• Published 11th Apr 2012
  • 597 Views, 7 Comments

Luv sic - Librapony

When a stallion moves out to ponyvile to started his music career he finds something more than that

  • ...

Meeting lady lavender

Authors note: Hey everypony! I have a few things to say but first off let me say sorry for taking a week to finish this chapter. It was really long but it probably looks that way to me because I typed it from my iPod. Anyways I know I said this is my first fanfic. Is that true? Eh yes and no. This is my first fan fic that I've ever written and the first one Ive posted on this site but it's a rewritten version of the original. The original was on another site that got shut down when I was in the process of writing the sequel to this story. Also I'll be adding music to the chapters in this story to set the mood better once I get to my computer. For now peace and much love to ya.
Force of nature - Just forget)
The cool morning air sent a calming sensation through my body as I flew towards ponyville. As I flew I looked back a few times finally taking in the fact that I was on my own from now on. I could do whatever I wanted and truly be free. Looking ahead of me I smiled as I flew a little faster towards my new home. I couldn't wait to get there. I knew I would love living in ponyville but there's another reason I choose ponyville over other places.

My music was always inspired by my environment and I always wanted to live in a place where it felt like a town but had the same aurora as a city. A place where I as a Dj, along with being a bboy, Mc, and singer, could be inspired by not just my enviorment but also by the ponies who lived there. Ponyville was that place.

A string on my sling bag became loose so I decided to land and fix it. I needed a break anyway. I had been flying for two hours nonstop with extra weight on my back.

"I should have shipped this stuff there too." I grumbled as I tightened the string with my teeth. After fixing my bag I looked around for a place to rest and spotted an apple tree nearby. I trotted over to it and rested against it placing my back on it's bark and sitting down. I looked up and saw all types of apples growing on it's branches.

Green, red, yellow. They were all there. Staring at them I almost missed my stomach growling at me. I completely forgot that I hadn't eaten anything before I left so I was starving.

"Well might as well grab a bite to eat." I said as I got up and gave the tree a slight kick. Seconds later a granny smith apple landed in my extended hoof. I bit into it before kicking the tree again letting another apple fall into my grasp.

After finishing both apples I went searching for my mp3 player in my bag. After finding it I took my new headphones out of the case I had gotten, plugged them in, hit play, and hit the air continuing my flight to ponyville.

A short time later I landed at ponyvilles entrance which was nothing more than a small pink bridges. After my break I only had to fly for about 30 more minutes before I got here so I felt great considering that the flight was short. I trotted up to the bridge but once I reached it just as I was about to step on it I stopped.

I felt a warm breeze go through my body. It felt weird but at the same time it felt so… welcoming. I walked across the bridge and almost immediately ended up in towns square. There was way more going on than when I came to look at the house. Everypony was chatting away ,Looking for stuff to buy, or just enjoying the day.

After exploring towns square a little and meeting a few ponies I decided to head for my house and try to figure out what to do next. That thought was suddenly inturupted once something ran into me from behind. I turned around to find a bright pink mare with hair that resembled Cotten candy on the ground.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" I asked offering a hoof to help her up. Then the weirdest thing happened. She literately hopped in the air, gasped and took off to some unknown location behind me nearly taking my head off in the process.

"What just happened?" I asked myself as I regained my thoughts.

"Are you alright deary?" said a voice. I discovered that it came from a snow white mare with a curly royal purple mane, tail, and hypnotizing blue eyes

"Yeah I'm fine. A little confused about what just happened but fine."

"Ah yes pinkie pie seems to have that effect on a lot of ponies. But judging by her actions you must be new here."

"Yeah. Names Midnight Muzic but you can call me midnight."

"Well hello there midnight My name is Rarity, ponyvilles premier fashonista. Pleased to meet you."

"The pleasures all mine."

"so how long have you been here?"

"I just got here a few minutes ago."

"Well if you want I can give you a tour of ponyville."

"Sure just let me put my stuff away and we can head out."

After a short walk we ended up at my house. Once I stepped inside I smiled even though it was empty. Well somewhat empty. There was a couch and a table in the living room and all the essentials but it was pretty bare. We walked upstairs to my room. Nothing different there either. Bare but at least it was mine.

It was pretty big room. Not enormous but big enough for me. I remembered that I had a balcony in this room. I set my bag down and walked outside to enjoy the view. The house was facing towards canterlot which could be seen in the distance as well as most of ponyville.

It was an awesome view and best of all I could enjoy it whenever I liked. I heard rarity trot up beside me And let out a small sigh.

"I must admit midnight I'm envious of you. You get to have this beautiful view of canterlot and ponyville."

