• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,590 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter 43: Luna's Kingdom

Dash’s dream kept drifting in and out. Her thoughts swirled as her mind tried to battle with the medication that was relieving some of the pain and helping her to stay asleep. She knew she was dreaming again, none of what she was seeing was real. However, at the same time, it felt real. It scared her.

She saw herself as a filly. Her father was beside her trying to get her to stand on her own. Her hooves were still wrapped up in bandages and tape.

“Daddy! It hurts, stop!” She whined.

“Dashie, you must start trying. The inflammation has gone down, and the doctor says that the coffin bone did not move,” he encouraged. “You can get through this.”

“It hurts!” she whined. “I don’t want to! Make it stop!”

“Come on, then we need to change the bandages, and soak them in ice water,” he said.

Dash immediately started trembling. “No!”

“Rainbow Dash.” He looked down at her with stern eyes as he forced her to look into his eyes.

She bit her trembling lower lip, a tear crept to the corner of her eye. “Please Daddy, no!”

“Now, Dashie,” He continued, his voiced firm, but filled with care.

Her feathers were beginning to grow back in, but she was by no means able to fly. She was crippled with the next school year fast approaching. She was afraid, for what was a pegasus without flight?

“You can do it.”

“No I can’t!” she screamed back. “It hurts!”

Suddenly the image changed, before her stood Luna. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground as the princess of the night looked her over. Without saying a word, Luna reached forward with her horn and tapped Dash in the middle of her forehead. The whole scene changed. No longer was she in her foal hood home, but in a soft, cloud place. Her body was back to how it was at present. Complete with its unimaginable pain.

“Rainbow Dash,” Luna whispered, looking down at her with disapproval.

Rainbow didn’t have the strength to do anything. She closed her eyes panting for breath. Her body was shuddering as each breath reminded her of it's injured state.

Slowly, Luna’s gaze softened. She laid down, and pulled Dash in close to her, wrapping a wing over Rainbow Dash’s back. “Old fear runs deep.”

Dash could feel Luna’s eyes continue to study her weakened, broken state.

“I sent to you a pony who knew... You have your sister- cousin, and yet you still torment yourself.” Luna went on.

Rainbow Dash’s stomach flopped. “Yeah.”

“Fear to keep going despite the pain isn’t easy. You are not alone little pony. There is another who is desperate for you to wake up,” Luna said.

Dash didn’t move, for she didn’t have the strength to move. “Who?” she breathed.

“Rarity, who is on guard tonight,” Luna said.

Rainbow Dash’s ears flopped down. “Great.”


Rarity was already on her way up the stairs when she heard the bell ring. Alarmed, she quickened her pace racing up the stairs as quickly as she could.

“NOOOOO!” Opening the door, she saw Rainbow Dash squirming on the bed. “It hurts!”

Applejack lay with her hoof off the side of the bed nearest the cord, sound asleep. Rarity quickly moved to the bedside of her disabled pegasus friend. “I’m here Dash,” she said, pulling her friend into a hug. “Come on darling, pull yourself out of it.”

Rainbow’s face was etched with pain. “NOOO! Please Daddy, it hurts!”

Rarity held on firmer, using her magic to hover over the stuff that Zecora had given to them, and seemed to be helping. “There, there, darling, it’s alright.”

Dash tipped her head backwards hissing through her teeth. “STOP!”

Rarity didn’t budge, knowing Rainbow was just talking in her sleep again.

“I don’t want to walk Daddy!” Rainbow suddenly blurted.

Rarity didn’t have a clue where that had come from, but she had to struggle to hold in a giggle. She continued to hold Dash’s head and upper body in her lap as she slowly rocked back and forth, petting Dash’s neck, trying to comfort her. “I promise I won’t make you walk anymore right now Dash.”

