• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 598 Views, 2 Comments

The Kind of Friends We'll Always Be - konjulove

The ultimate friendshipping adventures of ponified me and my BFF.

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The Kind of Friends We'll Always Be

The Kind of Friends We'll Always Be

Written By rainbowdash99

It all started in first grade. That's when we became friends. Well, I mean, it didn't always start out that way, I suppose. You would laugh if you were next to me, watching me write. Well, you know the story. It started off in first grade. It was a sad time for half the year, I had no friends. A lonely pegasus. I was quite pretty, yes. White, with light cyan and light pink wavy mane, and piercing dark blue eyes. I was friendly, too. But, I never really made a good friendship bond.

Then, there was this filly. I hated her guts. She was this lime green Pegasus filly with wind-blown dark blue and light blue hair. She was like rainbow dash, another filly in our class. But I didn't hate rainbow. I hated that lime green one. For the silliest reasons. But I hated her guts, and couldn't stand to be around her. Heh. And then, there was this other filly, Kira, she was nice, that gymnastic pony with the really blond hair and freckles. She invited me to play with her. But, she was that lime filly's friend, but I didn't know that until we played together one recess.

What did I think? The HORROR, the HORROR!!!

Ew, did I REALLY have to talk with that stupid little filly? Ugh, I stood through it. I thought it was going to be horrible...


It wasn't THAT bad..

Then, we became friends. I realized, she wasn't so bad! Then, by the end of first grade, we were inseparable. That quickly, we were besties, and after a month already sharing secrets and playing together all the time!

Do you know who that filly was? You, Flame Tune. Yup, you knew that already, I know, I know!

So you and me became more and more close over the years. By the time we reached sixth grade, we were very close. I could tell you anything! That cute brown colt with the red mane? I told you I liked him, and well... great minds think alike, don't they? We both liked him... heh! I mean, it was a silly crush, think about it now, but it was fun at the time, and it opened a whole opportunity of jokes and... well... obsessiveness. Oh Flame Tune, you know this, silly...

I remember how our parents would be shocked to look at their phone bills, before we got cell phones, we would talk for hours. I remember one night, we talked for five. Hours. Strait! It was incredible, the acts we did together! Not to mention that one night were we had a pranking party... geez. Those were some angry neighbors.

Of course, at that time, we got our cutie marks. I got the dark blue (that matches my eyes, of course) splash of paint and a paintbrush, and you got the light blue flaming music note. So, I would draw, you would draw (and you were pretty much as good as me, of course!) and we would sing songs together, and when we were supposed to do our homework we never did. We talked. About what? Well, it would take a long time to explain, wouldn't it? Because it was everything. From boys to Outer space to our futures.

Of course, every kind of relationship or connection with any other being has it's problems. Sometimes, you would get mad at me and cause a temper. But I never cried about it, not even once. What I did was calm you down, and you did the same for me. Sometimes I would get angry, sad, mad, or moody, but you were the shoulder to cry on, the one pony I could rely on and trust any given moment.

But what other people do it keep secrets, lies, and spread rumors about the other pony. But us? We were always so honest, and I could tell you anything. And talking to you always made me feel better. Like when my bunny died, or my dog died, or whatever the situation was, you let me pour out my soul. And you were the pitcher, (or cup, and you would tell me), were the one who would heal my leak.

So, teenage years, teenage years. Well, they were pretty much the same, except involving more boys and more problems for our parents! If anything, we became closer during those years.

Yeah, let's fast forward a little bit.

Senior year prom. We both liked the same guy, and we were hoping that he would ask one of us out to it. And he did. He asked you, and you accepted. Other girls would've done something like sabotage, trickery, or chaos. But me, I dealed with it and I was happy for you. I in fact didn't mind too much, and in fact it helped me find my soul mate. Oh, you'll read out that later (even though you know already... I don't know why I keep saying this.)

