• Published 24th Sep 2014
  • 278 Views, 10 Comments

Discord's Imprisonment - Dawn_Gem_CPHP

A journal containing a unicorn's, Dawn Gem's, path trough Discord's rein.

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Discord’s Reign

I’m terrified, like everyone else in the world at this time. Why? Because of HIM. And who is him? Discord. He is Discord. I don’t know what he is; He looks like a long snake standing on two legs. He has a deer horn and a dark, forbidding blue antelope horn, and a long, pure black goatee. A matted lion’s paw on his right and a raven’s claw on the left as hooves. His legs, one crimson dragon leg, the color of blood. His left leg is a cloven goat hoof, also black as night. His wings: one a changeling wing the other a griffon’s wing. His tail is snake-like, long and slender. his body looks like an elongated pony body. His head looks like a donkey, a short-cut-blacker-than-night mane. He is around 6 feet tall with a deep forbidding voice. He claims to be a god of chaos. I doubt this, but I can’t speak out against him. I would die. Not metaphorically die, he would kill me.

I’ve seen it happen to a young alicorn. Her name, I believe, was Cadence. After she was publicly executed, her family was promptly killed on the same stage. As for me, well… My name is Dawn. Dawn Gem. Please, I’m begging you, don’t show this to Discord. As I said before, he-he will kill me. How I know this is, well, in short, I’m a slave. Before you freak out, I’m not treated badly, or anything, but I’m not allowed to leave the castle without being in a big magic bubble. I’m a scribe. I record history. A horrid, horrid history. I just hope with all my heart that Discord will fall, and peace will be restored.

Hello again. It’s getting worse. Discord’s rein is strengthening. He now has a secure grip on Equestria. And, as I feared, a growing grip on other countries as well. Everything has become so chaotic. I fear I, too will soon be lost to the writhing, slithering, madness that has taken over my beloved home, and country. Discord has taken a pony prisoner. Why? Because he needs a wife, a queen. He loves the pegasus he foal-napped. I feel bad for her, so timid, so shy. He said she was the gentlest pony and that it would be fun to slowly thrusting her head first into madness. Her name is Fluttershy.

Hello. Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I-It… Sorry. It’s Fluttershy. She- she’s dead. She committed suicide when she learned that Discord loved her. I feel so bad for the young, pink-maned, yellow pony. He has a new one though. This one is cyan with a rainbow mane and tail. Her name is Rainbow Dash. She is tough but when she learned of Fluttershy she almost broke. Being in her weakened state Discord fractured her mind easily. He decided to change her name to Fractured Rainbow. After being told her new name Fractured just gave up. Her heart stopped a day after she learned her new name. Discord gave up looking for a queen. At least for now.