> Discord's Imprisonment > by Dawn_Gem_CPHP > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Discord’s Reign > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m terrified, like everyone else in the world at this time. Why? Because of HIM. And who is him? Discord. He is Discord. I don’t know what he is; He looks like a long snake standing on two legs. He has a deer horn and a dark, forbidding blue antelope horn, and a long, pure black goatee. A matted lion’s paw on his right and a raven’s claw on the left as hooves. His legs, one crimson dragon leg, the color of blood. His left leg is a cloven goat hoof, also black as night. His wings: one a changeling wing the other a griffon’s wing. His tail is snake-like, long and slender. his body looks like an elongated pony body. His head looks like a donkey, a short-cut-blacker-than-night mane. He is around 6 feet tall with a deep forbidding voice. He claims to be a god of chaos. I doubt this, but I can’t speak out against him. I would die. Not metaphorically die, he would kill me. I’ve seen it happen to a young alicorn. Her name, I believe, was Cadence. After she was publicly executed, her family was promptly killed on the same stage. As for me, well… My name is Dawn. Dawn Gem. Please, I’m begging you, don’t show this to Discord. As I said before, he-he will kill me. How I know this is, well, in short, I’m a slave. Before you freak out, I’m not treated badly, or anything, but I’m not allowed to leave the castle without being in a big magic bubble. I’m a scribe. I record history. A horrid, horrid history. I just hope with all my heart that Discord will fall, and peace will be restored. Hello again. It’s getting worse. Discord’s rein is strengthening. He now has a secure grip on Equestria. And, as I feared, a growing grip on other countries as well. Everything has become so chaotic. I fear I, too will soon be lost to the writhing, slithering, madness that has taken over my beloved home, and country. Discord has taken a pony prisoner. Why? Because he needs a wife, a queen. He loves the pegasus he foal-napped. I feel bad for her, so timid, so shy. He said she was the gentlest pony and that it would be fun to slowly thrusting her head first into madness. Her name is Fluttershy. Hello. Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I-It… Sorry. It’s Fluttershy. She- she’s dead. She committed suicide when she learned that Discord loved her. I feel so bad for the young, pink-maned, yellow pony. He has a new one though. This one is cyan with a rainbow mane and tail. Her name is Rainbow Dash. She is tough but when she learned of Fluttershy she almost broke. Being in her weakened state Discord fractured her mind easily. He decided to change her name to Fractured Rainbow. After being told her new name Fractured just gave up. Her heart stopped a day after she learned her new name. Discord gave up looking for a queen. At least for now. > First Kill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh god… NO! No. No no no. NO! I’m sorry I can feel the madness creeping up on me; I can feel it trying to take over my mind. Recent events aren't helping. I’m now more of a personal slave to Discord. It’s worse than you could ever imagine, he radiates pure chaos. Just Imagine the most chaotic feeling, times it by a million and you might get an idea. I have to write everything he does. In detail. Like I said a horrid, horrid, history. I have now moved a room away from his room. He has taken a liking to me. I don’t think that this will end well… What’s this? A diary? Who’s is this? Ooohhhh… Well Dawn, I’m fine with this my bride… What was that odd I wonder… Wait. Bride? And that handwriting… No… No no no no no no no no!!! This can’t be happening. No. NO! Calm down it-it’s not that bad. Right? RIGHT?! An-and b-br-bride… No I-I w-wo-won’t I won’t do it. I refuse to be his bride! He can go pick out a new- a different bride! Oh come now that’s no fun. But if you wish that… there is another pony I can take… Discord!?!?! What? How? I’m so utterly confused. Oh it’s nothing I simply linked my mind to your little journal. S-sorry for not updating you for- What is it now? A month. Wow really sorry about that. It’s just that now I have to be careful on what I say in this… Any way a designer is coming to make a magical dress for whom ever turns out to be Discord’s bride. She is a white unicorn with a curly purple mane. She is rather lovely if I do say so myself. Her name is Rarity. Only downfall: If she fails in making what Discord wants, she will be killed, violently, by Discord himself. Discord has become more, violent… It’s truly starting to scare me. At least I don’t have to be Discord’s bride anymore. Oh yes another pony is coming too. To be Discords bride. He is almost guaranteed that this one will not die. A day after Rarity had come he- Discord killed her. She apparently messed up- big time. Discord tore her limb from limb feeding her