Rarity glanced back to Applejack's bed. The orange mare was out cold, which wasn’t surprising. The medication that had been given to them both should have held them both until morning, but obviously, Dash’s mind was troubled enough, still, that even a heavy dosage of the sedative couldn’t keep her from coming up into REM sleep. Rarity just wondered what part of Dash’s past had come up this time. She hoped it was a brighter moment- but she doubted with the way the pegasus was acting.

Suddenly, Rainbow’s body relaxed. Rarity sighed deeply as she watched the tire eyelids lift half way to reveal two bloodshot eyes. “Rar-” Dash coughed.

Rarity smiled down at her, fetching a cup of water. “How are you feeling, darling?”

Rainbow’s eyes wondered around the room groggily. She made a few faces as her eyes tried to settle on things. “Awake?”

“Yes Rainbow, you are awake.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity again. “Stupid.”

“Stupid?” Rarity asked. “Why would you ask that?”

“Tired,” Rainbow groaned as she moved her hoof to her stomach. “Oww!”

Rarity helped Dash to sit up. “Come on Dashie, let’s get you something to drink.”

Rainbow’s eyes traveled to the cup, but she didn’t have the strength to reach for it. Rarity tipped it forward and helped her friend get a sip of the water. She watched for Dash to swallow before giving her more. After the eighth sip, Dash’s eyes fluttered closed again.

Rarity set down the cup, frowning at the weakened condition Dash was in. She shifted Rainbow sideways back onto her pillows, and tucked some ice she’d brought from downstairs into a pillow case before setting it beside Dash on the bed, and covered her up with a blanket.

“Oww!” It was an almost muffled cry, but still audible.

“Sleep, Dashie,” Rarity said. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”

She then slipped over to Applejack’s bed. “Applejack, darling?” She whispered.

The orange farm mare didn’t move, nor did her breathing change. Rarity sighed, lifting her friend up in her magic, she scooted her back to the middle of the bed. “There you go.” She continued as she finished tucking the comforter back around her apple bucking friend. “Get some rest.” She whispered, before pulling up a chair, and sitting down.


Discord left the Rainbow family in a less than stellar mood. He had done his job, and informed Dash’s parents, but encountering that one pony he wished never to encounter, The beautiful, graceful, persuasive, Glittering Aristocrat. The one unicorn in Equestria that he feared as much as the six elements of harmony. Oh, joy.

Bored, he had decided to take a lap around Equestria to see what kind of ‘fun’ he could create for himself. That is, while the land itself slept.

He had played with a few ponies’ dreams, only for Luna to step in and- that didn’t end well.

He had turned sheep into goats, and goats into sheep as they frolicked in the grass. Then the Shepherd showed up.

Discord smiled as he looked into two yellow orbs that floated before him, the pony itself was practically invisible in the moonlight, but Discord could see the eyes quite well.

“Alright Chaotic Insanity,” the shepherd hissed. “Stop.”

Discord, however, was unhampered in his quest for ‘fun’. “Oh dear me,” he snapped making his body disappear. “Look, now we are even.” His own red and yellow eyes now being the only things visible.

The pony floated down to the ground, then shifted around him. “Really? Is that the best you can do? I guess my cousin has been zapping your energy again. I’m surprised you are even out of your ice block.”

Discord hissed, he knew that voice. A broad, toothy smile spread across his face. “Who do you think I am?”

“Discord, the so-called king of chaos,” The stranger stated.

Discord looked at the yellow eyes harshly. “You do realize I could destroy you with a snap of my claws.”

The mare let out a laugh. “Really? REALLY Chipped Marble? Could you really do that and not risk Celestia putting you back in stone? I’m surprised you would try that to a Bard. What I want to know, is why you are messing with the Persimmon’s lambs.”

“Because I have nothing better to do.” Discord stated flippantly.

The bat-mare rolled her eyes. “I think you are aware of the fact that nopony who can stop you is currently here, so you are taking advantage of the situation to have a bit of fun.”

“Oh, is that a bad thing?” Discord playfully stuck out a lower lip.

“Yes,” her glare hardened at the nuisance in front of her.

“You are no fun,” he said, eyeing her. “Sony, or can I call you Dreamer, that is your name...”

