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Canada, Ontario -- Unknown Highschool -- One year after Carl's disappearance

Kieran walked into the cafeteria, tired, and spotted his group of friends. Scott, Dylan, Jacob and Chandler. Unfortunately, Kieran was missing one. His best friend: Carl. It's been a year since he, or any of his other friends, have seen him. Carl's family worries everyday where he might be, and everyone still mourns the disappearance of him. Kieran approached the large, blue, table in which his friends were sitting at. There was a large gap between that group and the rest of the cafe. Everyone knew to stay away from them. In fact, ever since Carl left, everyone has started to stay away from each other. Gaps between seated students are spotted everywhere. Teachers have stopped talking to each other, besides work related items, and there hasn't been a single laugh heard throughout the school.

"Hey, guys...", Kieran sat down at the end of the table, next to Scott.

"Hey, Kieran. We were just discussing some Physics; want to join in?", Dylan adjusted his boxy glasses.

"Don't you guys ever miss Carl? All you do is seem to forget he's not here.", Kieran slammed his hand onto the table.

"Kieran, of course we miss Carl. But, sometimes, we need to move on.", Scott queued.

Scott threw his sandwich at Chandler, and Chandler started to eat it.

"Besides, Carl was a great friend.", Chandler mumbled with a mouth full of bread and meats.

"Yeah, but, don't you ever wonder where he went? Why he left?", Kieran asked.

"Probably to his land of ponies.", Scott laughed a little. Was a first in an entire year that laughter was heard.

"Scott, that's not funny. I can't believe you guys right now. Carl was our best friend, and you decide to forget about him? Just like that? God, you guys suck.", Kieran stood up, picking up his backpack, and walked out of the cafeteria in a fit of rage.

The group just shrugged. This was normal to them. Kieran would always bring up the subject; hoping something new would pop up. Instead, just the same results.


The day went by with unease. It seemed very long, and very boring. Kieran attended all his classes, usually never talking. Unless the teacher called on him. Kieran didn't bother attending his football practice, though. He decided that he was more interested in going home and sleeping. Which he always did.

"Hey buddy.", Kieran's Dad called out.

"Hey, Dad.", Kieran gave a fake smile, as he propped up the stairs in a quickened pace.

Kieran entered his cluttered, and dark, room. He bunked with his brother, but, his brother was at soccer practice tonight. So; he was all alone. Kieran took of his glasses and laid down on the bed. He look up at the white, plastered, ceiling.

Carl... If you're out there.. Please.. Come back. We... I... Miss you. So very much.. You were, and still are, my greatest friend.. I'd do anything to see you., Kieran thought to himself.

Everyday, after school, Kieran would continue to say this. Hoping for a miracle. Instead, he just fell asleep.

But, tonight was going to be different...

A lot different.

????? -- ?????? -- ??/??/??

Kieran woke up and yawned. The sun was beating down on his face. He reached out to the table in which his glasses were and slid them onto his face. Wait, the sun was beating down on his face?!

Kieran went erect immediately, looking around to find himself within a large, green and yellow, meadow of flowers and grass. He went wide eyed to all of this.

Is this a dream...?, Kieran thought.

He stood up from his bed, still in his school uniform, and his feet hit the yellow rock ground. Thankfully, his football shoes were on the table as well, so, he slid them on.

Kieran, being curious, decided to walk down the path. It seemed to lead somewhere, as he could see a town in the distance. Right foot forward, left foot forward. Kieran paced himself accordingly. Thinking this was a dream, he made nothing of anything he saw. Until ... Something popped up.

"Well, Hi there! I've never seen you before!", Kieran jumped and fell onto the ground.

"Woops! Didn't mean to scare you!", A girly giggle was heard.

Kieran whipped around to be greeted by a cotton-candy smelling, pink mane and coat... Pony!

"Ahhh!", Kieran backed up.

Is this a joke?!, Kieran thought

"What? Never seen a pony before? Hehe!", The pink pony bounced around Kieran. Kieran's eyes were saucered in confusion.

"My name's Pinkie Pie! What's yours?", 'Pinkie Pie's' face was in Kieran's.

Pinkie Pie?! Carl always talked about this pony! How am I here?! This has to be a dream! Play it cool.. Play it cool.., Kieran calmed himself and answered.

"I'm Kieran.", Kieran let out a hand and Pinkie Pie shook it with both her hooves.

"Nice to meet you! Ooo! You remind me of somepony!", Pinkie Pie sat on her rump, thinking.

"Who was it... Was it Lyra? No.. She's too pony-ie... Was it Twilight? No.. Too sparkle-y... Was it.. OH! I KNOW!", Pinkie Pie bounced into Kieran's face.

"You're Carl's friend! That's who you remind me of!", Pinkie Pie giggled loudly.

"Wait, what?!", Kieran's eyes were now content on getting an answer.

"Carl is here?!", Kieran stood up, lightly towering over the mare.

"Well, yeah! Didn't you know that?", Pinkie Pie smiled.

"He's been missing for a year! No one knew where he was! Bring me to him! Please!", Kieran begged the pink mare.

"Oh.. Well.. I don't know..", Pinkie Pie turned away from Kieran.

"Please... I'm his best friend. I need to see him. I'll do anything.", Kieran begged again.

"Anything...?", Pinkie Pie turned around with a look of excitement on her face.

"Uhm.. Yeah.. Anything.", Kieran said.

"Then you can come to my next party! C'mon! Follow me!", Pinkie Pie started to bounce, up and down, down the yellow path. Kieran ran after her.