• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter 42: Kissing Statues

“GOBLIN!” Catstitch cried upon seeing the small creature. The others looked at the twins in confusion and interest as they eyed it as well.

The ‘small creature.’ was nothing more than a ghost bat. It was short, fat, and starch white. Upon hearing Catstitch's voice, ‘Goblin’ perked her ears forward and started flying towards her. Instantly, Lilly clicked her tongue, and the bat turned and flew to her.

“Admit it, sis you can’t handle bats.”

“Neigh can ye.” Catstitch fired back but didn’t intervene as the white bat landed on Lilly’s outstretched wing.

“Oh!” Fluttershy cried. “It’s so cute! I’ve never seen a creature like that.”

“A Ghost Bat,” Twilight recalled. “An endangered species only found in snowy areas.”

“I knew that,” Fluttershy defended herself. “I’ve just never seen one.”

“This is Sony’s pet. Probably has a message for us.” Lilly opened the bat’s left wing gently to find a little note held against its body with a bit of string. Lilly carefully removed the note and opened it.

Twilight glanced over Lilly’s shoulder. “It’s a bunch of scribbles.”

Lilly shook her head. “Short hoof. It’s not used much anymore, but all the bards know the language. It’s easier for Goblin to carry it if it’s short.”


Acknowledged, Castle cold two hours past sundown. Then go to castle friend arrive before morning. "


Lilly translated it out loud.

The ponies jumped as a voice suddenly shouted out. “SHARP ARROWS FLYING!” Steady was livid. Lilly stepped out of the way as Steady rushed past her towards the cowering mare. The typically gentle gray giant’s anger radiated off his wet body like smoke.

Arrow froze solid. “Uh- I can explain! You see-”

“I told you to stay home!” He marched over, taking her ear in hoof and dragging the brown filly into an uninhabited room.

Lilly stayed with Twilight and company. “Leave him be. Steady’s wrath; I would want on nopony, but he is her legal guardian. He is not unreasonable.”

Twilight frowned. “Still, I’m-”

Lilly cut her off quickly. “Has Celestia never scolded you for stepping outside of bounds?” she asked.

Twilight blushed. “I see your point.” The Alicorn’s thoughts strayed to when, due to her own paranoia, she had bewitched her foalhood doll.

“Soarin, report. I didn’t expect such a fierce storm.” Lilly directed her attention now to the lone Wonderbolt in the room.

Soarin frowned. “With all due respect ma’am, after the time we’ve had, I’d be worried about that filly.”

“Noted commander, Steady does have legal rights to the filly. It’s not our place to step in. Steady is breaking no law by reinforcing his rules on Arrow. Report?” There was a threatening note in Lilly’s voice as she repeated her order.

“Captain-” He paused, taking a deep breath he snapped to attention. “Motivation, I fear to report to you the sorry state of this town’s weather service.” he faltered.

Lilly frowned. “Report, Commander,” she urged, irritation clear in her tone.

“The books are pitiful, the team ill-trained, their ability to observe and supply is non-existent,” Soarin reported.

“This is an earth pony town,” Lilly pointed out.

“Indeed, but a town so close to the Everfree Forest, the weather team should be better prepared,” he stated.

“How did they fare once handling the storm?” she pressed.

“The whole group is lazy. I’m surprised there aren’t more injuries than what have been reported.” Soarin allowed this to sink in for a moment. “They do know how but nopony has been practiced to the point that they can do it in their sleep.”

“First off Commander, this isn’t the ‘Bolts, I don’t expect this town to function on our level or that of the Flyers. This does, however, grieve me.” Lilly looked to the group. “Twilight? What do you know about all this?”

Twilight and company were also frowning. “First off, all of our weather ponies have other jobs-” Twilight tried to defend them.

“Including Dash?" Captain Feathers inquired skeptically.

“Wonderbolts,” Twilight pointed out.

“Fair enough, continue.”

“Also, Dash isn’t the best-organized leader,” Rarity pointed out. “She much prefers her stunt flying to actually doing the weather. It has been, more often than not, we’ve had to remind her and had a stronger storm than necessary, or a storm out of nowhere because she’d just forgotten.”

Fluttershy hid behind her mane, Pinkie didn’t look anypony in the eye, and the CMC glanced out the window. Lilly frowned. “None of this was reported?”

"The thing is, when we check, she’s on top of it,” Soarin pointed out.

Lilly still wasn’t smiling; rather her frown hardened as her irritation grew. “I am going to have to have a word- several- with Captain Spitfire. Maybe having Dash taken out of the picture will be a good thing, as far as weather control is concerned. Commander, do you know my cousin Sony?”

“I’ve met her, yes,” Soarin confirmed.

“She’s going to be the one taking over the weather management until things can be tended to. I want you to report everything you’ve told me to Spitfire, then make a complete report, I mean complete report sent to me. When I get to my desk in two days, I expect that report to be waiting for me. If it is not, Commander Soarin, I will force you to eat Spandex Pie with a goggle garnish. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear, Sir?”

Soarin snapped to attention. “Sir, yes sir.” He saluted.

Lilly smiled and nodded. “Good.” She had to take a moment to compose herself. Her threat had backfired on her in the worst way possible; giggles.

“STEADY!” They heard Arrow’s muffled shouting through the walls.

Lilly’s ear flicked to the door. She had to restrain herself physically from going to relieve the poor filly. “She’ll be fine,” she said out loud, as much for her own benefit as for theirs.

“So,” Twilight said, “since you know so much about Dash’s younger years- do you by any chance know her parents?”

Catstitch suddenly looked incredibly innocent. Lilly, incredibly guilty.

“I’m going to take that as a yes,” Twilight said in confusion.

“Pa’s good friends with Mr. Rainbow,” Catstitch answered. “We’ve met them a few times.”

Lilly snickered. “Yeah. A few.” she placed a hoof over her mouth to hide the giggles. “Excuse me.”

“They aren’t that funny,” Fluttershy said.

“No, but I’m remembering the time we met.”

Fluttershy’s face went pale. “I forgot about that.”

“Those two!” Lilly snickered. “I’ll never forget that dinner for as long as I live.”

“Dinner?” Twilight asked curiously.

Lilly nodded, “It’s traditional for the teacher to visit the home of all their students. That way we can get to know any personal preferences a parent might have, anything they are concerned about. It, for the most part, is just a good way for the parent to get to know who is the name on the paper.”

Catstitch looked away. “Those two are- funny. Ah neigh think there be a more opposite couple in Equestria. Except maybe our’ parents...Ye be in for a real treat,” she continued to stifle a snicker.

Lilly nodded. “Indeed, The Rainbow family is good friends with the Feather family. Our Dads especially.”


After leaving ShadowLDrago, Discord decided to return to the Land of Equestria. He, however, was on a mission of exploration. Supposedly Dash’s parents were to visit the castle the following day. Having never met the pair, Discord had declared it on himself to make the first acquaintance.

He blew a puff of strong wind through Cloudsdale before actually entering it. He wanted to ensure there was no extra dust to make him sneeze. As it was, a certain greenish mare was blown clean out of town. “Hum, fancy that.” he mused.

Discord wasn’t exactly sure where the couple lived. So, sitting down on a cloud with a box of popcorn he lined up the houses and started parading them past his ‘box seat.’ Cloudsdale was a sort of jigsaw puzzle of connecting clouds.

Discord mused as he watched each home roll by. Most of the houses were pretty uniform, complete with a polo shirt and khaki pants in their school colors.

The first house to roll by was blue and gold. A bee patch was stitched into the pocket. Lets Turn And Go College It said across the back.

“Nope, Not it.” He pushed the house away making it line up elsewhere.

The next house to pass, the colors were purple and black. Discord shook his head when he noted the Pirate and school name, Jolly Roger University.

This was followed by a house dressed up in red and black. A red Jaybird was stitched on its uniform pocket, displayed across the door was a sign that read Jay Feathers University.

Discord shook his head. “My, my, my Lilly, you do have an ego don’t you?” he snickered upon realizing this was, in fact, Lilly’s Grandfather’s school.

Other homes passed, ponies dressed up in anything from doctor scrubs, to jump suits. Each pony had its school’s name written across the back. Discord was having a blast. The same could not be said for the town.

Finally, Discord came across the home he was looking for. It was a tidy two-story house. It was also colorfully dressed. Across the door was written ‘Rainbows Live Here.' He used his talon to reach out and scrape away of the rainbow colored font, sucking it off his claw and shivering. “Oooh, spicy. I like it.” Snapping his talons once more, he returned everything how it should be before Fluttershy had a reason to scold him- well; there was still the issue of Spitfire’s couch, but that could wait. He wanted to meet that hot shot’s parents.