Sonydon Song grit her teeth. “I’d prefer if you didn’t come around.”

Discord laughed. “Oh my, you are a dreamer! Pun fully intended, but I must wonder, why aren’t you at the castle?”

“I just woke up,” she replied sharply.

“That would explain it. Is the sun too hot for you?” he teased her, a pair of sunglasses donning his face.

Sony rolled her eyes. “I think your jokes are running a bit flat.” With a quick jab of her hoof, she socked him in the nose, making him deflate like a balloon.

Discord frowned, blowing himself back up with a basketball pump. “Really Dreamer, I think you know better.”

“Says the beast who messed with my cousin without my permission.” Sony glared him in the eye, a sly smirk spreading across her face.

“I didn’t know I needed your permission.”

“I’m a bard,” she stated flippantly. “Anypony, or creature, has to go by the bard and ask permission before doing anything to a pony that is not of the same tribe as they are,” she recited.

He keeled over laughing. “Oh, that’s a good one! Do you even know who I am?”

“The being who prefers disorder, disharmony, and insanity to actually doing what he is told. A being who causes more problems than he solves. Who’d rather do it the ‘fun’ way than the ‘right’ way.”

“Old me. I’ve been reformed.” He snapped his talon, a golden halo appearing over his head.

“I would not take that thing out of its box yet, or have you forgotten Tirek?” Sony stated pointing at the halo.

Discord’s eyes flamed red. “Oh, you little-”

Sony raised an eyebrow at him, her own yellow eyes looking straight through him. “Pony? Yes, I’m a pony. You are a donkey, though, I’m so sorry you got all the bad ends.”

Discord snapped his talon, turning her into a cloud. “I’d like to see you get out of that one.”

Suddenly, the cloud rained, and she stood up from the puddle. “Please, I’ve seen unicorns who could do better than that.”

Discord grit his teeth. “How?”

“Besides, what would the princesses say?” She pressed without answering his question.

“How did you-”

Sony rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid Discord. You were already playing with a cloud double.”

He snapped his talon, she suddenly found herself in the form of an infant. “I’d like to see you get out of that.”

The black baby bat-pony kicked its little legs screaming, her silver, curly mane getting into her face.

Discord started to revert to the game he had been playing, but she cooed. Her large yellow eyes gazed innocently into his red ones. "Da-da?" Not even the great and powerful Discord could ignore the cute baby. He found himself captivated when she grabbed one of her hind hooves in her wings and started chewing on the hoof wall, slobbering all over her back leg.

Suddenly, he jerked, shaking his head out. “Ugg! Look at me, looking at something that an average pony would consider ‘cute.' Fine, just quit whining. I’ll set you free.”

She looked herself over. “Rats! I was enjoying being young again.”

He blinked several times. “Tough luck, I won’t do it ever again, you aren’t worth it.”

She shook her head. “Thank you for dropping by, I always wondered what you looked like from that angle. I think you need to grow a larger beard; you looked quite cartoonish.”

He snapped his talon shaving the whole thing off. “Nope.”

Sony stuck her lip out. “Oh well, I think you looked better the other way. Still, you are pretty ugly.” With that, she spread her leathery wings, and took off, her nose pointing North-West; the Crystal Empire.

“Where do you think you are going?” He grumbled teleporting to her.

“You want to join me? I could use somepony to make sure I don’t run into any flying books.” She said.

He snapped his talon, a whole flock of the said abnormality flying straight into her.

“You’re good. You are quite good,” she mocked. “But to be honest Discord, is that the best you can do?”

“You have not seen anything yet.” He snarled.

She laughed. “Alright, Snake breath, do your worst.”

“You are so on.”

A burst of magic swirled around her. Sony felt a pang of fear laced through her, what had she gotten herself into?


I look down at the scene shaking my head. This is not going to end well, will it? Another day, another page, another month. I feel like I’ve been working on this thing forever. In reality, it’s only been two years but-

“Hello!” I nearly fall out of bed as I see Pinkie Pie suddenly beside me. “What is that look for?” she giggles.

