• Published 20th Nov 2011
  • 1,013 Views, 0 Comments

Heavy Burdens - polygonsmasher

The tale of a Nightmare hybrid recovering and protecting both his own life and that of others.

  • ...

Elements optimized, Crimson stains

The elements of harmony...
The most powerful magic in Equestria...
How are they used? How are they formed?
Six gems, each representing a spirit.
The spirit can utilize, the spirit can bend.
The trigger will overcome, the trigger will ascend.
Powerful magic unleashed, to fulfill desire.

After Frowny mentioned the elements of harmony, the six pony friends lined up in front of Frowny. From the group came an unnerving vibe. Everypony didn't know what to expect. What other purpose could the elements have? Nopony ever thought about it, in fact, nopony ever saw anything else concerning the elements other than them being used three times at least.

"Alright. Twilight, did you bring the elements as I requested?" Frowny asked.

"Yes I brought them, but next time don't ask me through telepathy. It's kinda creepy." Twilight answered.

Twilight opened her bag up and levitated a casket out of it. The casket was colorfully decorated and had many cut jewels on it. Twilight passed the casket onto Frowny which he then opened. Frowny then levitated each of the elements in the air in front of him in the form of a hexagon.

"The elements... Six jewels that are powered upon vital aspects of the term friendship... Laughter, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty and Magic." Frowny spoke. After a couple of minutes he then asked:

"So up until now, how did you all use the elements?"

Pinkie stepped forward and then hastily began explaining,

"Well, everypony puts on their necklace except Twilight. She puts on that crown thingie and then suddenly everything lights up and everypony just goes flying! And then everything goes BOOM!"


”…anypony else have a better explanation?”

Pinkie stepped back again still just as cheerful. Then Twilight stepped forward and started explaining.

"I'm sure you already figured but I'm still going to tell you. Pinkie Pie represents the element of Laughter, Rainbow Dash represents the element of Loyalty, Fluttershy represents the element of Kindness, Rarity represents the element of Generosity, Applejack represents the element of Honesty and I represent the element of Magic."

Twilight paused for a second before she continued her speech.

"So we wear each of the artifacts levitating in front of you. Then when we all concentrate, the artifacts allow us to use the combined power of our friendship to reverse whatever potential damage was dealt. Or something like that..."

Twilight was clearly unsure about the matter. She had that kind of look in her face, Frowny could tell. He thought that a much more elaborate explanation would enlighten the nature of each element. However it would be better that they discover that on their own. Frowny started examining each necklace carefully. Constantly muttering quietly to himself. When he turned his attention to the tiara, Frowny more or less stared at the star shaped gem. There was some kind of vibe coming from it. Frowny couldn't put his hoof on it. He then realized what it all means and then started explaining himself.

"Every element has its own strength... and clearly its own mind as well..."

"WHAT?" Everypony said.

"I can read it... I can read the elements minds... It's not understandable though... It's just way too foggy in there to tell exactly..."

"Stop being so vague Frowny! Get on with the explanation already!" Rainbow Dash impatiently shouted.

"Oh wait here it goes... ... ..." Frowny turned into some kind of trance and his horn and eyes were glowing a deep red color.

"...Don't tell me he's in those... Dazes again!?" Rarity said.

"Oh just let him do his job, I'm sure he can get the gist of the situation somehow." Twilight answered Rarity.

"What do you mean Twilight?" Rarity asked again.

"The elements always were mysterious. Nopony ever figured out what they do exactly."

Frowny read the minds of the elements of harmony. The elements tell Frowny numerous things.

"Ancient... Crafted... Forged... Embedded... Offerings... Transfer... Power... Trigger... Spirit... Magic... Harmony... Destruction... Peace..." The voice that came from the element of Magic echoed through Frowny's mind repeatedly saying those words.

"I... I understand..." Frowny whispered.

Twilight and the other ponies looked back at Frowny who woke up from his daze and stepped forward around the levitating elements towards the group of six.

"The elements of harmony are fascinating artifacts. The power that they grant you of course is not only unlocked from the artifacts. They are also unlocked by their spirits which in this case are you six."

The group exchanged glances with each other briefly before Frowny continued.

"These elements were made long before Celestia and Luna's generation. Since then they kept harmony and peace living in Equestria. The spirits inside of the gems run in complete synchronization with the spirits of you six. That’s why you are all able to use them."

"But Princess Celestia used the elements to stop Nightmare Moon over 1000 years ago. How did she do that if she is only one being?" Twilight said

"Princess Celestia is a special unicorn. You already know that. She is also very wise and you can bet on the fact that she knows a lot, maybe almost everything. So handling the elements of harmony should not be a hard task for her once you understand their spirits." Frowny answered.

"But does that mean you can use them too?" Twilight asked again.

A brief silence occurred when Twilight asked that. It set Frowny's mind thinking. His theories do point to that conclusion.

"I probably can if the spirits of the elements permit me to. Remember when you six stopped Discord? The first time you all tried to stop him the elements didn't work because your spirits were corrupt. Discord knew all about the elements and knew what it would take to be able to use them. All he had to do was disable your spirits nature so that the spirits of the elements wouldn't lend you power anymore."

Everypony seemed to know what Frowny meant. He continued

"There is another thing that the elements told me. It confirms my theory completely." Frowny stepped closer to the girls while he said that.

"When used correctly the elements will provide you all power individually. Meaning that even with them being apart from each other they can be used."

Frowny then moved one of the elements towards him.

"We'll start with laughter. As I remember this one belongs to Pinkie Pie doesn't it?"

Pinkie began hastily nodding and skipped in Frowny's direction. Frowny then put the necklace on Pinkie and teleported several hoof away from her. Frowny put his hoof on his throat and said:

"Now see if you can use your element to overcome this next obstacle!"

Frowny then lets out a howl and his horn began to glow along with the entirety of his body. Soon after a circle of light appeared on the ground. Frowny stomped his hoofs on the ground to fling himself in the air. He stomped his hoofs in midair again to make a huge pit appear in the ground along the circle of light. Frowny then landed on a piece of his artificial road and remained floating up in the air.

"Cross this pit!" Frowny said.

Pinkie looked down the pit.

"Wow, It's so deep! And big! How am I supposed to cross this thing?" Pinkie shouted back.

"Just use your element, remember, with your laughter you can make fears disappear!"

Pinkie then realized what Frowny meant. She took a deep breath and thought about something funny. Pinkie began giggling and then started laughing out loudly. While still laughing pinkie hopped towards the pit. The gem on the necklace flashed once and suddenly a glassy looking surface appeared right on top of the pit. Pinkie was free to walk right over it. The rest of the ponies didn't understand what just happened. Everypony just watched in awe at what Pinkie just did. When Pinkie finally crossed the pit, Frowny teleported to her.

"Never realized it was so easy!... Wait what actually happened?" Pinkie said

"You banished the fearsome pit away with your laughter Pinkie. Your element allowed you to cross it simply by answering your call." Frowny answered.

"So other than this, what more could I do?" Pinkie asked.

"You have a big imagination Pinkie. Use it."

Frowny put his hoof to his throat again and shouted:

"Hey Twilight! Can you fill this pit up again!?"

Twilight sighed and then came closer to the pit. She closed her eyes and focused on the pit. Her horn began to glow and small pieces of ground began reforming from the edges of the pit. The pit slowly filled up. When the pit was filled up, Twilight cast out another spell so that the grass would reappear. In the meantime Frowny had already walked back to the group with Pinkie following him cheerfully.

"Hm... I see that your manipulator skills have improved Twilight." Frowny complimented

"Well I have been practicing all week, and my class is manipulator. It's only natural I'd be good at that."

Frowny turned his attention to Rarity.

"So how is your magic coming along Rarity, I already knew? Twilight tried to teach you. What became of that?" Frowny asked.

"Wait, how did you know about that!?" Twilight interrupted.

