• Published 3rd Jul 2016
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The Unicorn Wars: War of the Gods - Constellation

Now knowing my destiny, I set out to return to Equestria to stop the new gods from rising and sending the world into chaos.

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Chapter 2: On a Wave

We stopped running only as we came to the massive gate that served as a portal for the city. It was stone, through and through, and was, supposedly, though I had only heard second hoof accounts, only out done by the capital of the Unicorn Empire, Sturundum. Though the massive gate was open, so it didn't have to be opened and closed repeatedly, there was a think wooden gate just behind it, that was closed. The gate house flew the flag of the Unicorn Empire, it's red and blue catching in the sun like a rainbow of Imperial power and majesty. In front of the gate, six guards were standing watch.

"Halt,"one said lazily."I need to see your papers, please."

As soon as he finished, he took another look at the Sarge and quickly snapped to attention upon seeing the royal seal.

"Sorry Sir,"he said quickly."I didn't realize."

"Stand at ease."the Sarge said.

"Thank you, Sir."he said relived, the punishment for not saluting, or otherwise disrespecting a royal guard is an instant three months in a cell.

After showing the guard our orders he immediately had the wooden gates opened, and into the city we went. The cobble streets stretched off into five different directions, and we where lead by the Privet First Class up the Northern most street, toward a large palace that sat at the top of a hill, in the middle of the city.

It was a short walk to the palace, but to me it felt like forever. I had never been in a city this big before, I had never seen towers that soared higher than three stories, but the towers in this city where easily six stories high. The market too was the largest I had ever seen, there where probably two thousand ponies and gryphons in one square, rummaging through the various wares, examining fine jewels, tasting exotic spices, and trying on hats and shirts made of a material that seemed to shine in the sun.

The city was largely in the Gryphon style of architect, but the palace and wall where clearly Unicorn built. By the time we got to the palace my mouth was agape with awe at the meany different buildings, and styles.

The gate of the palace was a lot less impressive then the main gate of the city, but, it was still bigger then the one protecting my home town of Roam.

As we past through the gate, we left civilization, and entered a military way of life. The whole court yard was converted into a training area, the beautiful palace had barricades surrounding it, and there where snipers all over the roof watching us very closely, their muskets primed and ready to fire.

The Privet First Class, who had saved us, then lead us hear was dismissed by a Corporal at the door to the palace. He then, with out speaking, but just a simple wave of his hoof, lead us through the main room, and into a room that looked like a throne room. However, instead of a throne, there was a table in the middle, housing ten chairs. On the table sat a map of all Griffonia with red fags marking about half the cities, and blue flags the rest. The general and all his nine lieutenants sat at the table, having a argument.

"Sir,"one of the lieutenant spoke up."we can't let them have Sky Hold!"

"I know!"the General shouted."But we cant hold it."

"We can if we send reinforcement from Death Peak."another lieutenant spoke.

"We can't spare the Garrison at....."a third one started to say, but was stopped by the General holding up his hoof.

"You are all dismissed."the General said.

"Sir, we still need to go over th...."again, the same lieutenant was cut off.

"Dismissed."the General repeated.

At his second order, all the lieutenants got up and moved for the door. After they where gone, he had the guards leave and close the door. He then sat back in his chair, rubbing his head for a second before finally speaking.

"Well, have a seat."he said, and we all sat down.

"Sir, we need to head out immediately for Equestria."the Sarge bluntly got strait to the point.

"I know."General Burning Sky said.

After a few silent seconds, the General stood up and spoke.

"Well, then what are we waiting for,"he said as he began walking to a door at the back of the room."lets go."

"Sir, do you intend to come with us?"the Sargent asked as we all got up and followed him.

"Absolutely not,"the General said."I will be bringing you along with me, I can't right disobey the gods now can I?"

"You where ordered by the gods to come wi.. I mean, go to Equestria?"the Sargent asked.

"Yes."General Burning Sky said as he went through the door and into a long hall.

"Swift Letter,"the General addressed a young solder walking down the hall ahead of us."tell lieutenant Steel Cutlass that he will be in charge for awhile."the General finished as he walked by him.

"Yes Sir."the Privet answered, just as the General rounded the next corner.

We came around the corner just as the General opened another door and went through it. As we past through, trying to keep up with the Generals quick passe, I saw we where on the far side of the palace, and the General was marching down a path that lead to a dock. We followed and soon we where standing on the deck of a ship that boasted the name, Tide Blitz.

"Captain,"the General said as he climbed the steps to the bridge."is she ready to leave?"

"Yes Sir."the Captain reported.

"Good, I want this ship in Manehatten yesterday!"the General said.

"Aye Sir,"The Captain saluted the General then turned to his crew and shouted at them."alright,all hooves prepare for immediate departure."

As crew ponies ran around getting the ship under way, a Seacolt lead us below deck to our room, where the sickening smell of old wet wood and the rocking of the ship on the waves had already started to make me sick. I turned to the Seacolt that lead us down here and asked him.

"How long will it take to get to Manehatten?"I asked.

"three months, maybe three and a half, Sir."he answered then left.

"Great."me and Maximus said together.

"Yeah!"Swift Steel cheered.

Fire Ball already had a bucket, and had throne up into it."Yeah, great."he mumbled miserably.

The General just took a bunk and climbed in, he didn't even seemed bothered by the smell or constant movement, he looked almost as content as Swift Steel, though less enthusiastic.

The Sarge looked like me, sick, but not that sick.

Ice heart on the other hoof, looked almost as bad as Fire Ball, she was holding a bucket, just waiting for the enviable.

Corporal Iron Hide seemed fine for the moment, but that could change.

And Maximus didn't seem sick at all, but his hatred of sailing lied more in the fact that he hated the confined space of a ship, not the smell, or movement so much.

I was already waiting for us to hit land.


"Day ninety four."I grumbled.

"Uh."Maximus grumbled with me.

We stood on the fore deck, watching the horizon as we bobbed along, not a scrap of land to be seen for seven days, not since we past Long Watch Island, which is the last Island in the South-East Islands chain. From there it is only three hundred and some thirty miles to Roam, but, we never even sailed close to it.

"Well, should only be a few more days."I said.

Maximus did not reply.

"So, I heard you won last nights poker game."I continued, but still Maximus said nothing.

"Hey, Maximus,"I said looking at him."you OK?"

At this he raised his hoof, and pointed to a large storm front sweeping across the sea toward us and said."That's coming strait for us."

As I looked closer at it, I saw that it was.

"Great."me and Maximus said together.