parts to Cerberus. After a few weeks Discord had the dress finished. The new pony has come to the castle, she is a pink pony with a puffy pink mane and tail. She had brought a orange pony with a cow-colt hat and a ponytail for her main and tail. There name’s are Pinkie Pie (The pink one) and Apple Jack (the orange pony). Well we’ll see what will happen to Apple Jack… Uninvited guests are not very welcome here… Well hello again. Like I said uninvited guests aren’t welcome, so to speak Apple Jack is dead. She died via Discord turning her inside-out, literally. He made me keep her alive longer than she should have. What I don’t understand is why he made Me do it. He has more than enough power to do it himself… Perhaps he just likes to watch me squirm. I don’t know what’s going on, but, I’m starting to stop feeling sympathy for those ponies that are dying, that I’m helping to kill. > The Revelry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello again. I apologize for never telling you how I look. I am a greenish aqua unicorn. I have a green and blue striped mane, that I normally have in a ponytail. My tail is the same but is normally braided. My cutie mark is a pencil crossed with a paint brush that has kelly green paint on it. So anyway, now you know what I look like I wanted to tell you about the orphans (two of them were freshly made orphans). They looked as if they were all friends. One of them was orange with a purple mane and tail. The second one was white with a curly purple and pink mane and tail (I assumed this was Rarity’s sister). The last filly was yellow and had a dark pink mane and tail. Her mane had a big pink bow (I assumed this was Apple Jack’s sister). They had come to the castle a day before. They came wanting there sisters back. I guess the orange one, Scootaloo, I think just tagged along. As I said before uninvited guests are not welcome. Sweetie Belle, the white one, was first to go, drowned in lemon juice after she was cut multiple times. The second one to go was Apple Bloom, the yellow one. She was made into a statue of an apple after being blown up. And lastly Scootaloo, I killed her. I turned her into a chicken, deep fried her and then Discord ate her. After the three fillies were gone Discord officially announced the wedding. The wedding was between Discord and Pinkie Pie, who now wants to be called Pinkamina. Pinkie opps sorry, Pinkamena, surprisingly, was willing to be his bride, however her mane and tail are not puffy anymore, they are now straight and grayish pink. At the wedding one pony, a lilac unicorn with a dark blue mane and tail each with a pink and purple stripe. She fired a blast of magenta magic at Discord. It hit it’s mark. A second later Discord turned toward the unicorn. “STOP THIS MADNESS!!!!!” The unicorn shouted. “Your tyranny is up Discord. I have watched my friends die in front of me. I even watched as my brother was killed, ON STAGE!!!!” The unicorn roared in anger. “This is the last straw! I refuse to let you hurt more ponies, more of my friends!” She had tears streaming down her face now. “I won’t let you take Pinkie too… I won’t!!!! My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I will be your end Discord!” Discord laughed. This made Twilight Sparkle even angrier. “Well Twilight, because I don’t have a better present for my lovely wife, I agreed to let her kill you! And I will have my lovely scribe record it for me.” Discord said. “NO!” yelled a new voice. “No. Spike this isn't your battle.” Twilight had said dryly. “It became my battle when they killed Rarity Twi!” As the voice said this I saw the small purple and green dragon who was speaking. “Oh goodie, I get two!” Said Pinkamina. Discord just smiled and clapped his hands and chaining Twilight and spike together, teleporting them away to what I assumed was the dungeon. After that the marriage resumed and shortly after finished. At the reception Pinkamena served her famous “cupcakes” they were apple flavored. Knowing what or rather who was in them, I respectfully declined. > Broken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the reception me and Pinkamena headed down to the dungeon. In the dungeon we found a softly sobbing Twilight and an angry Spike trying to comfort her. “I thought my magic would be enough” Sobbed the lilac unicorn. “It’s ok Twi they are just hard to get. Don’t worry we’ll get out. It can't be that hard.” “When I tried it was actually quite hard” Pinkamena said. “PINKIE stop thi-this isn’t you!” Twilight said. Pinkamena grimace. “I prefer Pinkamena you...” Pinkamena trailed off. “Anyhow I need some ingredients. I thought magic cupcakes would be good don't you think Dawn?” I looked up not expecting to be talked to, “uhh... um yes of course that sounds nice.” I said in a stuttering fashion. “Look see! She doesn't think this is right either!” Twilight said. “Well I kinda sorta…” I trailed off remembering that the queen was