"Yeah I can already tell I'm gonna love it here. But I think I'd like it more knowing what's out here to see." I said walking towards the door and then leaning against it waiting for her to go through. "Ladies first."

She walked towards me with a smirk on her face."Handsome, young, and mannerable? Why don't we have more stallions like you?"

"Let's just say from a personal standpoint that I know how to treat a mare."

She smiled and walked through the door but stopped halfway.

"Hey midnight what's in there?" she asked staring at the wall to her right.

"In where?" I asked poking my head through the door.

"There." she said pointing towards the wall. I had no idea what was on the other side let alone that the door was there. I stepped up to it and opened it revealing a room roughly half the size of my bedroom on the otherside of the wall.

A slow smile spread across my face as realized what I wanted the room to be.

"I think I know what this room is."

"Really what is it?"

"That's for me to build and you to find out later."

We left my place and walked around for what seemed like hours. She had showed me everything in the town from sugar cube corner to the carousel boutique her home and business. We were walking down a dirt road when she asked me something.

"Midnight if you don't mind me asking don't you have a bed to sleep on? Your room was pretty much empty."

"Well I was going to buy a bed but after a bet with a friend of mine I'm a little short on bits. I'll just crash on the couch."

"You'll do no such thing! No friend of mine sleeps on a couch. I have a spare bedroom set you can have once we get back home."

"Alright but where are we going first off?"

No sooner than I asked that question I we arrived at a massive farm with trees that bore what looked like apples that stretched for miles. Walking through the gate a buff red stallion with orange hair came trotting towards us with a cart on his back.

"Hi Big Mac!"

"Howdy miss rarity!" he said looking in my direction."Who is he?"

"A new friend of mine. I wanted to introduce him to applejack."

"She's in the barn counting up todays crop. I wish I could stay an chat but I have a few more things to get done. Hope we can talk mr...."

"Midnight. I hope we can talk again soon too."

With that big Mac walked off and we headed to a barn close by. Opening the door my nose was assaulted with a heavenly aroma.

"Is this heaven?" I asked turning back to rarity. She laughed a little as I walked inside the barn. Looking around my eyes fell upon an orange earth pony with emerald green eyes.

"Applejack! It's so good seeing you again!" rarity said trotting up to the mare and hugging her.

"It's good to see ya too rarity." she looked past rarity at me with a sly smile on her face."So should I be expecting a wedding invitation soon?"

"No applejack. He's a friend if mine who just moved here and I wanted him to meet you." she said a with a slight shade of pink forming on her cheeks.

"Hey I'm Midnight Muzic. Nice to meet you applejack." I said extending my hoof for a shake. She grabbed it in booth of her hooves and shook it hard enough to where I thought it was going to be ripped off.

"Well it's a pleasure meetin you too! Welcome to ponyville and welcome to sweet apple acres! We sell everything apple here in ponyville. apple fritter, caramel apple apple tart-"

I zoned out and outside the barn I heard a scream. It sounded like it was moving and really fast. More specifically towards us.

"Um Aj I don't mean to interrupt you but you and Rarity might want to take 3, 4 steps back."

They looked at me in confusion and stepped back as I followed my own advice.

"There perfect."

Literately one second later a blob of cyan and rainbow cam blasting through the wall we were just standing in front of landing in a pile of hay one the other side of the barn. A Pegasus popped up from the pile and shot us a nervous look.

"Uh oops?"

"OOPS!?! Is that all ya have to say for yourself!? That's the third time this month you've blown a hole in mah barn!" Aj shouted in frustration as she walked over to the mare to help her up.

Or rip her head off by the look on her face.

"Well that's one way to make an entrance. Literately."

"Um midnight how did you know she was coming? Even as her close friend for a while we never know when she's going to fall out of the sky."

"Well I have this ability Ty drown out background noise and focus on one sound. Sometimes it happens without me trying and this was one of those times. And when I started racing I learned how to control it."

"You a racer?"

"Well I do every now and then. I've always been a bit of a speed demon but I don't race as often as I'd like. But that's doesn't mean 'Wangan Midnight' is ever coming back."

"Who's 'Wangan Midnight'?"

"That's just my racing name."

Suddenly the cyan mare Aj was trying to help out of the hay burst from the pile.

"Wait a minute your Wangan Midnight. As in the Wangan Midnight?!"

"Yeah that's me."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" she said flying towards me."My names rainbow dash! I'm one of your biggest fans! I've seen all your races and when you fly it's just so.....unreal!"she said shaking my hoof rapidly.

"y'all two know each other?"

"No but let me guess. You've heard of the team nuisance flight crew?"

"Of course!"

