• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,590 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter 44: Batty

Applejack winced as the pain medication began to wear off. Her body, while not in as bad of shape as Dash’s, still felt achy and sore. She had slept dreamlessly for the entire night, only being interrupted at that one point. Now she could hear voices coming from many different directions.

“Come on Rainbow, you can do it.”

“Uh, Rarity, let’s not push her.”

“Fine, you do it then Pinkie Pie!”


Applejack frowned, the voices in the room were hushed, she assumed it was due to the fact they didn’t want to disturb her. The farm mare groaned as she tried to roll over.

“Great, you failed,” Rainbow grumbled.

AJ opened her eyes to see Pinkie and Rarity on either side of a very groggy Rainbow Dash. “Mornin'?” Applejack asked.

“Can you handle this, Pinkie?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie nodded as Rarity stepped away. Rainbow adjusting herself to lean more on Pinkie Pie as the two made their way towards the restroom.

“Good morning Applejack, did you sleep well?”

Applejack rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she fought the overall stiffness to sit up. Rarity stood beside the bed, allowing her friend to do what she could for herself, keeping in mind the advice they’d received from the day prior. As soon as the orange mare was upright, she sighed. “Ah guess so Rarity.”

The white unicorn nodded. “You are looking better darling, sleep has simply done wonders.”

Applejack nodded, she was breathing slightly hard from the effort she had put into the simple movement, but she had in fact done the work herself. She felt proud of how far she’d come in such short time. The pain was by no means gone, but at least she could move.

Her mind trailed off in the direction of her farm. She was feeling better, but she was still concerned about it. It had been nearly a week since the last time she’d seen the trees, and apple bucking season was coming up in the near future.

“Applejack?” Rarity’s voice brought her back from where her mind had wondered. “Darling are you alright? You seemed a little vacant there.”

“Uh, yeah sorry Rarity, just thinkin’,” Applejack apologized.

“No worries there Applejack, I’m just saying that you look a lot better this morning.”

“How’s Dash?” Applejack asked.

Rarity’s ears pinned down once more. “I don’t know. I don’t think any of us know.”

Applejack bit her lower lip, her eyes going to the restroom door. “Have ya heard from Dash’s parents?”

Rarity nodded. “We got a letter late yesterday. We should expect them later in the afternoon. I do hope Dash perks up, she did yesterday a little, but she really just needs to take her mind off of it.”

“Easier said than done,” Applejack replied.

Rarity flashed her friend a sad smile. “And you are correct. So ready for breakfast?”

Applejack shrugged. “Ah guess.”

Rarity turned and trotted to the table on the far end of the room. There she retrieved a tray of food. On her way back, she scooped up the bedside table in her magic and proceeded in setting up Applejack’s breakfast in bed.

The tray had just been set before her when the restroom door opened, and Pinkie came back out nearly dragging a half conscious Rainbow Dash. The pegasus’s face was completely white, and her body had broken out in a cold sweat.

“Come on Dashy! No time for sleeping now silly! You can do that once we get you back in bed.” Pinkie encouraged.

Rarity and Applejack both frowned, equally concerned about their friend. Applejack could not deny the fact that she was in bad shape, but in comparison to Dash, her injuries were nearly a walk in the park.

Leaving Applejack to manage her medication and food on her own, Rarity crossed the room to assist Pinkie in getting Dash back into bed.

Dash looked miserable. While the medication had helped the farm mare to get the sleep she needed, Rainbow spent the entire night between the two realms once again. Her body too drugged to fight her troubled subconscious. She had been forced to rely on Luna and Rarity’s assistance.

Pinkie, Applejack noted looked much the worse for wear. Her mane, while not flat, definitely looked droopy. “You know,” Pinkie began once Dash was tucked in. “I think we need to throw a ‘cheer up Dashy’ Party! I need to throw one for that cousin of Lilly’s as well- Rarity, have you met her yet?”

Rarity shook her head. “Is she here?”

Pinkie nodded. “Arrived late last night. Currently, she’s asleep in the Everfree forest.”

In the forest?”

“On the edge,” Pinkie corrected. “Near Fluttershy’s place.”