The home of Rainbow Blaze and Rainbowshine was a chaotic place to be. Some areas were almost perfectly orderly and neat, while others locations looked as though Discord had let loose his collection of rats.

“And then!” Rainbow Blaze cheered, “The ball went over our heads and right into the goal. I couldn’t believe it! I haven’t missed a shot like that in years!”

“Uh huh,” his wife said as she worked at mending one of her husband’s shirts.

“I’m too awesome to be old!” he complained. “I’m only twenty-nine for the-”

She looked up and raised an eyebrow at him. “Twenty-second time?”

Blaze’s ears flopped down. “That old?”

“Fifty my dear.” She stated. Her fluffy pink mane flopping down into her magenta eyes.

Blaze shuddered. “I can’t be that old!”

“Our daughter is twenty,” she pointed out. “You were not nine when she was born honey.”

He batted away her comment with a hoof. “I’m still awesome! The ball just decided to be 20% cooler.”

Rainbowshine shook her head with a sigh.

Smiling, he shimmied up to his wife, looking up into her sparkling eyes. “You disapprove.”

She glanced at him, putting down her work she crossed her hooves over her chest. “Blaze- your elbows are sharp.”

He reached forward and pulled her into him, planting a firm kiss on her lips. “Are they? Now, I might be old enough that some things get away from me, but my wife never can,” He declared in a deep, yet romantic tone.

Rainbowshine allowed a smile to play at the corner of her lips. “We have work to do honey.”

“Work, work, work, and more work. Come on, let your hair down. I’ll ensure you’ll like it.” He bounced his eyebrows at his wife persuasively as he planted a kiss on her muzzle.

She shook her head but didn’t fight him. “Honey, you are old.”

“I’m never old!” he cheered. “Forever twenty-nine- OWWWW.” He nearly dropped her as a sharp pain raced up his spine.

Shine managed to escape his grasp and help him into a chair. “Can you allow your daughter to be the awesome one now?”

“Yeah, yeah, she’s cool- but I have to bring it my A-Game if I want to stay ahead!” he boasted.

“Admit it, you are getting older, and she is now entering the prime of her life,” his wife kindly pointed out.

He sighed. “She was so cute, such a little firecracker.”

“Yeah...” Shine agreed glancing with a sigh at the picture of their daughter standing on her father’s head. They were all much younger, Dash hardly ten yet, her coat almost blending in with her father’s. Dash and Blaze were hardly ever apart during her early years. “Do you remember the time-”

He started chuckling. “I remember many times. How about the time she won her first hockey match.”

Shine shook her head placing a hoof to her heart. “I about lost it when she slipped and went spinning into the wall.”

Blaze laughed. “Dash is a tough mare, she can handle anything.”

With a half smile, she shrugged. “You can’t blame me for worrying.”

He pulled his wife once more to him, her body now on the couch. “No, but I can make you forget~” he said with that passion once more in his eyes as he leaned in for another kiss.

Rainbowshine placed a hoof over his mouth, stopping him in his tracks.“Blaze! Not now, the dinner will burn.”

The stallion sighed. “I can at least look at you.” After a second of studying her face, he frowned. “You are getting old my dear. I see wrinkles.”

“You aren’t supposed to say that,” she reminded him gently.

“We are alone-”

He was immediately cut off by the sound of a voice coming in from every direction. “Oh stop!”

Both ponies froze, similar expressions of surprise planted themselves on their faces. To both of their horror, the lamp in the corner of the room slowly transformed into the one and only Discord.

“Really?” He asked. “This is so cheesy, Cheese Sandwich couldn’t do any better.” Discord stood against the wall with one claw on his hip, the other propping himself up.

“D-Discord?” Rainbowshine stammered.

“No, just Discord.” The draconequus stated. He snapped his talon, adding wrinkles onto his face. “Does that make me look any better?”

Both ponies blinked, crimson touching their cheeks. “No.” Mrs. Rainbow finally said.

Discord snapped his talon again. Just as suddenly as before, he was an infant lying in a crib that resembled a crab. “How about now?” he asked in a diminished voice.

Mr. Rainbow, having recovered from the initial shock started laughing. “It’s a crab crib!” He held his sides as he laughed.

Rainbowshine frowned, she still didn’t like the fact that a certain villain was spying on her and her husband’s private time. “And what do you want?”

Discord snapped his talon once more and was back to his normal age. “Oh pish posh, I know you were chasing rainbows as if you don’t have one already, but really, your daughter is laid up in bed, and you are trying to have a make-out session... Or perhaps you were hoping for-”

“Dash!” Rainbowshine had him suddenly pressed against the wall. Her eyes could have cut him in two had they of been knives. “You mentioned Dash!”

“It’s a trivial matter really.” Discord snapped his fingers, only to find himself being pinned against the other wall by Rainbow Blaze.

“Dash is bedridden?” He asked, his tone filled with worry for his daughter. “How is she?... what happened?”

“Do I look like a plot device to you?” He asked.

Neither one answered, confusion written across their faces.

Discord rolled his eyes, snapping his tallon, he put them both in a birdcage. “Much better,” he stated with a flick of his wrist. “Now I’ll answer your question. First, yes, she’s alright.”

Both ponies’ expressions didn’t change. “I don’t believe you,” Rainbow Blaze said.

“Do you doubt your daughter’s skills?” Discord asked obviously surprised. “She’s an impressive mare. I wonder if you could find a stallion worthy.”

Their expressions flattened again. “How is she? How did she get hurt?”

“Don’t worry, she didn’t knock a mountain down on herself or provoke the dragon lord. You two need not be so imaginative. She only broke a wing, then went insane, then managed to damage her stomach wall, and then to finish it all up, she’s in deep depression and keeps going lucid.”

Rainbowshine started crying. “Oh no! Not my Dashie! Please, not my Dashie!”

Rainbow Blaze glared at Discord as he pulled his wife close to him to offer support. “Not funny, I swear if you are making this up-”

“It’s true, All true. In fact, I do believe a little friend of yours is over there right now doing some-” Discord made a face. “Counseling session...” he took an entire box of soap and dumped it in his mouth before brushing thoroughly. “It’s so cute it’s almost sick! Talk about unnecessary drama!”

“Little friend?” Blaze had somehow escaped the birdcage and had Discord by the scruff of his neck. “Who do you mean by ‘little friend?’”

“Oh, Just Captain Feathers,” Discord said around the toothbrush-turned-stick.

Blaze dropped the draconequus. “Lilly?” He looked at his wife.

“Can’t be,” Rainbowshine muttered. “Lighting Feathers said yesterday that nothing short of the end of Equestria would motivate her to leave her job at that science center.”

“You are lying,” Blaze said. “I know Lilly is the only ‘Feather’ right now with the title of Captain. There is no way you mean anypony else. And There is no way she’d just-”

Discord snapped his tallion. A bubble appeared in the palm of his hand. They could see Dash crying into the fur of a pink pegasus mare with a long blue braid. Rainbow Dash was bandaged, both wings tethered to her sides. She wore a colorful jacket.

“You- No, you have to be lying.” Rainbowshine started to shake with fear and worry.

Discord began removing limbs. “See, If I’m pulling anypony’s leg, I’m pulling my own. Your daughter needs you. You’ll be getting a note from Princess Twilight. I suggest you- Oh no... No... No!” Discord started trembling.

Suddenly, there was a magical flash. Standing before them, in the middle of the room was a fuchsia unicorn with a long purple curly mane.The mare’s coat glistened in the new-light. “Discord!” The mare scolded. “Leave. Them. Alone!” She was quite annoyed.

“Oh, Glitter! How pleased I am to see you!” Discord cooed. “You arrived just in time to help me.”

Glitter’s look flattened. “I’m not helping with any of your dirty tricks,” she stated flatly.

“Are you accusing me of not playing fair?” Discord looked hurt.

“Discord, do not provoke me. I have spent this entire day kissing statues! The LAST thing I need is you causing problems.”

Discord crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow. “Statues Glitter?” he cooed once more. “You never kissed mine!” he whined childishly.

Glitter rolled her eyes. “I didn’t like yours. It tasted like a rock.”

“And these didn’t?” Discord stated in mock depression and anger.

The unicorn glanced at the two fowl in the birdcage. “They did, but I would rather kiss a statue than be wed to a griffon. Now, fix this.” She pointed to the couple.

“What is there to fix?” he asked, returning the two to their normal forms, and placed them side by side on the couch, still hugging one another tightly.

Glitter ever so slightly shook her head, her stare narrowing into a glare. “Discord, I have other places to be at the moment. Fix. This.”


Steady let go of Arrow’s ear as he nearly threw her into the private room. The room was empty outside of a few boxes filled with who knew what.