I sigh with a shake of my head. “Really Pinks, I thought for certain I’d gotten rid of you.”

“Me? Oh please, I’ve been visiting your editors like you asked me too. Though the yellow one-”

“Gany,” I say, supplying a name.

“Yeah, her, she seems to have vanished.”

“She has school, and computer issues, she’ll be back.”

“Oh,” Pinkie said. “So... Now what?”

I roll my eyes. “Look Pinkie, I’m nowhere close to done with this story, that’s just one day, a day leads into another, and into another-”

“No, I mean for the 4th Wall...”

“Actually Pinkie, I’d prefer if from now on you stayed in the story.”

Pinkie Pie began to tear up. “You don’t like me anymore? You were angry last time-”

“Last time I was dealing with relationship issues. They have been settled now,” I told her. “This is different. I was using your random appearances as a crutch to add words to the story, or say something that I was struggling to show. I’ve grown as a writer. I don’t need that anymore.”

“But- what about me?”

“You?” I shake my head placing a hand on her shoulder. “You will still be able to visit me, but we’ll keep it to the author notes, alright?”

She nodded. “Alright Cowgirl, until then.”

“Until then.” She then happily poured herself into my tablet screen and disappeared.

I sighed happily. “What a ride, and it’s not over yet.”


Luna traversed the castle halls, her eyes flying to every window that she passed looking for the tell-tell signs of the pony she was seeking.


The pink mare jumped, her head whipped around to where Luna stood in the doorway to the veranda overlooking the city. “Uh...”

“What have we told you about that?”


"I think you know what I'm talking about, earlier... with the guards?" Luna's tone was dangerous.

A snicker escaped Lilly as she relaxed. “I’m sure Shining Armor will be all right.”

“DID YOU HAVE TO BURY HIM IN SNOW?!” Luna belted in her face.

“He was asleep at point!” Lilly defended herself.

“The mountain mare strikes again.” Luna shook her head, a laugh also escaping her. The alicorn sighed, lifting her head, she walked forward and sat down next to the young captain. “Oh, that look on his face.”

Lilly smiled as she watched the princess of the night break down in giggles. It had been funny, upon then arriving, Lilly had escaped Glitter’s hold, to take a few laps around the city. She had found Shining Armor asleep near the crystal heart. Lilly, being true to her nature... let loose a snow cloud on his head. By the time he realized what was going on, he was about half hidden under the fast-falling snow.

“You are awful,” Luna said.

“It’s just snow,” Lilly said. “And it’s a warm evening.”

Luna chuckled. “You remind me of myself.”

“You said that,” Lilly snickered while the lunar princess shook her head.

“Motivation,” Luna began again. “We have something to ask.”

“You outrank me.” Lilly reminded her.

“We know.”

“I know, it’s just the two of us, and I don’t think you speak for Celestia in this moment.”

Luna gave her a hard, inquisitive look, before nodding. “Indeed Motivation, I do not. I wish to ask how your time in Ponyville went? How is Dash’s emotional health?”

“I think you know as well as I, Mother.” Lilly began using the title her own tribe used in referring to Luna. “You have walked in Loyalty’s dreams. You know that her element is the very thing that is playing against her here. Dashie never liked leaning on others, and here she has to do it. While she says she is ready, we both know her heart isn’t quite there yet. At the moment, her body doesn’t give her much choice. I saw her try to take a few steps this afternoon- It didn’t go well. Twilight ended up just using her magic to pick her up and carry her to the bathroom. Rainbow looked utterly defeated on her return. As I said, her words say one thing, and I think she is speaking through that mentality, but for Dash, defeat is not a good mindset to be in. She’s not confident enough in herself to not have that bravado in play.”

Luna nodded in agreement. “I didn’t gather all that Motivation, but with your empathic abilities I was sure you could pick up on things as well, just like our brother was able to do.”

