• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 347 Views, 11 Comments

Quill's Journal (a.k.a. The journey to the center of Equestria) - Waterwitch222

When a threat befalls Equestria, it'll be up to three unlikely heros to save the day.

  • ...

Chapter 23: Balanced out

Quill blinked her eyes against the bright light, trying to get rid of the splotches in her vision. Even though she knew that Wisteria was technically an enchanted ghost, she wished that she and her friends could be teleported less dramatically.

"Ugh, okay. We have an evil queen and army that can change into anything and THEY have the amulet, any ideas how to stop that?"

she asked, as she placed her fedora back on her head.

Firecracker shrugged her shoulders.

"I say we just improvise."

she said simply.

"Da queen is smart, she probably is EXPECTIN us to think of a plan. Goin in head on might be our best chance because she won't be expectin dat."

Firecracker explained, her hoof stroking her chin in thought. Time Turner sighed.

"I guess we don't have any other choice."

he said in annoyance. Ash Brush turned his head this way and that, his ears capturing information that his eyes couldn't.

"Alright then. Let's go!"

he said, as he rose to his hooves shakily.

"And just what do ya think YA doin?"

Firecracker asked, her voice stern.

"I wanna help. I wanna get back at Chrysalis for being so mean to me."

Ash explained, his front hooves punching the air. Turner sighed and put his arms around Ash, stopping his brother's rant.

"I'm sorry Ash, but it might be better for you to stay here."

Turner said calmly. Ash's face twisted in aggravation.


he asked in annoyance.

"Because it's going to be too dangerous and both me and Firecracker don't want to see you hurt."

Turner explained, Firecracker nodding in agreement.

Ash's eyes began to tear up.

"But, what if YOU get hurt?"

he asked. Quill stepped forward and put her good wing around the blind colt.

"Not gonna happen. We've gone through dangers and obstacles to PREPARE us for this. We'll stop Chrysalis, get the amulet, save Equestria, and then get you home safely. Okay?"

she said, a hint of a smile on her face. Ash opened his mouth to protest, but simply shut it a moment later.

"*sigh* Okay."

he said finally.

Firecracker smiled and hugged Ash tightly.

"A'right then Ash. Stay outta sight and take care of y'self. We'll be back soon." she said, a small tear forming at the edge of her eye. Once Firecracker broke from the hug, Turner stepped forward and gave a hug to Ash as well, but this hug was tight and Ash didn't want his brother to let go. "Don't let me lose you again."

Turner whispered desperately, his tears refusing to be subtle. Ash sniffed as he began to tear up even more.

"I promise."

he whispered back.

With a final ruffle of Ash's mane from Quill, the trio set off to the surface, wondering if Chrysalis was already waiting for them.


As their hooves echoed through the hallways, Quill looked around in confusion. This was supposed to be a dungeon, yet there wasn't a single changeling guard in sight.

"Firecracker? When you came to break me and Turner out, did you run into any guards?"

she asked curiously. Firecracker raised an eyebrow.

"Now dat'cha mention it, I didn't. Dat's weird."

she replied.

"Which means Chrysalis must know what we're gonna try to do and was rallying forces while we were with Wisteria. That... might complicate a few things."

Turner said out loud, a hint of anxiety in his voice.

Quill nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I bet my fedora that they're waiting outside for us as we speak."

she answered, anxiety creeping into her voice as well. Hearing this, as soon as they spotted the door, none of the ponies wanted to open it. A pin drop could be heard at that moment. Nopony moving. Nopony speaking. Just waiting. Waiting for something to happen.

Firecracker sighed and reached for the door, but Quill went in front of her and shook her head. Quill's eyes were pleading. She wanted to be the one to do this. Firecracker nodded, while Turner began to sweat in anxiety. Quill reached her hoof toward the door, her wings tensing up in anticipation. With a final gulp for breath, she swung the door open. What they saw surprised them greatly.

"Hey! Where da hay are all da guards?"

Firecracker wondered out loud, her hooves picking up dust as she walked out of the door. All the three could see was red dust and rocks along with many caves and cliffs around them. Though it was nice to see the sky again, Firecracker couldn't help but feel uncomfortable about the changeling guards not being anywhere in sight.

