• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 347 Views, 11 Comments

Quill's Journal (a.k.a. The journey to the center of Equestria) - Waterwitch222

When a threat befalls Equestria, it'll be up to three unlikely heros to save the day.

  • ...

chapter 1- An almost normal day


Quill stretched her wings as she got out of bed, still sleepy from a midnight book signing in Manehattan last night. Alot of ponies liked her writing, so there were a whole lot of books to sign. She combed her constantly wind blown mane the best she could and reached for her fedora, which woke up her sences as soon as she placed it on her head. She made her way down the stairs, passed her chaotic jungle of a study. She was working on a new piece of writing, so she hasn't had time to clean her "Workshop" as she called it. "I'll clean it later." Quill said out loud, retrieving her saddle bag on her way out.

Quill breathed in clean, fresh air as she closed her door. Her father's work most likely. She knew her father was the pegasus to go to when in need of winds and breezes in terms of weather. Quill began to think about her parents, who were both doing jobs in Cloudsdale. Her father working at the weather factory, and her mother running a sweet shop. Quill wondered how they were doing up there. "Living the dream probubly." Quill thought, examining her own wings that STILL couldn't get her off the ground. Her head began to fill with all the teasing she used to hear from her rival Lily Blossom back at school. Quill shook her head. It was all in the past now. She had a friend now, and was traveling everywhere and writing awesome stories while Lily was tending to a flower shop.

Quill stopped by Sugarcube Corner for breakfast. As the bell above the door, she was greeted by a bouncing flash of pink.

"Good morning Pinkie."

Quill said with a smile, as she took her usual seat by the window.

"And a VERY good morning to you too Quill. How was Manehattan? Was it fun? Did you meet nice ponies there? Were there alot of books to sign? Did you see the Green Pony of freedom?"

BANG, BANG, BANG! Pinkie fired question after question as Quill nibbled on the muffin Pinkie gave her. After she was done, Quill got up to leave, Pinkie still asking questions.

"Pinkie, I'll tell you everything I can, just not now. I have errands I need to run and ponies to see. But I promise I'll answer your questions later during a cupcake meetup."

Quill said politly.

"Pinkie Pie promise?"

Pinkie asked teasingly.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Quill answered, moving her hoof in a circle over her heart then touching her closed eye. She bid Pinkie goodbye and left the shop.


Quill smiled as she walked through the doors of Gear's Galore, her best friend's clock shop. She saw a stallion hunched over a desk as soon as she walked in. It was Time Turner, fixing a broken clock most likely. Quill stood beside the desk and watched Turner work. He blew a strand of his wavy, dark grey mane as he worked, his golden eyes fixed on the broken clock. He didn't even notice Quill was there. Quill didn't mind at all. She was used to Turner's one track mind. Ever since they met in Ms. Pencil Sketch's class, they were very different from each other. While Quill was social, curious, and laid back, Turner was shy, serious, and always thought things through.

Time Turner was thought to be an oddball in Ponyville. With his grey coat, dark grey mane, and grumpy attitude, he was certainly different from all of the colorful, happy ponies around him. Everypony thought him to be a grumpy stick-in-the-mud who was serious ALL the time. Quill knew it wasn't all true. Time Turner was serious, sure, but he's always been there for her, being the voice of reason and to give advice. He always supported Quill through her whole career, and she felt she owed so much to him.


Quill said suddenly, causing him to jump back in surprise.

"Ugh,Quill! How did you get in here?"

Turner asked annoyingly, but with a slight smile on his face in seeing his friend.

"I let myself in, if that was okay. I was wondering if you wanted to take a trip to the library with me. I told Spike i'd would watch it for him while he visited Twilight in Canterlot and I could use the company."

Quill explained. Turner thought for a moment.

"Well, I guess I could use a break, and I know you'd probably want my organizing skills when it comes to re shelving."

Turner said.

"So, sure. I'll come."

"YAY!" Quill said happily. "C'mon Turner! Library-sitting waits for nopony!"


"Wow! Now I can see why Spike sometimes calls this the Twilight Zone."

Quill joked, as she and Turner walked into the messy Golden Oak Library.

"Indeed. We'd better get working. This library isn't going to clean itself."

Time Turner replied, picking up a feather duster off of the ground.

"Aw! But I was hoping to read some history books for inspiration in the book i'm writing!"

Quill whined. Turner gave her a stern glare.

"Alright. I guess cleaning's fun too."

she said half-heartingly as she began to pick up books.

Two hours and three walls of books later, the library was beginning to look great. Quill wandered into the myths and prophesies section and began dusting some books.

"Geez, why can't Twilight just read one book at a time?"

she questioned. As she dusted, a piece of silver ribbon hanging off a shelf caught her eye. Cautiously, she moved some books aside and saw a large book wedged deep into the shelf.

"Hmm. Interesting."

she mumbled, placing her duster on the ground.

Quill grasped the book in her hooves and began to pull.


she cried in frusteration. The book wouldn't budge.


she called.

"Can you help me with something?"

"Help you with what?"

Turner mumbled, walking into the section with a duster in his mouth.

"There's a book wedged in the back of this shelf. Spit that duster out and help me get it out."

Quill explained, trying to pull harder. Turner spit the duster out of his mouth.

"How do you know if it's not a trap or not?"

he asked nervously.

"A book trap in a library left by a princess and her dragon assistant? Really Turner? I'm sure it's fine."

Quill replied.

"But, what if..."


Quill begged.

"Alright, alright."

Turner said, wrapping his arms around Quill's waist. They both began to pull.

"Almost...got it!"

Quill muttered between gasps of breath. They both fell backward as the book gave way.

Turner picked up the heavy book and placed it on a table nearby.

"What is it?"

Quill asked.

"I don't know. All I do know..."

Turner said, gesturing toward the side of the book.

"...is that it's locked."