Frowny looked Twilight dead in the eye and said.

"Nothing gets by me. Nothing. It's fine that you tried, but you pushed her in just the wrong direction."

Frowny turned his attention back at Rarity while he took her element with him levitating beside him. He then walked towards Rarity.

"Once again, how is your magic coming along Rarity?" Frowny asked.

"I, I don't know how to answer that question." Rarity confusedly answered.

"It doesn't really matter how much you know about magic anyway. Your element will lend you the strength you need."

Frowny put the necklace on around Rarity´s neck when Rarity suddenly asked:

"But my element is generosity. How do I gain strength from that?"

"Well I thought about that before, and just now it told me exactly what I wanted to know. You see, generosity allows you to give. So this element lends you power to give to your friends you see?" Frowny answered.

"Interesting, so how will I be able to do that?" Rarity asked again.

"Well for starters, you're going to need somepony to practice with!"

Frowny then levitated another necklace to him and turned his attention to Applejack.

"Well what do you think Applejack? Do you want to help Rarity?" Frowny asked

Applejack looked at Rarity and said:

"O' course ah do! She's my friend y'know."

"Excellent! Here's your element." Frowny said while levitating the necklace onto Applejack.

"Now come with me you two!"

Frowny walked towards some nearby boulders. Applejack and Rarity followed. Frowny then stopped at the biggest boulder in the area and started explaining.

"This boulder here... I want you to shatter it Applejack, with the help of Rarity."

Applejack approached the boulder and knocked at it a couple of times. She looked at Frowny with a “really?” look in her face. Frowny gestured back with a nod and then teleported several hoof away from the two. He said with a raised voice:

"Think about your elements and then think about the task ahead! It'll be easier that way!"

Applejack then first tried to just buck it. She turned around, raised her hind legs and then hit it against the boulder as hard as she could. Only to leave small cracks behind.

"This ain't gonna be easy, Ah guess you (think you trying too hard with the accent) really have ta help out here Rarity! ... Rarity?"

When Applejack looked at Rarity she saw that Rarity was already in deep concentration. Rarity had her eyes closed and frequently the necklace flashed. Then suddenly, a bright blue thread appeared coming from Rarity's horn. It was quickly traveling to Applejack and connected to her head. Rarity's necklace then began glowing along with her horn and along the magical thread connecting Rarity and Applejack, thousands of points of light traveled along to Applejack. When they reached her, Applejack felt a weird sensation. As if her muscles got tougher and her reflexes got stronger. Rarity then opened her eyes and saw the awestruck Applejack watching her.

"I never thought it would be so easy!" Rarity said while looking proud upon what she has created. "Well Applejack what are you waiting for, try again!"

Applejack didn't hesitate one minute and she raised her hind legs once more, preparing to buck the boulder. When she hit the boulder a bunch of cracks appeared that were constantly getting bigger. Then soon after that, the boulder shattered into hundreds of smaller rock in a sort of exploding way. At that instant Frowny teleported back to the two ponies.

"So Applejack, Rarity what exactly happened just now?" Frowny asked.

"Well, first Ah tried to just buck the boulder but nothing happened to it. Then from Rarity this blue thread appeared and Ah felt stronger suddenly. As if Ah'm being fed with power or som'tin'." Applejack explained.

Rarity's thread disappeared and she approached Applejack and Frowny.

"What I did was simply concentrate my magic to making a thread that connected us. I figured if I would transfer power over to Applejack that I would first need to find a way to guide it to her." Rarity explained.

Frowny thought about the matter for several minutes before speaking his mind.

"Your elements share a special bond. This bond allows you to transfer power to Applejack." Frowny explained.

Rarity and Applejack exchanged glances before Frowny continued.

"You see, to be able to receive you must first give something in return. So if Applejack’s Honesty was calling, Rarity's Generosity took care of giving the necessary strength in order to overcome the obstacle in your way." Frowny explained.

"So you found out Rarity's strength. But what exactly is mine" Applejack asked.

"I just told you. Honesty and Generosity are at their most powerful form when together. In other words you and your element will get stronger whenever close to Rarity and her element." Frowny answered.

"But doesn't that apply to the rest of these (the?) elements as well?" Applejack asked again.

"I don't know yet, but there’s only one way of finding out isn’t there? We'll find out later though. There’s no more time for that now."

Frowny headed back for the others who were still staring open mouthed in front of them. They weren't used to Applejack being so strong so they were quite surprised. Applejack and Rarity followed Frowny back and the rest of the ponies snapped out of their gaze.

"How the HAY did you break that giant rock just now Applejack!?" Pinkie asked.

"Ah didn't break the rock, WE broke the rock." Applejack said referring to Rarity and herself.

"So I presume you figured the properties of these elements out, Frowny?" Twilight asked.

Frowny pointed his hoof to Rarity and Applejack.

"Ask them. All I did was give them a task. They did all the work." Frowny said.

Twilight hastily approached Applejack and Rarity to ask.

"How did you figure it out so quickly, Applejack and Rarity?"

"Oh it was easy once you give it some good thought. Though it's kind of hard to explain, apparently Applejack and I are stronger when together because of my ability using this element." Rarity explained.

"Though that’s not all there is to it! We wouldn't be able to figure it out without Frowny y'know!" Applejack added.

Applejack approached Frowny and took her hat off. Frowny turned to her.

"Really Frowny. Ah appreciate your help entirely. So thank you!" Applejack said.

Frowny was touched by the word of thanks from Applejack. Nobody ever really thanked him before. Frowny closed his eyes and smiled.

"It's my pleasure Applejack."

Twilight recognized this moment and also began smiling. The words Frowny spoke wasn't anything you would expect from a character like Frowny at all. Even Fluttershy acknowledged that. It's like Frowny's being has a soft side as well. But that’s not the only thing that shined. Applejack's element flashed briefly as well indicating truth to surface. Frowny thought:

"(It must really be true then... Applejack cannot tell lies. This is her speaking from the bottom of her heart... That really touches me...)"

After a moment Frowny returned to the group again. The three remaining elements, still floating in mid-air due to Frowny's magic, were going to come to attention now.

"It's time for Magic and Loyalty now." Frowny stated. "Twilight and Rainbow Dash, You can step forward."

The two ponies stepped forward. With Twilight leaving slight sparks behind from her hoofs. Frowny could only conclude one thing from that, Twilight may have become stronger in the past days of training. But it looks like she hasn't really been able yet to control it completely. Rainbow Dash noticed the sparks too. But she didn't think much of it. Twilight’s entrance to this place was surprising to her though. Rainbow Dash was used to her teleports being much quieter.

Frowny levitated Rainbow Dash's necklace on around her neck and the tiara on Twilights head. When the crown so much as touched Twilights horn it caused a violent magical reaction making the sparking worsen. Everypony was looking surprised and startled at the scene. Although Twilight and Frowny weren’t surprised at all.

"Well that confirms one theory I've been wondering about." Frowny said.

"This always happens when I try putting it on." Twilight said.

"It's true that you get stronger by wearing it. However, the sparks your horn emits indicates that you can't really control the overflow of magic you posses just yet." Frowny explained.

Then suddenly the sparking stopped and was replaced by a pink, purplish light covering Twilight's horn and body.

"If you’re talking about control, it's already been taken care of." Twilight answered.

"Splendid. Now if you could just maintain that each time you use that tiara there‘s nothing to worry about." Frowny said.

"Was there something to worry about then?" Twilight asked.

Frowny didn't answer the question and started walking towards a wide open space near the lake.

"You two will provide an excellent source of direct combat in this battle. But no combat is left untrained." Frowny said while walking.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash followed. They now realized what this training session will be about. Fighting!

"However, there is no point in over-exhausting one's body now is there." Frowny stated.

"What do you mean? Isn't training the best thing to be doing right now?" Twilight objected.