So for college, a miracle happened. We got into the same one! And were roommates! It was the best. luck. ever! I mean, how often does that happen? Like.. never! We had the best time, and my colt friend had pretty much the same classes as me and you. It was a great time. Of course, we did go to parties, but we are goody two-shoes (no comment from you!) and we went to them A. after studying, B. after homework is done, C. no alcohol, (that stuff it gross, anyway) and D. no staying later than 10:00. (Of course, 12:00 on Friday night and 11:00 on Saturday night) and we got our diplomas, and moved to Ponyville together.

We bought houses right next to each other, so all I had to do to get to your house was take a ten second walk. We would always go to the cafe together, laughing, smiling, and sipping drinks. My favorite was the peppermint, cinnamon, mocha frappachino (and they always put on a bit of extra whipped cream, just for me) and you would get the hot fudge mocha cinnamon swirl coffee. I liked to get muffins, too. You and me always, always had a STRICT RULE. Only chocolate chip and peanut butter chip muffins were allowed! (Derpy tended to like the blubbery ones. Hard to resist her.)

And every pony loved us in ponyville. We were always nice, so people liked us. We would go to Derpy's, Colgate's Lyra's, or Bon Bon's house, and we would get together watch TV (Lyra insisted on trying to use that darn remote) and play board games. We loved to get together, and it was nice to have a larger group to hang with sometimes. Me and you always dominated at Monopony, too. Remember what I said about great minds thinking alike? I could basically read your mind. You know what that means... we're like... AWESOME at card games!

And then things got more mature and awesome. I married my long-time colt friend, Shane. He was funny, smart, awesome, funny, great, friendly, and did I mention funny? Yes, he was quite the comedian. He proposed, and you started the wedding immediately. You were my best mare, of course. And you, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy (with Lyra, Bon Bon and Colgate, and Derpy, of course!) I had the a better wedding than I ever dreamed I could ever have. I still remember the dress. It was white, with the streaks in the train and on the dress were light pink, the light pink of my mane. Your wedding gift was a light blue, a cyan chest plate like princess Celestia's the other color from my mane, with a dark blue gem in the middle. I wanted to protest because your friendship AND planning the wedding was a gift greater than any items, but of course, your stubbornness is quite powerful. Oh, and Shane! My, he had a lovely black and white tux with a cyan tie. Of, course, his hair can't be tamed, so it was in it's usual style. (I was glad, anyways, because he looked wonderful.) And that was one of the happiest days of my life.

It seemed unlikely, and ironic, but your long-time colt friend proposed to you four months later, Shadow Dust. It was pretty much the same deal. But this time, I know how she felt when she was excited for me. I just wanted her happily ever after to be as great as mine, and so I did just that.

I, of course, wanted a little filly. And that is just what happened. Shane moved in, we set up a baby room, and I had a filly. (Yes, before you, I got married first!) I named after some pony so special to me, some pony who has always been there for me. You. She turned out to be a white filly with pink eyes like my mane and light brown hair like Shane's and she was as cute as can be. I named her Sweet Tune, of course, as she was as kind as the pony in town named Fluttershy. I hope she can sing as amazing as you.

And oh! I forgot to mention Shane is an earth pony, and Sweet Tune was an earth pony, too. (Not like you don't know that already, duh!)

Of course, you and Shadow Dust lived across the street. And by the time Sweet Tune was one year old, you announced you were pregnant, too!

I just knew you were going to be a great mother. You cared for Sweet Tune and played with her like she was your own daughter, and you loved her almost as much was I loved her. So I had no worries! Wait, why would I in the first place?

Looks like your little colt turned out not as precious, but certainly a future Wonderbolt, that's for sure. You named him after me, as you thought that would make things even. Dusk Kicker was a light grey like colt with a dark blue, spiky mane and lime green eyes. It was amazing how our children resembled us and our husband's combinations.

Three years later, and the house seemed empty. I think you remember what happened next, eh?

