• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 347 Views, 11 Comments

Quill's Journal (a.k.a. The journey to the center of Equestria) - Waterwitch222

When a threat befalls Equestria, it'll be up to three unlikely heros to save the day.

  • ...

Chapter 21: Reunited

Firecracker squirmed and kicked, trying to escape Chrysalis' enchanted grasp, but it was as if all of her strength had disappeared. She could see Ash not even trying to escape, as if he'd given up trying. Rather than spend her time acting like a paranoid filly, she decided to take a more assertive approach.

"So, what exactly do ya have in store for us?"

Firecracker asked, putting a smirk on Chrysalis' face.

"Why, I thought it was obvious. I need to get more powerful in order to activate the amulet of balance, and you and Ash just might have enough love to give me the power I need."

Chrysalis explained, putting terrified looks on Firecracker and Ash's faces.

"So, ya found da amulet already?"

Firecracker asked. Chrysalis nodded.

'Hmm, that might just be a tad helpful.'

Firecracker thought, keeping her excitement absent on her face.

Chrysalis suddenly stopped, finally reaching the center of the ginormous, labyrinth of a prison that Ash has called home for the past few weeks. Levitating Ash and Firecracker in front of her, Chrysalis closed her eyes, preparing her spell. Before Firecracker could brace herself for impact... she heard it. A faint voice in the distance, shouting her name. A voice so familiar that all of her lost hope seemed to return. It was Quill.

Firecracker's joy didn't last long as she and Ash came in contact with the spell. Electrifying magic coursed through Firecracker's mind, breaking down walls she'd put around her memories, feeding on her love for her new friends, her home, her newfound mother, and most of all... Ash Brush, whom she could honestly call her younger brother. She could hear Ash screaming next to her, his similar emotions being fed upon, but his were slightly subdued, as if he's felt this pain several times.

As soon as the pain started, it stopped. Firecracker fell to the floor shakily, her body weak, but her loving memories and emotions thankfully intact. She put a shaky hoof around Ash, who looked like he was just about ready to give up on thinking of love at all! Chrysalis grimaced, upset that her plan didn't work the way she hoped.

"Take them away. I don't have any more use for them."

With a nod, a guard levitated the two ponies above his head, unaware that while one pony felt miserable inside, another was formulating a plan.


Quill called, her hooves desperately wrapped around the rusty bars of the cell. Time Turner facehoofed.

"Just stop it Quill! She obviously can't hear us."

he said, his voice monotone and depressed. Quill sighed.

"So? I have to do SOMETHING! Firecracker is down here. Your BROTHER is down here. We need to do find some way out of here so we can find the amulet, but we can't do that unless we can get out of here."

Quill huffed, turning away and looking out through he bars once more.

Time Turner sighed. He didn't know which path of the future they'd gone down, but he didn't see any good coming out of it. Quill was right. They DID need to find a way out, but the chances of Firecracker arriving in the next minute was slim to none.

As if to defy his thoughts, the iron door suddenly blasted off of it's hinges, revealing a grinning Firecracker, her horn smoking.

"Well, it's 'bout time I found ya. I must've gone through 10 cells before this one. I was getting impatient."

she said, blowing upwards to clear some smoke off of her horn. Turner and Quill stared at her in disbelief.

"How did you find us? We thought they captured you!"

Quill said, adjusting her fedora as she spoke. Firecracker smiled.

"Well, I was. Chrysalis was torturing me and ya brother, but I managed to get some info outta her before dat. When da guard was bringing me and Ash back to our cell, I punched our way outta his grasp and ran away as fast as possible, hoping to find ya guys."

Firecracker explained, earning nods of understanding. Turner stepped forward nervously.

"So, Ash. Is he okay?"

he asked. Firecracker's smile grew smaller, but didn't go away completely.

"Why dont'cha ask him ya'self?"

she asked leaning down so something grey could slide off her back.

Ash Brush.

Time Turner could hardly believe it was his own brother laying in front of him. The past year of living on the streets had made him scratched and dirty, but Turner could tell that Ash had tried to keep himself presentable all the while.

Turner stepped forward and raised a hoof shakily. He hadn't seen his brother for over a year, believing he was dead, but now that he was right there, Turner felt like crying again. Turner forced himself not to though, not wanting to upset Ash after all he's been through.

Turner gently ran his hoof through Ash's mane, causing the young colt to awaken.

"Firecracker? Is that you?"

he asked, his searching, sightless eyes threatening to make Turner break his promise to himself. Turner wiped his tearing eyes.

"No Ash Brush... It's me."

he said, tears still sliding down his cheeks, but not quite noticeable to the ponies around him.

Ash's eyes grew wide as Turner spoke, his head turning toward different spots as he tried to find the direction where the voice came from.

"T-Time Turner? Is that you?"

Ash asked, his own eyes filling with tears. Turner couldn't take it any more. He trotted forward and put his arms around Ash, not bothering to hide his tears anymore.

"Yes Ash. It's me. I'm *sniff* SO sorry that this happened to you! It was all MY fault and *sniff* I thought I'd never see you again!"

Turner said, hugging Ash tightly, neither of them wanting him to let go.

Ash's tears began to slide down his cheeks as he hugged back, clutching his older brother as if he was life itself.

"Turner, *sniff* It wasn't your fault! I shouldn't have run away! If anything, I should be apologizing to YOU! I should have just *sniff* stayed in the hospital, then *sniff* none of this would've happened."

Quill stepped forward, putting her arms around the two brothers.

"Ash, we can't forget the past, but look toward the future. You and Turner are both here now and that's all that matters."

Quill said, hugging the two brothers tightly. Firecracker at first turned away, but watching her "brother" and two friends share a hug like that was just to sweet to stay out of. With a shrug, she put her arms around the three ponies, completing the group hug.

Suddenly, a white light began swirling around them, causing them to gasp and murmur in concern. Even Ash could tell something was wrong. With a small 'ping', the four ponies were gone.
