• Published 20th Nov 2011
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Heavy Burdens - polygonsmasher

The tale of a Nightmare hybrid recovering and protecting both his own life and that of others.

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Shineless at all times

There have always been rumors about certain outcasts with outstanding yet terrifying powers. One of these outcasts is a demonic race of ponies feared of they're legend. The legend tells that these demonic ponies, also called Nightmares, are the mixture of the average pony and eternal Hellfire. These Nightmares are slaves of arch demons that rule the inner circles of Hell. They are to be ridden and to be haunting. And if they don't behave they will be greeted by royal punishment. Or eternal sealing into the deepest circle of Hell.

There are exceptions though. Some Nightmares are not completely born into their original form and have the ability to transcend to their original Nightmare form at will. However, a pony with such an ability is rarely born or has rarely been discovered until incidents occur. Followed by certain death. History records that only a single pony has been found to have the ability to turn into a Nightmare. A so called Hybrid Nightmare. However, the day it happened was a disaster and royalty ordered that this day will never be remembered and the cause will be dealt with professionally. The pony that was able to turn into a Nightmare lost control on his first time transforming and became lethal to his surroundings. The princess of the sun ordered immediate banishment to the outcast realm. Also known as "The Deeper Parts of Equestria", Home to traitors and heretics. However, The Nightmare has a pure heart and comes from a good family. He has been given a chance to tame his power and to learn how to control it, by himself. The Princess had ordered there to be transported all copies of modern literature and instructional books to the Nightmare. What happened afterwards wasn't recorded.

A beautiful life ahead of you they said.
A powerful existence they plead. There is a black horn on my head.
Signs of great power they greet upon birth of essence.
Other foals though are afraid of my presence

Why is it, Oh why is it
Why is it always the oddball who suffers.
I am a demon, A fearless pool of eternal blackness which buffers.
Anger is summoned upon he who triggers me.
The oh almighty can only silence thee

Once I snapped in great anger I transform.
From a tiny being into a powerful nightmare summoning form.
It hurts... so much...
It hurts... so much...

A beautiful life ahead of you they said.
Now it only seems cruel to say that.
Imprisoned in this giant area it spins in my head.
However other beings still fear my presence.

Why is it, Oh why is it
Why are the gifted ones always so lonely.
Why do even animals spread rumors about me.
Is a demon living inside me not painful enough?
I guess nobody will ever understand


Fifteen years it has been, Ascending from level to level others have seen.
Nobody still bothers approaching me though.
And when I approach them, they cower in fear as I'm a crow.
One fights to kill... kill... kill...
One fights to kill... kill... kill...
I never understood otherwise.

Why is it, Oh why is it
Why can't I break through this sadness.
The barrier between me and freedom,
The barrier between innocent and demon.


[Frowny Shineless]

There is a slight disturbance in the air.
I shall warn them of danger.
but how will I ever ascend far enough.
the barrier is still too strong...


Running towards freedom...

Almost there! A running pony said to himself

This pony seems to be in a haste. Speeding away through a dark jungle like forest. With only small shreds of light penetrating the overgrown treetops. This made the pony unrecognizable if not for the momentum he made. Only a silhouette was visible, which you could still clearly made out to be a pony. He sped past trees, skipping over stumps and swiftly hopping past the bushes that lie within his path. Until something else appeared to be in the way

There! The barrier!

From the looks of it a strong magical barrier is the obstacle that's in the way of this pony. One of which has never been broken before. The barrier radiated with particles that traveled a circular path around the barrier. However, when the pony arrives he deals with it professionally. The only way to break through a strong barrier like this one is by destroying it. This comment could be very plausible if not for the possibilities being slim. The pony's eyes started glowing and his manes caught fire! The light was one that is not recognizable of normal fire. The flames illuminated the area, revealing the phenotype of the pony in question. A large, black coated pony surrounded with the fire emanating from his head and his tail. With scars covering his throat and stomach. Who is this sinister being?

It's time... To finally break through this thing!!! The pony said with a loud low pitched voice

The pony's surroundings burned as he prepares for it's attack on the barrier. As the flames grew larger, a void and warning lament escaped from the pony's mouth. The attack was hardly visible. The pony moved so fast that normal eyes could not see it. Only a trail of fire spoiled the incoming attack that the barrier took. A fiery and powerful blow which swiftly created a giant hole in the barrier. With the pony piercing through he seemed excited upon his victory. The fire disappeared from his body and his coat slowly returned to normal.

I finally did it! I'm free!