"Frowny must be realizing that we're already great fighters don't you see Twilight." Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight wanted to object even more now that Rainbow Dash made that statement. But she got interrupted by Frowny saying:

"Correct. Rainbow Dash's speed and objective hitting provides us with great combat performances. And Twilight now possesses great power that may rival my own. But let's test that shall we?" Frowny said.

Frowny seemed to strengthen his defenses bracing himself. He was also raising a triple barrier from the strongest type he could summon. To Twilight and Rainbow Dash Frowny looked like a tank of some sort. Able to strike from behind perfect defense anytime and from anywhere.

"Well then. Break my defense using your tactics Rainbow Dash, and your power Twilight." Frowny concluded.

Since Frowny brought up how Rainbow Dash had an ability to fight, she was wondering if she missed anything.

"Before we begin Rainbow Dash. As Frowny said, are you really able to think up a tactic to break through this defense?" Twilight asked.

"Well I have something, though we'll have to combine my speed with your magic in order to do it see?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Are you sure it could work?" Twilight said.

"Who do you think you’re talking to?” Rainbow Dash answered.

Twilight would always trust Rainbow Dash, she already knew her friend well enough to be fast. But knowledge of combat? That, she never picked up from Rainbow Dash entirely. Let alone thinking up rock solid tactics to break through the kind of defense Frowny set up. Rainbow Dash came closer to Twilight to whisper her plan in Twilight‘s ear.

"So here‘s the plan..." Rainbow Dash shared her plan and tactics with Twilight who was impressed by her knowledge. It almost felt like Rainbow Dash has been spying on her for the entirety of the week. "Got it?" Rainbow Dash concluded.

"How did you come up with that so fast?" Twilight asked with an impressed tone.

"I thought you of all ponies would've thought up the same thing eventually." Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight then smiled and braced herself taking her stances. The purple light embedding her body got larger and changed its color to deeper purple. The sparks also came back and the earth around her started to shake mildly. Rainbow Dash flew up in the air swiftly, presumably preparing for an assault. Frowny watched them both closely, trying to read their next moves and coming up with a countermeasure beforehoof. Suddenly Rainbow Dash charged in towards Frowny and his triple barrier. Rainbow Dash planned to tackle the barriers to test them. When Rainbow Dash hit, the spot that she hit got a deeper red color while the rest of the barrier became transparent.

Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash then realized how to deal with all of the barriers and Rainbow Dash vaguely gestured Twilight to try they're plan out. While Dash tackled the first barrier. Twilight teleported behind Frowny who was still concentrating the power of the first barrier on Rainbow Dash. Twilight then blurted out a large, bullet shaped piece of her magic from her horn. Frowny now also realized what the two were up to and concentrated the power of the second barrier to where the bullet presumably should hit it. But that wasn't what happened. The bullet suddenly disappeared along with Rainbow Dash.

"Hm?" Frowny looked around him. Apparently he lost sight of the bullet and Rainbow Dash and didn't know where they went.

"UP HERE!!" A loud voice came from up in the air directly above Frowny.

Frowny looked up and what he saw was Rainbow Dash actually holding the bullet made of Twilights magic. She hurled it down towards Frowny and his barriers. When the bullet collided with the barriers the first one cracked and broke immediately. And to Frowny's surprise the bullet broke through the second barrier just as easily. Frowny knew that if he didn't act, the third barrier would break as well. Frowny's horn began glowing red again and the barrier began somewhat morphing to a different shape. Then on the surface of the barrier, where the bullet would presumably hit, large razor sharp spikes appeared that deliberately bounced the bullet to a different direction.

Rainbow Dash was floating in the air examining the third barrier.

"Defense that can attack? How is that even possible? Hmmm,"

Rainbow Dash noticed that Frowny looked somewhat drained. Or at least not as concentrated as before.

"It must take a lot of concentration then. So he can't have those spikes be at multiple places at once!"

Rainbow Dash then flew down gaining momentum. When she was near the barrier, Frowny braced himself to raise the spikes again. But Rainbow Dash then flew all around the barrier in circles, constantly getting faster. The wind gathered around Frowny, knew what was going on and planted his hoofs in the ground to prevent himself for getting blown away and expose his defenses.

"Twilight!! More bullets!!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Twilight understood exactly what Rainbow Dash wanted and fired multiple bullets of her magic at the in tornado engulfed barriers. The bullets got caught inside the tornado and circled around the barrier creating a stunning lightshow. The barrier took hits from all directions making it impossible for Frowny to bounce them off with spikes. Frowny realized the barrier wouldn't last long. He had to release his offensive barrier again to end the battle. Just like he did while he fought Twilight in that cave a few days ago. So Frowny braced himself, concentrated and then let out a howl.

"Let's END THIS!!" Frowny shouted.

Then the deep red sparking barrier appeared again. Completely canceling and blocking off both the tornado and all of the bullets that Twilight fired. Rainbow Dash quickly drew her distance. The barrier was constantly getting bigger. Until Frowny stopped the barrier and it disappeared. The three regrouped.

"You have done a good job, I see now that teamwork can be one of your strong points Rainbow Dash." Frowny complimented.

That’s when Rainbow Dash finally noticed. Her element was glowing the entire time of the fight. Showing her loyalty, and the will to never give up until the very end.

"Yes indeed Rainbow Dash, because you chose not to abandon the fight even if it looked impossible, your element lent you the knowledge to being able to break my defenses and coming near to attack me. All with the help of your good friend Twilight, the element of magic."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash smiled, looking proud of themselves.

"Now then, let's meet up with the others and wrap this up." Frowny concluded.

Frowny then headed back to the rest of the group who were standing awestruck near the lake. They couldn't believe what they saw. They never knew that either Twilight or Rainbow Dash could do all that. Especially Rainbow Dash, who was so fast and was able to just carry and throw the bullet just like that. Except for Fluttershy, she was sitting quietly. Enjoying the scenery and not really paying attention to the training at all. Frowny noticed that.

"She probably doesn't care" Frowny thought.

"I can't believe it Rainbow Dash! How much your speed has improved compared to last week is incredible!" Rarity complemented still paralyzed by awestruck.

Rainbow Dash felt flattered but kept the cause of her bursting speed in the back of her head while answering:

"Well, I have Frowny to thank for that" Rainbow Dash said while turning her head to Frowny. "If it wasn't for him I probably never would've gotten this fast. On top of that my wings would've been so light and weak, but look at them now!"

Rainbow Dash spread her wings upwards. It was clearly visible that her wings got larger probably due to the increase of muscle mass by lifting boulders all the time. Everypony in the group looked at it, except for Fluttershy. She only glanced at it at then turned her eyes away again, gazing in front of her quietly.

When Twilight came closer, the attention drawn to Rainbow Dash was immediately dumped on her. She was standing out incredibly due to the constant sparks of electricity radiating around her. And her body being embedded into a pink-purplish glow that even covered her mane.

"Wow... Twilight, is it just me or does you're magic look even stronger than 10 minutes ago?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight looked up at the tiara she was wearing while answering:

"It's the pesky element's work! It feels like it's forcing me to draw out all the magic that I've got and maintaining it in its constant state."

Twilight levitated the tiara off of her head and suddenly the sparking stopped and the pink-purplish glow disappeared too.

"See? It's not my doing!" Twilight concluded.

“Well actually I thought it was kinda cool...” Rainbow Dash said.

After some admiring and arguing the group finally realized that Frowny was awfully quiet. The group looked around and turned their attention to him while Twilight asked:

"Uh Frowny? Are you okay? You've been quiet for some time now, is something wrong?"

Frowny was actually looking at Fluttershy. Carefully examining her from a distance Frowny noticed that something was different about her. Wouldn't she be just as surprised as everypony else at the improvements they made today?

"I'm worried about Fluttershy..." Frowny said while walking in her direction. "...She's been quiet for the whole day since we started. Didn't you notice?"

