• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 1,295 Views, 29 Comments

A Day in the Life..... - BurningProse1929

A day in the life of Anonymous...Come and join the fun as we take a peek into the life of the human they call Anonymous. Feel the excitement, feel the rush, feel the SHEER BOREDOM that is his everyday life.

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Spiked Up

Ch. 3 Spiked Up

‘Man, this cave seems like it goes on forever.’ You complain, more to yourself than anyone in particular, all that comes from you audibly is an annoyed grunt at the small dragon walking in front of you. ‘Look at him! He’s just humming a happy little tune, not even looking for anything specific, AND DRAGGING YOU ALONG FOR NO REASON!’

You snap from your thoughts when nearly trip over Spike.

“Why did you stop here of all places?” You ask annoyed, looking around at the cave surrounding you both.

Spike doesn’t answer/isn’t really paying attention to you, which irritates you further.

‘I could have been helping Big Mac instead of being here, at least there I’d make some bits.’ you think, all the while you stare a hole into the baby dragon in front of you. ‘No, Spike comes to me saying I owe him a favor for the castle incident, WHICH WAS NOT MY FAULT.’

Spike taps you on your shin causing you to look down.

“Ahem, I believe we have found what we’ve been looking for.” He announces, nonchalantly pointing at the blank wall in front of him.

You go from staring at him to staring at the wall, back and forth your eyes go, wall, Spike, wall, Spike. Finally you stare at Spike only. Just as you’re about to blow up at him for dragging you into what has to be the longest friggin’ cave system in Equestria, Spike taps his claw on the wall in somewhat of a pattern, in fact you could have sworn you’d heard it somewhere before.


The wall in front of both Anonymous and Spike slides in half to reveal a humongous ancient treasure pile. Anon’s eyes glitter with every piece he lays his eyes on, as he turns his head to scan as much as he can. Spike grins knowingly and proceeds to walk past Anon into the giant chamber, only to stop about five feet away from their entry point and turn to Anonymous.

“This, my friend is part of one of the oldest and biggest cave systems in all of Equestria!” Spike boisterously booms out, smug grin still adorning his scaly purple face.

Anon looks at Spike with a deadpan expression, “Oh yea, and just how do you know this brainiac?”

“I live with a princess dude! I have access to as much knowledge as I need.” Spike says with a snicker.

Anon palmed his face sighing, “I forgot about that.” Anon looks up with an irritated frown, “I was more focused on what I was gonna do to you if I found out this was a gem hunting thing for Rarity or something else like that.”

“Oh no, that what this is for,” Spike said, “But I couldn’t really carry a lot from here and needed some help.” Spike’s grin widened some, “I just figured you wouldn’t mind ‘helping a brother out.’” He said making air quotes.

Anon could do nothing but stare at the baby dragon in disbelief, mostly from his correct use of earth terminology, but also at thinking that getting him out here to help him with something for Rarity, which she has him do a crap load of things for her, constituted as helping him out.

Just as Anon was about to say something Spike interrupted him.

“You did cause the castle, which I might add is made of crystal, to burst into flames….repeatedly.”

Anon thought about making a witty retort but just sighed and decided ‘screw it’ if he can get Spike to shut up about the castle by doing this for him, he might as well as do it and get it done with.

“Fine Spike, I will help you carry gems and such to Rarity’s place, BUT, after I do this, I don’t want to hear a single word about the castle ever again, got it.” Anon said pointing at him.

“Dragons honor!” Spike gleefully said while holding up three of his claws.

Anon squints at him, then drops his hand. “Good.” Was all he said before getting to work filling up the back pack he had with him with gems.

Spike opened one of his eyes looking at Anon working and turned to start filling his own bag he brought.

‘Little does Anonymous know, most of these gems will end up in my stomach!’ Spike thought, smiling mischievously.


‘Holy Celestia this bag is heavy now!’ Anon thought to himself trying to lift the bag. Once he was able to get it off the ground and the straps around his shoulder, he buckled the extra strap on it for more support. Moving slowly at first to gauge his equilibrium, he walked over to Spike to let him know he had as many gems as he could carry.