The pony was now recognizable due to the sunlight lighting the area around him. The pony was a dark grey coated with a long dark red mane and tail neatly organized and cut. The scars still visible and just as horrid looking. His face was something else, he had sharp teeth and his eyes seemingly emotionless With a permanent frown stuck to his face. the colt looked around him, deeply inhaling the fresh air and enjoying the sun shining on his face.

It has been too long The pony said to himself.

After a brief and quiet pause the pony suddenly ran towards what looked like the entrance of Everfree forest. Which he would need to travel through in order to reach his yet unknown but guessable destination. The pony didn't take one thing in account though. Behind him, the barrier he damaged started reforming and began snarling at the pony.

Huh? What's happening? The colt said while carefully examining the process

The pony watched as the barrier reformed and viciously struck back at the pony with an explosive attack similar to the one that the barrier was assaulted with. The attack was of such magnitude that the explosion caused a big cloud of smoke to arise from the fires it created. The ground also heavily quaked within a speculating radius of maybe 5 miles or so. Silence occurred. when suddenly the pony appeared jumping out of the fire and the cloud of black smoke. He was mortally wounded and his manes and tail where slightly burned. The wounds bleeding with drops falling on the lush grassy field. The wounds would be fatal for an average pony. The colt struggled to keep his balance and consciousness. The pony distanced himself from the barrier and shouted:

*pant* is, *pant* is that all you've got?

the fire subsided and the barrier was clearly visible once again. It had been completely restored as if nothing happened to it.

As I thought! *pant* hnggg... I better get to ponyville fast if I wanna make it alive.

The pony then started running in the direction of the Everfree Forest once again. As the pony ran the wounds took toll on his energy. He lost a considerable amount of blood just from the explosion. His will to live is the only thing that keeps him alive now.

The everfree forest, noticeably lighter than the other forest, was still a hazard. While swiftly avoiding obstacles, hazards and monsters on his way, the colt crossed swiftly through the forest within a matter of hours. He wasn't in good shape though.

A-almo... *pant* Almost ther...

Just when the pony finally got out of Everfree Forest, he collapsed. The wounds still gushing blood. The colt's body, struggling to stay alive, steadily healed though. Nature assisted the wounds to close the wounds. Only one place in Equestria would be able to have that effect. A place where flora and fauna would live together in harmony.

-Meanwhile, at twilight's library.-

A little while ago Twilight went through the Canterlot archives and retrieved some scrolls from the more classified section of the Canterlot archives. The princess suggested that Twilight should go through those scrolls and investigate on any unsolved cases or unexplained events that were recorded. Therefore Twilight returned to her library in ponyville to thoroughly check every scroll and document that the archives contained.

Spike, can you get me the next set of scrolls please? Twilight asked

It's right over here!. ...

The purple dragon reached from a pile of scrolls and took the one on the top. Curious of it's contents Spike opened the scroll. Finding out that the scroll he was holding only contained a drawing of a black coated, fire emanating pony.

Is something wrong Spike?

Weird... It's just a picture...

Twilight looked around in spike's direction saying: Huh? The archives normally don't have just pictures.

It says Nightmare over here. What do you think that means? Spike held the scroll opened in Twilights face showing the picture.

Nightmare huh? I think I know that from something. Do we still have that book about mythical creatures around? Twilight asked

Uh, no. Fluttershy actually borrowed the whole section from the library a while ago. Don't you remember? Spike answered

Well then we'll just have to go to her place.

Twilight cheerfully packs her bags and heads for the exit of the library. spike follows. They headed for Fluttershy's place in the outskirts of Ponyville. Near the northeastern entrance to Everfree forest.

-Meanwhile, at Fluttershy's cottage.-

Fluttershy was doing her early afternoon rounds taking care of animals. Carrying around a richly packed basket containing food for the numerous animals she looked after in and outside of her home. While flying around the house Fluttershy noticed a silhouette near the entrance of Everfree forest. As unusual as it looked, Fluttershy decided to go check it out. Only to find something shocking.

*gasp* I-It's a pony! A-a-a-and is that... *gulp* Blood!?

Fluttershy trembled at the sight. A unconscious pony lying just in front of Everfree forest, stained with blood. she quickly figured that the pony wouldn't last long anymore, or at least not long enough for her to get him to a hospital. Fluttershy decides to carry the unconscious pony to her home to care for him. When she arrives Fluttershy does her best to tend to the unconscious pony's wounds and suddenly got curious about the bandages that covered his hooves, neck and belly. Yet after she attempts to take them off, the bandages reappear as if nothing happened. Soon after the unconscious pony wakes up. and hastily stands up and looks around him loudly wondering where he's at.