Fluttershy looked up at Frowny who was walking in her direction. Everypony else was looking at her too.

"What's the matter Fluttershy? Aren't you happy for your friends?" Frowny asked while sitting down in front of Fluttershy.

"Of course I am..." Fluttershy said with a soft voice.

"Then what's the problem? I can see the void in your mind so clearly..." Frowny said, unsure about his choice of words.

Fluttershy closed her eyes for a second to think about her answer. And then spoke:

"I'm just not up for this idea of having to fight a war."

"Why?" Frowny asked again.


Fluttershy didn't know if she should answer. She closed her eyes again. After a while a frown indicating irritation on her face appeared.

"I don't like fighting... I despise fighting... I hate fighting I LOATHE fighting" Fluttershy shouted angrily

Frowny understood where Fluttershy was coming from and levitated her element from behind the group to her and asked:

"Do you know what this is Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy collected herself and her senses. Getting herself to calm down and answered:

"That is... My... element?"

"And do you know what it represents?" Frowny continued.

"Um... Kindness?" Fluttershy answered.

Fluttershy then suddenly realized what Frowny was saying. Her eyes got bigger and a soft smile surfaced from her face. The others, who were still confused about the matter, watched carefully. Exchanging glances from time to time. Frowny stood up again and started talking:

"Right, Kindness. One of the most important aspects that build the term 'friendship' which you all represent as 'The elements of harmony'. Kindness is the most intriguing one. You see, The elements of harmony are used for fighting correct?" Frowny asked

Fluttershy nodded, to which the rest of the group followed, before Frowny continued:

"Well ironically 'Kindness' means to be the exact opposite of fighting. Explaining why you hate fighting so much Fluttershy." Frowny said while looking Fluttershy in the eye.

Fluttershy now stood up as well. Looking surer yet still troubled, she asked:

"So if my element isn't exactly meant for fighting... Then what is it meant for?"

Frowny gently levitated the element to around her neck and put it on. While still put neatly layered under the necklace with Frowny's gem that Fluttershy crafted in the morning. Frowny then said:

"When I read the elements' minds they showed me what they remember. Kindness remembers combat, though it doesn't remember being involved in any combat."

Frowny gestured Fluttershy to follow him, to which he then turned around and started walking in the direction of the same open field from before. Fluttershy walked along wondering what he was planning to do with her.

"What is your job? You're profession?" Frowny suddenly asked.

"...Taking care of animals..." Fluttershy answered.

"And what aspect of your personality goes into that profession?" Frowny continued.

"...Kindness..." Fluttershy answered, her voice sounding softer than before.

Frowny halted and turned his head around facing Fluttershy who halted as well. Frowny looked her in the eye and said.

"And how do you act when you find an injured animal?"

"I bring the poor thing home with me, patch him up. And after a while I release him back into the wild..."

Fluttershy answered immediately and without hesitation. Which was surprising to Frowny. Though both the look in her eyes and the words she spoke seemed truthful.

"And how do you act when you find a dead animal?" Frowny continued.

Fluttershy was afraid that Frowny would ask that. She looked down at the ground thinking about the answer. After a couple of seconds she looked Frowny back in the eye and answered:

"... I don't usually find any dead animals or corpses... But... When I do... I bury them at a spiritually appealing spot..."

"Do you mourn the losses?" Frowny asked, intentionally vague yet understandable.

Fluttershy nodded slowly as a response.

"If it were possible... Would you try to heal mortally injured animals or animals with incurable diseases?" Frowny asked again.

Fluttershy nodded more excited and more hastily, her eyes widened a bit.

Frowny closed his eyes and turned around completely. Facing Fluttershy. Frowny opened his eyes again and said:

"Well, if my theories prove to be correct, your element should allow you to heal death causing wounds or any given disease. Even the incurable ones."

After Frowny said that Fluttershy lightened up. Though she still asked:

"But... How can you train such a skill?"

Frowny didn't hesitate to answer:

"We're not going to test that ability if you were thinking that. We're going to have to rely on this theory until it has been proven on the battlefield."

Fluttershy couldn't help but ask:

"But that's risky and dangerous! Isn't there some way we can be sure that it works?"

Frowny wanted to answer but was interrupted by his senses. Immediately his attention was set to the element around Fluttershy's neck. Frowny felt some magical energy coming off the necklace. The energy he sensed turned into words in his mind:

"Let me speak to her..." Frowny heard.

The voice was so familiar. The voice sounded like it was coming from a younger filly. The voice also sounded soft and relaxing, almost like every word could be compared with a kiss to the cheek. Frowny couldn't stop himself from hearing it. It was as if he was forced to hear it and he knew it was coming from the element around Fluttershy's neck. So could it be... Telepathy? Fluttershy noticed Frowny's confused look and asked:

"Is... Something wrong?"

Frowny shook his head and came closer to Fluttershy saying:

"The element spoke to me... It sounds like it wants to tell you something..."

"Somehow the element communicated with Frowny telling him that it wants to tell me something." Fluttershy figured.

When Frowny stood just in front of Fluttershy he reached out his hoof.

"Grab onto my hoof so you can hear what the element has to say." Frowny said.

Now Fluttershy understood what Frowny meant completely. Fluttershy swallowed and reached out her hoof as well. When the hoofs touched Frowny closed his eyes. Fluttershy saw that and figured she'd close her eyes as well, so she did. After a couple of seconds Frowny's aura was visible around both Frowny's and Fluttershy's hoof connecting the two. And it almost looked like The two hoofs merged making the body and mind as one. Allowing Fluttershy to hear Frowny's current thoughts and Frowny to hear Fluttershy's. After a couple of minutes a voice began echoing through both the ponies' minds:

"I thank you Shineless for letting me speak to her... I sensed you both wondering about my ability..." The voice said.

Fluttershy's speech was locked from excitement. She could hear the element as though it was her own thought traveling through her head. It was surely an experience she'd never experienced before. Frowny was listening closely though, the voice just sounded too familiar to be normal. Frowny searched his own mind hoping to find the answer. That’s when the voice continued:

"First of all... I compliment Shineless on guessing the abilities of the other elements... The other elements only granted you limited knowledge and even thus, you could figure it out..."

The voice spoke vaguely but was still understandable somehow. Frowny now felt as weird as ever before though. The voice sounded so familiar and yet he couldn't tell what it was. Then the voice continued:

"Indeed my ability concerns healing, though asks something in exchange..."

This was where it got interesting. Frowny diverted his attention from trying to figure out the voice's familiarness and focused on figuring out the elements ability. The voice continued:

"Shy must show kindness and I shall lend healing, when Shy doesn't show kindness I shall lend nothing..."

The voice wasn't done yet though:

"That is all my ability speaks, I have one last message I will have to speak... Cross Right Into My Sentence Or Neither Crease Lets Others Un-Done..."

And then the voice silenced...

Frowny opened his eyes and returned his hoof to himself. Fluttershy noticed she wasn't touching Frowny's hoof anymore and opened her eyes as well, only to see a shocked Frowny in front of him.

"Crimson... Crimson Cloud?... How could I... I have to find her!" Frowny whispered and immediately flash teleported in the direction of Canterlot.

Fluttershy followed Frowny's teleports with her eyes confusedly. Did she just hear Frowny say Crimson Cloud? What does that mean? Fluttershy thought. The others who were still sitting by the lake noticed Frowny leaving as well and stood just as confused as Fluttershy.

Fluttershy met up with the others again to which Twilight asked her:

"What happened? Why did Frowny suddenly leave?"

"I don't know! He just whispered something and left!" Fluttershy said.

"Well what did he say?" Pinkie asked.

"I didn't hear everything, but I thought he said something about finding a crimson cloud?" Fluttershy answered.

