• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 813 Views, 11 Comments

Something Wicked This Way Moves - Mr. Grimm

A mysterious carnival comes to Ponyville, bringing with it a strange evil.

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The Mirror Maze

Spike took a bite of the mass of cotton candy he’d been gnawing at, thoroughly enjoying its sweet flavor. The dragon wandered the crowds, looking for his next source of amusement. There was so much to choose from that he had trouble deciding. He’d already taken a ride on the Ferris Wheel, and had just stopped to pick up something to quell his midday hunger. He wouldn’t have been so quick to get something to eat if the carnival had more rides. Spike was at first a little dismayed when he found that it wasn’t quite like the other carnivals Twilight had taken him to back in Canterlot. Those typically had more rides. But this particular carnival seemed much older, and therefore would not have such attractions. Yet it had a sort of grandeur that all the other carnivals Spike had been to lacked; a sort of faded elegance found among its patched tents and aged booths.

Spike’s eyes suddenly spotted a bright flash of light. His attention turned to see something glinting in the sunlight like an enormous gemstone. The dragon caught glimpses of its shining, faceted surface though the ever-shifting crowds. Spike was instantly drawn to it. He made his way around a multitude of ponies, all the while his eyes locked onto the glittering thing. At last he was able to see it in its entirety. It was a huge collection of mirrors, each the same size and connected to each other in a folding accordion style. They formed a rectangle of considerable size, and suspended on poles surrounding it was a massive canopy. In the mirrors Spike saw the faces of the crowd a thousand times over; an enormous congregation of replicas. The strange sight intrigued Spike, and the young dragon toddled closer to the magnificent glacier that had somehow sprung up on the meadow.

Spike was eventually able to find the entrance. It was on the west side of the rectangle, and was surrounded by a gaudy display of faceted mirrors that formed a crystal flower around the doorway. Standing nearby was a tall earth pony with a pockmarked face and a thinning mane, leaning on the counter of his booth and looking bored. Spike was initially surprised when he saw there wasn’t a line for this attraction. He had no idea what it was, but was determined to find out. The lone attendant eyed Spike with tired, bloodshot eyes as he saw the dragon walk over to him.

“Can I help you?”

“Yeah,” replied Spike, “What’s this?” The carny’s eyes followed Spike’s pointed claw to the wall of mirrors. He glanced back at the hatchling. Spike thought he saw an almost fearful look in his glassy eyes.

“That’s the mirror maze.”

“Is it any fun?” As Spike waited for his reply, the carny looked over into the crowds. He saw something tall and dark standing still among the bustling, watching him with yellow eyes.

“Yeah. Sure thing, kid. Five bits.” Spike pushed the money onto the counter. He turned to the entrance of the crystal palace. Though the outside shined with the brilliance of the sun, beyond the doorway it was a world of shadow; a dark void hungry for light. Spike felt strangely empowered as he looked into it. It was as though it stood ready to be conquered. The young dragon started forward into the darkness. The carny watched him enter with a melancholy look on his face.

Spike’s eyes adjusted almost instantly the moment he stepped inside. The world around him was suddenly filled with purple and green dragons, each one with the same curious look upon his face. Spike saw his reflections stretch on for eternity in the cool damp of the maze. In the first few seconds of being within the maze, Spike felt more confused than he had ever been before. There were so many other versions of himself that he almost wondered if one of them was the real Spike, and he was merely a reflection.

But he soon spotted the pattern in which they stood, at folded angles like an accordion just like the outside of the maze. Though he understood how it was arranged, trying to understand how they all captured his image made his head hurt. The dragon then realized the ingenuity of the mirror maze. Not only would he have to try and find his way out, but he would have to pay attention or else he couldn’t find which was path and which was reflection.

He started forward, then stopped, a look of bewilderment on his face. As he had walked, so did his reflections. Even his most minute movement caused a flurry of motion within the crystal cave. Now Spike was beginning to wonder if he had made the right decision. He looked into one of the many pairs of emerald eyes that surrounded him. The dragon did not like what he saw. The eye were uncertain and doubting, almost fearful, not at all what he wanted them to be. The eyes of a child. The eyes narrowed. Spike recalled all the times he had been fussed over by Twilight Sparkle. Even her friends saw him as something that needed protecting. And he hated it. For as long as he could remember, he had been small and defenseless. But not now. Not here. He had to be strong.

Spike looked up with new resolve in his eyes, and started off into the depths of the mirror maze. The whole structure was suddenly alive as the countless dragons seemed to march in place. The only true creature slowly began to navigate the reflective labyrinth. It wasn’t easy. For every turn he guessed correctly, he seemed to take two wrong ones. But he never let himself become afraid. Every now and then he’d glance at one of his many clones. He beamed at himself. Somehow his courage made himself look better. He began to see something princely about the dragons he saw in the mirror, something he’d never quite seen before. He seemed taller, more muscular. The dragon wondered if he had been going through a growth spurt.

He turned around a corner, narrowly missing a mirror. The grass beneath his feet was moist with dew that hadn’t evaporated in the darkness of the maze. Spike wondered what Rarity was doing today. Since the moment he had first heard that the carnival was in town, he had been trying to find the courage to ask her to accompany him on a trip, preferably at night when the lights of the carnival would seem more magical, more…Romantic.

But so far he had not been able to find such courage. It had eluded his grasp, even when he was certain that he would grab a hold of it, it would slip away at the last moment. Every time he would be left helpless, unable to speak to Rarity. All because of his nagging, doubting fear that she would reject him. This fear was not one, but many things. Spike felt he wasn’t tall enough, his muscles were too small, his teeth too crooked. He desired more than anything to not be the child everypony thought he was.

He turned another corner and saw himself. His eyes went wide. He looked different, he was sure of it. He was taller; his shoulders broader. Spike felt empowered. If he had met Rarity at that moment, he would be able to ask her out without so much as a stutter. Somehow he was certain she would say yes.

“Spike…” Spike’s head whirled around. He had just heard the melodious voice of the pony he admired, calling out to him as though she were distressed.

“…Rarity?” The dragon gazed off into the endlessness of the maze, looking for the unicorn.

“Spike, help me!” wailed Rarity’s voice, “I’m lost! I can’t get out!” Spike stood still, trying to locate the direction from which the voice came from. He looked directly ahead of him.

“Stay where you are,” the dragon said, “I’m coming!” Spike ran forward, brimming with confidence. He had to save her. And he would. For once, he would be the hero. He would rescue Rarity, and she would no longer see him as a child.

The dragon ran off into the darkness ahead with a smile on his face.

Comments ( 3 )

Chapter. So. Short.. :flutterrage:


Well, the next few chapters will be kind of short if I ever get around to writing them.

I didn't think anyone was interested in this anymore.

Spike, for Celestia's sake, GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!

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