• Published 20th Sep 2014
  • 417 Views, 1 Comments

Fate - DeathMustang

Secrets that were hidden are about to revealed! History of another world will be rewritten! Darkness unlike anything the Elements have faced is threatening the fabric of time itself. Will they be able to face it? Will they be ready for...Fate?

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The Truth

Luna gazed at the strange being not sure what to make of her. She had never seen a being such as Fate and yet…there was something familiar about her magic. Also, that book. Why did it call to her? What history did she mean? How did it take over Twilight? How did Celestia know and why did she hate her so?

“All good questions little princess,” Luna jumped as Fate spoke.

“How did you…

“Read your thoughts, it’s very simple really. I’m shocked that you would keep this from Luna,” she cocked her head slightly. “Then again, I’m also not surprised Celestia. You lie to everypony around you a great deal, but keeping this from Luna. She has a right to know what really happened all those years ago.”

Luna had never seen anything speak to her sister in such a disrespectful tone. She looked at her enraged sister wondering why she was acting like this. What was it that she needed to know?

“I was going to tell her!” Celestia snapped.

“Oh yes, because I brought it to the surface. If I hadn’t come through your dreams, Luna would have never sensed me and start asking questions, now would she!” Luna's eyes widened at those words…they were true.

If Fate hadn’t come through her sister's dream, she wouldn’t have been aware of her. Was Tia ever going to tell this secret? What was she hiding?

“Leave Fate! You have your book.” She flared her horn. “Now Go!”

“You really think your pathetic magic will do anything to me. It’s as useless now as it was back then. Back when you jumped to conclusions and wrongfully banished Luna.” Fate stepped closer causing the rest to step back. “You know as well as I, that Luna didn’t need to be banished to the moon.”

“WHAT!?” all but Celestia shouted in shock.

“What do you mean I was wrongfully banished!” Luna shouted almost using the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Celestia. What is she talked about?”

Before she could answer, the room shifted and the library vanished revealing a world of stars. Luna looked around in amazement. It was as if she was amongst the stars above. She could hear Fate speak a tongue she didn’t recognize as her five digit hands surrounded with magic.

“I have caste an illusion so the truth may be known. Do not move, no matter what you see.”

“Don’t you dare...” Celestia didn’t get to finish as she was frozen in time with a wave of Fate’s hand.

“She always jumped to conclusions and that sadly doesn’t appear to have changed after so many years.” Fate sighed. “Now then. Luna, your sister has kept a great deal from you and the ponies of Equestria it seems. However, I’m sure that you’ve noticed a certain amount of memory lose.” Luna nodded. “The reason for that I’m afraid is the Grimorum.” Luna gazed at the book silently wondering how it was involved.

The stars around them changed revealing the castle in Everfree no longer in ruins. It stood proudly and whole as it did one thousand years ago.

“Several months before you were banished all those years ago. It wasn’t just the lack of love from your subjects that was clouding your mind. It was something else, something that you should have never gotten a hold of, the Grimorum.” The scene changed until they were in the castle. They saw Luna walking down the hall of the palace her face deep in the tome. “You found the Grimorum and became fascinated with it. Only I can read the language within, but that didn’t stop you from trying to learn.” They saw Luna pouring through all the dialogues in the library trying to find the language the book was written in. “As the protector of the book, I, of course, sought it out after it disappeared, but when I found you it was already too late.”

“T-too late for what?” Spike asked as he ducked behind Twilight when Fate looked his way. Twilight edged closer her eyes only on the book.

“A good question little Spike. The Grimorum is a dangerous artifact to any being but I that reads it.”

“But why?” Spike asked “Twilight read it.”

“Yes and we all see how that’s going don’t we?” she pulled the book closer causing Twilight to flinch back. “Whoever reads this book that doesn’t have the right training in both mind and magic will be overcome with the need to possess its power.” The scene changed again. “Like you were Luna.” Luna appeared, reading the book. Her mane unruly, her coat a mess and, huge shadows under her eyes.

Her eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep, but she didn’t appear to care as she studied the book. Then suddenly, Fate appeared. The past Luna clutched the book to her chest as Fate drew closer hand outreached. Luna shock her head holding the book like her life depended on it. Fate made a move for the Grimorum only for Luna to fire a beam of magic at her that was easily deflected. Luna was shocked by her own actions. She prided herself in thinking first and attacking later, yet it was clear she had taken leave of her senses.

“Why did I attack you?” Luna couldn’t stop from asking. How could she not remember any of this!?

“It was not your fault Luna.” Fate soothed. “Your mind was overcome with the book. You where obsessed with knowing how to unlock its power to make your night more beautiful. You hoped that with it's power you could finally get out of your sister's shadow and feel loved by your subjects.” The scene changed again.
It wasn’t Luna they saw this time but Nightmare Moon. It was when Celestia confronted her when she refused to lower the moon. All eyes were on the scene, watching as Fate intervened knocking the two sisters apart. Celestia appeared furious firing several beams of magic at her only for Fate to knock her back.

“Celestia did more harm than good back then. She never confronted you about your obsession with the book. When she finally did, you were Nightmare Moon and nothing could reach you.” Fate's past-self slammed Celestia through the castle wall igniting gasps of shock from the other. “I tried to tell her that I could free you from the book's influence, but she wouldn’t listen to reason. She thought you becoming Nightmare Moon was my doing and attacked me for it. I warned her that if I didn’t free you from its hold, you would be lost forever.”

Fate charged Nightmare, grabbing the book still in her magical grip. She tore it from her magic closing it before dodging the dark mares attack. Fate countered every attack. The frenzied Nightmare threw at her until an array of light appeared. It was Celestia surrounded with the elements of harmony.

“Using the elements was a mistake Luna.” Luna felt Fate’s hand on her shoulder. “I warned Celestia that it would only make matters worse, but she wouldn’t have it. She believed the elements could solve any problem.” the golden being snarled. “Celestia made a stupid mistake! She took the easy way, instead of trying to reach you within Nightmare Moon, and you paid for it.” The elements hit Nightmare before Fate could deflect it, sending her to the moon.

Celestia landed on the ground in shock. Her eyes looking at the heavens. The elements dropped scattered on the ground at her hooves. Fate landed storming towards her balling her hand. They all watched as Fate’s past-self punched Celestia clean in the jaw.

“You never should have been sent to the moon! If I’d had enough time I could have restored your mind, but you were forced to spend a thousand years fighting madness. If I hadn’t cast a spell on you, just before you were banished, you would have gone insane!” Fate nearly shouted. “That’s why I despise your sister for allowing you to suffer when all she would have needed to do was stop and allow me to help. She then had you wiped from history on top of that. When you returned to Equestria, nopony even knew she had a sister!”

Luna could feel the tears fall at what she heard. She did not have to spend all those years on the moon. She never had to be alone for all those centuries watching the planet knowing she couldn’t go back. She didn’t have to fight all those thousand years against MADNESS! Now she knew why Fate’s magic was so familiar. That's what kept the demon at bay on the moon. It had been her that had kept the Nightmare from permanently taking over her mind. The memories, the pain, the hate… she remembered… she remembered it all!

She stumbled backward falling on the floor as the memories flooded back all at once. She could vaguely hear Twilight and Spike asking if she was okay. NO…she was not okay. She had been wronged by the one she cared for most, and now…it would never be right again.

Author's Note:

Well here it is, the second chapter, took a while but its finally done. Hope you all enjoy it!

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