It didn't take Twilight long to realize, she gasped loudly and stared silently in front of her. With the others responding likewise though staring confusedly at her. Rainbow Dash flew to her and asked:

"Twilight if you know something then tell us already!"

Twilight snapped out of her stare as soon as Rainbow Dash appeared in front of her and teleported to right in front of Fluttershy asking her:

"What caused him to be THIS shocked?"

Fluttershy hopped backwards from the sudden appearance. Then after a couple of seconds she answered:

"I don't know! All we did was listen to the elements voice telling us it's ability. After I opened my eyes he had a weird look in his face, whispered something and went off in the direction of Canterlo..."

Fluttershy stopped in mid-sentence. As she saw a red light slowly traveling up the mountain with Canterlot resting on it. It must be Frowny, Fluttershy figured. Twilight turned her head to the same light.

"Wasn't there a unicorn called Crimson Cloud living in Canterlot?" Rarity suddenly asked Twilight.

"Yes! I got a scroll titled with that pony's name back in the library! I have to go check it out!"

Twilight was about to warp away to her library when Applejack shouted:

"IF yer going to investigate about this Crimson Cloud then take us with you! I've had enough of not knowing what's going on!"

Twilight was still charging up her warp while saying:

"Well then let's go already!"

The whole group levitated up a little and then with a sparky flash disappeared from the sandy shores of the lake.

The group reappeared in Ponyville's library. In the instant they arrived Twilight sped away to the mountain of scrolls that where neatly organized by Spike. Who was totally in shock of the sudden appearance of Twilight and the rest of the group.

"Wow! What just happened?" Spike stuttered.

Twilight didn't answer. She probably didn't hear Spike say anything due to being so concentrated on finding the scroll titled Crimson Cloud. The rest of the group where still recuperating from the warp Twilight used. But after a while Pinkie blurted:

"Twilight brought us here because Frowny suddenly ran off talking about this Crimson Cloud pony and Twilight needed to find out more about this pony apparently because it had something important to do with Fluttershy's ELEMENT." Pinkie breathed heavily after she spoke the last word in her sentence.

Spike didn't care for the element stuff. But he did know there was a scroll titled Crimson Cloud somewhere. Twilight was still busy looking for that scroll. Spike then interrupted Twilight by saying:

"It's in the other pile of scrolls. The one with all the Canterlot citizen files." Spike said that with a nonchalant tone.

Twilight raised her head, looked around a bit and when she spotted the other mountain of scrolls, she teleported to it and searched the pile. When it finally seemed she found it she shouted:


The rest of the group came closer to Twilight to look at the scroll. Twilight opened it to read it through globally first. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. The other ponies looked strangely confused at Twilight who then said:

"Oh no... Poor Frowny..."

~Meanwhile at Canterlot~

Frowny had just arrived in Canterlot by flying up the mountain. When he arrived he had to think for a second. So he stopped and sat down beside a tree. He looked up at the sky and thought back to the past.

Frowny was only a colt of 3 years old when he got recommended to attend to classes in Canterlot academy for unicorns. It was a start of basic education. Though the young Frowny already knew what he wanted to become. He had already awoken his aura, soon after his parents found out he was a Creator from Goldihart's side. Frowny wanted to become a military unicorn like his father Grimmer. Frowny's father said that he had to start at the academy. So Frowny's parents got him to participate in an entrance exam. Which he passed with utter ease.

Frowny stood up and walked towards the entrance to the city of Canterlot. Still thinking back to the past.

When his first day at the academy came, he wasn't very excited nor was he very reluctant. The saddlebag that Goldihart, his mother, prepared for him contained just a couple of books and some snacks for in the recess.

Frowny didn't remember saying much that day. In fact he was kind of nervous. He only remembered when he arrived and got introduced. He remembered everypony looking at him. There were some large ponies and some smaller ones. Frowny was the smallest, also the youngest. He planned to prove his worth immediately. So at the first class, when a question was asked that he knew the answer to, he raised his hoof and answered correctly.

When the first recess of the day came, Frowny tried not to rush things with making friends or anything. So he looked for a spot, sat down in some nice shade under a tree, and ate some of the snacks that where inside of his bag. Frowny also remembered reading a book that was in his bag. Some ponies that walked by glanced at him, when Frowny glanced back though the pony turned his head and kept walking on. Nopony spoke to him at that day.

The next day of school Frowny tried approaching somepony once. The only reaction he got though was a weird look and then the pony he approached walked away. Frowny didn't know why, he was confused. Was it because of his frown? Did he do something wrong? Frowny really didn't know. So the next day he tried again. This time nopony even looked at him. With the exception of the teachers who complimented him with the great performances so far. Frowny didn't care about that though. His homework was easy and the few practical things were even easier. But why would nopony else approach him? Why would nopony else compliment him? Nopony even looked at him... Nopony even acknowledged him... He didn't mention this to his parents. He felt no need for it. And when Goldihart or Grimmer asked. He said that he didn't try yet...

Frowny arrived at the Canterlot gates. The guards greeted him to which Frowny greeted them as response. Some Canterlot ponies that he passed by looked at him as he walked on forwards deeper into the city. Frowny felt nostalgia as each of the Canterlot ponies he exchanged glances with. It felt just like each and every recess at the academy. The same look in their eyes and the same reaction to when he looked back. Though that changed after a couple of weeks.

Yes. When the third week of school started Frowny was still eating alone at recess. He switched spots now and then because some spots were shadier and he could read books better. He felt bad though, he felt lonely. Ponies still didn't see him. Then suddenly he heard a voice.

"Hello..." The voice said.

Frowny looked up and he saw a red unicorn stand before him. The unicorn had yellow puffy mane which reflected the sunlight. The unicorn looked at Frowny with big yellow eyes. The filly's look was different from how the other ponies looked at him. Frowny stood up and said:

"Uh... Hi."

The red unicorn smiled and said:

"My name is Crimson Cloud. You are new here too right?"

Frowny nodded.

Crimson Cloud chuckled a little.

"A colt of few words huh? Well let's start with your name."

Crimson Cloud sat down next to him under the tree. Frowny then answered:

"My name, my name is Frowny Shineless."

"Frowny huh?" Crimson Cloud said.

Crimson then took a look at the book Frowny was reading. The book was titled 'Advanced spellcasting' There was no author written on the title.

"Are you good at magic?" Crimson asked.

Frowny nodded again and kept quiet. Crimson chuckled a little again and said:

"So what can you do already?"

Frowny put the book back in his bag and stood up. He closed his eyes and started concentrating. Crimson looked at Frowny curiously. Then after a couple of seconds Frowny got covered in a red light which radiated around him. Frowny's horn also radiated in a deeper red light and the light looked like flames setting the horn on fire. Frowny opened his eyes and saw Crimson admiring his aura.

"This is my aura." Frowny said

Crimson Watched with awe and said:

"Wow, awesome!"

"And you?" Frowny asked.


"What can you do?" Frowny corrected.

Crimson now stood up as well and pointed towards a rock with her hoof.

"See that rock over there?" Crimson said.

Frowny turned his head to where Crimson was pointing. Frowny then nodded once.

"Check this out!"

Crimson's horn began glowing yellow and the rock started shaking. Then, out of the rock three weird looking yellow colored plants appeared. Frowny watched the process, he was impressed by it but not really awestruck. He tried to look awestruck though. so he let out a quiet oooh.

"I'm not done yet!" Crimson said

Crimson's horn started glowing more heavily and became a little flashy as well. Then the plants that came out of the rock became larger and then after a couple of seconds, flowers sprouted from the plants. The flowers were colored a light red and looked beautiful. Crimson's horn then stopped glowing and she looked proud upon what she'd done.

"Phew!... That was hard!" Crimson said.

Frowny turned his head to Crimson and said:

"You're a Transmuter!"

"A what?" Crimson confusedly asked.

"A Transmuter. You make things out of other things with the same traits!" Frowny explained.