Arrow trembled, her eyes fixed on the floor below her.

“You were doing so well Arrow!” He began. “You made Ensign, you have spent the last six months obeying orders with only a minimal amount of snarkiness. I’ve only had to whack one coltfriend of your’s... and you’ve only been the cause of one sprained hoof in over a year. Now, you have disobeyed me at every turn today! Arrow! Shame!” Steady was beyond angry, and Arrow knew it.

The small brown mare didn’t answer, her right hoof reached up and started rubbing her necklace. “Please cousin, I’m sorry...” A tear peaked its way out of the corner of her her eye.

Steady’s glare didn’t waver. “What am I going to do with you?!” he pressed.

“Please Steady, don’t be angry with-”

He cut her off. “Look Arrow, this isn’t the first time your attitude towards Lilly’s orders has gotten you in trouble. She’s the Captain! For crying out loud, Arrow! You can’t just disregard what the Captain has told you to do. You can’t go behind their back and undermine what they are trying to accomplish!”

“I was lonely!” Arrow defended herself weakly.

“Doesn’t matter! The royal guards stand outside if it’s raining, sunny, snowy, stormy- What if one of them decides they need to use the bathroom? Huh?”

Arrow didn’t say anything, her ears pinned back and her head hung in shame.

“They have to wait!” Steady belted in her face. “They can’t just leave their post! They have to hold it, or wear the shame if they fail.”

Arrow squirmed uncomfortably, shrinking towards the floor in submission.

“Sharp Arrows Flying! You FAILED!” He screamed it right into her face. “If you were charged with defending the town against a rampaging beast, the town would be dead right now! Why? Because you needed a bathroom break!” Steady’s gaze didn’t falter. He glared into his cousin’s eyes without slacking.

Most ponies would never guess Steady had this side to him. He kept his wild beast locked away under his shield of cold logic. However, rip away this cloak, and you discover the hidden beast within. This monster Arrow knew well. It was the beast within Steady that had broken her into submission the first time after her mother passing.

Arrow’s eyes drifted to the floor, and a lone tear slipped down.

“Don’t you even start!” Steady snarled. “Suck it up like a soldier, don't’ let me catch you crying. You failed kid. You failed big time. You can cry later when you are alone in your room, but right now, NOW, I tell you, You will show me control and discipline. Anything else and Celestia help me if I don’t loose my temper completely. Lilly told you to stay home, and I told you to stay home, and what did you do? Follow.”

Arrow cringed again, bracing herself as the force of his voice and presence pushed her backward.

“We left you with a filly your age, Lilly’s family and in a location where you could learn, and have some time off to have fun, and what did you do? Break a lamb’s leg and follow- ARROW!” He stood there heaving, his normally gray coat bright red with anger.

Arrow didn’t move, nor did she look up. Steady was all she had left in the world. The one pony alive she had any allegiance to in her heart. And she had broken that one loyalty. She trembled as she tried not to cry.

“Stay here,” he ordered. Turning, Steady left the room, closing the door behind him.

Arrow stood there for several moments before her knees buckled. Slowly she flopped to the floor and cried. She cried for her father, his lifeless body as she’d last seen it. She cried for her mother, so grief stricken that the most minor of flight errors had been the death of her. Arrow cried for herself, so alone. In her heart, she wanted to be free, but her duties called her to obey. She cried for Lilly and Steady. More than anything else, Arrow wanted a family again. She cried for her uncle to accept her, who was Steady’s father.

What Arrow wanted was a home.


Steady took a deep breath as he left the room, leaving his cousin alone to think. His eyes wandered to Arrow’s saddle bag, and the small lamb lying beside it. His ears flicked back.

“Steady?” A voice called quietly.

Steady’s ears perked up just a little as he tried to compose himself into his normal stoic being. The composure didn’t last for long though as Lilly’s stormy gray eyes caught his bright blue ones. Steady could feel her empathic nature examine him as he stood there.

He dropped his gaze to hide as much feeling as he could.

“Is she alright?” Lilly suddenly pried.

His eyes met her’s again. The silent flame that he held in check burst once more to the surface. He grunted a reply that meant nothing.

“Are you alright?”

Steady’s heart dropped. Of all the questions for her to ask. “Uhmp,” He grunted again.

Lilly smirked. “My emotionless statue has been chaosed, hm?” she teased.

His eyes met her’s again. “I don’t want to talk about it, Lilly.”

“Progress,” she replied in a snarky tone.

He grumbled and snorted.

Lilly sat down. Her freckled wings shimmered in the last light of the evening. “Soarin has already given me a full report.”

“Half a report,” Steady corrected without thinking.

“Alright, how did we get such a bad storm?” Lilly asked.

“I failed,” he replied quickly.

Both of Lilly’s elusive eyebrows rose slightly. “Really? We got rain...”

“First off Captain, the books are in horrible shape,” Steady said.

“Not news,” Lilly affirmed.

“And the team couldn’t stop a stray cloud if it was standing still!”

An unbidden laugh escaped her.

Steady’s face flattened. “Not funny Feathers,” he grumbled.

“Sorry, but from what Soarin said, I knew that too. So, why is this your fault? Look Freight Train, I’ve know Dash and her family almost my entire life. Dash never was good at keeping up with planned events. It’s not a surprise to me that this is an issue. Dash is also the master of whipping everything together in the last five seconds, so nopony else is any the wiser. Steady, if the state of the weather team is anypony’s fault, it’s mine. I knew of Dash’s weakness, and I didn’t inform Spitfire of the way to get around it.”

Steady looked away during her speech. “Do you think the Captain would have listened?”

“No,” Lilly caved, “that doesn’t excuse the fact that I didn’t even try. Silver Lining, Soarin, Fleetfoot, Rapidfire- most of the others do respect me. So if Spitty didn’t listen, one of the others would have at least of had the means to deal with it. Steady, I commend you on your ability to do the job despite the situation. I’ll have a commendation for both you and Soarin on the respective desks within the week.”

Steady rolled his eyes. “This brings me to another point, Arrow.”

Lilly cringed. “I’ve had it up to here with that filly,” she grumbled. “I know, I understand that the anniversary of the loss of her parents is coming up, but- Steady, I’m completely lost on how to deal with her. While we have to be sympathetic, she was spoiled brat then, and those traits still come through. She’s nearly a full grown mare now Steady, so we won’t be able to do much more for her. The choice is up to her now. The time to change her and curb her antics is almost gone. On top of that, I’m just her Captain. I’ve got to keep a professional air with her no matter what my feelings are in this case.”

“Lilly, what are your feelings?” Steady pressed.

Lilly’s ears flicked back. “Mixed, Steady. It’s no secret that she tramples my nerves like they don’t even exist. We never did get along before the accident. And it has taken me a long time to learn to tolerate her. She throws herself at stallions like they are toys. Steady, while I would never wish this on anypony, a part of me fears for her well-being. It’s a matter of time. Arrow is just so careless. That, and- and... my mind every time I look at her returns to that story that Arrow’s mother used to tell about their great-great-aunt, Roughian Arrow.”

“The fastest earth pony who ever lived,” Steady stated.

“Roughian died when she was fourteen years old Steady! She was but a filly during that final race where she won that title... she shattered both forelegs and died of a bone infection two months later.” Lilly provided the details briefly. “Arrow was born with her aunt’s speed, but also the frailness of bone on top of being a pegasus. I worry about her. A good workout would do her good, but what would the cost be Steady? I don’t want to see her go as that racing legend did so many years ago.” Her shoulders were shaking now. “What will we do with her?”

Steady was on the other side of the family relation wise, but the horrific death of Roughian Arrow, or Roughian as she was known by anymore, still weighed heavily on his mind as well. It was a story that was in the text books of any higher school.

He nodded. “I know Lilly. It might happen to her someday. But- you can’t dwell on what ifs. Right now we have a lost filly who needs direction.”

“Maybe we should let her just wait in silence for now,” Lilly suggested.

Steady raised that eyebrow at her. “Why do you think I closed the door.”

“Oh Steady,” she giggled as he continued to switch the eyebrow he had raised.

He nodded. “Better. Now, how can I be of service while we wait?”

“Oh, I don’t know!” Lilly stated. “Let’s ask Twilight.”


“You know...” Twilight mused as they sat around the dinner table. “I find it interesting... Lilly taught Dash and Fluttershy in school, and Catstitch knows both the Apples and the Pies... however Rarity and I didn’t know either one of you.”

Rarity nodded. “Indeed, darling. This has been on my mind as well.”

