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Chapter 2: Rainbow's Overture

Rainbow Dash's cloudhouse -- Master bedroom -- ??/??/??

Rainbow Dash was crying into her pillow. The pillow was soaking wet with salty tears as she slammed her hooves into the bed. She constantly looked up, and around, the room to spot the pictures of Carl and her hugging, kissing, out to dinners, et cetera. Everything with Carl was perfect until today.

"How could I be so stupid?!", Rainbow Dash cried into her pillow again. Her mattress slammed against the cloudwall, making a light puff of smoke.

"Everything was perfect! Why did I do that?!", Rainbow Dash cried again, and again.

She continued to cry for the next twenty minutes. Until she heard something walk into the room.

"Rainbow Dash?", A raspy voice was heard. Rainbow Dash erected upwards and turned around.

"S-Soarin?!", Rainbow Dash's eyes went wild with excitement.

"Sorry to barge in. But, I was flying by on my way to a routine and heard crying. I thought somepony was in trouble.", Soarin walked a bit closer.

"No.. Just.. A bad day.", Rainbow Dash sighed. One of her heroes was in her room, but, she needed to vent to somepony.

"I assume you got into a fight with somepony?", Soarin queued.

"Yeah.. I accidently told them... That I'd cheat on them..", Rainbow Dash looked down at her hooves, hunched over on the bed.

Soarin was at Rainbow Dash's side now, looking at her.

"Would you?", Soarin asked.

"What?", Rainbow Dash looked at him.

"Would you cheat on somepony?", Soarin repeated.

"What kind of question is that?", Rainbow Dash defended.

"Answer. Yes.. Or no.", Soarin smiled lightly.

"I..", But, before Rainbow Dash could answer, she felt Soarin's lips come in contact with her.

Soarin pressed Rainbow Dash down onto the bed as he climbed on top of her, kissing her full-heartily.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes for a moment. And saw the image of Carl. What was she doing?!

Rainbow Dash immediately pushed Soarin off of her.

"Soarin! No! I... I can't. Not with you. Not with anypony. I love Carl... He's.. Everything.", Rainbow Dash wiped her lips of Soarin's saliva.

"Oh, c'mon, have a bit of fun. Likewise he'll know.", Soarin smiled lightly.

"N-", but, before Rainbow Dash could finish, she felt Soarin's hoof immediately touching her g-spot.

Rainbow Dash gave out a light sigh, but again, pushed Soarin off.

"Stop it! I don't want this!", Rainbow Dash cried and immediately zipped out of her house.

"Tough to get, eh?", Soarin started to follow her.

Rainbow Dash burst out of her house a zipped down into Ponyville. Soarin was right behind her.

"C'mon! You know you want some fun!", Rainbow Dash quickly did a fake-out zip, flying behind a house. Soarin flew by her.

"Well, Hello there.", Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash with a smile.

"Rarity! Help me! Soarin is trying to .. Touch my.. Y'know!", Rainbow Dash panicked. Rarity was stunned.

"Oh my! Come in, dear!", Rarity knocked on the door to the house and Applejack opened up.

Rainbow Dash rushed in and Rarity closed the door behind her gently. Like a lady.

The house was a light pink and purple, with a few closets at the end. Their weren't many furnishings besides a chair or two and a table. Seemed like this place was just built.

"RD, what in the hay are you doing here? Today was me an' Rarity's private day.", Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash in anger.

"Soarin is trying to make me cheat on Carl!", Rainbow Dash lightly yelled.

"What in the? Soarin? Now why on Equestria's green plains would he do that?", Applejack angered.

"I don't know! I told Carl I might cheat on him.. But I regret saying it! I'm such an idiot! Now Soarin wants to ... Stick his pie in my oven!", Rainbow Dash placed here hooves on her face.

"Oh...!", Applejack's eyes went wide.

"Well--", a knock was heard at the door.

"Rarity? Applejack? It's me, Carl. May I come in? I know it's your private time, but, I need to talk.", Carl yelled through the door.

Rainbow Dash quickly hid in a closet.

"Why, it's quite all right. Come in.", Rarity announced. Carl walked in and sat down on one of the small chairs.

"What seems to be th' matter sugar cube?", Applejack asked.

"It's... Rainbow Dash... I.. Don't think she wants me anymore.. And .. I need your help packing.", Carl said.

"Packing?!", Rarity and Applejack lightly exclaimed.

"Yeah.. I'm.. Just going to leave. I don't want Rainbow Dash knowing. I know she wants other ponies. Not me. So.. I'm going to live somewhere else. Where nopony will be bothered.", Carl said in a light frown.

"But.. We wa--"

"No. I need your help packing. I can't live here anymore.", Carl interrupted Rarity.

"W-well.. All right.. Come on..", Applejack and Rarity lead their way out the door. Carl followed.

After a minute of silence, Rainbow Dash opened the closet door, silently.

"He... Doesn't.. Think I want him.. He wants to...", Rainbow Dash started to cry.

"He...Wants to...", Dash lowered herself to the floor and placed her hooves on her face.


Ponyville -- Carl's Hut -- ??/??/??

Carl, Rarity and Applejack entered the small shack. Carl already had a bag and some items laid out.

"I just want everything packed. Besides the pictures.", Carl said.

Rarity and Applejack didn't protest. They started to neatly fold the clothes that Rarity made, pack the presents that Applejack gave Carl, slide the books that Twilight lent Carl, into his bag. Everything was slowly removed from the entire hut. All that remained was the many pictures of Carl with everypony. Most of them were Rainbow Dash.

Carl gave them a small bag of bits.

"Thanks... I better be going.",Carl slugged his bag onto his back. Rarity and Applejack only looked at each other with a saddened look on their faces.

Carl exited the hut and headed southward from the town. Where everything began for him. And where everything will end.

"What do we do?", Applejack asked Rarity.

"Nothing. He's... Choosing what's best for him. It's the only way.", Rarity answered.

"I just hope.. Everything will be all right.", Rarity sighed.