• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 835 Views, 8 Comments

Past Shadows - ChaosDragoon

Twilight and friends encounter a soldier who takes his job to the extreme to protect Ponyville from a changeling attack, but it seems he has a dark past he's keeping secret that continues to plague him in his nightmares

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Chapter Nineteen

The three streams of magic collided creating a majestic light show as it sent a massive shockwave through the air. The stream of green magic flew through the air before Chrysalis flew from it. Celestia appeared out of the golden stream while Luna appeared from the dark blue stream. The two sisters hovered next to each other, glaring at Chrysalis who had a cocky smile on her face.

“Give up Chrysalis! You may have bested me once before but, you don’t have enough strength to face both me and my sister!” Celestia yelled. The smile on Chrysalis’s face grew as she held both her fore hooves on each side of her. Ten green spheres the size of parasprites circled her hooves.

“I beg to differ!” Chrysalis said before she threw a group of the spheres at Celestia before spinning around and throwing another group towards Luna. The two sisters shot a beam of magical energy towards the spheres but because of their size they easily dodged the attacks and continued towards them.

Celestia and Luna flew separate ways as each group of ten spheres followed them. Luna flew towards the castle and weaved through the large towers around the castle. Two of the spheres slammed into a tower as they exploded. The tower stability gave way as it fell to the ground. Luna spun around and rapidly fired off beams of magical energy. The spheres flew through the barrage before four more of the spheres where hit and exploded. Lighting up the sky with a mixture of dark blue and green.

Luna quickly flew towards the ground as the rest of the spheres followed. Luna folded her wings and dive bombed towards the ground. As she fell closer to the ground, her horn glowed and a dark blue portal appeared in the ground. She quickly fell into the portal before it closed. The remaining spheres slammed into the ground exploding on contact.

Luna flew through another portal that appeared in the sky. She sighed, relieved to be rid of the spheres when she felt a presence above her. She looked up and her eyes widened as it felt like time slowed down. Chrysalis hovered above her; Chrysalis’s right hoof was extended behind her as a sphere the size of a basketball formed in it. Chrysalis flung her hoof towards Luna as the sphere collided onto her back, between her wings. Time seem to resume as Luna felt the searing pain of the condensed magical on her back. Luna was suddenly flung towards the ground by the sphere and as she was slammed to the ground the sphere exploded causing a tower of green magical energy to jettison into the air.

“Luna!” Celestia screamed before she flew high into the sky to dodge a sphere. She quickly flew away from the ten spheres following her as her horn illuminated. Ten golden spheres, the same size as the ones following her flew from her horn and flew towards Chrysalis’s spheres. The two collided and for a second the sky seemed to fall silent. Suddenly ten shimmering stars seemed to appear then disappear before the sky was lit up with massive explosions. Lighting up the sky with a mixture of gold and green.

Celestia turned her attention to Chrysalis as her horn illuminated again but nothing happened. Suddenly a halberd flew through the sky and floated around Celestia. It was six feet long and at the bottom of the wooden handle was wrapped in gold metal. On its blade was a depiction of the sun.

Celestia flew towards Chrysalis as the halberd floated alongside her. As she swung it, it collided with sword. Celestia had been so focused on Chrysalis that she hadn’t noticed a changeling had left the swarm and changed into a sword. Chrysalis took the weapon into her magic and used it to block Celestia’s attack. The two began to attack one another. Every time their weapons colliding, creating sparks and a small shockwave in the air. Chrysalis pushed Celestia back before she pointed her sword at her and green magical energy began to form at the tip of the blade. Celestia too, pointed her weapon at Chrysalis as golden magical energy formed at the tip of the halberd.

The two shot their magical energy towards one another. The two spheres collided in the middle, mixing together before exploding. Lighting up the sky with green and gold lights before the sky filled with smoke. Celestia flew through the smoke towards Chrysalis and without hesitation swung her halberd. The blade sliced through Chrysalis but as it did, Chrysalis seemed to fade away before another Chrysalis flew towards Celestia. Celestia swung her weapon again and like the last time it sliced Chrysalis in half, but just like the last time. Chrysalis seemed to just fade away.

