• Published 21st Apr 2012
  • 889 Views, 11 Comments

The Plague of War - Thunderclap421

No matter where you run, no matter where you hide, war and love will always find you. Eventually...

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What's Going On...

The next couple of days Rainbow Dash and I didn't talk to each other. I don't blame her. By the gods, I thought those types of interruptions only happened in movies...Anyways, during lunch one day, I saw Twilight Sparkle alone over at a table reading a book. I walked over to her, "Hey Twilight? May I sit here with you?"

"Yes you may," Twilight said while putting a bookmark in the book and putting it away.

I pulled out my lunch and hesitated to take a bite of my sandwich. "Um, Twilight? Can I ask you a question?"

"Certainly, what's on your mind?"

"Is Rainbow Dash lesbian?"

"A what?"

"You know, a female that like likes another female."

"Um Thunderclap, just because friends act different around each other, doesn't mean that they like like each other." Twilight chuckled at the thought, "What gave you that crazy idea?"

"Ah, it's just that my imagination is acting up." For the remainder of the time, Twilight asked me to explain what Old Earth was like and I told her as much as I remembered. When I was finished talking to Twilight, I thanked her for her time and left to help Rarity with whatever she had asked me to help her with earlier that day. Along the way, I noticed that there was a group of ponies gathered around a shaking earth pony, with dark blue fur and a black spiked mane with a red stripe running through the middle. He had wild green eyes that twitched every couple of seconds.

"I'm telling all of you, the end is near! They took my daughter from me and soon they will destroy us all! Please, I beg of you, save yourselves or you will all perish under their mighty evil iron hoof." The old stallion said.

"What'g going on?" I said, walking up to the poor stallion.

When he noticed me, he turned to me, grabbed me, and looked me in the eye. "They will come to make us fight each other, they will come to destroy our defenses, they will come to enslave us all. If we resist, we will be slaughtered," he whispered.

"Who's they? Tell me what's going on."

"I saw them in my dreams...I should have listened to the warnings. Now they have my daughter and soon all of ponykind. Toh rh Y'kt Rra, Zijbinfu di yhl. We the Y'kt Rra, Conquerors of all. Toh rh Y'kt Rra, Zijbinfu di yhl! We the Y'kt Rra, Conquerors of all!" He continually chanted, letting go of me.

I backed away and started walking to Rarity's house, continually looking back at the crazed stallion. The Y'kt Rra...that name sounds familiar...Where have I heard that name before? Conquerors of all..."Oh, Thunderclap, your here! Thank you for dropping by dear," I heard Rarity say. I had been so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that I had walked into Rarity's house.

"It's my pleasure," I said, snapping back into reality. "What is it that you need?"

"I need you to go get me some silks over in Dappleshire that I need for a project I am working on," Rarity said while putting feathers in a headdress.

"Consider it done Rarity," I said. "I won't be too long," I added. I exited Rarity's house and trotted over to the road that took me to Dappleshire, which I had heard that it is a long ways from here. Well, what are we waiting for?...

Zn' Jija stood on the bridge of the New Lunar Republic's capitol ship, watching the last of the troops and fighters being loaded into one of the invasion battlecruisers, or dasu' hctt. It has been almost two months ever since Princess Luna first was poisoned and forced to start a war with her own beloved sister. Why? Because that is just what the Y'kt Rra do to break a planets inhabitants, or in this case, the planets most popular inhabitants. Zn' Jija was glad this war was being started now than later in the future, because the ponies current technology is not even at the gunpowder age! Zn' Jija chuckled, a memory coming to mind. It was filled with the destruction of that surprisingly resistant, intelligent, and powerful race of...Now what were they called...Humans. Zn' Jija felt bad about them having to obliterate the entire race. It was the t'uunku, or emperors idea anyway, he wanted to crush a race and it happened to be the human race. Those damned Humans, blowing up that precious technology and that Sergeant- Zn' Jija's thoughts were stopped when he heard hoofsteps on the floor of the ship from behind. "Yes?" he said, still looking at the invasion battlecruiser that just barley finished up loading up the invasion force.

"Sir, the Demolisher is ready for ground operation: Dapple. Permission to lead the invasion force," the newcomer said.

"Permission granted. I was just going to assign you to the task myself, due to the fact that I didn't want to appoint my own officers just yet," Zn' Jija said, turning around to look at the pony that just entered the room. It was a young mare with a yellow coat and a light blue flowing mane with stripes of purple. She had bright green eyes that twinkled in the glare of the sun. She wore the new armor of the New Lunar Republic, which turns out to be similar to the humans armor, but a pony version. It had dark/light blue striped patterns decorating it and the New Lunar Republic's symbol on the chest plate. "Star Hawk, are you up to this task?"