Turner's eyes searched the dust and rocks nervously, trying to find any movements among the desert-like environment. At first, he saw nothing, but then he saw a shadow cross over a cliff.

"Um, guys? I think we have company."

he called, backing toward them again.

"You couldn't be more right!"

With those words, the changeling queen herself stepped out of the shadows, a smug look on her face. Quill glared at her.

"Ah, Chrysalis. Finally decided to show yourself instead of sending your little toy soldiers after us?"

she asked mockingly. Chrysalis gave a light laugh.

"Oh, you're a funny one. You'll be a perfect addition to my species once Equestria is mine."

she said smoothly, as if she'd rehearsed her words already.

Quill raised her eyebrow.

"How do you know your plan will actually go without a hitch? I mean, we are here aren't we?"

she asked. Chrysalis smiled.

"Because I have this."

she said smugly. To emphasize her point, she levitated a small, charmed necklace in front of her. The three ponies gasped.

"The amulet of balance!"

Turner breathed, his eyes wide in shock. Firecracker grimaced, stomping her hoof on the ground in frustration at the sight of the yin-yang charm.

"Oh come now, you three MUST have seen this coming."

Chrysalis said. Quill raised an eyebrow.

"Actually no, we thought that you'd be waiting for us out here, start monologuing, and be distracted long enough for one of us to get the amulet and blast you back to the land of which you came."

Turner facehoofed.

"Quill, no. That only happens in stereotypical adventure books. The kind of books you try NOT to write."

he said from behind his hoof. Firecracker smiled at his words.

"True, but there's another thing dat is ALWAYS found in a stereotypical adventure book."

To demonstrate, Firecracker's horn began to glow red, and with a final thought, a red beam of magic hit Chrysalis square in the face, sending her snarling into the rocky wall behind her. Firecracker blew the smoke off of her horn and grinned.

"Da villain NEVER dodges an attack."

Chrysalis grimaced and rubbed her hoof on her face in pain.

"Argh, GET THEM!"

she shouted, sending her changeling soldiers straight toward the three ponies. Firecracker smirked and began blasting changelings with red magic. Quill and Turner nodded to each other and began kicking their shape shifting opponents as well. The battle has begun.


Ash dug his hooves into the dirt under him, bored out of his mind. He didn't feel right sitting down here while the two ponies he cared about most were fighting up above.

'It feels... wrong. I know I can help them. But how?'

Ash thought a moment, trying to think of something he could do. There really wasn't much he could think of though. Everything he knew he would EXCEL at wouldn't be very useful right now.

"Why do I have to be so USELESS?!"

he asked out loud, too frustrated to worry about being quiet. He suddenly heard something roll by. A cart! A cart of supplies being pulled by two changelings.

Ash smiled. Perhaps there WAS something he could do. With a deep breath, he ducked under the cart as it passed, his plan to help his siblings and new friend already weaving it's way into his head.


"Ugh, how many of them ARE there?!"

Quill complained, as she kicked another changeling away. Turner punched his front hooves at another changeling and turned to her.

"Who knows? Dozens, hundreds, thousands? It's hard to tell."

he answered matter of factly. Firecracker said nothing as she continued to blast changelings with magic, not wanting to get distracted.

The battle was in full swing as soon as it started. Changelings rose as soon as they fell and more recruits came to replace the wounded almost instantly. The three ponies were growing tired, but they refused to give in. Quill had never felt so strong in her life. She's had to fight many creatures during her travels, but the battle she was in right now made her feel like she could fly 100 miles, even if she couldn't fly at all. It was invigorating.

'It must be because the problems I had inside me have been faced.' she thought to herself.

Quill kicked her back legs into another changeling, no longer surprised that the changeling got shot into the ground so easily. She was stronger than she thought she was. There was a small hiatus before the next wave of changelings, giving her enough time to look to see what Chrysalis was doing. The changeling queen was simply smirking as she watched the scene in front of her, as if waiting for the right moment to use the amulet that now hung around her neck.

'She won't get the chance. We won't LET her have that chance.'

she thought to herself, as she ran back into battle, kicking and punching the whole time. As she punched a changeling, she thought she saw a flash of grey near a cart of supplies that two changelings just brought into the battle field, but ignored it as she head butted a flying changeling.

