• Published 20th Sep 2014
  • 416 Views, 1 Comments

Fate - DeathMustang

Secrets that were hidden are about to revealed! History of another world will be rewritten! Darkness unlike anything the Elements have faced is threatening the fabric of time itself. Will they be able to face it? Will they be ready for...Fate?

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The Book

Author's Note:

To let readers know before hand the character Fate is based off the DC sorcerer Dr. Fate. Though they share the same golden clothing, powers and title that's where the similarity ends. As this version is female with a whole new world of things to deal with compared to the original. If there are any questions feel free to comment! Hope you all like it!

Celestia stood at her balcony setting the sun while Luna raised the moon. Night was coming and she looked forward to a goodnight’s sleep. The nobles were still throwing a fit about Twilight saving the crystal empire. She sighed waving to her sister before retreating for bed. A good sleep would help her think more clearly. Laying down, Celestia let her mind drift and fell into a deep slumber.

Blackness…an empty void was what greeted her in the realm of dreams. There was nothing around her not a soul or anything. Where was she? A sudden light forced her to close her eyes as it blinded her. When it dimmed she saw something that made her blood run cold. There floating before her, surrounded by a golden aura was a golden helmet. Not a helmet to be worn by a pony, this belonged to a being of legend…a legend she hoped to never cross paths with again. Then just as soon as the helmet appeared it was gone leaving her once more in the void.

“Fate,” she sounded her voice echoed around her. “Show yourself.”

But, the one she called never appeared instead the void shifted to where Celestia was floating amongst the cosmos. The stars gave light to the dark reaches of the void. Why was she here? What could Fate want this time? The Guardian’s presence was never a good thing! Danger always appeared with her meaning something was about to happen but what? Taking flight she flew around the cosmos looking for any sign of the one who’d brought her here.

“Fate,” she called. “You know I hate your games. Reveal yourself Guardian.”

No answer came for what seemed hours as she searched.

“I see a thousand years has not changed you Celestia,” she gasped spinning around to face the voice. “I’d hoped you would grow more, but then again I’m not surprised.” There was nothing the voice seemed to come from the void itself.

“Why don’t you reveal yourself? Are you afraid?” she sneered.

“What is there to be afraid of…you…please…you know as well as I do that my powers are beyond anything from your world. The only power you have is that of the sun I have the fabric of space and time at my fingertips,” the voice taunted. A melodic laugh rang out making Celestia growl in anger. “But, onto more important matters, you’ve probably guessed that my presence means the coming of danger. Well, my dear Celestia you would be right. There is a dark power that is approaching your universe and another. If something isn’t done soon your worlds will collide. I would suggest keeping an eye on your pupil by the way,”

Celestia looked around in confusing at her words.

“What does Twilight have to do with this?”

“The same force that turned Luna all so centuries ago has returned to Equestria,” she gasped in horror. “Act quickly so that you don’t make the same mistake twice Celestia. For that next time it happens… there will be no undoing it,”

“What do you…?

“Farewell Celestia…we will meet again soon,” the light returned.

“What…,” Celestia braced herself as she was flung back to the waking world.

Bolting up in her bed Celestia gulped for air raising a quivering hoof to her forehead.

“Tia,” she looked up to see Luna waiting for her. “Tia what was that?” asked shaking no doubt from the shock of Fate’s power.

“A being I hoped to never meet again in my lifetime Luna,” she rose from bed seeing it was time to raise the sun.

“What did she mean ‘next time it happens’? Tia who was that…I’ve never felt such power before,” Luna stood beside her to lower the moon.

“It’s a long story but one that you should know. I’m not surprised that you don’t remember but it must wait. We must get to Twilight before it does,” pulling on her regalia she ordered a guard to prepare her carriage.

“Before what…

“The Time Grimorum, the book that allows those who read it to have the power of space and time.”


Twilight looked over the library pleased with how organized it was it had taken most of the day but she was finally done re-shelving her books.

“Organizing complete now time to…Ufff,” she grunted as her chin meet the floor.

“Twilight are you okay,” Spike shouted from upstairs having heard her fall.

“I think so but what did I trip over…,” she looked over seeing a book she wasn’t familiar with.

It was large; massive even bound in deep earth brown leather with bronze clasps and locks. Picking it up with her magic she didn’t see a title just what looked like a pair of serpents curling around a pole on the front. What book was this?

“Spike…did you get a new hero encyclopedia again,”

“No, I’m still saving up for one…why,” the baby dragon walked down the stairs seeing the massive book. “Wow, that’s a big book. Where’d ya get it Twilight?”

“That’s just it Spike I’ve never seen this book before,” she tried to open it but the locks wouldn’t release. “It feels like there’s some kind of a spell on it to keep it closed but why,” she placed the book on the desk.