Catstitch and Lilly glanced around the table where the older ponies, plus Spike were sitting. The CMC had been taken home by Steady while Arrow was still in the other room not having come out yet. “Well, there are three of us. Just because neither one of us were involved in your growing up years, doesn’t mean Glitter wasn’t. In fact Twilight,” Lilly stated hesitantly, “I know for a fact you would have at least had the opportunity to have met her, and that she has monitored you very closely.”

Twilight looked uncomfortable. “What do you mean, I don’t remember any ‘Glitters.'”

Spike looked thoughtful. “Twilight, you hardly remembered the names of your own best friends from that time.”

The purple alicorn shrugged begrudgingly. “Well, I’ve had so many other things on my mind since then. So when might I have met your sister?”

“Well,” Catstitch began, “Ah know me sis teaches durin’ the summers at Celestia's school.”

“Forgotten War Magic,” Lilly finished with a thoughtful look on her face. “Isn’t that right Cat?”

Catstitch nodded. “Aye, and Mountain Magic for’ dummies.”

Twilight’s ears folded back. “Oh no... Oh no... NOT HER!”

With that, there was a burst of magic, as a pony teleported into the room.

“It is, isn’t it?” Twilight stood in dumb horror.

Spike on the other hoof lept to his feet. “Oh, it’s you!”

The dark fuchsia mare glanced down at the little dragon, and her expression softened slightly. “Yes, it’s me, little Firebreath.” She glanced around at the rest of her audience. “I’m here in search of my sisters, who are late for an official meeting in the Crystal Castle on a matter of national security. Or, at least I think it’s national security. That might be next week. Today is still relevant, however.”

Spike glanced between Rarity and the new pony. “The two most beautiful mares in Equestria are in the same room! Twilight, I think I’m dreaming!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “It’s a nightmare, I know Spike,” she said nodding to the newcomer.

Lilly and Catstitch both glared, in the moment of discovering the stranger. None of the others had realized both of the other pony’s appearance had changed. Lilly’s wings had gone from a soft pink to a shimmering silver, while Catstitch’s hooves and fetlocks had done the same. “Did you have to use your magic like that?” Lilly griped.

“Did you have to dally and not be on the train when I went to meet you?”

Catstitch laughed. “Good valley sista,” she cheered.

Lilly snorted. “I would have been, but Luna sent me a message at the time I should have been leaving.”

“You knew we were having this meeting today.” The new unicorn gave her mane a toss. “Honestly, I shouldn’t have to run about Equestria keeping tabs on the two of you. I have enough on my plate as it is!”

Lilly rolled her eyes. “I never asked to get involved in politics. Celestia can wait until the morning.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will not wait,” said the stranger. “Don’t try my patience, Lilly. I’ve been kissing statues all morning.”

Lilly fell out of her chair in a laughing fit. “Kissing statues! That’s something I’d expect out of Laugher here! Oh well, I do remember the time for the diamond dogs-”

“I said you didn’t want to try my patience.” The unicorn turned to Twilight. “Greetings, Magic. I do regret that this meeting had to come at this most inopportune time. How has the life as a princess been treating you?”

“Uh...” Twilight stammered, still slightly stunned. “Alright?”

The unicorn shook her head. “Darling, you’re a princess. That’s hardly proper diction for one of such royal status. Phrase your answer better this time.”

Twilight squirmed, unaccustomed to getting this treatment anymore. “Uh... I’m doing alright?” she said hopefully.

“Nay, the proper response is. ‘Ponies expect so much out of a princess! Why can’t I go back to my old life? Where do I turn in my wings!!!’” The fuchsia unicorn held a hoof to her forehead for dramatics.

Twilight looked helplessly at the mare. “And this is why I didn’t like taking your classes.”

“Neigh hardly Glitz,” Catstitch stated flatly. “It goes like this, ‘I fare well ambassador, and you?”

“You weren’t schooled at the Academy, Cats,” said the mare, who was clearly none other than the illusive Glitter. “You don’t know the proper diction.” She glanced about the room, her eyes falling on Rarity. “Ah, Generosity! It is so good to finally meet with you in person again! I mean, I’ve seen your clothing all throughout the high society, but I just haven’t had time to pop into your shop.”

“Indeed darling, and do I know you?” Rarity asked.

“Well, we only met once, and it was strictly on business terms - though I’ve kept tabs on you ever since then. How could I not when I felt the echo of Generosity from that first moment you spoke. How you’ve managed to keep that heart of gold and still build such a successful career is beyond me.”

“Business... business... No.” She gasped in recognition. “You were the filly that- that provided the much-needed funds to build my shop!”

“I had to reflect such generosity such as you had with an act of my own,” Glitter answered. “Also, I had a number of different ambasador adventures to take, and I needed plenty of clothing options so I could be prepared for anything. If I can carve out time, you can hopefully expect me within the month for another such order - your styles are simply the most marvelous I’ve found in all of Equestria. And, best of all, no feathers to make me sneeze. Usually.”

Lilly glared. “Feathers...”

“Can’t find anything else in the Griffon Empire.” Glitter laid her ears back. “Honestly, gold and feathers. That’s all they care about when it comes to fashion. They don’t even care if it looks good together. The more gold and feathers you have, the better.”

“Aye, that’s right, ye were with the griffins today.” Catstitch nodded.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy stated.

“So... what does Griffons, and kissing statues have to do with one another?” Twilight asked quite lost in this point, but not expecting a clear answer.

“Because I considered kissing every statue in the Griffon Empire to be a preferable apology than the marriage alliance they were suggesting,” Glitter answered. “And a much better option than a war against the Griffon Empire. The things I do for Equestria…”

Twilight looked to Pinkie, hoping her random friend could help confirm the truth in a mare who Twilight had come to know to tell more fables than truths in the years she’d studied under her.

Pinkie had a set of glasses on her face as she shifted through a filing cabinet drawer that seemingly had come out of nowhere. Slowly, the pink party pony looked up, pulling out a file. “I think she’s telling the truth but-” Pinkie disappeared and reappeared in Glitter’s mane. “You never are sure with a pony who says the prince is nothing more than a frog that was kissed.”

Twilight looked at the two sisters.

“Yes, that’s a story Glitter tells, I would not be surprised if Pinkie knows it. As far as the whole statue situation goes... I’ve seen stranger things happen.” Lilly smirked at her sister. “Got a marriage proposal from a Griffon. My, you are a lucky one,” she teased.

“Lilly, if you keep this up, I’ll march you to the Griffon Empire and make you kiss all the statues, too. I’m sure the Griffons will love that. Honestly,” Glitter paused to pull Pinkie out of her mane and set her back on her hooves on the floor, “I have no reason to be making this up. The Griffons protested the size of the hoops at the games, and demanded fair compensation.”

“That almost doesn’t seem fair! You should have made Missy Harsha’ Whinny do it," Lilly laughed. “I feel sorry for you, but next time, that mare could do with a few of her balloons being popped. And that was her fault.”

“Yes, but as far as the Griffons are concerned, I am Equestria. Nevermind the fact that I’m just an ambassador, and we have four princesses…”

“Tough job?” Twilight asked. “I’ve always wanted to visit the Empire. The stories make it sound so amazing!”

“It would be amazing if it weren’t for all of the grumpy griffons,” Glitter responded.

Lilly giggled.

“Sista’ ya need ta go ta bed now,” Catstitch said. “We a’ got a Giggly Lilly.”

“NOPE!” Lilly said, “we’ve got a meeting tonight. Ain’t that right sis?”

Glitter gave Lilly a flat look. “Yes, we have a meeting. A meeting that should be underway in less than thirty minutes, and you weren’t on the train. Also, there’s a Discord causing trouble at the Rainbow residence.”

“That’s where he is? I told him to get lost,” Lilly grumbled. “I’m awake enough that I can fall asleep at the most strategically important moment in the meeting and make three alicorns yell at me.” Lilly shot a look at Glitter to see how she’d respond.

“Very well, you shall be awake enough to spend the whole meeting without a chair.”

“Touché,” Lilly said as the group of ponies started laughing. “It’s not that funny.” She stated looking around at the ponies.

Fluttershy snickered. “Yes, it is, because that’s what you used to do to Dash.”

Lilly’s ears flickered back. “NEW TOPIC!” she shouted louder than she had originally intended to.

“Mmm, I was just thinking the same thing myself,” said Glitter. “Now, we do have thirty minutes before the meeting, and since I’m here, and we’ll have to teleport no matter what, we … can push the line if you’d like. Is there any unfinished business or loose ends that you need to take care of in the next fifteen minutes?”

Twilight’s ears flicked back. “Honestly Professor...err... Ambassador... errr. Miss Glitter? What is your title? If it’s one thing I’ve learned today, you three wear a lot of hats.”

