• Published 8th Dec 2014
  • 3,011 Views, 145 Comments

The Siren Song: Razzle Dazzle - Shadowmane PX-41

As the trilogy of The Dazzlings and The Blasters continues, we find Adagio, Aria and Sonata take on their toughest challenge yet... Fitting in at Elementary School...

  • ...

Obedience: To Blindly Follow, Without Question

No sooner had The Dazzlings finished their breakfast, when a rumbling began to shake the restaurant to its' core. Surprised with this sudden occurrence, they looked around to see what could have possibly been the cause of all that shaking and rumbling. To their shock and horror, they saw a number of plates and glasses fall off of the tables and shatter upon landing.

It wasn't long before they could see that all the humans in the restaurant were starting to panic and run for their lives. They'd never experienced such a thing like this before in their lives, and were now panicking on what to do in times of an earthquake.

"What's going on, Dagi?" Sonata asked her Siren sister as they could now see the doors were flooded with other humans escaping the restaurant.

"Auntie Twilight, do you still have those books? You know, the ones on Furen and Blissen?" Adagio spoke in a fast pace, getting Twilight to quickly fumble around in her bag for the books on Lyrican Sirens.

"Yeah. But what's gonna be attacking us this time?" Twilight asked, quickly flipping through the pages, trying to find a Euphorian or Dystopian capable of causing seismic activity.

Before Adagio could speak, they heard screams of terror that were quickly silenced when the humans outside were stabbed in the neck by blue crystal stingers. She turned around and saw a most horrific sight...

The humans outside had turned back towards the restaurant, with their upper bodies arched towards the ground. They groaned in a low-toned zombie-like style as they quickly raised their heads and looked at The Dazzlings with glowing blue eyes.

Adagio was horrified at the sight of the brain-controlled humans, but was even more shocked to find the slender tentacles with the crystal stingers disappear into the earth. Then, everything she knew had hit her all at once as she remembered just what she was dealing with.

"Obedium..." she said to Twilight, Sunset and the rest of the girls. It was finally as clear as day; the tentacles striking their necks, their zombie-like groans, those evil blue eyes, Obedium was striking the town. "The Euphorian Deity of Obedience..."

"Hail Obedium... Hail Obedium..." the humans marched off toward another part of the town, before being followed by more and more brainwashed civilians.

"Twilight! He's in the book of Blissen if you want to know more about him!" Aria said as they all got up to their feet and turned towards the open city. She looked at all the mind-controlled humans walking towards what she thought was where Obedium would be.

"Girls, I think it's for your own safety if you stay behind," Adagio said to the rest of the group as she quickly looked back at Twilight, Sunset, and their friends. "If Obedium finds you, not even the Magic of Friendship will be safe from his stingers..."

"No way, Dazzlings! We're not leaving you alone so you can possibly die at the hands of this one!" Sunset said, speaking with a serious tone as she saw the sky turning stormy blue outside. "I know that these Euphorian Deities are monsters, but I'm sure that we'll be fine fighting by your side once again!"

"This is different, Mommy!" Sonata said in a rather serious tone for once. "Obedium's causing a mass outbreak of obedience. If you get stung by those tentacles, you'll become mindless puppets who'll follow all of his orders without question or remorse!"

"Even so, we're not just gonna let you leave us behind!" Twilight said, showing her rather serious side as well, stopping The Dazzlings inches from the door. "If you go and fight Obedium alone, he'll possibly overwhelm you! We're coming with you to fight, and that's that!"

"Yeah! Come on, girls! We've got a deity to slay!" Sunset spoke to the girls, but was surprised when she saw that they hadn't spoken a whole lot since the whole panic had begun. She looked closer at the girls, seeing that their eyes were closed, and that they were slightly leaning over the table. "Uhh... Girls?"

Suddenly, the eyelids of Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all opened, revealing a radiant glow of light blue. Their blinding eyes all looked at Twilight, Sunset and The Dazzlings, and immediately classified them as a clear threat to their master.

"Mommy! Auntie Twilight! Look at their necks!" Aria spoke, pointing towards the neck areas of the four possessed girls. It was rather faint for them at a distance, but four moving silhouettes were all she needed to know that Obedium had struck the rest of Twilight's friends.

"DESTROY THEM!" a rather menacing voice spoke in the heads of Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy, getting all four of them to get up off of their chairs in a rather mechanical fashion and curl their hands up into fists.