Quill could tell that her friends were beginning to grow tired, and she could feel her legs begin to weaken as well, but all three ponies refused to give the changelings the upper hoof and simply kept fighting, each move growing sloppier than the last. As Quill kicked her back legs into a changeling, she saw him. She saw Ash Brush moving against the wall toward the cliff Chrysalis sat upon, his sightless eyes searching the air around him for danger.


Quill called, her eyes widening in concern. As the last word escaped her lips, she suddenly heard it. The hiss of magic being unleashed, and it was getting louder and louder. Time suddenly seemed to slow down for her as she turned around, her breath quickening as she saw a green beam of light heading straight for her. She began hitting the ground with her hooves as she tried to run away, but she was too slow.

Before she could even react, a shockwave of pain enveloped itself on her left side, as if she was being hit by the very same storm cloud that made her flightless all over again. Quill screamed in agony, her hooves giving way under her as she collapsed to the ground. Her eyelids grew heavy as the magic blast began dulling her senses. The last thing she heard before she passed out completely were two terrified voices calling her name.



Time Turner ran to Quill's side as soon as he heard her scream, tears coming down his face. After everything they've done, after all the precautions he took to protect her, she still ended up on the path that was shown to Turner through dream so long ago. Firecracker put her hoof to Quill's neck, checking for a pulse.

"She's still alive, but her breath is too shallow for her to last much longer."

Firecracker reported, her eyes beginning to tear up.

Time Turner's eyes widened in disbelief.


he mustered up, tears already rolling down his face. He suddenly heard a soft laugh behind him.

"Think of it this way Mr. Turner. With the weak link of your group gone, you might actually be able to put up a decent fight before you submit to me."

Chrysalis grinned, her green eyes sparkling in delight.

Turner's eyes immediately dried up in anger, all of his fear replaced with rage. He turned on his hooves and looked up at the changeling queen, his death stare making Chrysalis slightly uncomfortable.

"You'll pay for this Chrysalis! DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

And with those words, Turner threw himself into the battle, fighting and storming through changeling after changeling, his mind fueled with the drive to save his friends and brother, as well as make Chrysalis pay for hurting Quill.


Ash climbed as quickly as he could up the rocks, hoping to go un-noticed by any changelings. He was hoping that he'd be able to sneak the amulet away from Chrysalis while she was focused on the battle, and head back to his hiding place without anypony seeing him. However, it didn't exactly work out like that.

As Ash climbed over another rock, he suddenly felt magic envelope him, lifting him off the side of the cliff in the process.

"And where do you think your going?"

Chrysalis asked, eying the blind colt with interest. Ash Brush cursed under his breath. His plan was an ultimate flop. However, instead of trying to break free of Chrysalis' magic, he decided to do what Firecracker would do. Stick around. Play along. Buy time to think of an actual plan.

"What's it to you?"

Ash asked, not bothering to speak politely to the changeling queen. Chrysalis giggled.

"I just wanted to know so you'd drive yourself mad knowing you won't live long enough to reach your destination. You've been a complicated thorn in my side for far too long. It's time you were dealt with."

Ash gasped. This wasn't at ALL what he'd planned.


Firecracker sat next to Quill's still body, tears streaming down her face. She'd managed to teleport herself and Quill into a cave nearby, but it wouldn't be long before they were discovered, and both Firecracker and Quill lose hold of the life they had left.

"C'mon Quill. Ya can't die. Ya just can't! We need ya! My mom needs ya! EQUESTRIA needs ya! PLEASE! Ya need to come back! COME BACK! Don't leave us like this! COME BACK DANG IT!"

Through all of her angry tears, Firecracker didn't notice that her friend was having troubles on the inside. Quill was half conscious, but her mind and body was protesting, trying to pull her into a stupor. Quill refused to give in though, using all of her strength to try to wake up, but with no avail.

'So this is what it feels like to have no control of yourself. It's like floating in a void. I had hoped I'd never feel pain like this. I had hoped I wouldn't die today.'

she thought to herself, feeling all her strength melt away as she let go.

She couldn't do this anymore.


Firecracker didn't care if she was being watched by anypony else, she cried until she was certain that her eyes would slide out of their sockets. She refused to believe it, but it was happening. Quill's breath and heartbeat was slowing down. Quill was dying.