Then happened Blue Days, my light blue Pegasus colt with a darker blue mane and guess what? Aqua eyes. Your little filly was a yellow filly with a light cyan mane named Sunny Days, and we all lived happily ever after.

No no no no no no, not quite yet! After drama, catastrophes, and happy times, our children grew up. We never stopped visiting our other friends, though. And the whole time, were were happy. We still went to the cafe, went to the park, and watched our children grow up.

Dusk Cicker grew up to be co-leader of the Wonderbolts, and Sweet Tune, she grey up to be a famous singer. They were always great childhood friends, and then they grew up to be stars.

And Blue Day's talent was compassion, so he turned out to be a wonderful therapist. Oh no, I didn't forget Sunny Days of course! She also became a therapist and eventually married Blue Days. And I couldn't ask for anyone better for my little Blue.

And before we knew it, grandchildren. How wonderful that was!

Then Retirement homes...

Then eventually, Shane and Shadow Dust died. Remember that? Sadly, yes...

But we had each other, and wallowing in our grief was better when I was doing it with you.

It was hard, but you were there, which made everything better.

The pain went away. Eventually.

You gave me your shoulder to cry on, I gave you mine to do the same.

But my life was growing short.

I was dying of something else.

I mean, you still had quite a few years left in you, even though our husbands are dead, and some of our friends too...

I was dying of cancer.

I wish I could have spent more time with you, even though, I think, is a whole lifetime enough?

No, now that I think about it, a whole lifetime with you is not enough, I'm being greedy with this situation here. But I can't stand it when I'm not with you, it's just so painful that I can't even begin to imagine... but I'll have to start imagining soon.

But it is what it is.

I needed a last memory of you.

And you needed something from me that would stay with you until you joined me in yonder.

So I hatched a plan.

I think you know what it is by now.

I made a box.

On the side, I wrote, "Open when you are ready. -Cloud Cicker."

I wrote it with sharpie.

I'm addicted to the way they smell.

Then I wrote a story.

A story about our life together.

Two best friends,

Two peas in a pod.

This story I am writing now.

But I will be dead by the time you read this.

I can't even begin to image what you must be feeling right now.





No, more along the lines of how much you miss me, for I know that's what your thinking right now. I mean, reading a letter from a dead true friend talking about our past life, re-living the memories at your old age?

I'm sorry, but all good things have to come to an end.

But the good always arises,

A burst of sunlight rising out the ashes in the falling darkness.

I am next to you, still.

I am crying along with you.

I will be with you until you join me here. Which will happen, eventually.

All you have to do is wait. But, wait in peace.

Live your life to the fullest while you still can, even at an old age, don't cry over me, we'll meet soon. I swear, from the very bottom of my heart.

And, Flame Tune, I love you.

You were the greatest friend I could ever possibly have.

I miss you up here.

I miss your laugh,

I miss your smile,

I miss your sarcastic ways,

I miss your caring voice and gentle gestures,

I miss your lighthearted, corny jokes,

I miss your beautiful lavender eyes, and the way they seem to sparkle when you laugh or smile.

And I miss your beautiful voice which captivates me, puts me in a trance, and makes me remember all of my old memories which I'm sharing with you now.

Hopefully the tear stains will have dissapeared by the time you read this.

But hopefully you can hold on to these memories.

There are pictures at the bottom of this box for you, if you want to look at them.

They're pictures from what I explained in this letter.

And hopefully,

I refreshed your memory,


The Kind of Friends We'll Always Be.

The End

Comments ( 2 )

I hope you enjoyed Reading!
I worked hard on this story and I hope you like it.
The characters are based off real-life people.
I am Cloud Cicker,
and my best friend is Flame Tune.
I even did the cover image myself!
Your comments mean SO much to me!
I hope I get even ONE comment.

I cried writing the end, :fluttercry: but when I read this after it was published, I realised it wasn't all that sad. But, I hope you enjoyed anyways! :rainbowkiss:

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