"Hail Obedium..." the girls all spoke as they charged towards the five pure girls with looks of pure bliss running down their faces. They all smiled as they began throwing punches and kicks at Twilight, Sunset, Adagio, Aria and Sonata.

"Change of plans! Mommy, Auntie Twilight! You're coming with us after all!" Adagio spoke, knocking all four of the possessed girls back with one fell swing of her sword. Then, she quickly grabbed onto Twilight's wrist while Aria and Sonata grabbed onto the wrists of Sunset.

"But what about our friends?" Twilight said, shedding a tear as they quickly ran from the four possessed Spirits of Harmony.

"The only way they'll turn back to normal now, is if we kill Obedium!" Aria spoke as she ran past all the zombified civilians in an attempt to get to the Euphorian Deity of Obedience without having to look for him.

"And how exactly are we gonna find Obedium?" Sunset asked as The Dazzlings quickly let go of her wrists, allowing her to run normally herself.

"Simple, follow the zombies. They'll lead us straight to him!" Sonata shot a smile back at the two grown-ups before continuing her dash towards the center of the town, where all those zombies were most likely heading.

The girls all nodded in agreement with The Dazzlings, and the five of them ran past all kinds of zombified humans as they made their way towards the deity behind all the madness...

"Hail Obedium... Hail Obedium..." the humans all chanted as they arrived in the center of the town. They all stood completely still once they had arrived at their destination and looked up towards the sky. There were men and women of all shapes and sizes, who now lost all their free will, and were completely obedient to Obedium in every possible way.

They mindlessly looked into the middle of the large plaza, and saw that a multitude of tentacles were finally being uprooted from the ground. Yet, as they returned, they flew up into the air. It didn't take them long to realize that there was something up in the clouds, waiting to see them.

Twilight, Sunset and The Dazzlings jumped into the center of the town and quickly saw Rainbow Dash and Soarin arrive there as well. They quickly reunited with each other, relieved to see that the other was still free of Obedium's grasp.

"What's going on, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked, seeing all the zombified humans still weren't moving from their initial positions in the center of the plaza. "Why did all these tentacles appear all of a sudden?"

"Obedium's arrived..." Adagio spoke as they suddenly saw a bright blue light appear above their heads. The light quickly turned into a powerful laser, which caused Adagio to jump back in surprise, along with her two Furen sisters.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin had also leapt back, as did Twilight and Sunset. Then, the four of them looked towards the sky and knew that there was something waiting for them up there.

"Cheap shot, kid! Show yourself!" Rainbow Dash shouted towards the sky, where that laser had rained down upon the group. Her actions were met with a very surprising response.

Within seconds, the ground around The Dazzlings started to crack. Before they could even leap off, the ground below them rocketed into the air, causing them to scream in surprise as they were swiftly separated from Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Soarin. The ground finally stopped moving once it was higher than all the other skyscrapers in Coltimore, where they could clearly see that even more pieces of the ground had been lifted up into the air along with it.

They saw that there were pieces of the road, as well as different pieces of actual skyscrapers themselves, suspended in midair somehow. Then, she looked closer at the flying pieces of Coltimore, and saw that they were actually supported by massive blue tentacles. As the clouds above them opened up, The Dazzlings could see that their target had just arrived on the battlefield...

"W-What? What just happened?" Soarin asked, seeing that The Dazzlings were now balancing on a platform that was now at least thirty feet above all the skyscrapers in the city, held up by a massive, throbbing blue tentacle.

"It seems that Obedium sure loves tentacles..." Sunset said as she felt the throbbing tentacle before being turned to face another way. She looked back at Twilight, who pointed over at Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, who were still under Obedium's control.

"Hail Obedium!" the four girls charged towards the group on the ground, with their fists raised to deal another set of blows to the group.

"Everyone pick a girl and hold them off until The Dazzlings defeat Obedium!" Twilight said, already tackling Rarity with enough force that the two of them were now tussling on the ground, pulling each other's hairs and slapping each other across the face.

The others quickly followed on with this, with Rainbow Dash taking on Applejack, Soarin duelling Fluttershy, and Sunset scrapping with Pinkie Pie. They were locked in physical combat, dealing each other powerful punches and kicks in an attempt to neutralize the other.

Meanwhile, The Dazzlings watched as a giant humanoid descended from the clouds and began consuming blue mist from the town's surface. It wasn't long before he had acquired all of the blue mist from his rather obedient subjects. Satisfied with his meal, he turned towards The Dazzlings and pointed towards them, getting all of his tentacles to immediately spring to life and put themselves in a battle posture.