Through her tears, she saw something odd on Quill's left side. Quill's wing. Cit and scraped and bent at an odd angle, as if someone tried to twist it in a complete circle. Firecracker's eyes suddenly dried when a thought struck her.

"It's not da magic killing her. It's da PAIN! She can't take so much pain on one side of her body, so she's lettin herself go into a coma so she won't have'ta feel it. She AIN'T DYING!"

Firecracker began to whoop for joy but then stopped when another thought crossed her mind.

"But she will if she can't be healed."

Firecracker immediately knew that she couldn't do something like that. "I don't know any healin spells! What am I gonna do?"

she asked out loud. That's when she felt it. A hoof touch her shoulder and a horn tip touch her's. She turned to see Wisteria, her transparent horn glowing green. Firecracker didn't know how, but she knew what to do! Firecracker closed her eyes as well, her horn beginning to glow red.

Her mind began straining as new knowledge of spells filled her mind. Firecracker gritted her teeth in concentration, refusing to let any ounce of magic go out of control, with a final gasp, Wisteria and Firecracker shot beams if magic at Quill, enveloping the unconscious pegasus in green and red light. When the glow subsided, Quill's wing was back to normal, but something new about it was there too.

"Wha-what did we do?"

Firecracker asked her mother. Wisteria smiled.

"Advanced full body spell. Created it myself. It takes an exceptional amount of skill and concentration to do it, but is very effective in the long run. Quill will be fine now."

Wisteria explained, as she gave Firecracker a small hug. Before Firecracker could return the gesture, Wisteria disappeared, as if she were merely a cloud passing through the sky.

Firecracker's look of surprise was short lived when she heard a cough next to her.

"QUILL! Are ya okay?!"

Firecracker asked frantically, as she helped Quill to her hooves. Quill rubbed her head awkwardly and looked around.

"I'm fine, but I'm more worried about Ash! I saw him before I got blasted. He could be in big trouble!"

Firecracker gasped.

"He's out there! I thought we told 'im ta stay put!"

she said with fear. Quill sighed.

"I guess he didn't listen, but we have to find him before Chrysalis finds him!"

Firecracker's nodding face turned toward Chrysalis' cliff, making her eyes widen in horror.

"We're too late! Look!"

Quill followed Firecracker's pointing hoof toward the cliff, where Ash was being held in the magical grasp of Chrysalis. Quill's eyes widened, but then they squinted a bit when she felt something on her back. Something she didn't recognize. It was a feeling of completion, as if a part of herself was back to where it should be. As if all the pain she'd ever felt had disappeared. Her eyes widened again when she realized what it was, but pushed it out of her mind when she Firecracker's hoof steps began to be heard as she walked out of the cave.

"Ya ready?"

she asked.

Hoof to fedora, Quill nodded to Firecracker and ran out into the battle field, both hoping that this battle will end soon.


Time Turner kicked his back legs into two more changelings and began to run to Chrysalis' cliff, all the fatigue he felt before washed away and replaced with a desire for revenge. His eyes squinted in anger and concentration as he punched his way through the crowd of changelings guarding the cliff. When he reached the base of the cliff, he breathed heavily, his tired limbs finally protesting.

He stared up at Chrysalis angrily, his front hooves pawing at the base of the cliff as if he wished to climb it.

"*breath* You and your army have done plenty of horrible things to Equestria Chrysalis. You destroyed Canterlot during the *breath* royal wedding, you blinded my brother, *breath* you imprisoned my brother as well as my friend, you have the amulet *breath* of balance, and now *breath* you might've killed my closest friend in Equestria. Your reign of tyranny has gone long enough! You will be stopped! *breath* even if I have to put an end to it myself."

Chrysalis laughed, amused by Turner's speech.

"I admire your courage Time Turner, but you will find that it will not aid you. I know you cannot stop me, because you letting me keep the amulet will be the only way... to save your brother."

Turner's eyes widened when Ash was levitated in front of the queen, his brother's hooves not meeting ground as he hung high above the ground Turner stood upon.


he yelled, his eyes frantically searching for a way to climb up and save his brother. Chrysalis shook her head.

"Surrender Time Turner! You and your friends have gone on this goose chase to stop me, but now your loyalty shall be tested in a way that phantom menace Wisteria the Wise could NEVER test you with! Throughout this quest you've asked questions, but now I have a question for you! Which is more important to you!? Equestria? Or your precious little brother?" Chrysalis sneered, Turner's eyes widening with each word.