“Oh dear,” Rarity’s ears flicked back, her mouth pressing into a straight line. “I’m not sure-”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Nonsense! A party is just what this town needs!”

“Not what I mean darling, just- what is Fluttershy going to do- how will she react when she meets... Lilly did say Sony was a... bat pony.”

Pinkie nodded. “Black, with yellow eyes.”

Rarity gave a half shiver. “I’m afraid darling that the bat ponies are still just a tad-” she bit her lip. “What I mean to say is that they...”

“We’re just not used to them,” Applejack stated. “Ah’m sure there be plenty of things that we have in common.”

“And plenty of things that we don’t,” Pinkie finished. “Besides! They are so cool!”

“Cool is a matter of taste Pinkie,” Rarity stated with a shiver. “While I don’t mind them I’m not exactly comfortable around one either.”

Applejack could only nod at this around the bite of food in her mouth. Swallowing it down she spoke up. “Ah can’t say I’m comfortable around bats, but ah ain’t gonna knock this one before we meet her. Shoot, she foalsat, how bad can she be?”

Rarity nodded. “Indeed, still this is going to be quite a different experience. But if Celestia and Luna have okayed it, I’m sure everything will be just fine.”

Pinkie nodded heartily. “Yep! I wonder what bat ponies eat? What do they do for fun? What is it like being out mostly at night? And sleeping upside down?”

“You already do that, darling.”

“Duh!” Pinkie giggled. “But isn’t that what friendship is about? Accepting the fact we are different, and then respecting those differences?”

Applejack nodded as Rarity tried to backpedal. “Well, it’s not that-” she snorted. “Yes Pinkie, you are right. Still, I’m worried about Fluttershy. The mare is after all pitch black except for her yellow eyes.”

Pinkie giggled nodding. “Yeah! She about freaked me out last night when she arrived! I opened the door to see those two yellow eyes just floating there! It wasn’t until she got into the light that I could even make out the rest of her body!”

Rarity shivered. “I do hope she is not the pranking type.”


Sony’s visit to the Crystal Empire had gone as smoothly as expected. She had arrived there pretty late- or early in the morning depending on how you saw it. It was a shorter journey from the Nest to the Crystal Empire than it was from Eagle Nest Valley to Ponyville. The trip being clear of mountains during the majority of the route.

The biggest issue had been Discord. The chaotic beast had not let up his attacks against her the entire flight there, or down to Ponyville.

The well-known king of chaos had thought of everything from flying cows, wrong directions, cotton candy, chocolate milk, Gumdrop showers, lemon drop dew, to any other sticky situations he had come up with to annoy, or slow her down. These had all crossed her path along the course of the evening.

Upon arriving in Ponyville however, Discord had suddenly let up his game and disappeared without any explanation or warning. Sonydon Song had not put anymore question to his absence than she had to his presence. After hours of it, she didn’t care. The only thing she knew for certain was the beast wasn't bothering her anymore.

Her first goal was finding the Castle of Friendship. Unsurprisingly, it was not hard to miss. The tall crystallized tree-house shone brilliantly in the moonlight. Sony tilted towards it, and landed neatly on her four hooves before the door. Laying her ear to it, she listened. There was not a sound from within. She knocked. Still no sound.

Sony frowned thinking. They had been told of her arrival, had they not? She shook her head, she knew what it was to tend to an pony who was disabled for one reason or another. She decided to check the windows, most of these were locked shut, but one was open.

Hovering outside, she let out a three tone whistle and waited... and waited... and waited.

Sony’s heart sank, she gulped worriedly that her signal couldn’t be heard from inside.

Bats had good ears, even if their eyesight didn’t amount to much. Even in a castle as large as this one, her signal should have gotten through to Goblin.

She was just about to make the signal again when the snow white bat appeared in the room. It flew hastily over to it’s master squeaking with delight.

“It’s good to see you too,” Sony whispered with a smile. “How’s things?”

The bat landed on the window frame, and hung upside down.

Sony frowned. “Castle is asleep huh?”

The bat lifted off, and disappeared. Sony decided to land on a nearby railing and rest until her pet came back. She hadn’t been granted admittance yet.