Euphorian Deity



The Dazzlings looked at Obedium's combat posture and prepared their own. They closed their eyes and raised their hands to call their swords. Within seconds, they had their swords back, but that wasn't all. Looking at Obedium, they tightened their grips, getting their translucent Hippocampi wings to immediately sprout from their backs and their hair to extend even longer. Pleased with their look as well, The Dazzlings made a few practice swings before pointing the tips towards Obedium, who looked ready to have a real scrap with them.

"Let's dance, Obedium!" The Dazzlings taunted as the battle begun.

Obedium roared, letting his tentacles stretch out from all of his limbs. He had tentacles of all shapes and sizes assault The Dazzlings, some with stingers and some without stingers. He watched with a blissful smile as the tentacles began attacking in bizarre and unpredictable ways.

The Dazzlings saw Obedium using the tentacles with stingers attack in sword-like fashions, with each one of the stingers being swung either horizontally or vertically at the three of them. They quickly leapt out of the way of the stingers and evaded every one of their slashes.

Growing tired of the sword-like stingers' attacks, Adagio and Aria charged forward and slashed the tentacles so fast that it couldn't be seen for the naked eye. But, to their delight, a light flashed in the shape of a slash mark as the tips of the tentacles had been cut clean off, being replaced with some sort of blue substance.

Sonata was dealing with other tentacles. These ones opened up and spread some kind of neurotoxin across the field, making Sonata feel woozy and disoriented when she accidentally inhaled the mist. Despite all this dizziness, the poison-spraying tentacles didn't actually slam down and attempt to crush her. Instead, Sonata could plainly see that they were just stationary, covering the platform with deadly neurotoxins.

Finally coming to her senses, Sonata's confused expression vanished, replacing a rather serious and slightly peeved face. Her eyes flashed red for a brief instance, and her sword glowed bright blue. Nodding her head in agreement, she swung the sword vertically, sending a vertical shockwave of blue energy straight through the tentacle that had been poisoning her. The slash was powerful enough to sever another tentacle's tip from the rest of it as well.

The Dazzlings regrouped and saw that Obedium's tentacles were retracting towards him, but then they quickly flew back out and all joined together above him. It was hard to make out with how squishy the tentacles were, but it looked like they were all making some kind of giant hammer to flatten The Dazzlings.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata quickly ran to the edge of the platform and jumped over to the next one, just as the tentacle hammer came crashing down on the other platform they'd been standing on. They ran towards the next platform when they saw that Obedium was about to destroy the second one with an upward hammer swing this time.

Soon, Obedium ended up chasing The Dazzlings with his almighty hammer of tentacles. He destroyed platform after platform in an attempt to quell his prey. Then, eventually, The Dazzlings stumbled and he hit his mark. Satisfied with his clean hit, his tentacles quickly retracted once more but then rushed down to pound The Dazzlings senseless.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata looked horrified when the tentacles smashed them through an office building and sent them smashing through all the cubicles and office equipment there was to see. Then, the tentacles quickly retracted once more before striking The Dazzlings in the back, launching them back out of the office and back onto another platform with such ferocity that they groaned in pain when they landed.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata looked at Obedium with furious faces, then saw as their rage made their whole bodies glow bright red. Feeling their rage build up, they threw their swords at Obedium and saw that their thrown projectiles had red chains coming from the handle. They smiled when they saw the swords pierce Obedium and root themselves inside of him, but then they focused once again as they held onto the red chains and began to pull back.

"Get over here!" they all said as they yanked the chains with enough force that it pulled Obedium right into them. They watched as he crashed in a daze, leaving him completely stunned for a combo of epic proportions.

The Dazzlings began chopping and slashing away at his face and tentacles, trying to make him feel massive amount of pain and suffering. Then, they watched as he roared ferociously, generating a forcefield that was powered by the joints in his two arms.

Once the joints were exposed, Adagio, Aria and Sonata all put their swords together, used their wings to fly up high, and all brought their swords straight down into Obedium's left arm, cutting it clean off of his body in a way that made him scream in utter pain and agony.

Seeing that Obedium's shield was fading, they leapt back up and kicked him square in the stomach, making him clutch it with his right arm. Then, they watched as his left arm was replaced with more and more tentacles, all of which were now pointed towards The Dazzlings.

