• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 966 Views, 6 Comments

And then, she exploded - _-RMC-_

Many odd things happen in Ponyville, resulting ultimately in an odd way of it being destroyed...

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And then, she exploded

And then, she exploded.
By _-RMC-_
It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville, when suddenly, a pink pony came bouncing through town, laughing as the cutie mark crusaders chased after her. Scootaloo Yelled, “Wait, Pinkie! What do you mean we can fire your party cannon?”

As they ran, Pinkie began to laugh louder, and louder, and louder, until they got to sugarcube corner, which had suddenly become McDonalds Pinkie spoke suddenly through her laughter, “Oh hey! Look! That’s my FAVORITE restaurant on earth!”

Scootaloo said “Err, pinkie, what is the earth?”

Just then, Pinkie pie started to become a hot air balloon, with a party cannon under it. Pinkie said “C’mon, Scootaloo, its fun! Fire the cannon!”

Just then, twilight appeared in front of McDonalds, with her mouth full of churros, and said “mmmf, these—are really good, -- you should try them, and they are long — slimy, and tasty when you chew on them!”

Scootaloo pressed the button on the party cannon, and it blew up! It fired out Fluttershy, who was holding her hooves over her eyes, and screaming in her very quiet voice. Scootaloo fell off the cannon, and as she fell, Rainbow dash suddenly came flying through, slamming into the ground the second before Scootaloo hit the ground, stopping her fall. Scootaloo jumped up, and said, “Wow thanks rainbow! That was awesome, you saved me!”

Rainbow Dash just groaned, and said “Squirt, please get off my head”

Suddenly, there was a loud crack, McDonalds disappeared and in its place stood a grocery shop, namely, Safeway. Pinkie suddenly became a beach-ball shaped pony, and said “Oh my gosh! That’s like my FAVORITE grocery store! I can buy tacquitos!”

Pinkie Pie suddenly became normal again, ran in, bought tacquitos, and ran out again, stuffing her face with them. She suddenly said “Mmm! These tacquitos are really good, their filling is SOOOOO good! Dashie! You should try these!”
Rainbow Dash responded by jumping up and trying a tacquito, and suddenly, started eating them, and in no time, ate ALL of them, but Pinkie Pie was back to the large beach ball looking Pinkie, and with how much she had eaten, suddenly, started to shake, saying in a distorted voice “heheheh, this makes my voice sound funny” And then, she exploded.

Everyone screamed, and just then, Safeway became another place, Panera. Fluttershy suddenly said “ooh… my… Pinkie, did she really just… explode?....” She cowered away, and Rainbow Dash suddenly became a burger, and had a sign saying, someone eat me! Scootaloo, who loved burgers, jumped on the burger, and devoured it. She then started to look pale, and she got paler, and paler, and a cutie mark appeared! It was a pony exploding! Scootaloo said “Wow! I got my cutie mark!” And then, she exploded.

Everyone screamed. Again. Sweetie belle started to cry, and Applebloom looked where Scootaloo had once been, and saw something there, she saw an apple. Applebloom said “Hey girls! Look! I found an apple!”

Applejack suddenly appeared with 100 crates of apples 100 apples in each, except for the last one, which had 99. She picked up the apple and said “hoo wee! I don’t know what I would have done if I couldn’t eat my yearly 10,000 apples!”
Applejack then began eating, and eating, and eating, and eating, until she finished every apple saying “hooo boy… I feel liked I’m gonna explo—“ she never finished that sentence, because then, she exploded.

Applebloom suddenly started crying, she cried so many tears, that the entirety of Ponyville was flooded, destroying it.
Just then, Sweetie Belle’s head popped out of the water, and suddenly said “Hey where did everypony go? Hello?”
Then a huge whale came up and swallowed her. Whole.

Slowly, Sweetie Belle opened her eyes. There was barely any light, but she could faintly make out a few other ponies. She saw a white unicorn with 3 diamonds as her cutie mark. It was Rarity! “S-s-s-sis?.... Is that you?...” Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity suddenly ran over to Sweetie Belle and said “Shh! Be glad you are alive, Twilight cast a spell to keep us all from drowning, only problem is, this whale, after eating us, might explode!” Just then, The whale exploded.

Twilight barely got a shield for them, which only barely saved them. The unicorn however, was not okay after casting that spell and dealing with the harsh explosion of a huge whale exploding. Anything left of Ponyville was now gone.

When Sweetie Belle woke up (for a second time that day after being knocked out) She saw twilight sitting there, and she noticed one thing: She wasn’t breathing. Sweetie Belle, being the silly filly she was ran over there, thinking she might be able to save twilight with magic, did her best to do a healing spell, and it worked! Twilight was breathing! And then, she blew up, and so did Sweetie Belle.