The black bat pony stayed where she was for some time. Since there was nothing better to do, she closed her eyes to think about her mission. In all honesty, it was pretty straight forward, she was to kick a group of pegasi into shape and get the books in order until the captain of the weather team was back in good enough health to continue her duties.

As she hung upside down in the typical bat manner, she felt the sandman’s call. Slowly as time drifted by, so did she into the realm of sleep.

“And who are you?”

Sony’s eyes flew open. Her wings just barely catching herself from talking a painful fall to the ground below. She looked to the window, before her stood a pink pony. A very pink, she glanced to her back, earth pony. The pink pony’s mane was a slightly darker pink than her coat, and it curled all over her head. Right smack dab in the middle of her forehead one curl hung, creating a hook from which Goblin was hanging.

“I know who you are! You must be Lilly’s cousin! Sony something!”

“Sonydon Song, bard of the second order,” Sony replied. “And who are you?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie said giggling. “Welcome to Ponyville! And what do you mean by ‘Second Order?’” the earth pony questioned her face inches from the newcomer.

Sony smiled, landing on the floor before the pink mare. “It means I have passed all my tests, but I do not sit on the high council of bards.”

“Oh,” Pinkie said nodding. “So you are pretty famous!”

Sony shook her head. “I am but a humble servant of the mountains. I am here to serve, not to be served.”

Pinkie giggled, “That’s silly, because you need a room. And last I checked you don’t have a house. Don’t worry, Twilight has already had a room prepared.”

Sony nodded. “I appreciate that. Though, it is my normal time to be awake, but I shall strive to re-adjust my clock to match the ponies of the day.”

Pinkie bounced up and down. “Good! Now follow me, and tomorrow we’ll have a party so you can meet everypony in town.”

Sony did as her guest instructed her, leading the solid black bat mare down the long hallway.

“So...” Pinkie began again, “Can you really see through ponies, or do you just look like it.”

Sony almost burst out laughing. “Neigh filly of the day, I cannot see through a pony.”

Pinkie was satisfied. “That’s good, so your eyes are just yellow.”

“Yours are blue, does that mean they are pools of water?” Sony retorted.

Pinkie gave a quick giggle, which was followed by a most unbecoming snort. “That’s funny!”

Sony paused shaking her head. There was much to get used to in this new quarter of the world.


After Sony had dispossessed of her scanty belongings, and taking a scarf from her baggage, turned to Pinkie Pie. “Now, Pinkie of the house of Pie, bard of the lowlands, may I request direction to someplace- out of the way. I wish to meditate and get my thoughts together before I am to meet this weather team, or the currently pre-disposed captain of it.”

Pinkie cocked her head to the side before she let out a high-pitched giggle. “I’m no bard!”

“In the time we have been together you have launched into three ballads... though none have lasted more than a couple of moments,” Sony observed lifting an eyebrow and flashing her companion a half smile.

Pinkie’s grin spread. “You are a funny one.”

“I repeat my request, if I am to be so bold, Is there a place out of the way where I can depend on not being disturbed so as to meditate?”

A look of intense thought crossed Pinkie Pie’s face. Her brow furrowed. Sony could feel herself being studied by the pink mare.

“Well,” Pinkie finally said, “Zecora meditates in the Everfree forest. But she lives there too.”

Sony nodded. “Two of your friends live out in that direction, including one of the fillies my student taught... It will at the very least give me a chance to talk to her prior to anything else.” She bowed slightly to Pinkie. “Lowlander, I shall return with your friend at whatever time she chooses to return.”

“Umm... one thing...” Pinkie said hesitantly.

“And what is that?”

“Fluttershy is- shy.”

A single steel colored eyebrow lifted on her dark face. “Indeed, I shall keep that in mind, and strive not to scare her. It would not be proper. Thank you for your warning.”


Rainbowshine didn’t get a wink of sleep the entire night. Despite Discord’s assurances that everything was pretty much alright, neither she nor her husband could rest easy knowing their daughter was in the condition she was in.