The process was repeated, but this time, instead of the giant tentacle hammer, Obedium completely covered himself in tentacles, whilst leaving three of them all but exposed. He hoped this with this defensive tactic, The Dazzlings wouldn't be able to harm him any further.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata all nodded as they saw the three tentacles and immediately used their wings to save themselves some time. Using their swords to swat down the anti-air tentacles, The Dazzlings quickly made it to all three of their targets, and began cutting up the exposed tentacles so that it would harm Obedium further.

To Obedium's horror, The Dazzlings completely and utterly annihilated the exposed tentacles, making him howl out in pain and disperse all of the tentacles in his shield in a number of directions. His cries of pain had his tentacles slam into buildings, the ground, and even hitting some of the clouds above him.

Seeing that his limbs were outstretched in agony, The Dazzlings all charged for his other arm and drove their swords straight through the joint. They were coated in blue blood of sorts when they came out the other side, but they immediately shook it all off once they gently landed on a platform behind Obedium.

With Obedium reeling in pain, The Dazzlings leapt onto his stomach and kicked him so that he was now looking towards the sky. They used him as a platform as they now decided to go for his head, which was completely vulnerable without his two arms.

Despite his position, Obedium was still able to use the tentacles he still had growing from his limbs to attack The Dazzlings. He ordered stinger tentacles, poison tentacles, and even energy tentacles to attack the three Furens. He could only watch at all they did was buy him time.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata quickly got tired of having to fight all those tentacles, so they all got a very clever plan brewing. They leapt onto Obedium's face and began taunting and teasing him by making faces and blowing raspberries. They saw that Obedium had taken the bait, as all of the tentacles quickly drove themselves straight through his face, making him scream out in pure pain and agony as the tentacles came out the other side of his head.

Seeing that Obedium had been dealt a crushing blow, The Dazzlings decided to ensure that he truly had met his end. They all flew high above their brutalized target and readied a Siren Summon.

"Frigza colgreda arctica!" they all said, their eyes glowing red once more as they used their streams of Furen Magic to bring in another being from Dystopia.

All of a sudden, the sky above everyone turned red as blood once again, and a sudden blizzard gripped the area. It was cold enough to freeze all of the tentacles that held up the platforms that Obedium had snatched.

But that wasn't all. Three ghostly horses with their two front hooves descended from the raging blizzard. One of them was golden, whilst the others were purple and blue. The three ghost horses whinnied loudly enough so that the whole city could hear them, then they fired white beams from their eyes, freezing Obedium's figure completely solid.

Seeing that Obedium was now helpless and powerless to the final assault, Adagio, Aria and Sonata took their swords and swung so fast and so wide that it was near impossible to track their movements. But then, with one final charge through Obedium's frozen figure, The Dazzlings shattered the giant deity and his tentacles like glass.

As the remnants of Obedium fell to the earth, the tentacles that held up the platforms were quickly destroyed as well, causing the pieces of the earth to fall back into place with surprising accuracy. But that wasn't all that happened. For once Obedium had landed, all of the brainwashed humans had been broken free of his control, and had their blue eyes replaced with their normal eye colours.

Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Soarin watched as Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie suddenly broke free from their trance and stopped fighting them. Then, they all got back onto their feet, with the freed girls wondering what had just happened to them.

"Looks like I just got the catch of the day!" Adagio said as she stoop atop all of the shattered remnants of Obedium with happiness before jumping straight back off to rejoin with her two Furen Sisters. "You should feel honoured, Obedium. It's not every day that I get to catch a human octopus."

"Urrgh... Congratulations, infidels. You have truly bested me..." Obedium's remnants spoke so that everyone could hear what he had to say. "I can see now why our king entrusted you with the Right Souls of Fury..."

"The Right Souls of Fury? Us?" Aria looked a little flabbergasted. She knew that she was a Lyrican Siren, and that these things did exist, but she was completely shocked to know that the Right Souls of Fury belonged to them.

"Allure's power was entrusted to the most powerful Furens and Blissen that he taught. Three Blissens acquired his peaceful side, whilst three Furens earned his undying anger and hatred..." Obedium continued. "Your brothers are the only other piece that will complete the puzzle and purge the worlds of their sinful kind..."

"Hold on, Obedium. Are you saying that our brother are-"

"Yes. The Left Souls of Bliss that shall sing alongside the Right Souls of Fury. Their combined voices will be enough to complete the Song of Resurrection and revitalize the entire Siren Species..." Obedium was about to finish. "Once your brothers find and capture you, Dazzlings, the human scourge of this planet, and the pony scourge of Equestria, will be completely decimated..."