Lilly nodded. “I’m glad I’m not the only Motivation who has this thorn.”

Luna chuckled. “It may be a blessing yet.”

“As if,” Lilly snorted. “There is another thing,”


“Several actually, The weather team. I’ve sent for Sony. She is one who is an outsider enough that will be able to work her way into the group, and hopefully whip them into shape. Also, we have the benefit that she can generally make a job easier since she is a storyteller.”

Luna frowned. “Your wisdom in the choice is questioned. You say she is an outsider, and very much so, Sony is a bat pony, and she is also a Highlander- a Foal of the Night...”

Lilly sighed. “I know that might be a culture shock for some, but I know Sony will make it work.”

Luna’s ears flicked back. “We still are uneasy.”

“Do you remember what town we are dealing with? I am expecting Pinkie to have her friends with everypony in the village by the end of an hour.”

Luna’s ears perked up; a hoof flew up as she tried to smother a laugh. “That she will.”

“I might be young, but I have been around the block enough times to handle the situation,” Lilly reminded her with a sigh. “Now, Applejack.”

“What about her?”

Lilly sighed. “Princess, we both know she’s a mare of action just like Loyalty. Just because Honesty is better able to come to grips, does not mean something can’t or won’t happen that could tip her over the edge. Helplessness is just as big of a killer as defeat is for Dash. Right now, she knows what to expect, and she is taking it with strides. However, I can see the strain of recovery slowly getting to her after a while. That, and she’s the leader of her farm...”

Luna nodded in understanding. “We understand.”

“I’m not saying it will.”

“-but it could happen. We will be on the watch. I guess you felt the strain-”

“Strain of the Element? No, Princess. There was peace from AJ there. She is staying true. There's a strain on Fluttershy's, yes. Her kind nature is at odds with the situation as a whole. She is torn between her duties at home, and her duties to her friends. Twilight is showing signs of strain, as is Rarity and Pinkie. I think it is more from lack of sleep than anything else. I’ll have a report on your desk later. You know my mind works best in writing, I probably am forgetting a few things.”

Luna nodded. “How about you, though? I know you’ve not seen them for years, and that year was-”

“Up and down.” Lilly looked away. “I’ll probably have trouble sleeping, but I’ll come to grasps, I always do.”

Luna placed a wing over the pegasus’s back. “We are still here to talk if thou needest it.”

“I’ll remember that. But right now, I want to be alone.” Luna could feel Lilly slouch. The pink mare had had a long day, and she was not a sturdy mare at the best of times. Luna nudged the pegasus gently with her nose. “Go to bed, Feathers. Sleep well.”

“Protection for you, so to protect the rest of others, Princess,” Lilly responded before she turned and walked away to her room. She’d meet with her cousin when she arrived and also catch the other mare up to speed on the situation. But first, she needed down time. Her pen and paper were begging to be turned into a masterpiece of fine art.

Author's Note:

Phew, and it's out.

I want to appoligize for not getting this out last week. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I should have had this edited and up.

So this chapter actually is the full competion of part three. I've actually not started the next chapter. So I can't promice when it will be out. I took the summer off completely from writing to give my brain a chance to recover after the long, and lengthy stretch I've done on this story.

For the past two years, I've managed to get 43 chapters out. That means I've posted something every 2.4 weeks on average. And to be honest guys, that's pretty impressive. There are not many writers who can say that.

Things will be going slower since I'm teaching this year on top of doing JR college classes. But I fully plan to not stop.

Also, I'm working on a secret project. It's a Dark, thriller. So keep your eyes open for that. If all goes well, it should be going up during October, and November. If we are fast, Then Maybe I'll be reliecing it early into September, but I'm not sure if we'll have it all finished by then.

So, thank you all for reading, and please, leave a comment on what you think of my work. It's comments from all of you that helps me want to keep going during these tough times I'm facing in my life. Bringing long stories to you guys like this isn't easy. And it really puts a strain on people. Me, and all my amazing editors that make this possible.

Until next time

Cowgirl Out.

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