Chrysalis chuckled. "It all comes down to which you'll choose. If you surrender, I will let your brother go and Equestria will be mine. However, if you choose to keep prattling on like the game piece you've become for your little prophesy, Equestria will still perish, as well as your brother. So, what will it be, the 100% safety of your brother? Or the 50/50 chance of Equestria's safety and Ash Brush's death?"

Ash struggled under the influence of the changeling queen's magic.

"No Turner! You can't! You can't let her have Equestria! Forget about me! Find Firecracker and Quill and do what you set out to do from the start!"

Ash called. Chrysalis slapped him.

"SHUT UP! Now Time Turner. Make your choice."

she smirked. Tears began filling Turner's eyes, not because of the choices, but because of the outcome of the choice he was going to make.

"Ash. I-it was my fault you ended up in this situation in the first place. I-I should have been there for you and protected you from this. I've waited too long to lose you now. You mean too much to me."

Turner sniffed.


Ash called. Turner ignored his cries.

"Chrysalis. I surrender. Let Ash go."

he said. Chrysalis smiled.


she said, levitating Ash into Turner's arms, the young brother crying as soon as Turner's arms encircled him.

"However, now that Equestria is mine, It's time to make a few changes. Starting with ridding the world of YOU AND THAT PATHETIC BROTHER OF YOUR'S!"

she cackled. Turner's eyes widened in anger, his arms clutching Ash tighter.

"What!? But, you said you'd let him go!"

Turner shouted back angrily.

"But I just did! I let him return to you safely, and now you both will die together! *giggle* isn't that wonderful? You and your friends have interfered with my plans many times up to this point! First you all of you, then EVERYPONY ELSE IN THIS PATHETIC WORLD!"

Chrysalis shouted.

With a throaty laugh, her horn began glowing green as magic encircled the amulet around her neck. The charm began glowing silver in response to the spell and slowly began to turn black as more dark magic enchanted it. The black magic began to swirl violently around the amulet and began skyrocketing toward the two grey colts below, ready to give it's death blow. Turner positioned himself in front of Ash, tears streaming down his face heavily as he prepared for impact. However, instead of pain, he felt the gentle breeze of the land around him blow on his back, as if nopony else was there.

He looked up to see a confused Chrysalis frantically looking around the cliff for the amulet, which seemed to have vanished from her neck.


Chrysalis' words were interrupted by a light cough behind her. The changeling queen turned around to see Quill standing a few inches behind her, her face smug.

"Looking for this?"

Quill asked mockingly, removing her fedora to reveal the enchanted piece of jewelry nestled inside. Chrysalis snarled angrily, her hooves groping for the hat, which she always missed by a few inches. Quill smiled.

"Yeah, I don't believe this belongs to you, so I suggest we settle this the easy way, or the hard way. Any choice you prefer is fine with me."

Chrysalis responded with lashing out at the pegasus, pushing her off the cliff.


Turner shouted, his hoof outstretched as if to try to save her. However, his hopeful rescue was not needed, as what Quill did next surprised even Chrysalis. As Quill fell toward the ground below, she opened up her wings, both of them, for the first time. With a confident smile, she flapped them down, launching her up into the air in a shaky aerial twirl. Before anypony could blink, Quill was hovering in front of the changeling queen, both of her wings flapping awkwardly, but still working as if she'd been in the air before.

"Quill? Y-you can f-FLY!?"

Turner sputtered. Quill grinned happily.

"Yep! And it's all thanks to Firecracker."

As if on que, Firecracker stepped out of the shadows nearby and stood next to Turner, smiling all the while. Quill gave a light wave and turned back to Chrysalis.

"So? Hard way then?"

she asked. Chrysalis frowned and her horn began to glow green as it made an SOS sign above her head, causing more changelings to come onto the battle field.

"I always play hard."

the queen said mockingly. Quill smiled.

"Then let the games begin."

With a battle cry, all of the changelings began to advance onto the ponies, but they were ready. Firecracker's horn began to glow red as a protection bubble surrounded her, Turner and Ash, bits of magic flying off occasionally to hit any changelings who came close. Firecracker turned to Time Turner and gave a soft smile.


she asked. Turner smiled and nodded back as he began to step out of the bubble.


he said.


the young colt asked.