right next to me. Pinkamena shot me a glare, I flinched at her stare feeling as if it was a blade, I knew I would also be punished. After that incident, Pinkamena dragged Twilight over to a large metal table and strapped Twilight down. After that Pinkamena ordered me to use my magic to rip Twilight’s horn out. After a deep breath I used my magic to roughly crack the skull around the horn bone and ripped it out tearing her flesh. If you didn't already know The horn is very sensitive so Twilight almost blacked out from pain. Lucky Pinkamena had an adrenaline shot. After I tore her horn out Pinkamena went straight to work torturing the mare. Pinkamena ordered me to go and sharpen the horn. I did until it was wickedly sharp then handed it to Pinkamena. She took it and set it aside for later. After Pinkamena was done she looked at her handiwork, Twilight’s eyes burned open and had parasprites eating her skin. Pinkamina killed the parasprites and handed me the horn, and said “It’s far time you become a killer.”. With that I shakily raised to horn with my hoof and brought it down onto Twilight’s rapidly beating heart and she shrieked so loud I swear that Saddle Arabia could hear it. I felt tears running down my face as I realized what I had done and how I felt. I felt, happy, joyful even! Pinkamena smiled as a psychotic grin crossed my still crying face. The fact that I still felt remorse comforted me, it meant that I still, no matter how small, had a sliver of sanity left. After I killed Twilight Pinkamena went to go get spike, the dragon. When we strapped him down he was unconscious, Pinkamena gave him an adrenaline shot. His eye flung open and narrowed at me and Pinkamena. “You, yo-you killed her” he said shakily staring at me. My psychotic grin grew wider still as Pinkamena told me I could have him all to myself. I looked at him and asked “how thick are you scales?”. “What?” The baby dragon asked. I rolled my eyes and plucked a scale from Spike and he screamed. “Dammit” I said and threw the scale at his eye. It missed and then I turned to Pinkamena, “Do you have a bunch of spikes?” I asked her. “Of course! Do you want them heated?” She asked sporting a smile. “Actually can you chill them?” I asked. Pinkamena looked slightly confused but nodded. After she left I went to work slowly pulling Spike’s scales off, one by one. I listened to his agonized scream as if they were music. It sounded wonderful. Pinkamena came back she looked at the pink fleshy thing that was once a shiny green and purple. “the spikes are ready all laid out in a bed of spikes!” Pinkamena said, grinning ear to ear. I took my magic and picked up spike to move him toward the spikes. “Pink, can you hand me that lemon juice and adrenalin shot? Please?” I asked in a slightly deeper voice than normal. She handed me both of them and I poured the juice onto Spike, laughing merrily as he screamed and passed out. I shoved the needle into his arm and gave him a shot while simultaneously I tore a piece of meat off his leg. I split it in half giving one piece of it to Pink and popping the other one into my mouth. I chewed savoring the savory, tangy piece of meat. I looked over at Pink seeing she enjoyed it too. “Looks like I found a new cup-cake fla-vor” Pink said in a sing song voice. I smiled as Spike regained conscious and I giggled quietly. I relaxed letting my magic fail and watched as Spike plummeted toward the spikes. I closed my eyes and listened to the dull thump, splash of Spike being impaled. I opened them suddenly, I felt a shift in my head. I felt my mind fracture and I started laughing maniacally. Pink looked at me, startled. It was over I had finally lost it, finally lost my sanity. I was now and would forever be InSaNE. > Ownership > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those of you who wonder how I am writing coherently, I am insane not incoherent. However I thought I should tell you my appearance has changed quite a bit. Now my tail is so messy and untameable. My mane is short cut and rugged, only slightly better kept than my tail. My magic changed to a blood red instead of a light teal. Anyhow, I thought I should share with you what Discord is planning. You see there have been rebels from a remote part of the country, the Crystal Empire. What Discord is planning is to find the rebels, crush them, then take over the empire. The only draw back being the king. The king is a dark gray unicorn with a black spiky mane and tail. Unlike regular unicorn horns, which are straight, the king’s horn is curved, smooth, sharp at the tip which blends from red to dark gray. He has sharp teeth with two visible fangs unlike other ponies. The king also has red irises, the whites of his eyes appear green and have a dark purple mist emanating from them. He wears silver armor on his legs and neck, a crown with horn-like points on his head, and a royal red cape, edged with fur, that covers his