Ugh... Ow... Huh? Where am I? The pony wondered

Relax. Y-you're at my place. Fluttershy trips over her own sentence as she answers. Please lie back down... You're reopening your wounds.

The colt examined himself. He sighed in relief at the sight of the bandages on his body and lies back down.

You were in pretty bad shape when I found you... Fluttershy said

Hold on... The colt warned.

The gray pony closed his eyes briefly and started grunting. Then his forehead started pouring out a strange colorless liquid that dripped down to the ground. Suddenly a long pitch black horn splat out of his head. At the same time, the wounds That previously covered his body suddenly healed completely due to the power of the magic that the pony produced.

There... My horn's back...

Fluttershy watched all that open mouthed showing how surprised she was.

A-Are you okay? Fluttershy asked with worry.

Don't worry. It was about time my horn reappeared. The colt answered.

Fluttershy never saw a unicorn do that before. She did notice a small black stump on the colt's forehead. But never put any of her attention into the matter. His wounds were much more important at that time. Fluttershy got curious to the colt's identity and asked: May I ask you... Who you are?

The frowning pony ignored Fluttershy's question and stared quietly in front of him. Fluttershy meant to ask: What's the matter? When the pony interrupted her saying: Someones coming.

At first Fluttershy was confused at what the pony was saying and looked at him even more confusedly. The pony then pointed at the door of Fluttershy's house.

Oh b-but I'm not expecting anyone at this hour.

Twilight was nearing Fluttershy's place

Is it really necessary to pay attention to this kinda stuff? Spike asked with slight irritation

Well you see, there have been many reports lately that a mysterious pony has been trying to exit the deeper parts of Equestria by breaching through the border barrier

Spike looked rather confused at Twilight

So you're thinking this is connected to the subject you read about? Spike wondered

well yeah of course thats what I keep telling you. Though there were some difficulties... You see, the pony that attempts to break through wasn't recognizable. It seemed as though he plans to keep it that way. And now this Nightmare matter came up and it's very possible the two subjects are related.

Twilight knocked Fluttershy's door once and the door opens while she tried to knock a second time. Fluttershy greets Twilight and Twilight asks if she could talk to Fluttershy about something in private. Fluttershy seemed a little worked out but then quickly answered

Well I wanted to come and look for you because I found somepony unconscious near the Everfree forest.

Twilight became curious and thought to herself who this pony might be. Fluttershy leads her to the pony which seems to be in a daze.

Who's this? Twilight asked while still watching the dazed pony

I tried to ask him but he didn't answer... He just kept staring at the wall like that.

Twilight briefly inspects the frowning pony and notices the pitch black horn. The frowning pony woke up from his daze and noticed Twilight looking at him and tries to produce a smile and said:

I have been trying to find you Twilight. I need to tell you and you're friends something very important.

Twilight looked surprised at the frowning yet smiling pony that looked at her with piercing red eyes.

How d.. how do you... how do you know my name? And what do you know about my friends? Twilight asked

Well for starters you're mind is wide open for me to read. Didn't the princess taught you to never let any presence other than yourself enter your mind? The pony answered

What? I didn't even feel anything passing through! Twilight confusedly answered


What was that?

Anyway you should quickly go and bring back your friends with you. Its easier to tell you all at once instead of wasting time.

Fluttershy protests to this.

B-but your still in really bad shape! Your wounds haven't properly healed yet!

I'm okay believe me. My healing magic will take care of the wounds The pony answered fully aware of his condition

and then he stared silently in front of him again. Fluttershy tells Twilight to better hurry and get the others and Twilight soon leaves afterwards.

Fluttershy approaches the dazed pony in the hope to talk to him a little.

H-hey are you still in there? I mean are you awake?

the dazed pony looked up and said:

You are actually right I am a little tired. and I rarely am tired. The pony yawned while saying that

Fluttershy glanced at the bandages covering the pony's body and asked:

I have been trying to take those bandages off but they reappear afterwards.

the pony answered:

Well thats because I enchanted them so nobody will...

The pony pauses his explanation and looked at the ground.

W-what's the matter? Fluttershy said after a while.

The pony looked back at her and says: It's not important, you will find out soon enough anyway.

The pony concentrated, closed his eyes and said:

I wish to meditate now. I'll call you back once I sense the others coming.

And then the pony was surrounded by a magical aura and seemed to have gone unconscious again. Fluttershy sat down and inspects the pony. She noticed that the bruises that previously covered his legs disappeared. While examining she noticed that he didn't have a cutie mark as well.

He must have been through some rough time Fluttershy thought to herself.