"Keep yourself safe."

And with that, Turner stepped out of the bubble completely and began fighting the swarms around him, his limbs rested and senses sharp.

Quill helped as well. Using her shaky, newfound abilities as an advantage, she tricked changelings into crashing into each other while leading a chase for the amulet with Chrysalis hot on her tail.

"You will not defeat me!"

Chrysalis stated, trying to shoot green beams of magic at the white pegasus. Quill simply smiled.

"You will not get the amulet!"

she answered in the same tone as the queen, annoying Chrysalis that much more.

Quill then swerved to the left and began flying back toward the battle field, causing Chrysalis to fall behind after crashing into a rock. Quill's hooves touched the ground as she rushed to her friends, who'd managed to weaken the changeling army considerably.

"*huff* I think I've weakened her *puff* enough."

she reported. Time Turner gave a weak smile as he limped back into Firecracker's protection bubble.

"So, is it time?"

he asked.

"I think it is. It's time ta end dis! Once and for all!"

Firecracker answered.

With that, Firecracker dimmed the glow in her horn, causing the bubble to vanish. Chrysalis landed in front of them, her breath heavy and her steps shaky.

"So? Anymore tricks up your sleeves?"

she asked weakly. The three ponies smiled and Ash began to laugh.

"Just one. Just one thing we have on our side. the one thing that's been against you since day one. The prophesy."

Turner started.

"My mom's book is what brought us here today, because she knew ya would try ta bring harm and deceit to Equestria. She got da signs from da tree of harmony that the amulet we now have would be rediscovered, and she also knew who da tree chose to stop ya from goin through with ya plans."

Firecracker continued. With each word, the amulet began to glow silver once more, but this time it began to slowly turn white and swirled calmly around the charm.

Encouraged by this, Ash took a step forward.

"I didn't know about the tree or the prophesy, but I knew without a doubt that you would be stopped. The evil in Equestria can never last long among those that hold friendship true to their hearts, and whether by the elements of harmony or the amulet of balance, the love and happiness we demonstrate each and every day will help and guide to defeat those who try to destroy it."

Ash continued, his words making the amulet shine brighter.

With a small hug to him, Quill stepped forward last.

"You can never rule in Equestria. Your hatred and dark magic will always be balanced with our love and friendship. Wisteria told us at the beginning of this journey that the lessons we learn throughout everything we face will assist us in a danger we will face in the future. I don't know what we'll face or how we'll face it, but I do know one thing."

Quill started. With her words, the white light began to swirl around Chrysalis as the eyes in all four ponies began to glow white.

"It'll be a story and adventure MUCH more interesting than whatever YOU had planned."

With the final words, the light swirled like a tornado around the changeling queen, who screamed and cursed as she began to slowly fade away.


she shouted. And with that, she was gone.


When the light faded, the four ponies were collapsed on the ground, exhausted from the magic they've unleashed.

"Is everypony okay?"

Quill asked. Everypony murmured and nodded yes while getting to their hooves, dusting themselves off all the way. Firecracker levitated the amulet and cast a teleportation spell.

"Where did you send it?"

Ash asked.

"To da chamber of da tree of harmony. It should be kept safe there."

Firecracker answered.

Turner raised an eyebrow.

"Ash? How did you know Firecracker had teleported the amulet?"

he asked. Ash gasped at his brother's words, the truth made clear to him.

"T-Turner! I-I can see it! All the colors, shapes and lights! All of it's blurry, but I can see it! I-I can SEE IT!"

Everypony was shocked at the news. They began to cheer and hug Ash as he stared at the scenery around him, tears glistening in his eyes, which were now a chocolate brown. Quill laughed and began flying into the air in joy.

"Now that Chrysalis is gone, what do you guys say to a trip back home? I think we have a couple ponies to see back there anyway."

she said with a smile.

Turner at first looked startled, but then smiled.

"Yeah. Let's go home."

he answered, as Ash nodded in agreement. Firecracker poked at the ground with her hooves.

"But, once I go back ta Manehattan, I'll just get arrested."

Turner and Quill looked at each other and smiled while Ash began pulling on Firecracker's hoof, urging her to begin walking.

"I think we can fix that."

Quill said simply.
