• Published 3rd Jul 2016
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The Unicorn Wars: War of the Gods - Constellation

Now knowing my destiny, I set out to return to Equestria to stop the new gods from rising and sending the world into chaos.

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Chapter 8: Gathering Storm

I stood in front of what remained of Fort Sun Guard, our one day rest was up. A runner had been sent from the rescue group to retrieve reinforcements from Manehatten. And by now they should be about half way here.

General Burning Sky was annoyed though. Due to the distance of Manehatten from the fort, we were forced to stay until around noon. We would be leaving soon though, as we would have to travail east by south-east, but the solders from Manehatten would only have to go south by south-west, so we would meet about in the middle.

Assuming the runner even made it, that is.

However, it didn't matter right now. We had a time limit. We didn't know how much of a limit, as the gods did not inform us when the two false goddesses would arise, but the faster we moved, the better.

I looked to my left, and saw everypony standing in a strait line, except for the General, who stood in the middle and about four hooves in front.

He didn't look good. He looked tiered, and his uniform was a mess. To be fare, all our uniforms were looking worse for ware. Even the enchantments the gods put on them didn't stop mud and dirt from clinging, but the General looked tiered beyond physically tiered. His shoulders slumped, and his head wasn't held as high as I had seen it before. He no longer looked like the legendary hero I had seen him as, like all the recruitment posters had made him to look like. In fact, if wasn't dressed like a General, I would have never thought him one.

I looked back at the ruined fort behind me and sighed. I had lived in that fort. Before, it was never beautiful, but it had a charm to it, a feeling of comfort. Now it was a burnt husk, not even a reminder of the power it once boasted.

My eyes turned from the fort and scanned over the field of bodies one last time. We had buried all the unicorns, but the endless sea of earth pony corpses still filled the rest of the field. They had been killed in droves, dozens killed before even reaching the wall, and after reaching the wall, piles of dead spoke of what happened next. Burning oil, fire spells, and long spears killed dozens more. And after they finally breached the wall, then the true battle began. Only three hundred Unicorns held Fort Sun Guard, every last one was killed, save the few now lying in the infirmary. However, there was over two thousand earth ponies out lying in the field, and pilled up beyond that walls.

"Why is the Empire even here?"I thought to myself."What is the point in this madness?"

My gaze found it way to the mountain that dominated the center of Equestria. It shot up straight into the sky, as if challenging somepony to clime it. I remember seeing the map given to us by the Counsel. That was the mountain of our destination, Mount Canterlot.

"That's why we're here."I told myself."To stop this earth pony heresy."

"Alright,"I snapped my attention to the General as he started to speak."lets get going."

He took off marching and we all soon joined him. We marched straight East, following the road to where we would meet the reinforcements. Soon the fort, the smell of death, and the sobering theme where gone, replaced by the forest. Birds chirped happily in there trees, animals ran through bushes, and the sound of running water filled the air.

It was peaceful, and that felt wrong in this land. I had known this land for what it truly was. Violent. Wiled animals that were more a kin to demons walked in the forest. Monstrous abominations that actively hunted ponies. And the ponies of this land themselves acted like animals. They worshiped other Ponies.

"There is no greater heresy!"I thought with anger.

It would soon be over though. We would stop this madness, and maybe even show the earth ponies the error of their ways, and teach them about the Council of the Draconequi, so they can redeem themselves.

I sighed sadly."Yeah, because that worked so well with the Gryphons."

Seconds turned to minutes, which interne turned to a hour and a half, before we made it to our destination, right at a cross roads. One road going west in the direction we came from, another south, which was the road we would be taking. One going east toward the sea, and the last going north where our reinforcements were supposed to be coming from.

"Great."the General grunted."They should have been here by now."

"Fire Ball, Nova, go scout up the road. Tell us if you find them."Sarge ordered, and Fire ball and I quickly gave a salute.

"Yes, Sir."we both replied.

Fire Ball and I turned and took off up the hill heading north. Soon clearing the top, we started down the other side, following the path into a fairly thick forest.

"Great."I whispered."This is the perfect place to get attacked."

"Yeah."Fire Ball mumble as he scanned the forest carefully."I think we're good for now though."

I did a quick scan of the forest myself and didn't see anything ether."Yeah, your probably right."I said.

We stalked on silently, not making a sound as we advanced deeper in the forest. With every step it seemed to get darker, but never did it get dark to the point were I couldn't see.

The peaceful calm of the forest was almost hypnotizing, calling to me to just relax and not worry about anything. However, my mind would not fall pray to such lies, and traps the forest set. Forest were dangerous, I knew that. It was the perfect spot to get attacked, as it provided the cover to get in and out undetected. I didn't want to be surprised by anything.

We rounded a corner carved into the path to avoid a lager rock and a thick patch in the trees, when I felt Fire Ball barrel into me, knocking me off the path and into a bush.

"Fire Ball! What in tarte..."I started to yell, but he silenced me with a harsh shush and pointed down the path.

I stood up and looked to ware he was pointing, and saw a pony standing on the side of the path. I could only just see the side of his head, and couldn't tell if it was a Earth pony, Pegasus or Unicorn. So much for not being surprised

"Thanks."I whispered, Fire Ball just nodded his head.

I slowly stalked forward, Fire Ball at my side as we advanced on the unknown pony. We moved around and under bushes and small trees, sticking to the thickest parts of the woods, making sure not to make a sound. Now the same traits he used to hide, hid us.

"Hold up."I whispered to Fire Ball."Is that a horn on his head?"

Fire Ball stared for a second before answering."I think so."

"OK, lets do this carefully."I said as I raised my musket, Fire Ball doing the same."Freeze!"I called to the unicorn as me and Fire Ball leaped from the bushes.

The unicorn jumped a hoof into the air before drawing a dagger and stepping toward us."Ahah!"I shouted and pointed my bayonet into his face."Calm down."

The magic around his horn died and his knife fell to the ground."OK, OK, I'm calm."

As he stood down, I lowered my musket and picked up his knife, which I now realized was a kitchen knife. I gave him a curious look."Why are you out here? Its not safe."I asked.

"I'm with the Manehatten militia."he answered."The commander called all the militia up, and sent us with the sixth rear guard to meant up with General Burning Sky at four spokes turn. Why are you out here?"

"We're with the General."I answered."what are you, camping? What's the hold up, the general is a vary impatient stallion."

"We're not, we got attacked by the earth ponies, it was a ambush."he hung his head."Everypony else is a mile back, I'm on forward scout duty well they bury the dead."

"Damn. How meany died."I asked as I stomped the earth below my hooves.

"I don't. Hey! There they are now."he said, pointing up the path that lead deeper into the already thick forest.

I looked to were he was pointing and saw a small column of ponies marching side by side in ranks of four, and at the front of the column was a dark gray mare with a colonel's eagle on her uniform. We quickly made our way over to them, and the column stopped.

"Colonel."both me and Fire Ball said as we saluted in unison.

"At ease."she said, wryness in her voice."You two with the General."

"Yes, Ma'am."I answered.

"Good, I hope this excursion is worth the life's of my solders."she said.

"Nothing is worth the life of a pony."I said.

She stared at me for a bit before speaking."Your right. Anyway, lets get this over with. Where is the General?"

"Just up the road, Ma'am."Fire Ball spoke.

As soon as he had, the Colonel turned around and spoke to here regiment, easily one thousand five hundred ponies."Move out!"She yelled at the top of here lungs. The order was soon repeated, and the regiment lurched forward. Me and Fire Ball lead the way, the Colonel right at our backs.