"Yes, sir."

"Suit yourself. Now go, we have a war to fight." With that, Star Hawk bowed, and left the bridge. It will take some time to get there, due to the fact that they can't use slip space to get to the planet. Ten minutes later, the engines fired up and the docking hooks holding the Demolisher in place gave way and the large ship slowly loomed over to the planet that will later be in the control of the Y'kt Rra, which Zn' Jija failed to inform Luna and the rest of the New Lunar Republic's forces. Zn' Jija smiled, but even if any of the crew saw him, his face couldn't be seen due to his face plate.

I soared below the clouds so I could see the town of Dappleshire easily when I get to it. Eventually. I saw some large hills and flew to the top of the tallest one to rest for a second and get a good look of my surroundings. I landed at the top and folded in my tired wings close to my body. I sat down and looked around and was surprised at how fast I made it. Not too far from the base of the large hill, Dappleshire sat by a lake and just small hills and grassland that stretched as far as the eye could see. I sat there for a second and took in the view, calm and beautiful. Then a shadow loomed over the town and I looked up to see what it was. What I saw made my heart sink and all color drained from my body. It was the large battlecruiser that was used to destroy my life as a human, but this time it had large blue striped designs on it and a symbol on the side that of a hollowed out circle with a small star at the bottom. No...It can't be, not them, not here, not now. I watched as doors slid open from the bottom of the massive ship and fighters flew out the bottom and fired what seemed like blue darts at the town. What seemed to be troop carriers came out from the bottom, landed, and ponies with armor that looked like the kind the human marines used with weapons that also seemed to shoot blue darts as they hit innocent ponies. Tears stung my eyes as the civilians were slaughtered in front of me. I looked and saw a mother standing over her young fillies while a soldier aimed his weapon at her. It broke my heart when the soldier fired at the mother and she dropped to the ground and the little fillies crying over her.

Ten minutes after the surprise attack started, the soldiers rounded what was left of the populace in the town square. The fighters that flew overhead swooped down and transformed into a similar version to the aliens that destroyed my human life and started walking around the city, making sure that nopony escaped the town. slowly one by one, the pony soldiers shot the civilians and when they got to one of the young fillies, they just killed her without mercy. That's when I lost it. Rage filled my heart and I felt like I was expanding outward. My hooves grew into claws and I saw tips of horn at the side of my face. A face plate formed around my face and my tail felt solid and felt like it had plate armor on it, as the rest of my body. My back felt all prickly and looked down to see my body to look just exactly like one of the aliens. Specifically the one that had its armor shrapnel wedged in my arm. After the shock, I looked down at what remained of the town and anger grew even more inside me. "They killed all of them...Even the foals. I-I'm going to kill them all!" I raged. I leaped with great force over to the town and landed on an unsuspecting fighter/transformer thing. I tore its head right off and smashed it on its companions head. Sparks flew and I pushed the headless companion over and got off of the first one. Soldiers whirled around and looked at me in shock and then I remembered how the aliens pulled out a blade from their backs or something. it felt like I had unhinged my back armor and I grabbed a hilt of a blade and pulled it free. The blade was longer than expected, it was as black as my armor and had the same pattern of red designs all over the ugly blade, also like my armor. Just then they open fired on me and all the blue darts, which were actually blue bullet-like crystals. I heard millions of little tinktinktinktinktink when the shards hit my armor. I expected to die due to all the firepower, but my armor was too strong. "Die you sons of bitches!" I shouted in rage. Then everything after that was all a blur, me cutting down every soldier I saw, demolishing every fighter/transformer thing I passed, and destroying all the troop carriers. I looked up in hatred at the looming battlecruiser and as if on cue, bat-like armored wings popped out from under my armor plates on my back and I shot up at the mass of metal. Again, everything was a blur as I destroyed the engines and had the massive ship crash in the grassland on the other side of the lake near Dappleshire.

I flew to the top of the large hill I was just perched just an hour before. Still in my alien form, I looked at the destruction I caused to the unknown force that slaughtered everypony in Dappleshire. I hung my head and a tear streamed from my eyes, down my face plate, and dripped down to the grass. So much death...How did they get here? How did they get other ponies to do this? Why? I turned around and headed my way back to Ponyville, forgetting that I was still in my alien form and soaked with blue oil and blood.