• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 1,295 Views, 29 Comments

A Day in the Life..... - BurningProse1929

A day in the life of Anonymous...Come and join the fun as we take a peek into the life of the human they call Anonymous. Feel the excitement, feel the rush, feel the SHEER BOREDOM that is his everyday life.

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Snowy Days and Warm Evenings

Snowy Days and Warm Evenings

A cold wind whips through you as you zip your jacket up all the way. Looking around, you see nothing but the intense white of the freshly fallen snow, along with a few trees here and there. Cupping your hand to your ear, you listen intently, for what only Celestia knows. Hearing nothing you continue your trek through the snowy woods glancing around every few seconds, the crunch of snow underfoot calming you in a way no other sound can. But then you hear something else, you can’t tell where it’s coming from, but you know you don’t like it. Quickening your pace you hear the sound of crunching snow that’s not being made by you. You whip around real quick to catch the culprit but turn around to find…….nothing?

Scratching your beanie covered head you turn back around and continue your walk. After about two minutes you hear the same noise again, but decide to speed up a bit more, this time jogging more so than walking. Once you feel you’re a good distance away you hide behind a tree to try and catch whoever is following you.

Glancing around the tree you see nothing, ‘Enough of this!’ you think to yourself. With the grace of a mongoose…..or is it a tiger? Whatever animal it is, you slink around the trail deciding to get on all fours and then immediately regretting that particular idea. Brushing the snow off of your face you duck behind another tree, the noises, which you figure has to be someone else walking, are getting closer.

“KIIIIIYYYYAAAAHHH!” You yell as you jump out from behind the tree. Looking around at the vast whiteness confused, you shrug and turn around to start walking again only to find yourself nose to nose with a pink face. You quickly clasp your hands over your mouth to silence the terror scream that had built up. You calm down and look the pink creature in the eyes and notice a hoof pointing behind you.

“But there isn’t anything behind me?” you ask raising an eyebrow.


Before you know it you’re face down in the snow with the weight of three giggling fillies on your back.

Did I get it?”

Ah don’t think so, see if ah got mine.”

“I can’t tell if mine showed up.”

The three voices coming from next you now, are excitedly blending in with each other. You take this chance to turn yourself over and lean against a tree near you and look slightly dead.

“Girls,” you whisper, getting their attention. They rush over to you worried and start a beating you, metaphorically, with questions.

“Oh my gosh! I didn’t think we tackled him that hard.” asks the orange filly.

“Ah Hope he’s ok.” Says the golden one.

“We weren’t too rough with him were we?” Asks the white one.

You beckon them closer, “Girls I ju…just want to say one thing before I go, so please a little closer.”

As they step closer you ready your elbow without them noticing. You manage to get them to lean in to hear you as you start whispering softer.

“Got….you…” you almost inaudibly, as a smile creeps to your lips.

“What the hay does that mean?” Asks the orange one.

As she says it out loud you knock your elbow into the tree your sitting against and watch with amusement as the three fillies in front of you are blanketed with snow.

You start full blown laughing once you hear the small shrieks emanate from the snow pile in front of you. Then all at once three heads pop out and glare at you. You merely put on a face of innocence and shrug, when all three fillies leap out at once and bombard you with snow balls.

2 hours later back at a nondescript apple farm…..

“Now where in Equestria did those four run off to?” Applejack says to herself. “They were supposed to be back here….” She stops as she sees a slightly tall, two legged creature walking up the trail to the house.

“Well there ya are Anon!” She yells out to the walking figure while waving. Anon waves back but quickly sticks his hand back into his dark hoodie and readjusts his jacket. Anon walks up with his hands still in his hoodie pocket and looks to be carrying something.

“What ya got there hun?” Asks Applejack as she walks up.

Anon shushes her as he opens his jacket to reveal two napping fillies in his arms, and a third one draped over his neck underneath his hood. This scene of adorableness is only made more adorable by the soft sounds of snoring coming from all three fillies. Applejack merely chuckles and opens the door for Anon to step inside the warm farmhouse.

The fire was crackling as Applejack and Anon sat in front of it sipping on some warm apple cider. Anon was staring into the fire lost in thought when he was brought back by a light snort from his lap. He looked down and smiled at the sight of the CMC asleep around him. Applejack looked down at the four of them and smiled as well.

“They look plum tuckered out don’t they?” she asks.

“Well they did try practically all day to get their cutie marks so, I think they deserve a bit of rest.” Anon replies with his smile still present.

Applejack sipped her cider and stared back at the fire, “Ah’m guessing that’s why ya had them all bundled up in your jacket when you got back?” she asked with a bit of mirth in her voice.

“Well….they were cold.” Anon says with a huff turning his nose up.

Applejack chuckles lightly, “Relax, Ah’m just pullin’ your leg.”

Anon looks back at Applejack and smiles, “I know, AJ, I know.” Anon looks at the clock and notices how late it’s getting. “Oh crud, I didn’t realize the time. I need to get Sweetie and Scoots back home.” After attempting to move from underneath the small pile of fillies he looks over at Applejack with his bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

Applejack merely shakes her head and points at Anon, “Looks like you’re stuck there for the night partner.”

“Oh well, I can think of worse places to be stuck.” Anon says as he snuggles down deeper into the recliner he’s sitting in. He puts his cup of cider on the end table next to him and gets more comfortable.

“It’s not going to be a problem with me staying here is it?” Anon asks looking over towards AJ.

“Not at all sug, Ah’ll just let Rares and Rainbow know they stayed the night.” AJ replies waving her hoof.

“Thanks AJ.” Anon says with a yawn, feeling the day finally catching up to him. As Anon laid his head back, he smiles as he feels the three with him snuggle just a bit closer to the warmth that was him. His last thought before drifting off to sleep was something along the lines of ‘Best Day Ever.’

Author's Note:

Well here's the first chapter of my new story! Hope you enjoy and please as always leave some feedback, good or bad.

Peace out! -BP