“Maybe it’s someponies journal so they put a spell on it to keep others from reading it. Not a bad idea,” the little dragon climbed onto her back to see the book closer. “Whoever it belongs to has to be big if they can lift it though,”

That wasn’t a bad theory…what better way to keep somepony from reading another’s private thoughts. She’d have to remember that one but still who could it belong to and why was it in her library. Whomever it belonged to had to be strong just to lift it.


Spike caught a letter as it appeared.

“A letter from the Princess, what’s it say Spike,” the book forgotten to hear from her mentor.

“My Dearest Twilight,

Luna and I are making an emergency visit. Whatever you do don’t open any strange books that appear in your library.

Princess Celestia”

“Emergency visit, I wonder what could be wrong,” she gasped. “That means she could be here at any moment quick Spike we need to get this place ready.” She dashed to clean tossing said dragon off her back.

“But, wait Twilight…” she paused looking at him. “The Princess said not to open any strange books do ya think she’s talking about this one,” he pointed a claw at the book on the desk.

Strange books, could this one be dangerous somehow! Lifting it once more she gave it another look over but it didn’t appear to be anything special. Just a really large book with an odd symbol on the front. How it be dangerous? Unless… of course it was a book on dark magic! Such books were destroyed whenever found their spells to dangerous to normal ponies to use. However, where could this one have come from? One little peek inside couldn’t hurt, just enough to see if it was dangerous. Gripping the book with her hooves she tried to force the locks open even casting a few spells to counteract the one protecting it. It had to be a book on dark magic that would explain why somepony didn’t want it opened. But, she’d never read a book on dark magic it would be a perfect chance.

“Twilight!” spike shout startled her into dropping the book.

“Spike what is it?” she looked over.

“The Princess said not to open any strange books why are you opening that one. You don’t even know where it came from. What if it’s dangerous?”

“That’s why I’m trying to open it Spike. If this is a book on dark magic this could be my only chance to read one. Celestia never let me near the books locked in the vault at the Archives,”

“Yeah, because you would attempt to try the spells in them! Please…Twilight put it down,” the dragon pleaded. Spike made to take the book only to miss as she raised it higher. “Let’s wait for the Princess and find out what it is at least Twilight please…I don’t like that book something about it doesn’t feel right,”

Rolling her eyes at the dragon she tried another spell on the book. Whoever this book belong to had to be powerful the spell on it wasn’t even cracking, so how could she open it. Maybe if she forced enough at one lock at a time. Channeling her magic she blasted the largest of the bronze locks using a great deal of her magic. Come one…come on… click the lock opened!

“Yes,” she quickly attacked the second lock this one smaller than the other.

Soon it to clicked open giving a small cheer she opened it to see…blank pages.

“What the,” she gasped.

“What is it Twilight,”

“It’s blank, why would somepony place such a power spell on a blank book,” she turned several pages still nothing. “Could this be some kind of jo…

Her words where cut off at a flash of light appeared from the pages it looked like stars where dancing from it. Power…so much power, Twilight looked over the words finding herself unable to read the dialogue. But, the energy, the…

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE,” the book was suddenly knocked out of her grip. A familiar golden aura trapped it in a barrier.
Shaking her head Twilight looked up to see a very displeased Princess standing above her.


“I told you not to open any strange books Twilight Sparkle. Why did you? Do you have any idea how dangerous that book is,” Twilight flinched at the Princess’s words.

“I’m so sorry Princess, I don’t know what came over me,” she hung her head in shame.

“Tia,” Twilight looked up to see Princess Luna standing near the floating book. “What manner of book is this and why does it feel so familiar?”

“Because little princess, you and that book have a brief history,” a gentle, feminine voice startled them all. “A very brief yet tragic history,”

A flash of light revealed a tall bipedal being standing tall and proud. The curved form and gentle voice told them that it was female along with how she moved about the library with an alien grace. Towering over Celestia she wore blue and golden armored clothing with a gold cap and helmet. Magical power seemed to flow off her radiating throughout the library. The being floated over to where the tome was trapped, plucking it out of Celestia’s magic as if it was nothing.

She tsked as she closed it once more.

“History tends to repeat itself around you Celestia you would think after getting my warning you’d teleport straight here. But, I guess you have too much faith in your student here,” Twilight looked down at her words.

“Do not speak to her so; you have that cursed tome back. Be glad I don’t destroy it,” The others looked up at the sun alicorn in shock having never seen her like this.

“I’m afraid that the damage as already be done,” she laughed. “You really think you have the power to destroy the Grimorum. Your even stupider then I thought Celestia… then again you always let you anger get the best of you,” Twilight gasped having never heard anypony speak to the Princess so.

“Who are you to speak to my sister so creature…what are you,” Luna snapped.

“Where are my manners…allow me introduce myself,” she turned to face them the sun reflecting off her golden helm. “I am the Guardian of Time and Space…you may call me…Fate,”