In the meantime Twilight already gathered most of her friends. Applejack couldn't come because she was picking apples. The four ponies asked Twilight why they needed to follow her all at the same time. Twilight answered she didn't know, which is rarely the case. But she said she had a suspicion that it might be connected to something she read about. Rainbow Dash grew impatient and halted the group for a second to ask Twilight what she means.

Fluttershy found a unconscious frowning pony near her house and that same pony told me to come pick you all up to tell you something important.

Whatever could be so important to stop me from working! Rarity said

Pinkie also said something but she spoke too fast for any of the ponies to understand.

Twilight then said: Girls i know it sounds strange but... ugh... just follow me to Fluttershy's place. I really want to hear what this pony has to say.

Then they continued going to Fluttershy's place.

Back at Fluttershy's house the meditating pony's aura disappeared, opened his eyes and quickly stands up saying:

I'm sensing them nearby but Applejack is missing

Fluttershy ran all the way to the back of the closet because the pony startled her with the sudden getup.

Uuuh... are you okay? the pony asked.

Fluttershy answered shakily: y-y-y-yes i-I'm o-o-Kay.

Well I'm sorry if i startled you. have a cup of tea maybe?

The pony quickly looks around and starts chanting some words and everything around the house started moving and making what looks like some tea. Fluttershy followed every moving thing one by one and started relaxing along with the incredibly nice smell. When the tea was done everything returned to its original place and the pony offered Fluttershy some calming tea which she accepted gladly.

Feel better now? the pony asked.

ooh... my... this tea is delicious. I never even knew that this was possible for tea

well some time ago I read some books and I noticed all kinds of natural stuff lying around so I helped myself. The pony settled down again

W-well I like it.

I'm glad you do.

Thats when Twilight knocked the door again and Fluttershy flew to the door and let them all in. The pony in the back greeted everybody and told them to sit down because it was going to be a long story.

So who are you anyway. Rainbow dash hastily asked

Yeah ivebeenwonderingthatmyself.

well Pinkie Pie thats something I'm going to tell you now. My name is Frowny Shineless, And don't get all uncomfortable with my frown because I can't help it.

Rarity then inspected Frowny and said: Whats up with the bandages. I just couldn't help but notice.

you'll know that soon enough. Now sit down I will begin my story, or rather I will show you.

SHOW US!? everyone said at the same time

Frowny's eyes and horn began to glow red and so did everybody's else eyes.

Close you're eyes. It will be really hard to focus the picture if you don't.

Frowny's life story was flashed picture by picture among the 5 ponies. They were all quietly sitting with they're eyes closed. Especially Twilight, who just couldn't believe the level of magic Frowny was using. When the story ended everybody opened they're eyes and looked at each other. But Frowny was still in deep concentration until he opened his eyes as well. Twilight hastily asked a bunch of questions:

How is this possible! This kind of magic is of such a high level that nopony could master it so easily!

Frowny answerred: Like i said. You're minds are like open books for me. I can easily transfer images from my own mind to yours.

Twilight was still a little stubborn to believe: I still can't believe how powerful your magic is. I tried to resist I really did but...

Frowny looked at her and smiled: I didn't expect you to believe it at first glance. When I first sensed your incredible potential it was clear to me that this could become no easy task. So I sharpened up my magic from the beginning. But tell me, is it clear what I showed you?

The whole group looked at Frowny with incredible sadness as they witnessed everything what Frowny experienced in his life in the deeper parts of Equestria.

How did you have the will to train so hard? After all that happened to you? Rarity said

Frowny Looked her in the eye as he approached her and answered: I may not be the pony you all see before you. Nor am I a Unicorn who's magic surpasses most of the population in all Equestria. I am...

A Nightmare?

Everypony in the room looked shocked at Twilight

Twilight just said what Frowny wanted to say and Frowny quickly turned his head and looked Twilight in the eye.

Yes... I am the Nightmare pony you saw on that scroll in your bag. but since the incident of which I have been banned to that horrible forest I have learned to use my powers to benefit instead of hatred.

Hatred? Pinkie answered with a shaky voice.

It is a very sensitive subject. I'd rather not talk about it because I have been struggling heavily to tame myself.

It was quiet for a whole minute as everyone looked at Frowny. Fluttershy then approached Frowny

W-well... I don't care who or what you are... As long as your okay. Thats all what matters

After that she left the house. Frowny detected a small tear in her eye as she said that to him. The mind transfer spell Frowny cast might have been too much for Fluttershy to handle at once.

After a while Frowny turned his attention back at Twilight

Twilight could you tell you're dragon to listen to me for a second?