• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 835 Views, 8 Comments

Past Shadows - ChaosDragoon

Twilight and friends encounter a soldier who takes his job to the extreme to protect Ponyville from a changeling attack, but it seems he has a dark past he's keeping secret that continues to plague him in his nightmares

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Chapter Six

He awoke to the darkness of his room. He slowly started to get out of bed and saw the darkness lift to showcase the room. A toy train on the floor that was missing two of its wheels, a ball sat in the corner next to an action figure of a Pegasus wearing golden armor. The walls were littered with movie posters and portages of a family. He walked over to the dresser and lifted up one of the pictures. It showed a lime green mare with a grey mane holding a small yellow filly with a blond mane that looked to be three years old. Standing next to her was a brown unicorn with a black mane. In the middle was Weaponry. He couldn’t have been more than nine in the picture. He heard the sound of muffled voices and glass shattering before whining consumed them, outside his door. He quickly ran to the door and swung it open. A large shining light appeared before him and as he squinted to see it disappeared.

When his eyes adjusted, he saw the lime green mare on the floor clutching the crying filly in her arms. The brown unicorn’s horn was glowing as a knife was hovering next to him. Weaponry quickly ran around him and stood between him and the mare. It seemed that Weaponry was shrinking as the unicorn was growing.

“G-get away from them,” Weaponry squeaked. It seemed his voice had changed as well.

“Get out of the way brat,” the unicorn said before weaponry’s body was lifted up and flung across the room. He slammed into a mirror and fell to the ground. The top half of the mirror cracked and some of the pieces fell around him. He shook his head and looked into the lower half of the mirror. He was shocked to see he was only a little colt.

“Get away!” the mare screamed as she started franticly looking for objects to throw at the unicorn.

“Stop resisting you bitch!” the unicorn spat before he added; “I need to send that evil seed back to Tartarus where it belongs.”

Weaponry winched as he tried to summon anything from his horn. Any type of magic that could help. Please, anything to stop him from hurting them. Weaponry thought. When he opened his eyes the scene seemed to stop, frozen in time. He looked at the mirror and noticed he was fully grown again. He looked back at the mare who’s head turned to him, her eyes filled with rage.

“You where the evil spawn,” she said. He felt his body be jerked from his position and flung into the room he was previously in. It had changed: cobwebs hung in the corners, posters ripped and torn. The ball in the corner deflated and the action figure seemed to have lost two of its hooves. He walked over and picked up the action figure as it turned to dust. He heard a door creek open and as he turned his heart skipped a beat. The closet door had slowly opened and shadows where crawling on the floor towards him. He darted for the door to leave the room but one of the shadows quickly wrapped around his back right hoof tripping him. The others wrapped around his body and started dragging him towards the closet. He tried to scream or yell but nothing came out. He used his magic to create a sword and swung at the shadows but it seemed his sword just phased through the shadow. His hooves dug into the carpet but nothing deterred the shadows. With one final tug, the shadows pulled Weaponry into the closet and the door slammed shut.

Weaponry felt a light hit his eyelids and he slowly opened them. He squinted before standing up. He looked at the sun before he looked around.

“Not again, please Celestia make these nightmares stop,” Weaponry said as he stood in the middle of the desert.

“I for one like them, they feed me,” a distorted voice said. Weaponry turned around to see a figure standing behind him. Its body covered in a black cloak that looked to be alive as it shifted and morphed like shadows dancing on the wall. The figures zig zag horn protruding from the cloak.

“What do you want from me?!” Weaponry yelled.

“Your sorrow, you misery, you regret. I feed on that and more,” the figure said.

“Haven’t you taken enough from me?! Every night I’m plagued by nightmare! Haven’t you been satisfied?” Weaponry yelled. The figure chuckled before its shadow extended under Weaponry. His body started to sink into the shadow. Weaponry struggled to break free but vines shot out of the shadow and wrapped around his body.

“I no longer want to feed. I want freedom! Freedom from the prison you made for me,” the figure said.

“Be gone dark specter!” a voice bellowed as a blue beam hit the figure and it dissolved into black smoke. The shadow and vines suddenly disappeared as Weaponry quickly got to his Hooves.

“Are you alright?” Luna asked as she hovered down to the ground. Weaponry quickly bowed to her.

“Yes princess, please forgive my weakness.” Weaponry said before Luna walked over to him and motioned for him to stand.

“What was that creature?” Luna asked.

“It’s what keeps the nightmares coming back when I fall asleep. It feeds on my suffering and I fear now it’s gotten stronger with all the nightmares,” Weaponry said.

“You’ve been plagued by nightmares for a while haven’t you?” Luna asked. Weaponry nodded.

“I’ve been having nightmares for about nine years now. They’ve progressively gotten worse in the last few months.” He said

“I may be able to gain access to your dreams but I fear even my magic can’t stop that specter from haunting you. I felt it when I shot it with my magic. This creature was created by you. Whatever demons lay in your past, this thing was created to plague you,” Luna said as she placed a hoof on his shoulder and added, “But you don’t need to fight this alone. Your friends will help you overcome it. I know they will.” Luna stepped back from Weaponry and extended her wings and flew into the sky.


Weaponry slowly opened his eyes. He lifted his head up and looked around at the room he was given when he entered the Inn.

“That would work princess. If I hadn’t already pushed everyone away from me,” Weaponry said. For the first time in nine years he was able to lay his head back down and fall back asleep without falling into a nightmare. He didn’t know if it was because of Luna but he was happy that he could finally get a good night’s sleep.