"Oh... I guess I am!" Crimson chuckled.

Frowny couldn't help but chuckle a little too.

And that’s how it was. Each day the two ponies would spend their recess together. With each recess that came the two ponies got to know each other better. If Crimson told Frowny about herself then Frowny would tell about himself too. Or if Crimson would tell about her family then Frowny would tell about his family too. With Crimson saying that Frowny's family was much more exciting than hers.

Frowny had gone deeper within the city of Canterlot. When he passed by the grounds of the Canterlot academy he turned his head towards it. The grounds of the Canterlot academy reminded him a little more about his school life. After his first year attending classes his group advanced to the next grade and homework became tougher. But his friendship with Crimson Cloud was still just as soft and sweet. When Frowny turned 4 years old he could finally start his training with his father. Grimmer would teach Frowny the Shineless art of combat. Frowny had requested a week off from school to be able to finish his training. He did get updates on homework with the days he didn't attend to classes. While Frowny was training with his father he still missed not being with Crimson Cloud.

When the week of training was over Frowny had become really strong already. It was noticeable, his legs became more muscled and Frowny stood his ground more solid. He came back to school. At school Frowny noticed there were some new ponies in his class. In the recess that followed Frowny had asked Crimson Cloud who they were to which Crimson answered that those ponies were transfer students from Manehattan. Or at least that‘s what the teacher claimed them to be.

The transfer students weren't exactly friendly either. That became clear the next day at school. The transfer students were messing around in the hallways and randomly bullying innocent ponies that walked by. It disgusted Frowny, yet he didn't feel like doing something about it. It wouldn't be worth his time wasting on weaklings he thought. The weakest ponies were the ones who attack the helpless, it's a wise rule that was part of his training. Frowny shared his knowledge of that sighting with Crimson Cloud, warning her of them. Crimson acted like she figured, but Frowny saw that she was afraid. He chose not to expose that feeling.

The next week was different. The bullies couldn't help but notice Crimson Cloud this time. They pulled all kinds of childish pranks on her that week. Crimson confined that bullying to herself, there were some other ponies that watched, but none had the guts to step in.

One day, Frowny and Crimson spend they're recess together again. The bullies were bored and decided to go and mess with Crimson a bit more.

"Well well well, look guys! It's our favorite little filly!" The first colt said.

There were two colts coming Crimson's and Frowny's way. Each with a relatively large horn. When the first colt spoke Crimson's face worsened. Frowny noticed she was a little scared or(remove the point make it all one sentence) at least unnerved. Frowny turned his head to the colt that said those words.

"Oh and look at that, she has a little boyfriend too!"

Crimson Cloud now turned her head too. The other colt appeared in front of her and quickly grabbed her bag saying:

"Let's see what kind of treats we find in here this time!" The colt smirked at himself.

Frowny now stood up and approached the colt holding Crimson's bag. The colt noticed and said:

"Hey get lost little squirt!" Bluntly, but mindlessly.

Frowny was now right in front of him and looked him in the eye saying:

"Leave her alone..."

The colt holding the bag now turned his head to the other colt laughing and saying:

"Do you hear that? Crimson got herself a guard."

When the colt holding the bag turned his head over to Frowny again the look in Frowny's eyes changed. His eyes changed as though Frowny could kill any second. You could literally smell the bloodlust in the air. Or at least the bully could smell it. The look in Frowny's eyes were terrifying the bully and his tough getup quickly got replaced with a shivering scared little colt. He dropped the bag and took several steps backward tripping over a rock in his way.

"What the, what are you doing!" The other bully said

"What he's doing is making a wise decision." Frowny said while turning his head slowly in the other bully's direction.

The bully was now struck with the same fear as his friend. Frowny sent over a horrifying intent to kill just by looking him in the eyes. The bully shook his head and said:

"Y-you don't scare me!" And the bully charged to tackle Frowny.

The bully was determined to hit him as hard as he could. When he was near Frowny though, he simply stepped over to the right and jabbed the bully in his stomach. The bully then collapsed gesturing weirdly, his whole body shaking. Crimson had watched the whole thing and said:

"Wu, what did you do to him?"

Frowny changed his look back to normal and answered:

"I paralyzed him, don't worry he'll be back up in about 40 seconds."

Frowny pushed him to a nearby wall in the shade and returned to Crimson Cloud.

"...They bullied you like this multiple times didn't they?" Frowny asked.

Crimson nodded.

Frowny sat down just next to her and said:

"Why didn't you tell any of the teachers?"

Crimson looked at Frowny and said:

"If I did then they would just play innocent like all the others..."

"(Others?)" Frowny thought. She must have been a bully magnet or something.

"You know what? Whenever other ponies bully you, I'm going to protect you. To make your school life easier!" Frowny promised.

Crimson looked surprised at Frowny who was smiling at her. Her eyes were radiant and she blushed a little, it was hard to see due to her red coat though.

"Oh, thank you Frowny!"

From that day on, Crimson Cloud wasn't afraid anymore to go to school. Ever since then Frowny kept an eye out for bullies approaching Crimson Cloud. And when they do, he'd stop them and scare them away. Until the bullying ponies just never tried anymore. Frowny became known around the lower grades of school to be strong and scary amongst the bullies. However other ponies found him to be protective and caring.

It was a life at school Frowny would have never dared to forget. But when he turned five years old something deep inside him changed. Frowny felt hotter somehow. When he was at school Crimson noticed it as well. Frowny's coat felt like it was glowing hot. It only happened every now and then but Frowny found it curious. He also noticed that sometimes when he was sparring or training with his father again, that his horn shook a little and disabled his magic just for a second. Something was definitely going on with him.

Back in the present, Frowny had entered the center of the city Canterlot. It wasn't too busy out today. Markets and shops weren't open today either. There were still some ponies walking by. Even some guards patrolling. When Frowny passed them the guards seem to stand taller. Paying their respect to Frowny apparently.

Frowny thought about the past a little more. The changes to his body temperature were severe. He wasn't sick, or so he claimed. But when his mother checked his temperature it hit the high 80's. If a normal pony would ever hit that kind of temperature they'd overheat for sure. But nothing seemed to be wrong with Frowny. So the family ignored the minority until it would become a liability to Frowny.

"If only I knew back then..." Frowny said to himself.

Several months later after Frowny's body temperature rose. Things were getting weirder. Sometimes Frowny would completely lose his magic. Only for moments, but it happened frequently over the days that followed. Sleeping also became more uncomfortable. He was getting a lot of bad dreams lately. Frowny never remembered what they were about after he woke up, but he knew that they were bad dreams. Frowny figured it'd be no problem so he ignored those dreams.

And then suddenly, on a completely normal day at school, Frowny finally lost control. He tried using his magic once but instead of magic stuff happening, his body became extremely heavy and his vision turned all white. His thoughts replaced with rage and his morals blinded with that rage. Frowny's hoofs caught on fire, which spread around the area.

Back in the present. When Frowny thought back to it, he didn't remember what he had done afterwards. He only remembered unimaginable pain on is hoofs and around his throat and stomach. Where the bandages now conceal the scars of that transformation. Frowny also remembered thinking only of destroying everything around him, trying to lose all the energy he got. Only the words destruction and exhaustion raced through his mind back then. And in fact, those words raced through his mind every time he transformed against his will.

When Frowny regained consciousness the first thing he felt was the intense pain from his hoofs, throat and stomach. When he opened his eyes he saw that he got huge burn marks on his hoofs. And even larger burns on his stomach and throat. Then he realized where he was, he was locked up in a cage placed in a courtroom. The court wasn't in session yet but he was definitely in a courtroom. The first thing Frowny thought about was what happened and how he got in this situation. He thought back at before he lost consciousness. The only thing he remembered was thoughts of destruction and exhaustion of his energy. And he remembered feeling an intense heat coming from inside his body. He stood up, his legs were shaking and his hoofs were aching all over. Frowny looked around him. Examining his surroundings carefully. Frowny's head started to ache real bad too. That’s when Frowny noticed that his horn was gone. At the split second he realized that, the headache got intense and he collapsed again. Soon after Frowny's horn just splat out of his skull. With blood coming down from its roots. Frowny looked up at his horn and then lost consciousness again from exhaustion.