“Spike, I’m pretty sure my bag alone would be able to supply Rarity with….” Anonymous stopped when he noticed Spike’s bag wasn’t even halfway filled. Instead Anon saw flecks of gem around Spike mouth and broken pieces sitting around him.


Spike covered his mouth and let out a small ‘excuse me’ when he saw bits of gem on Anons face. Spike’s face grew red as Anon’s pupils shrunk and he just stared down at Spike with a blank expression.

“We came all the way out to the middle of nowhere to ‘collect gems for Rarity’ as you put it, but instead I find you over here,” Anon slowly points at Spike, “eating said jewels.”

Spike looked up at Anonymous with a meek smile, “Would you be angry if I said they were delicious?”

Anon fell onto his back and went completely limp. Spike looked at him with a bit of worry, mostly because he just landed on a backpack full of gems, and mostly because Anon hadn't moved in a bit.

“You know what?” Anon finally squeaked out, “I’m not angry, I’m….well I don’t know what I am right now, except maybe exhausted and hungry.”

Spike sat there relieved that Anon wasn’t angry with him. ‘Still,’ Spike thought to himself, ‘I should go and make sure he’s ok, he hasn’t really moved since he fell back.’

“Spike, I would like to ask you a question though.” Anon said with a hint of mischief in his voice.

“Sure dude, what’s up?” Spike asked as he walked towards Anon.

“I need you a little closer, I don’t want to strain my voice.” Anon requested, so Spike obliged and got closer to help him up thinking that’s what Anon was going to ask when…..


Anon suddenly exploded with life as every one of his limbs stretched to grab at the baby dragon. Spike immediately jumped back to avoid the flailing limbs. As much as Anon tried, he just couldn’t grab hold of the little dragon, because of the heavy backpack attached to him, and eventually the last of his energy petered out and he went limp again, only this time there was a look of defeat upon Anon’s face.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence between the two, Spike decided that he needed to face Anon whether he was angry or not.


Anon didn’t answer.

“Are…are you upset still?”

Still no answer came forth from the brooding and silent human laying on his back.

Spike frowned some and thought better of asking anymore questions. He walked over to where he had been “collecting” gems and started gathering up the ones he hadn’t bitten into yet. Spike looked over at Anon while doing so and saw he was still on his back. Quickly looking away out of shame he finished gathering what he was going to take with him and slowly walked to the entrance. As he passed by Anons still form he stopped and looked Anon in the face.

“If it’s any consolation, I am sorry.” He said solemnly.

As Spike started walking a hand shot out and grabbed him by the arm. Fearfully, Spike turned his head to look at the human in the eyes, but lost all of that fear once he saw the soft, gentle look on Anons face.

“Spike, I’m not mad, just a bit disappointed.” Anon said softly, “If you wanted to just go on a random gem hunt for yourself, you didn’t need to lie to me about it. You know darn well I would have went with you no matter what.”

Spikes frown deepened, “I…I just thought you wouldn’t want to hang out with me.” A tear formed in the corner of his left eye. “I figured if I made it seem like you owed me one, or barring that, use the Rarity excuse, I could, I don’t know have someone to hang out with that isn’t one of the girls. Someone who would hang out even if I am a ‘baby’ dragon.”

“Spike, believe me when I say this, I would have helped you even if you are a ‘baby’ dragon as everyone is so fond of saying.” Anon said while chuckling.

“Really?” Spike asked while twiddling his claws.

“Yes, really Spike.” Anon said happily. “Come on bro, we’re…..BRO’S! Bro’s gotta stick together, no matter what. Am I right?” Anon stuck out his fist.

Spike smiled a bit and fist bumped Anon, “Yea, bro’s have to stick together!”

Anon lowered his fist, “I mean, I did give up a chance to work on the farm helping Big Mac.” he said with an almost sad and wistful look on his face, which caused Spike to lower his head.