“Lilly’s the one who wears hats, I prefer horn ornaments,” Glitter answered. “Glitter’s fine, personally, but if you wish to call me by a title, you could choose Inspiration. That’s my official, though secret one. Or perhaps The Great And Powerful Arista. That’s a personal favorite of mine.”

Twilight and the rest of the ponies cringed. “Bad memories,” she said. “Glitter it is. Really Glitter, I’m a little overwhelmed with the whole situation, and it’s been a long day. If there is something I need to know, but don’t... I’m not thinking of it.”

“I do have one little question.” Rarity spoke up. Pinkie shot her a glare. “What darling? Applejack and Dash are asleep, my little sister and her friends are on their way back to the farm, and I can’t think of anything else to talk about.”

“What is it Rarity?” Twilight asked.

“Well, darling, that is if you don’t mind my asking, will you girls be at the Gala this year?”

This evoked a mixed response from the triplets. Catstitch rolled her eyes while suddenly looking incredibly bored. Lilly took on a look that spoke of both impish intentions and disgust, while Glitter looked genuinely excited.

“I swear, this year I’m going to roll in the mud and show up in my barn duds!” Lilly exclaimed under her breath. “Teach those snooty Unicorns a thing or two."

“No, you will not!” Glitter insisted. “You will report to my room an hour before the Gala, and not leave my side until the Gala begins.”

Catstitch sat back, pulling her embroidery out from under her chair.

“I’m slicker than an eel!” Lilly rebuffed. “You’ll never get me to go willingly! Never again!”

“It’s your duty Motivation! Princess Celestia will expect your presence,” Glitter declared sternly. “Besides which, you’ve never been able to escape me, not when half of your escapes REQUIRED my assistance.”

“I still have that other half of the time I’ve managed to not use your help,” the younger triplet fired back. “I’m not going! I’m snot! I’m snot! I’m snot!” She childishly stated.

“Lilly, you should actually listen to yourself,” said Glitter. “If you want ponies to take you seriously, you need to start taking yourself seriously. You will report to my room, and if you don’t, you will regret it. I will promise you that.”

Lilly snorted. “You can’t make me dress for it. Yeah, I have formal outfits... and I know how to dress up... but you can’t make me. I’m so tired of those silly get togethers. If it wasn’t for the yearly calamity, I would never have lasted this long!” Her look hardened.

Catstitch snorted with a sly smirk. “Yeah right,” She said just under her breath. Luckily, nopony heard her.

Glitter continued without hesitation. “Lilly. This is not the time or the place. Wait, no. Rarity, do you have a tape measure?”

“Never!” Lilly continued, “I won’t be measured! You could tie me up, and chain me to a sinking ship! But never would I consent to the horror!”

“I’ll hold her down while you take the measurements. I’ll be by next week with Catstitch to get ours and to pick out the designs,” Glitter continued, paying the over-dramatic pegasus no mind.

“NEVER!” Lilly whined, fighting the magical hold in vain. The group was having a hard time holding in their mirth.

“Lassie, ye sound worse than Discord with a toothache,” Catstitch stated bluntly. “Me would thinkes ye were’ going to the island of tickling with that racket. Shesh, willin’ ta take on Spitfire, or Williwaw Winter, but a new dress is a horror to be avoided.”

“You have no idea the horror!” Lilly whined pitifully as Glitter finally had her pinned. Rarity was almost at a loss at this. It was quite the comical situation. The only thing that ever came close was the time Rarity had managed to get Rainbow Dash to get a massage. “Fighting for your life is a completely different skill set than trying to talk yourself out of ruin with ponies who want nothing more than to eat your money!”

“They aren’t that bad,” Fluttershy stated simply.

“You spent last year in the garden, except for the moment where you burst in...” Lilly said grumpily.

Fluttershy froze in horror; not realizing that Lilly had known that.

“It’s amazing how many ponies don’t look up.” Lilly responded still fighting her sister’s hold as Glitter kept her standing with her wings up on the floor. “HEY!” She yelped as Glitter’s magic suddenly poked her in the wing joint.

“Look up?” Fluttershy asked.

“We’re pegasi!” Lilly said as if that explained everything. “Despite that, most ponies when they enter a room never even think about looking at the ceiling. I’ve had ponies discuss important things oblivious to the fact I was directly above their heads. If I have to wear a dress, make it black and make it resemble a tent.”

Rarity paused and looked Lilly up and down in shock. “A tent darling?”

“So I can disappear better. Maybe I should come in camo... Then I can vanish into the potted plants,” Lilly said sulkily.

“You sound ridiculous,” Glitter said. “Please stop. And, Rarity, just ignore her and get the measurements taken.”

“I’m in the depths of despair!” Lilly groaned dramatically as she tried to flail her hooves about.

“Lilly,” Catstitch inquired, “if I neigh remember right, ye had a fitting a few weeks ago for dress uniforms-”

Lilly stopped instantly, her mind reeling for a reply. “That was different,” She finally said. “I was going to wear those to work, this I’ll be wearing to the-” she shuttered, “Gala.” She finally managed to say, disgust clear in her tone.

“Consider the Gala part of your work,” Glitter ordered. “After all, even the Wonderbolts attend.”

“Not working,” Lilly complained as her body suddenly went stiff.

Rarity’s cheeks were puffed out. Her mind was wandering to a similar instance she’d had with Rainbow Dash right before the parasprites had first shown up. That exact same look on Lilly’s face had been on Dash’s blue face all that long ago.

“Please don’t laugh,” Lilly grumbled. “I already have to attend that thing.”

“Not you darling, I’m remembering the first time I did this for Rainbow.”

Lilly let a sly smile touch the corners of her mouth. “I could see that going off well.”

Soon it was over. Lilly opened her wings, and springing upwards, she disappeared instantly into the top of the room. Glitter decided to let her go while Catstitch giggled and the others looked on in mild confusion.

“She’ll come down when she is ready,” Glitter said with her normal charm. “Now Twilight, I need to have a word with you in private.”


Twilight led Glitter into the library, closing the door, Glitter instantly dropped her normal airs. “Twilight, I want to talk to you as from one princess to another. There is something on your mind, no?”

Twilight frowned. “Don’t tell me you are an empath too.”

Glitter chuckled. “No darling, just Lilly. But as an ambassador I’ve had to learn how to read ponies. One wrong move and all of Equestria could be at risk.”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably.

“I’ve hit it on the head haven’t I?” Glitter looked deep into Twilight’s eyes. “It’s a risk that you are worried about.”

Twilight steadied herself. “You three just don’t make sense.”

“Catstitch never caused the princesses any trouble, but as for Lilly and myself, yes, we do tend to bend the rules.” Glitter affirmed. “But we are not the risk that is on your mind.”

Twilight looked at her numerous books that were all around her, then to the mirror. “Glitter, as an ambassador you know the status of Equestria’s foreign policies?”

“I should hope so, I wrote half of them.” Glitter affirmed.

“You know the status of our defenses?” Twilight asked.

“More or less. Defense is more Lilly’s field than it is my own. I do, however, have an idea of where we stand in all areas of defense.” Glitter’s own eyes traveled to the books, her eyes examining each binding as if they were old friends.

Twilight noted the look with mild confusion, most of these books had come from the castle of the two sisters. “Our two strongest are...” Twilight chewed on her bottom lip. “What?”

“You are afraid for Equestria’s safety now that you guys are compromised.”

Twilight nodded. “When Discord first attacked-”

Glitter winced.

“He got Dash to leave us,” Twilight continued. “it ended up compromising our ability to fight back. Now we have lost both Rainbow, and Applejack.”

“Not lost, darling, they’ll be good as new soon. But I see what you mean. It’s not easy to watch somepony you love struggle.” Her eyes traveled to her own hooves as the fuchsia unicorn collected her thoughts. “Twilight, how long has Celestia ruled over Equestria?”

Twilight glanced up. “At least for the last thousand years.”

“And in that time the Elements were locked in her castle, their power used up when Luna was banished, waiting for the proper bearers, yes?”

Twilight again nodded. “That is correct, but... there weren’t that many real threats during that time-”

Glitter laughed. “No real threats? You want to bet? I really need to talk to Celestia about actually talking to you about the between years. Trust me, Equestria’s peace has been threatened under every generation. Whether it is an enemy that’s entered from outside her borders, or a foal that Celestia nurtured and taught herself.”

Twilight just looked at Glitter.

“I’m not saying you six are not important,” Glitter reassured. “Because you are very important. I’m saying that it doesn’t all rely on you.”

Twilight sighed. “I’m still worried that something will happen and we won’t be able to stop it. I mean, what if Discord goes berzerk?!”