The purple mare paced up and down the length of the bedroom thinking, pondering, and definitely worrying. On the bed Rainbow Blaze sat with a tennis ball throwing it against the wall and catching it as it flew back in a glove. Thunk, thunk, thunk, the ball made as it was thrown and caught.

“Maybe we should bring her some tea!” Shine suddenly said turning to her husband.

In his surprise, he missed the ball and it hit the headboard behind him. “What?”

“Maybe we should- no... It’d be better to bring up some soup, that way her friends don’t have to worry about it. One less meal to worry about. She is our daughter after all! I should be doing more!” Her wings suddenly shot out. “Oh by Celestia’s colors! I forgot to get... I can’t make...” She facehoofed not completing either sentence.

Blaze sighed and shimmied off the bed and glided over to his wife, pulling her into a comforting hug. “Shine,” he sighed deeply, rubbing his hoof up and down her back, working at the knots in the wing joints. “Shine, please listen to me. What our little Dashie wants is us. Discord would not have come here if we couldn’t do something.”

“That’s just it! I am her mother! I should-”

He pulled her in closer, tucking her nose into the crook of his neck. “Shine,” he whispered so softly she had to strain to hear it. “We can bring her something... but you are not a failure as a mother just because you didn’t know. You and I both know Dashie doesn’t like coddled. Not even as a filly, for her to even request help means she’s at her wit’s end!”

“But she’s going crazy!”

“Is that something we can change when two ponies who are far more skilled than us have attempted and failed to help her?” Blaze comforted with a rare burst of wisdom.

She sniffed and snuggled in closer to her husband. “After everything else, she has already been through, everything she’s achieved, to have it all gone with something so slight as a competition gone wrong!”

“It has happened to greater athletes. May I point to Roughian Arrow, Wind Rider, Light Dancer, Firecracker-”

She again sniffed, brushing away a tear and nodding. “But I never thought it would happen to our Dashie!”

“Who says she’s going to be stopped by this! Set back a couple of months maybe! But by no means stopped my wife! SHINE! Who do you think she is! Our Dashie can make anything cooler! She can overcome anything! She has the ponies that matter most to her cheering her on!”

She sniffed nodding. “Thank you Blaze, what would I do without you?”

He held his wife close, kissing her gently on the forehead. “Go mad my wife, as your mother did before you.”

Shine cringed, her mind raced back but a few years prior when, due to old age and a stroke, Bright Flash, Rainbowshine’s mother had lost her mind.

Feeling his wife’s distress, he wrapped his wings around her smaller form and surrounded her in his strength. “Dash will get through this. I don’t care if we have to camp out there every day. I’ll ride her like a coach if I have to to get her back on track.”

Shine closed her eyes, suddenly the entire sky outside lit up as Celestia’s sun peeked over the horizon and it’s light entered their bedroom. “And there goes my last hopes for sleep tonight,” she groaned. “Alright Blaze, let’s get to the kitchen and start up some stew. I’m not about to show up at the castle step empty-hooved.” She let out a huge yawn teetering slightly, and her eyes fluttering closed.

“How about this, I go shopping for what you need, and you get an hour’s nap.”

Rainbowshine shook the sleep from her eyes, “No, I must-” But she got no farther as Blaze picked her up, and setting her on the bed, he snuggled in holding her close. “You sleep first, and then I’ll come back with the supplies. Now sleep!”

And Shine did.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Cowgirl here. Boy, it's been a long time since I wrote. I bet you guys thought I had forgotten about this. Well, guess what? I didn't.

This summer I... took off. Not out of want, or desire, but out of necessity. I can't promise dates for when chapters come out. My emotions are still so out of whack it's not even funny. I'll press when I've got a muze to write, but when I don't, I don't. This has an outline, so it's not going to be forgotten about... (Even if the story is going MUCH longer than I had originally expected. It was only going to be 25K *Cough*)

So here we start the next section of the story. Family ties, and it marks the two-year mark for my first publication of this story. So I thank all of you who've stuck with it for so long, I know it's not many.

Anyways, I'll have the next chapter out as soon as I can. I finished writing it last night, so hopefully I'll be able to get 46 written quickly, and 45 out to you just as fast. We'll have to see.

Anyways, Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from all of you.

Cowgirl Out.

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