• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2023


Virginibus puerisque canto. - Horace | O tempora, o mores! - Cicero | Ex Africa semper aliquid novi. - Pliny The Elder

Comments ( 28 )
Comment posted by Lunar Walker deleted Aug 11th, 2014

this is so odd that i have to keep reading.

But... there wasn't any sex. The last chapter had, like, three sex scenes!

*throws tantrum*


Ah! That's EXACTLY why I split it up - to titillate my readers by making them wait for the next update for the sex scene.

Is basic trick of soap opera and saturday morning cartoon people. Now you have no choice but to read the next chapter for the sex! He he he. :trollestia:

So much Wat. I love it.


I love you all. Never did I think my fic would have been so popular. *moved to tears* :raritycry:

The Restrictions have been lifted!

Like my mentor, a certain author here who I shan't name just now, I will now write about your Pony OC Character in this fic.

Just comment with their details or send me a PM.

NOOOOOOOOO! you never interrupt a sex scene like that! never! seriously, we're willing to read more longer chapters if they contain sex!

What the fuck am I reading?

Why can't I stop?


I apologize profusely. *kneels down, bows deeply, touches forehead to floor*

I was in a tremendous hurry to get that update off the ground, as I was threatening to fall behind schedule again.

The chapters may just become longer - I could easily produce 200,000 words of unhurried futa-sex per chapter, if time allowed me to, but between work, studying, and teaching myself to draw, I get, like, an hour or a half to sit down and write unmolested.

But enough of my feeble excuses! The next update will be coming soon, and it's a doozy.

Evil, begone! *makes hand-cutting gesture from Spirited Away*

There, now the accursed number has gone away, and there are 14 comments. :yay:

There is nowhere NEAR enough sounding on this site.
I'm begging you, please do more.


I plan to!

*taps temple* I got the rest of the story in here.

I've just been procrastinating horribly. Oh, and I got sucked into posting on the Groups forums, so I've been neglecting my work.

Someone needs to ban me from posting in the Forums here. :unsuresweetie: I'm writing way more Forum Words than Story Words.

If I had been writing as many Story Words as I have Forum Words, this story would have been at 100,000 words already.

Maybe entourage was used too much, I don't know. T'was a bit fast paced. Maybe in the future you could slow it down some? Add a bit more description? I don't know, just spewing out of my ass here. Take it or leave it.

The only reason I even looked at this is because of the title being a clear mimic of the infamous I Wanna be The Guy.

Nice try at attention grabbing.


But did you like the wieners and boners, though?

Inquiring minds would like to know.


Nobody dies on my watch, and nobody gets left behind.

Any hint on when to expect the next update?


Very soon.

You see, I had to change gears. I originally came back from my vacation, intending to work on my pretentious political story first.

Then I realized that Futaquestria needed me.

I was actually going to work on it today, but some things sidetracked me. You'll have all the updates you can stomach soon enough, and then some. This is not idle speech on my part - I intend to spite the people who downvoted this fic by updating it religiously. I'm on a Mission, so to speak. I'm a person with Goals, now. The next chapters will be even longer. I will slow down the pace entirely.

My only gripe is that I might be a little rusty, y'know, from not having done futa-stuff in a month or so. If you can overlook that - and I should be back to normal operational parameters once I stretch my....legs.... - you will probably have a Good Time.

Amazing! I can only hope that the futa-not to mention the sounding- is even more plentiful than before.

5535196 Wouldn't know, didn't read past the description. Not my fault the website places front page comments as final chapter ones.

...what is this- I.. what even..

(Godzilla.exe has stopped responding)

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