Fluttershy gasped, and said to Rarity “oh no, all our friends are dead, Ponyville is gone, and now what will we do…”

Rarity replied, “well, I guess we can just rebuild this village.”

Fluttershy sighed, as much as she loved Ponyville, she just didn’t think she and Rarity had the strength to build Ponyville… Maybe if Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Or one of their friends were there, maybe—her thoughts were cut off as she saw a purple flash, and Twilight appear, and say “why is the world spinning, and why is everything so bright?...”

Rarity gasped “Twilight! You’re alive! Thank Celestia! I thought you were dead for sure, after you exploded!”

Twilight said back, “Wait, I just exploded? That’s not even possible! Are you sure you are okay? I am worried something happened to you when the whale exploded.”

“Twilight, I am absolutely certain I am fine, but YOU on the other hand look very dirty, whatever happened to you?” Rarity asked

“Huh?” Twilight said, puzzled, looking at herself, trying to see what was wrong, and then she noticed, her horn was completely gone. She screamed.

“Twilight, I am sure you will be just fine, we just need to get to Princess Celestia!” Rarity said sternly.

Twilight just nodded, content that she had a friend who would try to help her out.

Just then, Twilight noticed Fluttershy, who was staring at a building which had suddenly appeared, the building had the name Google on the front, in blue, red, yellow, and green. Rarity walked into the building, with Fluttershy and Twilight behind her. When they got in the building, everything went black, and Rarity fell over, and couldn’t move, and suddenly, she felt herself stop breathing. She was dying.

Rarity woke up with a gasp, as a Tall white Pony with wings, and… a horn? Of course! It was Princess Celestia! “H-h-hello P-p-princess” Rarity managed to say.

Rarity did her best to sit up, but it was almost impossible, it felt like her legs were going to explode any minute. Then she thought ‘Oh no… what if they do explode, what if my legs explode, just like everyone else exploded!! Hold on, if Twilight is alive, did the princess bring her back? And if so, did Twilight get her horn back? And were her friends alive?’ Rarity then realized maybe she should ask.

“P-princess, are my other friends, alive? And does Twilight have her horn back?”

At this, the princess smiled, and answered “Yes my little pony, they are all alive again, but Ponyville I am afraid, can never be brought back, even I cannot rid the area of the curse in the area, which made all of your friends explode.”
Rarity smiled weakly at this “So does that mean they are okay? Can I see them? I want to talk to them, see how they are, I want to make sure that they are okay, I need to, Please, I am begging you, tell me they are okay!”

The princess just laughed, and said “Come along this way then”

Rarity shakily got to her hooves, and followed after the princess

Pinkie Pie woke with a jolt, feeling like she had just… died? Had she?!??! Her mane deflated at this thought, but then she thought about it, and thought ‘Wait! I can throw a party if I am dead! I can throw parties forever, and ever! I can have the best party ever whenever I want!’ Just then, she heard a voice, it was Princess Celestia’s voice
“Pinkie Pie, I see you are awake,” Said the Princess.

Pinkie asked “Princess, was I.. dead?”

The princess answered, “Yes my little pony, you did, you exploded.” Just then a voice rang out, it was nightmare moons, she said “My mission is successful! You can banish me to the moon, but I have destroyed Ponyville! I am triumphant! And then, Nightmare moon was sent to the moon, because now the elements were gone because their wielders had all exploded, and died, ending the connections they had to the elements of harmony.

As the group left the hospital, they saw a lot of whale, everywhere, and then they saw chunks of pony bodies, and Twilight threw up churros all over The place that used to be Ponyville, so they evacuated the swampy churro land that was once the incredible Ponyville.

“And that, my grandchildren, is the story of how Ponyville was destroyed” Said an elderly Twilight, as she told her grandchildren the story.

Her grandchildren said “Why did they explode?”

Twilight responded saying, “that, is a story for another time. I will tell it to you in a few weeks, or maybe months, when I next see you.”
The End!
(Pinkie Pie Pops out) HEY! Why are you ending this? I was just beginning to enjoy it! You big fat meanie mean pants!

Seriously, The End!


Comments ( 6 )

What did I just read?

Hey guys, this is my first fanfic on this site, and its probably really bad but please leave constructive criticism, I would really appreciate it, as I wrote this at 10:00 my time :pinkiehappy: thanks!

I'm confused but I like it, I like it a lot. :pinkiecrazy:
It's better than many other randoms that end up skipping bits so you are confused as to how it happened.
Could you write a sequel to this explaining why they exploded? That would be very interesting. :pinkiesmile:

451787 awww you figured me out! ;) so the answer to your question, is probably :) thanks!

Ok............................ :derpytongue2:

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