“Then I’ll turn him to ice.” Glitter hissed glancing around her.

“How about if Tirek gets loose?” Twilight suggested.

“He won’t.” Glitter assured.

“But what if he does?”

Glitter’s horn came to life and held Twilight still. “He won’t.” She said firmly, before letting go once more.

Twilight wasn’t defused. “What if a Dragon started attacking?!”

“The Wonderbolts could handle it, unless it’s Spike again,” Glitter assured. “Not that I think something like that will happen in the next six weeks.”

“But what if-”

Once more Glitter caught Twilight in her magic. Twilight tried to counter the spell, but found herself in a stalemate. “TWILIGHT,” Glitter said forcefully. “While the six of you are important, you are not Equestria’s sole means of defense. Personally, I’m thankful that Equestria is getting a quick wake-up call to remember that it can fend for itself from time to time. I need you to remember that too, darling.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “But what if we have a threat that the average ponies can’t handle?”

Glitter sighed shaking her head. “That has happened, and we have lived through it.”

“But what if-” Glitter’s glare hardened. Twilight took a deep breath. “I guess you are right. Celestia is so busy though, if something were to happen, would- could... what would happen?”

“Nothing that my sisters and I haven’t been trained to handle,” said Glitter. “Look, Unity has been protecting Equestria since Luna was banished. We can come out of retirement for a few weeks. My sisters might not like it, but we’ll do what we have to do. Besides, I really don’t think we’ll have anything Tirek-scale to deal with.”

Twilight frowned. “Whatever you say. Could you three have even stopped him?”

“Darling, I was already helping you.”

“W-what?” Twilight stammered. “How?”

“Don’t you recognize my magic?”

Twilight paused; staring Glitter in the face. She then lit her own horn and let her aura pass over the tall unicorn before her. “I don’t know.”

“Are you sure?”

“Maybe?” Twilight looked hopefully up at Glitter.

Glitter sighed. “When Tirek attacked, the other princesses gave you their magic to be kept safe...”

Twilight looked puzzled. “Yes, that’s what happened. But what does that have to do with-”

“Celestia also called the three of us to her and hatched a plan C. This plan was a last resort only. We didn’t know if Tirek would know the legends of Unity, but Discord did... so we played it safe. Our magic, the three of us together is very strong. Our plan was very simple, I first gave my magic to Celestia. She would have been the only one able to mask it from you. That was important to the plan. If Discord picked up that you had my magic, our plan would have failed. Then the three of us returned to the mountains where we got our tribes each into hiding before my sisters went back out.

When our magic is combined, it can only stay stable for a little while.” Glitter continued. “Then it will explode outwards righting everything to the way it should be.”

“If that’s so.” Twilight asked. “Why wasn’t that Celestia’s first plan?”

Glitter shook her head. “The explosion would not only destroyed much of Equestria, but would have killed the three of us.”

Twilight froze. “But you gave me your magic as well?”

“It was a last resort, but with the magic of Five Alicorns, you had greater odds of defeating him. I’m just glad it all worked out in the end.” Glitter finished.

Twilight sighed. “Yeah, but my home was destroyed...”

“I’m sorry about that Darling. But tell me, this place is nicer than the old place. Spike even has a room, and you have enough space to house all of Ponyville if something were to happen to it again.”

“It’s bigger,” Twilight said. “Bigger isn’t nicer. I miss my own home.”

“You made a lot of great memories there, and I’m truly sorry for your loss. But the loss of a house is far less tragic than the loss of so many lives,” Glitter said. “Twilight, remember, just because you are against the wall, doesn’t mean Celestia is, and neither is Equestria. You represent how teamwork, friendships working together can save the day. It is a powerful magic. But it’s not the only magic in Equestria. Right now, your focus needs to be on the needs of your friends.”

Twilight sighed. “Still torn.”

“Understandable,” Glitter stated. “I’ve faced many an impasse myself over the years.”

Twilight sighed. “I do have another question...” Her voice changed from that of worry, to the tone Glitter was more accustomed to hearing; the inquisitive student. “According to Spike, who asked Flash... one of our guards, there is a creature that if- you fall asleep on the job might dump snow on their heads. Your sister said it was a Windigo that lived in the Castle. But I lived there many years, I don’t remember it.”

“You don’t? I would have thought your brother would have mentioned that annoying thing a few times.”

“I don’t remember him mentioning it to me,” Twilight mused.

Glitter shook her head. “I wonder why, for if I remember right, he was the favorite target.”


Arrow slowly pulled herself back together. Steady didn’t yell... Steady never yelled- unless... unless she’d really crossed the line. She knew she had, she knew she should have behaved, but she didn’t think. She didn’t want to be left behind by them again.

Despite her crushed feelings, she new she couldn’t hide in this closet forever. So she stood, shook her wings out, and faced the door. Her eyes were still red from crying, and her fur was still matted from the tears. But she needed to- she had... She sat back down crumpling into a teary mess again.

After a moment or two and again she pulled herself back together and faced the door. She managed to get all the way to it before dashing back into the back of the room again.

“Arrow, sweetie?” It was Lilly’s voice, but Arrow could not see Lilly herself.

Arrow lay still, covering her eyes with her hooves. She didn’t want Lilly to see her in such a state. Her pride refused to allow it.

“Are you done yet?” Her voice grew firm, but still had it’s caring undertones.

“Do you like me?” she finally managed. A question that had been plaguing her.

The question was sudden. Lilly moved into the light in front of Arrow. “Do you annoy me? Yes. Am I happy with your behavior this week? No. Do I still have to put up with you? Yes. Like isn’t the issue here, I’ve had to choose to love you. Love you like a big sister would. I don’t think you would have been my choice, but we are stuck together. Our lives I don’t think will be taking different roads for a while yet. So I don’t really have a choice here.”

It wasn’t what Arrow expected. And she didn’t know whether to be pleased, or- disheartened. She just kept her face hidden.

“You messed up.”

“No joke.” The filly grumbled.

“Steady didn’t go easy did he?” Lilly sat down in front of her.


“You deserved it.” The mare stated flatly.

“Are you here to gloat?” Arrow asked.

“No, I’m here to tell you to get your rear in gear and take your scolding like a mare. Adults don’t hide in closets when they mess up. They face their punishments and move on.”

Arrow snorted.

“Arrow, you are too big to spank,” Lilly stated bluntly. “When I first met you I wondered why your dad didn’t take you to the woodshed to get a beating. You were the most incorrigible filly I had ever met. Brat didn’t even describe the way you acted. You were an extremely talented filly, but ruined with your parents neglect in disciplining you.”

Arrow sat up. “How dare you talk about my parents like that!”

“Arrow,” Lilly’s eyes held the filly’s firmly. “You parents were great. I respected them a lot. However, they failed big when it came to you. They let you walk all over them. And honestly, there is little I can do at this point to curb you. If you are going to change, you will have to decide to do that for yourself. I can’t, Steady can’t, Celestia can’t make you behave. It’s going to be a heart thing.”

“Humph.” Arrow didn’t look at Lilly.

“My point exactly. Now, are you going to continue to hide in here. Or are you going to come out with a happy heart and be ready to head back with Steady to the Nest when he shows up.”

“Now you sound like a mother again,” Arrow commented gruffly.

“Yes.” Lilly gave her a half grin. “So, what will it be?”

Arrow grumbled as she rose to her hooves.

“There we go,” Lilly said as she followed Arrow out of the closet.


Steady arrived at Sweet Apple Acers after one long, tiring, loud trip from the castle. The air outside smelled sweet after the rainstorm. The fillies- what could be said about the three fillies that bounced and laughed around his hooves?

“And this is mah home!” Apple Bloom informed them as they drew close. “You are really quiet just like mah brother, ah think you’ll like him.”

Steady raised an eyebrow.

“OH!” Sweetie giggled. “That would be a funny conversation.”

“What conversation? They’d be so busy working neither one would say a word.”

“Words don’t always need said when you are working.” Steady stated. “Stallions talk through body language and grunts.”

“Like pigs?” Scootaloo asked.

Steady’s ears pinned back, from his time working with Lilly he chose his best option. “Mares have been known to say ‘stallion’ talk resembles pig babble.”

The girls tittered as they walked up the path to the barn. Steady sighed shaking his head. “Do you have any siblings?” Sweetie asked.

“Yes,” Steady said.

“How many siblings?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Two brothers,” he stated.

“Do you talk to them often?” Scootaloo asked.

“No.” He replied once more.

“Just like your brother!” Sweetie giggled. “All Yeps and Nopes!”

Steady raised one eyebrow, then the other.

All three fillies fell into giggles once more. “You are a funny one,” Scootaloo said.