"One song, six Sirens, all of which bare the same destiny. Whilst the three Furens ran from destiny, it is now catching up with them. Now, it is only a matter of time before the Song of Resurrection will deafen the inferior species that assaulted Lyrica..." Obedium failed to notice that a red seal had opened up underneath his corpse, and that demons of Dystopia were beginning to consume the last of his physical body. "Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk... May Allure, the Siren King, grant you the power to make all of your foes obey your undying power!"

Without warning, Obedium's remnants were pulled down through the seal and out of existence completely. Only then, did the sky turn back to normal, and The Dazzlings reverted to their normal states. It wasn't long before humans were scattered around the arena, looking quite surprised at what had just happened.

Then, a whole group of humans looked at The Dazzlings and ended up clapping for them. Soon, small claps quickly turned into a sea of applause and people cheering happily for them. Feeling grateful that The Dazzlings had saved them, they held them up in the air and let them look at their happy audience.

"That was amazing!" a human said from the crowd.

"It's as if a comic book came to life in front of my own eyes!" another one spoke, happy to know that The Dazzlings had prevailed over Obedium.

"Coltimore has saviours!" another voice of praise sprung up from the happy crowd.

"Da-zzl-ings! Da-zzl-ings!" a voice began chanting from the crowd, getting the others to chant as well.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata seemed quite welcoming to accept this praise as they were let down and hugged by Twilight, Sunset and the Humane 5. After all that they'd done for, they had received true adoration. It wasn't fake like when they were evil, no, this was pure adoration, one that can only be earned through doing something amazingly heroic. They took all of this praise, and loved it to bits, happy that they could now be seen as heroes to the other species.

Fortissimo, Allegro and Orchestral stood on clouds above the town with their wings unfurled. They were looking down at all the happy people who were praising The Dazzlings for their heroic deeds.

After a few seconds of seeing this praise, Fortissimo merely scoffed and opened up another portal to another location.

"Allegro, Orchestral. We're leaving." he said as his brothers quickly turned to face him. "Did you see the red glow they made when Obedium pounded them?"

"Yes, Fortissimo. The Right Souls are finally awakening from their ten-thousand year slumber..." Allegro smiled as he walked over to his fellow Blaster.

"Hmmph, took them long enough..." Orchestral grumped as he returned to his master. "You know, I'm really starting to get pissed that I can't just go down and see my little sister after all these years, Fortissimo. What happened to you?"

"For once, I actually agree with Orchestral here. You've been acting very secretive ever since The Dazzlings failed to defeat The Rainbooms," Allegro mentioned as he could see Fortissimo's expression change with his drooping head. "What's going on here? Because there's something it seems you're not telling us..."

"I'm secretive because we might never get another chance at this," Fortisismo said, showing some concerns of his own. "If we fail to pull this off, we might end up being erased from existence as well. We've only got one shot at reviving the Siren species, and I will NOT fail. I will not shame my honour as one of the Left Souls of Bliss!"

"Trust me, Fortissimo. Everything's in place," Allegro calmed him down as he turned towards the portal. "The Ultimate Amplifier is completely constructed, and has enough power to rip open the fabric of reality to reach Equestria."

"All we need to do is kickstart OUR Battle of the Bands, and then it's only a matter of time before we can just pull The Dazzlings straight to us..." Orchestral smiled deviously once more.

"Excellent. Let's go..." Fortissimo spoke as the three Sirens vanished through the portal once more, making it vanish from the clouds completely. Before the portal could vanish, The Blasters let out small little chuckles which quickly escalated into evil and malicious laughs...

Author's Note:

Night--Mist: Wow, dat was an amazing chaptew, bwothew!

Death2205: Yeah! Aww da fighting made it weawwy enjoyable ta wead!

Autumn Breeze: I wiked da pawt when Adagio made dat cwevew wemawk when she spoke ta Obedium's wemnants.

Adagio: Wow... Just wow... I never knew that we were capable of such power...

Aria: Hmm. From the looks of things, Allegro and his friends are really gonna try to ensure that their plan doesn't end up failing...

Sonata: Let's just pray they don't have tacos, or we'd have no choice but to wander into their trap...

Adagio and Aria: (Glare at Sonata)

Sonata: What?