flank. His name, I sadly say, I do not know. WHAT! Dawn come to my chambers, now... I’m back, and in pain. A lot of pain. I nEvER ShOUld haVe saiD ANythInG!!! Sorry I start writing like that when I get mad or excited. I started happening to me after Spike. I never should have had told you about the empire. I was stupid. Anyhow I cannot say any more, for that I am sorry. No, no you can tell them. Not that you haven't yet… I have a feeling you will be in this more often. Won’t you? Yes I will be because somepony forced my paw not to trust them! Look you already punished me, and made me lose my sanity there’s not much ElSE yoU CaN Do! Trust me there is a lot you can still lose Dawn… Also, what happened to your hoof writing? Sorry that happens when I get mad. Anyhow if you will excuse me I need to stitch up my wounds. No. I want you to keep them open. Do a sanitary spell if you must, but leave them open. What if I refuse? What if I die from blood lost? What if- That is enough! If you refuse, well I didn't know you wanted more scars to show. Also you won't. I know they are not bleeding anymore. How? HoW Do yOu kNOw anYThing ABOut mE?! hOw?! I’m jUSt A stUpId ScRibE To yOu! YOu neVeR tOok THe TiME to geT To kNoW ME!!!! Well then… > Capture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello sorry for my outburst last time. My wounds are, well not healed exactly. They are scars now. So basicly I now have spiral scars down my sides. Just so you know if I am making consistent mistakes. I have been losing sleep and I am very sorry if that is affecting this. Sorry I have not updated in awhile. I still have my duties as a scribe. So yes we captured the Crystal Empire. Because not much has been happening I will put a copy of my report on what happened here ----> The troops walked into the gates of the Crystal Empire. They were met with immediate resistance. Discord then urged me to go to the castle. I went and spied into the throne room. As I looked in the king looked back at me. The purple smoke around his eyes thickened and grew darker. I stared slightly panicked, “What afraid of a little dark magic?” The king said in a deeper voice than Discord but it had a slight metallic ringing to in. I stepped fully into the room and he saw my traveling cloak, once white now stained the color of fresh blood. Then he looked me over fully, my unkempt mane and tail, my bloody hooves, and my blood red magic holding up a razor sharp blade… And laughed. My eyes narrowed and I lunged at him. I know it was stupid but I was angry. I was stopped midair by his purple/green/black magic. Then I was thrown hard against the crystal wall. I felt something crack and stumbled to the floor. “Giving up so easily are we?” The king mocked. I grunted in pain and then got up. I looked at him and imagined all the ways, all the ways I could kill him… I smiled my odd, psychotic smile. The king looked slightly unnerved next time I got close to him I leaped at him and he grabbed my hooves before they connected to his face. He shoved me off and pinned me to the ground holding my horn tight so couldn't do any magic. I struggled and squirmed under his hoof. “Let me go.” I said in a quiet growl. He just laughed and took his hoof off my horn. I tried to use my magic to get my knife, when I tried to do it, I passed out. I woke up still In the throne room however this time I was in a cage made of black crystal. I had no weapons and was unable to do magic. I looked down at my hooves, they were aqua. My hooves were clean. I scoffed in disgust. “What was that?” A familiar deep metallic voice. I said nothing. “Oh come now. Also I feel ever so rude. My name is King Sombra. And your name is?” he said in a silver tongue. I continued my silence. “You know I think I’ll call you Pond for your fur looks like water from a pond.” Not wanting to be called Pond I said in a cold voice “My name is Dawn.” Then I felt my horn which still had a dull thudding pain and gasped. My horn was covered in crystals. I shot a glare at Sombra showing my distaste for him. I turned in my cage looking away from the gray unicorn. “So you're a writer? Or an artist?” Sombra asked. “Yes. As in both” I said with a dead tone. “So, why are you here?” He asks. I didn’t respond. “I said, Why are you here?” He said annoyance clear in his voice. I growled lightly “Why do you ask?” He glowered at me. > The Takeover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRASH!! A loud crash resounded through the black crystals of the castle. Sombra stood up immediately. I felt a spark of hope and sat a little taller, Sombra noticed and I saw a small bit of fear creep into his eyes. Another crash sounded, this one sounded nearer than the first. A shadow slithered into the room, and I giggled, insanely. Sombra shot a look at me, fear now clear in his green and red eyes. “Your such a fool, Sombra.” I said now plain out laughing. My smile widened when I heard a chuckle. Sombra stuck my knife to my neck and said forcibly “What was that?”