplate, to his gauntlents, his boots and even his sword and shield had the majestic blue gems of Blissen engraved onto them. To top this all off, a majestic golden necklace with a giant Blissen gem appeared around his neck, so that he truly was with the Sirens of Lyrica.

"Now that you have returned to your former glory, you know what must be done..." Fortissimo said as a massive version of the portal that The Blasters used to teleport appeared behind Courageour.

"Yes. With all the power you have bestowed to me, not only have I reached a level of power far beyond that of my past, but I am now able to speak in all languages. So that the pitiful creatures of the Human World will be able to understand me," Courageour spoke, moving his regenerated lips after eons of being sealed away. "I will uphold my duties to Lyrica and reunite you with The Dazzlings..."

"May Lyrica watch over you and give you strength, Courageour..." The Blasters all said together again, wishing their new warrior well as he ventured off to four years into the future.

"As it will the three of you, Blasters..." Courageour said before disappearing through the vortex of space and time to hunt down and capture The Dazzlings...

Twilight and Sunset had finally arrived at the house where the Second Life Song had been sung; the house where The Dazzlings originally lived in before the Battle Of The Bands had even happened. Not much had changed since that fateful day, besides the house being left to rot in shambles and become covered with dust and cobwebs.

The two of them parked the car next to the street and got out, so they could get a good look at the place. They could clearly see that many of the things that used to be held here had been long since either stolen or covered up in dust. Twilight and Sunset got out of the car and decided to get a closer look at the house, to see if they could find the Second Life Song.

"Well, this is the place..." Twilight said, examining all the dusty old memorabilia that could be seen in the garage which hadn't been shut ever since the Second Life Song was sung. "For Sirens, they made themselves at home, didn't they?"

"Focus, Twilight," Sunset reminded her of the task at hand. "We're not here to eye up where The Dazzlings lived, we're here to find the Second Life Song."

"I know that." she said, as the two of them walked into the garage and opened up the door that led to The Dazzlings' old living room.

The room they found themselves in wasn't really in good shape. There were mouldy old taco remnants lying on the floor and a distinct smell of unkempt house running through the place, despite the rest of the place looking quite well-kept. There was also a large amount of dust everywhere, not just on the carpets and the couch, but on the windowsills and staircase as well.

"Sweet Celestia..." Twilight said as she saw the mess of the living room which hadn't been used in over six years. "I sure am glad that Rarity isn't here to see this..."

"My first guess is that the Second Life Song would be in The Dazzlings' old bedroom..." Sunset said as she started to climb the staircase.

She got a distinct sense of nostalgia running through her mind whenever she looked at all the pictures that could be found nearby. There were pictures of Adagio, Aria and Sonata draped all over the walls, with their pendants visible and them looking rather happy at all the hatred they'd caused back when they had their powers. She couldn't help but feel like they were far too excited for their own good when she looked at each picture closely, as if they were just blindly hitting whatever place they could have found before they noticed the fabled 'demon-felling rainbow' moment happen before their eyes.

"What is it, Sunset?" Twilight asked when she saw Sunset had stopped to look at each of the pictures with just as much curiosity as the last one.

"There's something about these pictures that are just a little... Unsettling." she said as she showed Twilight all of the pictures of Adagio, Aria and Sonata before any of this nonsense had even happened to them.

"Pay no mind to them, Sunset," Twilight said, getting her to resume the task at hand. "You said it yourself; we came here to find the Second Life Song, not to gawk at The Dazzlings' memoirs..."

"I know that." Sunset said back, getting Twilight to crack a little smile as well. There was something between the two of them that Sunset had never noticed before, as if they could easily count as sisters if such fate was destined to be one day.

Eventually, Twilight and Sunset made it into what they presumed was the old bedroom of Adagio, Aria and Sonata. The room hadn't really been in a much better shape than the rest of the house. Drawers had been pulled out all the way, beds were a complete wreck and copies of their old clothes were littered all across the floor.

"Jeez..." Sunset said as she looked at the mess of the bedroom that belonged to Adagio, Aria and Sonata. She looked at this wreckage of a bedroom with a little bit of frustration as she started to sift through all kinds of junk to find the Second Life Song. "You'd think that Adagio would have cleaned up after herself once she'd found the song..."

"Are you sure that you'll even be able to find it in here, Sunset?" Twilight started to show a little bit of concern as she watched Sunset frantically throw the already messy clothes away from her, digging deep to find the sheet of music which housed the Second Life Song. "The place looks like it hasn't even been touched in years!"

"Trust me, Twilight. We'll find it in here..." Sunset said as she scavenged as hard as Adagio had done back when she got the idea to sing the Second Life Song. The frustration grew as she found nothing after nothing as she made some clear patches with her scavenging. "I just KNOW we will..."

Author's Note:

The second part of this chapter will be out soon. I just need to get some things done here and there and then I'll make it. If this chapter is a little shorter then what you were expecting, I apologize for that. I was on some deep constraints for time tonight, especially with the fact that I now have PVZ Garden Warfare (For free, I might add) from the PlayStation Store.

So yeah, I guess I just needed a break from the madcap insanity of PSN for a while, to recollect myself and get back into a state of bliss. Even so, I will still be working hard on this story and all my other fics with just as much devotion as ever. Now then, I haven't done one for a while, but now I believe is the time for a question

QUESTION TIME: Which of The Blasters do you like the most? Fortissimo? (The leader) Allegro? (The calm and collected one) or Orchestral? (The impatient one.)

Leave the answers to that question below, and do it quickly before Laur- (blasted to sleep with sleeping spell.)

Lauren: You're a fast little one, aren't you, Shadowmane?

Me: Zzzzzzzz...

Lauren: And we all know that fast little foals such as yourself deserve naptime now and again, don't they...

Me: Zzz... Night-Night, Gwandma... Zzzzzzzz...

Lauren: See you soon, Shadowmane...