“I’m surprised you girls are not more sober considering the state your sisters are in,” he observed with little emotion.

The three immediately hushed, their ears folding back. “It’s not that we aren’t worried,” Scootaloo stated, remembering the talk she had with Rainbow Dash that afternoon. “But you can’t be sad all the time. If you don’t laugh, then life is- harder.”

Steady nodded. “Indeed.”

“Don’t you laugh ever?” Sweetie asked.

“Not often,” he stated.

“Really, your life sounds very dull,” Apple Bloom stated.

“It satisfies me,” Steady replied simply, reaching forward to knock.

Scootaloo reached up and grabbed his hoof. “Mr. Steady?”

Steady’s ears folded back, sighing he lowered his hoof to the floor. “Yes?”

“Have- have you ever seen a pony go crazy?” she asked.

Steady’s frown deepened. “Yes.”

“A pony you loved?” Scootaloo pressed.

Steady nodded slowly. “Arrow’s mother.”

“She died, didn’t she?” Scootaloo stated, half knowing the answer.

“She did,” Steady said.

Scootaloo looked to her friends. Sighing, she sat down looking straight into his eyes. “Rainbow Dash is acting strange... crazy. I was just wondering if you knew- you could help me... understand, or know how to be more help.”

Steady was silent for a moment. He wished she’d asked Lilly this question, not him. He was never good with providing answers. “I would advise just being there for her,” he stated simply. “She is going through a rough time from what I can tell. Just- help her... not be alone.”

Scootaloo nodded, stepping out of the way. “That’s what Lilly said too.”

“The mind is a strange thing. It has ways of breaking, or healing itself... emotions can either help, or it can harm. How she feels is her own problems. Nopony can force another pony to feel anything. But Depression, from what I understand, is also dangerous. Be aware of its possibility.” Again Steady reached forward to knock, this time not being stopped.

A green, elderly mare answered the door. “Oh hello, stranger!”

Steady nodded. “Evening Madam, I am here to make sure three fillies return safely home.”

The mare glanced around him to the three silly fillies who were at attention behind Steady. “Why thank you kindly,” She said with a smile. “Come in, come in- ah don’t believe ah caught your name.”

“Steady, Steady Flyer Ma’am.” He said, though not moving to accept her offer. “I must refuse your invitation, I am needed back.”

“Ya won’t stay an’ meet mah brother?” Apple Bloom frowned, staring up at him with puppy dog eyes, begging Steady to accept.

“If I enter, then I will be obliged to stay for a while,” He stated. “But thank you Mrs. Apple, for your hospitality.” The pegasus added, ignoring Apple Bloom’s attempts. He’d seen that trick enough from Arrow to have grown immune to the look.

Granny Smith frowned. “Well, thank ya’ll fer walkin’ ‘em home, sugarcube.”

Apple Bloom stepped in front of Steady, her two friends flanking him, all three shooting him the most pitiful puppy dog eyes they could muster.

“No girls. I can not break my Captain’s trust. I need to be ready to leave with her when she says.”

“Lilly will understand,” Scootaloo said. “Please? Please stay a little longer.”

Steady shook his head before scooping all three fillies up and depositing them on the door mat. “Evening Ma'am, ladies.” He turned and started back down the path.

“Strange stallion.” Cheerilee mentioned; having watched the whole thing from the window.

“Eeyep!” Big Mac stated.

Apple Bloom sighed. “That worked so well on Twilight.”


While the others waited Pinkie had struck up a conversation with Catstitch, Rarity, and Fluttershy discussing past gallas.

“You didn’t!” Rarity looked horrified. Pinkie was on her back, clutching her sides in fits of laughter as tears peaked from her eyes, and Fluttershy looking at the mountain pony with mixed horror and amusement.

“Glitter’s idea,” Catstitch snickered. “We were- young.”

“But- but-” Rarity’s right eye twitched. “Really darling?! What did Celestia think?”

Just then, Glitter entered the room. “She was amused by our creativity, and engineering.”

“A Silly Slide to the throne!” Pinkie suddenly squeaked while she rolled around on the floor.

“Aye,” Cat snickered. “Anna’ Lilly was ready with the camera hidin’ above it all. They each got a picture of their less than graceful entrance.”

“You did what.” Twilight asked in horror having heard the last bit.

“Second Galla we ever attended, the first having been ruined by Spitfire and Lilly getting into a fire/snowball fight.” Glitter stated. “Part of Unity’s job is to make sure the Gala doesn’t get too boring. That particular time we switched the regular red carpet for a magically enchanted one that would trip every eleventh pony that entered the room.”

Rarity’s eye twitched again. “Say what? Do tell me you are joking.” She was absolutely horrified at what she was hearing about the most high class and sophisticated party in all of Equestria. The fact that it was intentionally being ruined was absolutely horrifying to her as a sophisticated pony.

“Those poor nobles,” Fluttershy stated with concern.

Glitter nodded. “We did get into trouble with that one... But it was worth it to see Prince Blueberry run into his dear, doting mother.”

“Do we still havea’ that one?” Catstitch asked Glitter.

The eldest triplet shrugged. “Dear me darling, I don’t remember.” She said, a little disappointed.

“Sounds like you guys had fun.” Pinkie started getting into Glitter’s face again. Again, Glitter effortlessly distracted the random party pony. This time, with a box of streamers being dumped on her head. Pinkie, startled for a second, smiled. “Confetti!”

“Confetti what?” Glitter asked, eyeing the streamers, blinking when they suddenly turned into confetti and floated to the ground. “I like your style.” She said, staring at the colorful paper at her hooves.

They turned to see Lilly and Arrow finally enter the room. Arrow looked a sight. Her chocolate mane was loose from its three ponytails and messy, and her teal eyes were bloodshot from crying.

“We were just talkin’ about the second gala.” Catstitch said, catching Lilly up to the conversation.

A wry grin spread across the middle triplet’s face. “Oh feathers that was fun. Remember Soarin’s entrance? He ended up clipping his wing on a flower pot and swan-diving into Celestia's front hooves.”

Twilight looked at Lilly, her horror at the pranking only growing as Pinkie was once more in hysterics.

“Though that wasn’t as good as one of Glitter’s friends, she ended up trying to teleport... and landed in the punch bowl.” The pink pegasus snickered deviously.

“Lilly. It was not that funny.” Glitter replied with a flat expression.

“Not then, but now I think even she could look back and laugh.” Lilly stated.

“Remember, near the end of the evenin’ ye got caught by it?” Catstich asked Lilly.

Lilly nodded smiling. “I can’t believe I got caught. I miscounted and thought I was safe, but Glitter had also re-adjusted the spell to go every time it hit the next digit of pi. So I ended up sliding on my belly right into the cake... what was left of it.”

“Were you hurt?” Fluttershy asked.

“Just my pride,” Lilly stated. “Cadence got a good laugh out of it however. Once I realized I’d been caught by a trap I’d help set, I too was cracking up. Not everypony was a good sport, but once they figured out what was going on, we even had a few ponies casting bets on who was going to get caught next. And we had foals running down it just to get tripped. A few colts decided to ‘impress’ their dates by proving that even when ‘tripped’ they would stay on their hooves. Soarin was one, he did pretty well after a while. Silver Lining, one of the older Wonderbolts, did pretty well also. He even sat those foals down and showed them how it was done.”

“The fun part was, it was a long carpet, and it wasn’t one place that had the spell. It also was a random on where you would get tripped. We got thrown off because a pony would cross it at one end, and we not see it, so the next one tripped would be a complete surprise.” Glitter stated.

“And Celestia let you do this?!” Twilight asked.

“She told us to never do it again.” They defended themselves.

Arrow was looking at Lilly in horror. “And you were just telling me I needed to act more mature!” She shouted.

“You are fifteen,” Lilly pointed out. “We were nine.”

“Out of curiosity,” Pinkie asked. “Catstitch said that you guys normally plan for something to go weirdly every year. Last year, what did you plan?”

“You guys,” They all three said together.

The four element barrors blinked. “Us?” Twilight asked. “How did you know we’d cause problems?”

“Really darling, we didn’t,” Glitter stated. “But we knew you girls well enough to know that no matter what, something would happen. Even if it was nothing more than Pinkie deciding we need a disco ball and confetti cannons going off.”

“Me favorite year was when we set conversation eggs out, and required that if they sat down at a table, they had to first read one and discuss what was written.” Catstitch informed them.

Lilly made a face. “Really? Nothing happened! They talked, then they moved on. That was the quietest gala ever.”

“Aye, Quiet and peaceful,” Catstitch stated.

Lilly rolled her eyes. “My favorite year was the year I faked a fever and got to stay home.”

“You faked that?” Glitter looked miffed.