Soon hundreds of Chrysalises appeared around Celestia. Each one having a malicious smile on their face as they all attacked Celestia. She swung her halberd towards each Chrysalis that got close to her. Each one faded away as her weapon collided with their bodies and as one faded away, two more seemed to appear. Celestia felt pain shot through her body as cuts began to appear on her body. She continued to fight off the copies of Chrysalis but it seemed each time she cut one down, another cut would appear on her body.

Her horn began to glow brighter before her eyes glowed white and she created a massive flash of light that blinded the sky. Every Chrysalis around her seemed to disappear as the light glowed brighter. When the light dissipated Celestia was hovering alone in the air as she breathed heavily. Her body was covered in cuts that dripped blood down her body and freefell to the ground.

A green light started to shine above Celestia and as she looked up her eyes widened as she saw Chrysalis above her. She held her forehooves up towards her horn as a large green sphere formed between her hooves. Chrysalis’s malicious smile seemed to grow bigger with every second that pasted before she flung the large sphere towards Celestia.

The Sphere flew towards the ground with tremendous speed and as it slammed into the ground, everything it touched began to disintegrate before the sphere exploded leaving behind a massive crater in the middle of Canterlot.

Chrysalis snarled as she watched a dark blue stream flew away from her. As the stream dissipated, Luna held her sister to keep her from falling. Luna turned towards Celestia and asked, “Are you alright sister?” Celestia nodded before her wings extended and she flew next to Luna.

“She’s much stronger than before,” Celestia said.

“You still haven’t figured it out have you?” Chrysalis laughed before she floated the sword up to her face and examined the blade. She turned her attention back to Celestia and added, “As we speak my children are feeding off the emotions of your subjects. As they feed, they also grant me power. The more my children feed, the more powerful I become!” Chrysalis laughed before pointing her sword towards the two sisters. Luna’s horn glowed before seconds later eight small crescent shaped daggers circled around her in her magic.

Celestia’s halberd flew from the ground and floated around her. The two sisters looked at each other before they raced towards Chrysalis. Another changeling flew towards Chrysalis and changed into a shield as she took it in her magic before flying towards Celestia and Luna.

Luna shot all her daggers towards Chrysalis as she moved her shield in front of her blocking the daggers. As the daggers bounced off the shield they straitened and flew back towards Chrysalis. As Chrysalis moved her shield to block them once again. The daggers flew around the shield and towards Chrysalis. She smiled before she suddenly disappeared. Luna looked around before Chrysalis reappeared under her and using her forehoof she punched Luna in the jaw causing her to fly up into the air. Her horn stop illuminated as her daggers fell to the ground.

Celestia slashed at Chrysalis with her halberd but just like before, Chrysalis disappeared. She suddenly reappeared above Celestia and using both her back hooves she kicked Celestia down towards the ground. Celestia’s halberd fell to the ground as she corrected herself. Luna floated next to her with a snarl on her face.

“Is that all the royal sisters have to offer?” Chrysalis mocked. Luna’s Rage over took her as she reared back, her horn glowing before she pointed her horn towards Chrysalis and let lose a massive beam of magical energy. The massive amount of magical energy let lose a massive crackle of thunder as it left her horn. It flew through the air with such tremendous speed Chrysalis had no time to react. However, a changeling flew up in front of her and took the blunt of the magical energy.

As the massive explosion erupted in the sky, it filled the air with black smoke. Seconds later the changeling fell from the smoke cloud towards the ground. As the smoke cloud cleared all three were shocked at the changelings sacrifice. Luna and Celestia quickly composed themselves and took Chrysalis’s moment of shock to let lose a barrage of magical energy. They quickly shot hundreds of magical beams towards Chrysalis. However, changelings seem to appear out of nowhere and use themselves as pony shields to protect their queen.
Luna and Celestia’s magic began to waver as their horns dimmed. Changelings soon flew up around Chrysalis and began to circle both vertically and horizontally around her.