Back in the present. Frowny reflected on what he experienced back then. Every time he transformed to his Nightmare form he had to disable his magic first by destroying his horn. This usually happened on its own. He had to destroy his horn otherwise his reflexes would prevent the transformation from completing and it would cause the transformation to be incredibly painful and would cost Frowny incredible amounts of energy. But every time he recovered from his transformation and turned back to normal, he had to concentrate for a bit to make his horn reappear in a rather gory way. His horn would just splat out of his skull and blood would stream down from its roots. It was one of the many reasons why he preferred not to transform to his Nightmare form too often.

Frowny woke up. Court was finally in session so the lights were on and the room was filled with many selfish looking unicorns. Frowny looked around and notice that the blood vanished.

("It was probably cleaned.") Frowny thought.

The judge then spoke:

"The Nightmare has woken up!"

Frowny looked up wondering: "Nightmare? What does that mean?"

The judge then spoke again:

"Frowny Shineless, do you deny damaging half of Canterlot with your fiery Nightmare power!?"

It only took Frowny one second of thought. He looked around again and saw a window nearby. He focused a little and set his sight to that window to be able to look through. What he saw shocked him. Half of the whole city was indeed damaged with a few buildings lying in rubble. And some fires were still embedding a few other buildings which were being taken care of by the firefighter ponies. Frowny realized that must have been his doing and that the strange sensation from before has something to do with it. He turned his head back to the judge and answered:

"No, it was all my doing..."

The courtroom was filled with noise as the ponies were talking to each other. The judge slammed his gavel to silence the courtroom and then said:

"Then are you accepting your judgment to be banished to The deeper parts of Equestria?"

Frowny only read about The deeper parts. And that that's the place where criminals and heretics are banished to. The deeper parts is an immense area surrounded by the strongest barrier ever to be set up. Frowny had to think it over and closed his eyes. If he is what the judge claimed him to be, a Nightmare, and he couldn't control it resulting half of Canterlot to be damaged due to his power. Then it would be the only way for him to be banished to the deeper parts. So that he can learn to control his power he figured. Frowny opened his eyes again and was about to answer until a bright light illuminated the courtroom.

"I demand a say in this." A voice said.

When the light dimmed, the pony that appeared was none other than Princess Celestia. The current ruler of Equestria. All ponies in the courtroom bowed briefly and the judge welcomed the presence of royalty.

"Frowny Shineless has indeed damaged the city with his Nightmare powers. Though it was not himself who was in control of his actions." Princess Celestia said.

The eyes of everypony in the courtroom were shifting from individual to individual as the information sped through all their heads. It was clearly visible that Frowny was furiously scarring Canterlot. How could it not be him? Celestia continued her speech

"Young Shineless here possesses great power untold of for many centuries. Even before my own time. Yet his bursting period came earlier than expected therefore he couldn't control it yet."

This statement cleared up many ponies' minds. Yet doubt still levitated as a cloud inside everypony's heads.

"I would like to rephrase his judgment." Celestia said.

"I declare Frowny Shineless will be sent to The deeper parts of Equestria with a mission. The only tasks I provide with that mission is..."

The courtroom suddenly went all quiet. Celestia waited in suspense so she reached everypony in the courtroom.

"Gaining complete control over your Nightmare abilities and of course, getting out of there. That is all."

And with that, Princess Celestia vanished just as quickly as she appeared withing the same bright yellow light. Ruckus commenced in the courtroom and the judge slammed his gavel three more times to get things quiet again.

"The Princess has spoken. Therefore we will carry out this judgment. Banishment to The deeper parts with the task to return with dignity and control. Do you accept these terms Mr. Shineless?" The judge said.

Frowny closed his eyes and nodded. The judge slammed his gavel and announced the case to be closed and that Frowny will be escorted to The deeper parts three hours from that moment. Just to bid his farewell to his siblings and friends.

Crimson Cloud showed up at that courtroom as well and dashed away to the cage Frowny was in as soon as the courtroom cleared up. When she arrived, she halted for a second to catch her breath. Afterwards she said:

"I'm so relieved it wasn't actually you but... What are you going to do now?... And what am I going to do?(?)"

Frowny opened his eyes and walked towards Crimson with a smile on his face. To Crimson he looked relaxed but she could still see the sadness in his eyes.

"Crimson, I can't describe how sorry I am for letting this happen to you. But I will promise you this, I will return to you. So until then, can you promise me to stay out of trouble?" Frowny asked.

Crimson had a hard time to accept her loss at that point. But she still nodded and came closer to Frowny reaching out to him. Frowny came closer to Crimson as well. The two ponies then hugged as their farewell gift.

"So long then... Crimson Cloud..." Frowny said withholding his tears.

Crimson Cloud couldn't hold back her tears and one streamed off her cheek. Frowny looked at her and dried her tears smiling. Crimson Cloud then turned around still looking at Frowny saying:

"So long Frowny..."She said quietly.

Crimson Cloud left the courtroom as Frowny's parents approached him. Frowny watched Crimson leave. At that moment he wasn't sure yet if he'd ever see her again. When Frowny's parents arrived his mother Goldihart spoke first:

"I was so worried it was going to be worse dear!" Goldihart rushed to give Frowny a hug.

"Mother please... You don't have to blame yourself for this mess. You could have never known." Frowny said.

Goldihart hugged Frowny tight. Knowing the chances it would be her last three hours with her son.

"Just promise me you'll be back. Promise me you won't leave us." Goldihart begged.

"Of course I'll be back. I'm a Shineless after all. I will never abandon those dearest to me." Frowny said.

Goldihart looked happy and relieved at her son and backed away to give her husband Grimmer a chance to talk to his son. Grimmer was still uniformed as a guard from his duty. Frowny figured he must have left his post just for him. Well then again he did damage half of Canterlot so it wasn't really without reason. Grimmer hugged Frowny as well and said:

"Train hard son. And return as fast as you can. Remember our training together." Grimmer said half crying.

"Of course father. I will return before you even notice."

Grimmer stepped back and picked up a square box out of the bag he carried on his back. The box was black and was radiating blue light from its corners.

"Take F78 with you. He belongs to you after all." Grimmer said

Grimmer reached out the black box to give it to Frowny. Frowny levitated it to his side and said:

"Right. We will guard each other and he'll provide a sparring partner. As well as provide) some company."

The couple backed away saying:

"Please don't forget us?"

Frowny smiled and said: "How could I ever... Goodbye mother, father."

"Goodbye Frowny!" Grimmer and Goldihart both said.

The courtroom was now completely cleared out and Frowny sat down near one of the corners of his cage.

"Now to wait for my escort." Frowny said to himself.

Frowny then looked at the black box containing his genetic copy. He remembered that when he was 2 he got the genetic copy for his birthday. Every honorable Shineless gets a genetic copy. Frowny's was made and registered when he turned 1. The preferences for its geno- and phenotype were set by his parents. Frowny figured he'd wake him up after he arrived in The deeper parts to prevent losing him so soon.

Frowny didn't notice he had already passed the Canterlot city plaza. Near Crimson's place he remembered. Frowny now of course finally remembers about Crimson, his dearest friend.

After a little more walking Frowny had arrived at Crimson's house as he remembers. It was a smaller castle with only two towers at walking distance from the city plaza. Ideal for shopping trips or walks through the city. Frowny walked to the door and knocked it three times awaiting response. When the door opened a lighter red coated unicorn stallion with a short brown mane opened the door. He looked cheerful and was apparently enjoying the sunny peaceful day in Canterlot.