“I didn’t feel like going,” Lilly replied.

“My favorite was our third year, the year I convinced Celestia to require them all to wear hats,” Glitter stated proudly.

Lilly nodded. “That was an interesting year, but the actual event was rather dull.”

“Aftea’ trippin everypony, I be sure none of the guests complained,” Catstitch pointed out.

Lilly huffed. “Still, I wish we could have turned it into a bubble party like I suggested.”

A cough sounded behind her, all eyes turned to see Flash enter with Steady. “Sir Steady has returned.” Flash stated proudly.

Arrow shied away, back into the corner with the bags, and the snoozing lamb.

“Well?” Rarity asked, after walking right up to him.

“Miss, what can I do for you?” Steady asked, somewhat flustered.

Rarity smiled. “Did the girls get home safely?”

Steady straightened, despite Rarity fluttering her eyelashes not a foot in front of his face. “The fillies you entrusted into my care have safely reached their destination.”

“Darling, you don’t have to be so formal.”

Lilly suddenly stepped between them, her eyes somewhat aflame. “Back. Up. Miss. Rarity. Please.”

The unicorn seemed a bit surprised as she stepped away, not wanting to annoy the pink pegasus.

Lilly nodded before raising an eyebrow at Steady. “Have any issues, Freight Train?”

Steady shook his head. “Nothing outside of the ordinary.”

“Thank you, I’m sure they all appreciate it,” Lilly said.

“Yes Steady,” Twilight said, “Thank you for making sure they returned home safely. This town might be quiet, but since it’s dark outside...” She trailed off. “It was generous of you to offer to take them home.”

Steady simply bowed and said nothing.

Lilly leaned against him, her eyes half closed.

He tapped her on the shoulder, before bringing his wing across his face while closing his eyes. His sign meant ‘Are you falling asleep on me?’ She nodded in response, stifling a yawn.

“Looks like we had better get going.” Glitter said. “I hate to run like this, we simply should do this more often, but not under such circumstances. Steady, do take Arrow, Gertrude, and our stuff with you. Be sure to howl when you enter the mountains, then tell them you are going to Eagle Nest Valley, and you shouldn’t have a problem getting back. We have ponies that that’s what they do.”

Steady nodded as he helped Lilly to stand unsupported. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He whispered in her ear.

She nodded again, pulling herself back together and into a more awake stance. “Guess we need to get going too, right?”

Fluttershy looked sad. Lilly wrapped her old time friend in a hug. “I promise I won’t be gone so long again.”

Fluttershy pulled back to look Lilly in the eye, Angel Bunny appearing between them, He stomped his hind paw quickly.

“Angel wants to hear the song before you leave.” Fluttershy translated.
Lilly jumped. “I completely forgot about that. Alright. Here we go,

“Basketball players would give all their money
If they could jump like you.
Because even though you're tiny you can jump ten feet.
Just imagine what they could do.

“If you could carry a hoofball round those zig-zag patterns
You’d be all-pro every year!
Yeah, you’re a buck or a doe, with a bewitching nose,
And the most spectacular ears.

“You’re a bunny baby, a b-b-bunny baby.
You’re a warm little ball of fur,
You teach me so much, and you love gentle touches,
Though I thought only cats could purr.

“You’re a Bunny baby, a b-b-bunny baby,
You’re my favorite kind of pet.
You don't love to be held, but when you snuggle up beside me
Life’s as good as it can get.”

She sang the song softly. By the time Lily was done, Angel Bunny was sound asleep, and Fluttershy had tears in her eyes. “Beautiful song.”

“Written by Chuckles,” Lilly said. “A bard I’ve always been inspired by.” She then stood and took her place between her sisters. Steady had gathered up the bags and was standing with Arrow near the door. “Be good, and I’ll see you all again soon.”

“Good bye,” Glitter added, her horn beginning to glow. “We must not keep Princess Celestia waiting any longer. Until next time Twilight.”

Twilight simply waved as they all stood back. With that, there was a flash of light, and all three were gone.

There was silence in the great hall for some moments. No pony moved.

“Come on Arrow.” Steady was the first to pull himself out of the daze.

“Did they, did they just teleport?” Rarity asked.

Twilighed nodded. “Yes. That was- a teleport,” She shook her head. “Commander Steady?”

Steady bowed. “Yes?”

She walked with them to the door. “Have a safe journey home, and thank-you for the service you have done our town.”

Steady didn’t have a ready answer. So he just bowed again. “It was an honor serving a fine town like this one.”

Fluttershy, having placed Angel Bunny on her back, reached forward and hugged Arrow. “Chin up.” She said gently.

Arrow didn’t meet her eyes.

Pinkie whipped forward, placing a hoof under Arrow’s chin, forcing her to look them both in the eye. “You’ve got to keep smiling, we all have bad days. Besides, if you don’t have a bad day, then the good days get boring.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Be willing to listen, then I’m sure things will start going better.”

“Yeah Furry Mudball.” Pinkie said with a smile. “And next time, we can have a party!”

Arrow smiled sadly. “I think I’d enjoy that.”

Steady stood back as he watched the two help Arrow pick herself back up and out of the dumps.

“Sure you will!” Pinkie cheered. “OH!” she reached into Arrow’s mane. “A cupcake! And it’s for you.”

She placed the cupcake in Arrow’s hoof. It was yellow, with pink frosting, a great big white smile designed in the icing.

“I’m not going to ask where you got that, Bouncy.” Arrow said, using the nicknames from earlier. She eyed the cupcake cautiously before licking a bit of the icing and smiling when she found it tasted normal.

Twilight laid a hoof on Arrow’s shoulder. “Come back, looks like what you need is a friend. You did well with the girls, I think they’d enjoy your company again.”

“Thank you.” She said again, a slight blush forming on her lips.

Arrow then felt a light tug on her mane. She glanced up to see Rarity’s horn aglow.

“What? It was bothering me.” Rarity said returning the last hair band to Arrow’s mane. Instead of her normal hair ties, being pink, these had little crystals embedded in them.

A tear rolled down Arrow’s cheek. “It-it... it’s beautiful? But I can’t accept it! The crystals must cost a fortune.”

“Nonsense darling,” Rarity said flipping her own mane. “I can’t stand seeing such a beautiful mare look so down. Consider it a gift.”

Steady coughed.

“Bye Arrow, and good luck.” Twilight said as they all backed up, Arrow exited the building in front of Steady.

Steady lagged behind. “I want to thank you for making her smile again.” he said. “That was very kind. I don’t know how many ponies would forgive, or want to be around her after a day like today. I’m sure she was quite- how do I put this?”

“Overly dramatic, and uncouth,” Rarity supplied.

He nodded. “Again, thank you. Until next time.” He said, then they both spread their wings, and vanished into the night.

Twilight just stood there beside her friends. So much had been answered, so much had happened. So much had happened that needed to be thought about more, but now. Now they all needed rest.

Closing the door she turned to her three other friends. “Well.” She leaned against the door, a feeling of exhaustion washing over her.

“I need to go home.” Fluttershy said.

“I will stay here tonight darling,” Rarity said. “Go to bed Twilight.”

“Me too!” Pinkie said. “We can make it a sleepover!”

“Darling! Keep it down!” Rarity whispered.

Twilight smiled. “We all need rest. Hopefully, tonight nothing will happen.”


Up stairs, things were happening. Neither one of the mares were completely peaceful. The strain on their bodies, despite the medication, made no position comfortable.

“No!” Rainbow grumbled in her sleep.

Applejack’s eyes creaked open. “Not again.” She grumbled.

“Daddy!” Dash yelled in her sleep. “It HURTS!”

Applejack reached over, and pulled the cord. “Here we go again.” her hoof was still on it as the medication to help her sleep kicked in again and knocked her out.

Beside her, Dash kept writhing on the bed. “It hurts.” Tears were streaming down her cheeks, “Daddy! I want you!”

Author's Note:

First off, Sorry for the wait. I had... life hit the fan on me these past few months. Between graduation, then I'm right smack in the middle of a police investigation... and my birthday, then I damaged my knee, the internet got hit by lightning... It was just one thing after another. But here guys go, this chapter brings this part of the story to a close. The next part is "It's all Relative" The focus of this part is going to be on Dash's previous injury that it's memory is coming to the surface, and the gang have to help her press through as new things come up. As well as Sony as she tries to whip this weather team into shape.

I'm going to take a couple of weeks off completely. We are re-arranging the house. So until I get done with that, I've not the time, nor the energy to keep going.

Chapter 43 has already been through my editing, so I'll be sending it off to my editors tonight. When I get done and have that free time Mom's promised me... Then you guys will get it.

Until Then

Cowgirl Out.

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