Spikes head shot up as an idea hit him, well it was more like a piece of rock fell and hit him, but still he had an idea nonetheless. Anon merely raised his eyebrow and gave the dragon a questioning look. A smile started creeping onto the young dragons face as his eyes lit up.

“I know how to make this worthwhile and get you some bits.” Spikes smile got bigger.

“And how do you propose that?” Anon asked, squinting at green and purple dragon.

“Well you did gather an awful lot of gems did you not?” Spike asked raising his eyebrow.

“Well yea, but I don’t know how that’s gonna….gonna…..” And that’s when the light bulb clicked on in Anon’s head. Anon looked at the back pack he was currently being held to the ground with and smiled.


Anon and Spike sat outside of Sugarcube Corner enjoying their milkshakes. Chocolate and peanut butter for Anon and a delicious Strawberry and Sapphire one for Spike. The two sat there for a few minutes enjoying their delectable, and rightly earned, treat, making small talk.

“So, Spike I have to ask,” Anon said after gulping down a quarter of his shake, “how did you know about that cave system in the first place.”

“Oh that?” Spike said, “I read about it in one of the many old texts Twilight has. Something about an 'ancient and terrible' dragon with a huge horde of treasure that he kept in an underground cave.” Spike nearly finished his milkshake before adding, “I figured it was just some old ponies tale that wasn’t true, until I dug a bit further.”

“Hmm, so, we won’t get chased down by any type of angry monster or something for taking some of that treasure?” Anon asked squinting at Spike.

“Nope! Not a single creature knows about that system, the old dragon that used it hasn’t been seen in centuries.” Spike happily said.

“Ok, if you say so.” Was all Anon answered with before digging into his milkshake again.

As the two sat there enjoying the fruits, or milkshakes in this case, of their labors, Spike dug a medium sized coin bag out and tossed it to Anon. Anon caught the bag but was surprised, he looked towards Spike with a curious look on his face.

“That’s what was left over after I sold some of the gems from the bag of them you had.” Spike answered, “Might I add you seem to have a natural talent for gem hunting, you should think of making a career out of it.”

“Well thank you kind dragon sir,” Anon feigned tipping a hat towards Spike, “I might keep that in mind, maybe even get some alone time with a certain unicorn in exchange for my services.” Anon said with a playful glint in his eye.

“Now, don’t be getting any ideas.” Spike said pointing at Anon.

Anon chuckled and put his hands up, “Believe me when I say this, you won’t have to worry about that.”

Spike lowered his hand, “Ok, that’s…..wait, are you saying Rarity isn’t pretty enough for you?” he asked accusingly.

“No, no, it’s just….well…..” Anon stuttered, “You know what? I’ll explain it this way, you know how AJ loves her apples right?”

Spike nodded, wondering where Anon was going with this.

“Well, me? I’m more of an orange kind of stallion.” Anon stated.

“I don’t get it?” Spike confusedly said.

“Don’t worry little buddy, one day you will.” Anon answered with a small laugh.

“Yea, yea, whatever,” Spike answered bored. Spike perked up his head, “Hey, do you feel that rumbling?”

The ground nor the buildings were shaking, but it felt like the air was shaking. Anonymous looked around for what could be the cause of it.

‘I swear to Celestia, if Rainbow is doing more Sonic Rainboom practice without telling anypony I’ll….’

Anon’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud roar from the distance. One thought and one thought only entered into Anon’s mind at this point.

“Spike, how long did you say it had been since anypony had seen that old dragon?” Anon asked without looking at him.

“A couple of centuries, why?” Spike answered.

Another shake was felt in the air, and all Anon could do was lay his head in his hands and start wondering aloud to himself.

“Why is it always me?”

Author's Note:

Whew! This one took longer than I thought it would to edit, heck even as I was about to post this I did a few last minute edits to it. Anywhoozle! Here's the newest chapter in Anon's life. Comment, rate, rant, tell me if I'm a pretty, pretty princess or not. Doesn't matter to me!

Peace out -BP