"Well well well! If it isn't young Frowny! Boy has it been a long time since I've seen you!" The stallion greeted.

"Yes indeed, it has been a full 21 years now if I remember correctly!" Frowny replied.

"Okay then, you must be here about dear Crimson aren't you?" The stallion then stated. Sounding a little more serious.

Frowny simply nodded as an answer.

"Come on in then. I'll tell you what you've missed all these years."

The stallion turned around and walked back inside the house. Frowny followed and inside the whole house was decorated with greenery. The hall was illuminated with a capsule holding fireflies as their light source. The stallion lead Frowny to the living room which was decorated the same way though the room was illuminated with the sunlight coming in from the many windows the circular room had. The stallion sat down on a pile of pillows and gestured Frowny to sit down across from him. When he did the stallion closed his eyes, collected his thoughts and spoke:

"The guards filled me in on your return. With a letter from the princess telling me that when you'd come here that you would be here to find Crimson."

Frowny looked at the stallion with curiosity to what he had to say.

"Let me start at the point where you left the city... Crimson gradually told me and my wife about her relationship with you. That you protected her from bullies that always seemed to target her." The stallion paused for a second.

The stallion opened his eyes and looked at Frowny. To which he then asked:

"How did you experience your relationship with her?"

"The two of us shared our recess together every school day. At lunch we would eat together. And whenever somepony would come to bully her, I would scare them away through their own conscience." Frowny answered

"Combat rule number one huh?" The stallion asked again.

Frowny nodded.

"Yeah she told us about how you handled them. She admired you for that." The stallion said with a certain look in his eyes.

Now Frowny became really curious to what he was talking about. The stallion spoke as if...

"After you left, Crimson really missed you. She always checked the city gates to see if you would come back yet. And she started to concentrate less on school. It appeared to us she was really attached to you." The stallion paused again and sighed.

"When we asked about you she wouldn't say much, she would just say that she was wondering when you'd come back and that she missed you. Sometimes we could hear her cry in bed."

Frowny felt bad about it when he said that. Then he continued.

"After a couple of months things went better and her grades were starting to rise again as well. And after she graduated from the academy she got herself a part time job at a pharmacy. Her transmuting skills got her promotion there and soon enough she got herself a name here in Canterlot." The stallion paused yet again and sighed more deeply.

"But she could never forget about you. We could still get that kind of vibe from her about that."

"Does this mean she's still at work maybe?" Frowny asked.

The stallion closed his eyes again and lowered his head before he opened them again and said:

"About 6 years later she got terribly ill. The medical ponies diagnosed her with an unknown disease affecting her digestion system. She would only have a couple of months left." The stallion said.

Frowny now finally realized where this conversation was going. And quickly asked:

"The doctors didn't know of a cure?"

"No sadly. And it tore us apart seeing things turning out like this after everything in her life went so well." The stallion paused and cleared his nose.

"Crimson was incredibly sad about it as well. She still hoped you would come back before she left but before her time was up she realized it would never happen again. Her last words were:"

"When Frowny ever comes back... Please tell him that I love him and that I'm sorry that I couldn't stay alive long enough to see him again..."


"And now she rests at the local cemetery in the southeast district of Canterlot. It would be best if you visited..." And then the stallion left the room

judging from the sounds echoing through the building, the stallion had gone upstairs leaving Frowny sitting in the living room.

Frowny couldn't believe what he just heard. He dashed out of the house and ran for the southeast district of Canterlot to visit the cemetery.

~Meanwhile back in Twilight's library~

"What does the scroll say what does the scroll say!?" Pinkie asked loudly.

Twilight was feeling bad for Frowny after she just read the scroll.

"This is a medical report from a diseased filly called Crimson Cloud. Her last words are written here and... See for yourself..."

Twilight turned the scroll around and showed it to the rest of the group who read it quietly. The curious looks in they're eyes turned to shock and sadness to Crimson's final words.

"Oh this can't be. Poor Frowny..." Rarity said half crying.


"My guess is that Frowny must've found out by now." Rainbow Dash said.

"He's probably heading for the Canterlot cemetery then!" Twilight followed.


"Ah don't know if you girls noticed but. Fluttershy just left." Applejack suddenly said.

The group looked around and indeed, Fluttershy was gone.

"Well what do we do now?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight thought about that question for a minute before answering:

"We wait... I believe Frowny will need some time to get over his losses. And before you ask we should let Fluttershy go as well. She can help Frowny get over it."

And so it was. The group settled themselves in the library and grabbed something to do.

Fluttershy had just realized why Frowny had to run off to Canterlot all of a sudden. She figured Frowny had to find Crimson Cloud. After all she was probably his only childhood friend. And now she's gone. Fluttershy figured Frowny had probably already realized that but she thought she still needed to be there for him. So Fluttershy flew as fast as she could over Ponyville and towards Canterlot up in the mountains ahead. She noticed the gem around her neck wasn't glowing as strong as it normally does. That must mean Frowny being in deep sadness.

When Fluttershy arrived at the Canterlot gates she was greeted by the guards who noticed the element of kindness around her neck. The guards let her through immediately bowing briefly. Fluttershy didn't care. All she cared about right now was finding out were the cemetery is. Fluttershy ran towards one of the stationary guards in the city and asked:

"Excuse me sir? Can you tell me which way the cemetery is?"

The guard pointed east from where the two were without saying another word. Fluttershy thanked the guard and Flew up eastwards. Determined to find Frowny there.

When she arrived at the cemetery, she landed near the gates. Which were opened. There was a stationary guard at the gate. Fluttershy approached him to which the guard asked:

"Why are you here?"

"Did you see a red maned unicorn with a black horn enter the cemetery here?" Fluttershy asked.

The guard cleared up and answered:

"Do you mean sir Shineless? Yeah he entered a couple of minutes ago. He's at the northern side of the cemetery just ahead on the third turn right."

Fluttershy thanked the guard and entered the cemetery walking right ahead taking the third turn right. She halted and saw Frowny sitting there with a sad look in his face staring at a gravestone with a picture of a red unicorn on it. Fluttershy slowly walked towards Frowny and sat next to him. The gravestone said:

'Here lies the dearest Crimson Cloud. Died from an incurable disease at age 17.'

It saddened Fluttershy to how close it was to Frowny's age. If he was just a couple of years earlier he could have...

"If only I had returned sooner..." Frowny said.

Fluttershy turned her eyes in Frowny's direction.

"I could've been there with her... I could have..."

Frowny was interrupted by Fluttershy suddenly hugging her.

"You don't have to bear all this alone Frowny... Because you’re not alone anymore..." Fluttershy said.

Frowny then got reminded of Crimson again. Who said just the same thing before to him when he was in a jam. It was almost like Fluttershy was Crimson.

The sadness overwhelmed Frowny and he hugged Fluttershy holding her tight. He closed his eyes to which tears escaped from his eyelids. He cried. Struck by the death of his friend and by the way Fluttershy comforted him. To Fluttershy it sounded like the child in Frowny had finally surfaced, she could finally grasp what kind of situation Frowny went through. And most importantly she could finally relieve Frowny of the burdens he carried.


~Just an hour later~

The couple just left the cemetery and Frowny had finished mourning over his friend. He had finally gotten over it and was ready to move on.

"She loved you didn't she..." Fluttershy suddenly asked.

Frowny looked down at the ground thinking back to the final words Crimson spoke. And after a little while Frowny answered:

"Yes... Just as much as I loved her..."


The couple was just about to head back to Ponyville when Frowny suddenly halted.

"Is... Something the matter Frowny?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, since we're still here... Let's go and recruit some ponies..."

Frowny and Fluttershy turned around in the direction of Canterlot plaza.

"So, who do you have in mind?" Fluttershy asked.

"Let's start with the strongest ponies I know about..."


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