. I saw Discord appear behind Sombra, then I looked at Sombra and whispered “Look behind you” and smiled insanely. Sombra spun around to face the monster behind him. “Discord.” Sombra growled. “Me.” Discord said calmly. Sombra lunged at Discord making a black scythe appear out of nowhere. Discord easily dodged the scythe and said “Now now Sombra, I thought you played fair.” “I do.” growled Sombra. “Oh come ON! You have a weapon and I dont. You really think thats fair?” Discord said sounding exasperated. “Fine. Get a weapon of your own you cheat!” Sombra yelled angrily. “Fine” Discord said crossly while he murmured “You're no fun you know that?” and with that he made a blood red double headed sword appear in his hooves. They both lepet at each other and the metallic clang of sword on scythe resounded through the black crystal. Sombra slashed his scythe at Discord and it hit it’s mark. Discord recoiled at the hit and growled. Discord flew up and tossed the sword, Sombra dodged but wasn't fast enough and the sword hit his back leg, almost cutting it completely off. Sombra yelled out in pain. I sat still in my cage when I noticed my knife. Sombra must have dropped it when he spun around and saw Discord. I grabbed it and went to work shucking off the black crystals, careful to still watch the fight. Sombra, now not able to move used his magic to grow his crystals around Discord, effectively trapping him. Discord broke the crystals as if it was merely thin glass and his annoyance furthered, now clear in his features. Sombra was tiring and losing a lot of blood. He stumbled crying out in pain at his hoof. He fell in a puddle of his own warm blood. Discord’s annoyed look fell off his face as he loosely wrapped around the gray unicorn. “Well then… I see your a bit tired, aren't you? Well no matter! I’ll help you go to sleep.” and then he chucked lightly. I watched, intrigued, as Discord tightened his coil on Sombra. Sombra’s now strangled breathing turned silent. Discord squeezed hard and laughed as Sombra’s eye popped out of his head and dangled as blood poured out from it. Sombra’s gray face paled and he went limp. > For Once, Not Our Kill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, that’s what happened in the Crystal Empire-Kingdom, whatever it was called. However I just got word of a rebel preaching in the streets. She got away before we could catch her. Her name was Trixie. From what I heard she is a blue unicorn with a blue and pale-white-blue striped mane and tail. I have gotten word on what happened, and with that word our hopes of capturing her alive and killing her as an example is diminished. What the mailmare brought to me, well I don’t want to be the one to tell Discord… Trixie has escaped here is the conversation I overheard. Commander-C Trixie-T C-Trixie, tell me, why in the world would you go out into the streets and preach to everypony what we are, what we are doing?! T- I thought it would be a good idea… C- Well obviously it wasn't speaking your scheduled for public death tomorrow. T-What?! Well you know it would have been nice to know! C- Don’t worry I wouldn't let you suffer. You won’t wake tomorrow. T- What are you talking about? C- Your food I- I poisoned it. T- What why?! C- Well would you rather have a pulled out, most likely to more than an hour death?! T-no… C- Then you see my reason for doing it. Now if you go to bed you probably won’t feel any pain. T- Bu- C- Go to bed. This is hard for me and the rest of the camp. Now, go. I could not see either ponies. Although one did not sound completely pony. I don’t know who the pony writing this is but I know one thing… We don’t have spies. Only assassins… I have read up a tad on the “Trixy” incident, turns out it was an assassin. He was sent to kill off Trixy, for once it wasn't our kill. At least we know the location of this camp… Hello sorry if this is rushed but we are being attacked I have to go before they get into this wing of the palace. > Overcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is it the final battle. They have captured and killed Discord. Their breaking down my door as I write this. It’s interesting, seeing how much I resented Discord in the beginning, now, I am, or rather was his willing slave. I hope I get one more in. Just one last entry. Perhaps if I give in. Should I fight? No. I wouldn't stand a chance… I will die at the end of this, at least I got to live long enough to see myself become the villain, heroes die so easily. In the end I have only one regret… THAT I DIDN'T REVEL IN THE BLOODSHED Goodbye, this will be my last entry, I met the commanders, Luna and Celestia, I only wish I could live longer. Discord was imprisonment not killed, he is a statue. very soon Pinkamena and I will be hung for our crimes. This will be a document of Discord’s reign and Imprisonment. Goodbye I’ve had fun ~Dawn Gem