• Published 3rd Jul 2016
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The Unicorn Wars: War of the Gods - Constellation

Now knowing my destiny, I set out to return to Equestria to stop the new gods from rising and sending the world into chaos.

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Chapter 3: Typhoon

What started out as a not-so pleasant cruise, soon turned into a death cruise.

The ship groaned and moaned as wave after wave hit it the hall. The ship lunged up and down over and over again, all the while being knocked side to side, sending ponies crashing to the ground sometimes. A few of the crew had already been hurt, but not badly.

I felt my stomach doing flips as I watched Fire Ball through up for the gods known'th time, only this time he mist the bucket, and, instead it hit Swift Steel.

"Oh come on!"he yelled.

"Sorry."Fire Ball said, then made for the bucket again.

Suddenly the ship lunged sharply to the right, sending every pony in the room, into the wall.

"How do the sailors stand on the deck?"Maximus asked as he stood up.

"Only sailors know the answer."Ice Heart answered.

As we where all attempting to get up, a Seacolt came running in, panting hard and sputtering out orders from the Captain."Get, abandon ship, Now!"he screamed then ran for the deck.

We were on our hooves in a second. However, as we all ran for the stairs after him, the whole front of the ship splintered away, smashed to peaces by a massive rock that soared out of the sea.

In a blur of water and wood, I founded myself in the ocean being sucked down as the end of the ship sunk below the waves. I kicked hard with my legs, but found that I was still going down. Lungs burning, I saw my salvation, just twelve hooves away, a barrel that defied the sea, and made a break for the surface. It was raising fast, and it took all my strength, but I managed to get close enough just in time to grab hold of it. Air welcomed me as I broke the surface waves, and I sucked in as much as I could. Frantically I looked around for any pony else, but the waves where to high, and I couldn't see for more then a few hooves as the heavy rain further obscured my vision. I cursed as a strong waved knocked the barrel I held away from me, sending me in the opposing direction.

I swam for three to four minutes after it, before my legs began to burn and I gave it up as lost. Wave after wave kept coming, trying to drag me under the raging sea, but, just as I was sure I was going to drowned, a long peace of the mast of the ship came flouting in my direction. Struggling, I managed to grab it, and held on for my life as I was being slung about in the storm. However, I also managed to get tangled in the thick rope that held the sail.

A flip later, and I found myself once more under the water, but this time I was tangled, and couldn't get back to the surface. I began kicking and flailing in the quiet depths for what felt like an hour, but the mast didn't flip back over. I frantically lit my horn and drew my dagger with my magic, then began slicing at the rope, but it wasn't cutting fast enough, I would drowned before getting through it. Fate spared me, I the mast flipped again. This, however, sent my dagger flinging from my grasp, and out into the sea. I didn't care at that moment, as I simply focused on breathing.

The great peace of wood I was attached too, though, seemed to want me dead, as it was suddenly launched up into the air by a high wave, and was sent plummeting down, piercing through the water and sinking. I was holding my breath as tight as I could, but the wood felt like it would never rise, I began loosing hope when it finally went back up a lot faster than it had gone down, and it came bursting through the waves and landed back on top of them at last.

I began feeling safe again, there was a slight slowing in the rain, and it seemed that the storm might stop. However, the sea had no such intentions. The wind suddenly picked up, and the waves got higher, and another peace of the ship slammed into mine out of nowhere, ripping the rope off it, and sending me flying for a second, before I was plunged back into the water.

I was throne under again by another wave. This time I couldn't hold my breath, and I felt water enter my lung. suddenly something grabbed my hoof, I looked down to see the face of a terrified sailor who's rear leg was caught on what I thought was more rigging from the mast.

I immediately turned around and swam toward him, I grabbed the thick rope and drew my sword. With all the power I had, I began chopping on the thick peace of rope. The rope finally giving in to the sharp steel, and I began pushing for the surface with all my strength, with the sailor to my right.

Breaking through the water and after taking a deep breath, and coughing to get the salt water out of my lungs, I began looking for the pony I had freed. A second later he came breaking through the surface as well.

After he came through the surface every thing went black for a second, then I could see again. The water around me was red with blood, and a sharp pain was coming from my head. I turned around in the water to see a large peace of the hall, which had hit me in the head, was floating away, smeared a bit with my blood. I quickly turned around, deciding to ignore it, as there where far more important things to do. Back where the young sailor once was, I saw no pony.

I began swimming in the direction I last saw him in, hoping to find him, for he knew farm more about survival at sea than I did, but after not finding him for a few minutes, I once again grabbed hold of a barrel.

With my head feeling on fire, and bleeding, though it was stopping, I began looking for land, or another pony, but I saw nothing that gave me hope, except that the waves and the wind where dying down.

"Nova, Nova!"I heard the voice of Fire Ball shouting.

"Fire Ball!"I yelled back, and began looking around. I couldn't see him.

Suddenly, Fire Ball was holding onto the other side of the barrel, looking a lot better then I felt.

"You OK?"he yelled over the wind.

"Yea,"I answered."got hit by a bored."

"Have you seen any pony else?"he asked.

"Yeah, a sailor, but we got separated."I replied.

"That's one more pony then I've seen."he said.

My eyes, however, where no longer focused on him, as I could see over his shoulder, and what I saw was a massive wave coming straight for us.

"Hold on tight."I said, just before the wave hit us, sending us under the water for a couple of minutes.

The world around us changed as we came up. The sun, as if warding the storm, broke through the clouds, and in short order, the storm began to slow, until it had stop compliantly, only the occasional wave rolled by. The rain too, was slowing. Now on quieter waters, I felt I could finally calm down. If I didn't, I felt soon my heart might simply jump from my body to go its own way.

"Look,"Fire Ball said, pointing toward the horizon, where just a little land could be seen."Land."

"How far away do you think we are?"I asked.

"I don't know,"he started."How fast can you swim?"

For the rest of the painful, hot day, and well into the frigged and even more painful night, we swam. If we hadn't of had that barrel, we both would have drowned, but, about two in the morning, the rock covered shore of Equestria became clear, even in the dark, for it was covered in the white tattered sail of the ship.

After dragging our soaked and tiered bodies out of the water, and onto the, mostly dry, land, I dropped onto part of the sail from exhaustion and past out.