“What kind of queen uses her subjects as a pony shield?” Celestia questioned.

“You call them your children, what mother allows something like this?!” Luna roared. Chrysalis was still shocked at the actions of her subjects and for a moment she was at a loss for words. Suddenly a smile formed on her face before she began laughing.

“Pony shields? No, I refuse to let my children throw away their lives. They’re doing this of their own accord. For you see, Luna, Celestia,” Chrysalis said before she lifted her hooves in the air and added, “This is what true loyalty looks like! Now my children: annihilate the former princesses so your queen can rule over this kingdom!”

As the changelings circled their queen, their horns lit up and suddenly shot a barrage of magical energy towards Luna and Celestia. The two sisters weaved and dodged their attacks for a few moments before Luna’s right wing was hit by a magical beam. As she screamed in pain a barrage of magical beams hit her body before she fell to the ground.

"Luna!” Celestia screamed before the barrage of magical beams slammed into her body. As the sky filled with smoke, Celestia fell from the smoke cloud towards the ground.


Twilight looked up to see both princesses falling to the ground. Her eyes widened before she screamed, “The princesses!” she galloped towards where the princesses where falling and winced as her horn began to lit up.

As the princesses got closer to the ground, lavender aura formed around both princesses and their decent started to falter before they gently landed on the ground. Twilight ran up to them as the aura dissipated from their bodies. Both Luna and Celestia’s bodies where covered in burn marks from the magical beams. Twilight sighed before she suddenly fell to the ground. Using that much magic at once weakened her body and it felt as though her body weighed three hundred pounds.

A changeling dive bombed towards Twilight but before it could reach her Flash drop kicked the changeling as the rest of the group ran up to Twilight. They formed a circle around Twilight and the princesses to keep any changeling from getting to them.

Chrysalis hovered down to the ground as the changelings circling her dispended and stood next to her. She wore a triumphed smile on her face as she said, “Finally not only the princesses, but the elements of harmony as well. I’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone.” Chrysalis lifted her right forehoof into the air. The changelings around her lowered their heads and pointed their horns at the group as their horns lit up.

“As these last few moments pass, just remember how pathetic you all were when facing me and my children,” Chrysalis said. Time seemed to slow down as she began to lower her hoof.

The world fell silent as Twilight’s friends stood strong to protect Twilight and the two princesses. The silence was suddenly broken by a massive roar that came from the top of the castle. The stain class windows shattered from the sheer force of the roar and as it traveled down the castle each window shattering.

Chrysalis’s hoof stayed in midair as her eyes widened at the sound of the roar. The images of the past shot through her mind as she remembered the monster that slaughtered her mother’s forces right in front of her. The monster with the same roar that sounded like a leather object being pulled down a stringed instrument. The changelings around her stood still, fear filled their bodies as their horns dimmed. Those who were hovering in the sky felt their wings fold and they fell to the ground. As the roar dimmed down, the world was once again silent. The changelings stood in fear as their queen still had her hoof in midair, afraid to even breathe.

Suddenly something crashed in-between the two groups as a cloud of dust and debris rose up. A low distorted chuck rose from in the cloud of dust as a distorted voice said, “It’s so nice to see you all again.” A glowing red eye with a slanted pupal and purple aura flowing from the top corner of its eye appeared as the voice added, “My loyal subjects.”

Author's Note:

I usually don't post anything in the author's notes but for this chapter I feel I must. I've been trying to figure out how to make the roar in the chapter go well. So I've placed what I hear the roar in my head sounds like in the author's notes. I do hope this doesn't pull readers out of the story.

So this is how the roar sounds in my head: (The roar starts at the 16 second mark)