"Wait team what flight crew?"Rarity asked in confusion.

"Team nuisance. Its the racing team I put together. Think of it like a mini me wonderbolts team. at least thats who we're compared to anyway. The wonderbolts have this annual competition called like the wind and every year hundreds of flyig teams battle against each other in challenges of speed and style. Me and my team have been the champs for about...3 years now. "

"Wow! So how come I never hear you talk about being in that rainbow dash?"

"Um well I'm more into the wonderbolts but midnight and his team are just as good."

"So your telling me that your better than rainbow dash here?"Aj said putting words in my mouth.

"No I'm just a more refined racer." I said trying to sound modest.

"Oh really?"she asked her expression changing from happy to cocky."If that's the case how about a little race?"

"Well if you want to I'm in."

A few minutes later we were outside in the orchard. I decided to give dash a 10 foot head start just to be fair. Rarity was the starting line and Aj was the finish. It must have been a good mile long to get to her but this race was going to be over fast.

"On ya marks!"

Time slowed to a crawl as I closed my eyes. Everything became distorted. The only sounds I could hear was Aj counting down and my heartbeat.

"Get set!"

I opened my eyes and focused my tunnel vision on Rarity felling air rush from my lungs.


I felt like nothing could stop me as I tore away from the line flying at rarity like a bullet.

The walk back to my house was shorter than I thought. We had just stopped by Rarity's house to pick up my bedroom set so I was pulling it behind me on her cart. But I noticed she was still wearing that shocked face from the race earlier.

"Still thinking about that race?"

"You beat rainbow dash. Nopony has ever done that before. You gave her a head start and beat her by three seconds! How is that possible?"

"Rule one of racing. Remember that no matter how fast you are there's always somepony a little bit faster." I said as I walked up to my house.

"But still you beat the fastest mare in equestria! I don't understand how though."

"10% luck and 90% skill." I said as I unhooked myself from the cart and opened the front door.


Ponies. Ponies everywhere. I never thought I could go deaf from a group of ponies but apparently I was wrong. I walked inside and tried to figure out why there was a party at my house that I didn't throw when a blob of pink came out of freaking nowhere in front of me.

"Hi I'm pinkie Pie! Remember I saw you earlier today! I was all 'GASP' and you were all 'Uhhh'! Anyways I had to rub off to throw you this surprise party. I made punch and cupcakes! Did you get a cupcake? Here have a cupcake!"


Fillies and gentlecolts I present to you pinkie pie trying to shove a cupcake down my throat .

"Pinkie pie stop it you hurtin the poor guy" Aj said appearing from the crowd with rainbow dash and a canary yellow Pegasus in tow.

"Are you ok?" the yellow Pegasus asked.

"Yeah I'm fine but I haven't met you yet. Hi I'm midnight."

"O-oh hi I'm fluttershy."

"Wait here midnight I have one more friend I want you to meet." rarity said walking. We sat in a corner and the girls got to know me better. It was all going good until I hit a wall that I knew I would never be able to avoid.

My relationship with my parents.

"So what's ya family like?"

"Well I'm an only child so me and my mom have always been close. My dad on the other hoof."

Whenever I thought about him I always felt hate build up in me. He left and never even gave us a reason why. Just left.

"Midnight. I want you to meet twilight sparkle."

( Nujabes - Lady Brown (Intrumental)

As soon as I turned around I came face to face with the most beautiful mare I had ever seen. She had a lavender coat with violet eyes. Her mane and tail were dark blue with a purple and pink stripe running through the middle of them. To you she may sound like an ordinary mare but to me she was a pure natural beauty.

"Hello there!"

"Uh hey."

She sat down next to me and I felt like my heart could stop at any minute. She asked me questions about who I was, what I did, stuff like that. I answered her questions to the best of my ability. I was so struck by her that just talking felt impossible. Then she asked me something that made my nervousness disappear.

"So what's your cutie mark stand for?"

"Well im a Dj so my cutie mark is a vinyl record."

"Your a Dj? Care to give us a little sample of what you do?"

"No problem." I said flying up to my room and grabbing my turntables. After flying downstairs and a quick set up I cut the record player and played my own song throwing down scratches and samples in the mix.

After my demo the crowd cheers me on so I left them with one of my popular pre recorded mixes on the disc. I was going to get a drink when twi came over at the same time.

"That was beautiful what type of music was that?"

"Hip hop."

"What's that?"

"You ever heard of rap?"

"Yes. But ive never heard music like that."

"Well hip hop is rap's beautiful sister." I said taking a sip from my cup. Just then a pony on the dance floor knocked over one of the speakers causing it to feedback. Twi was so shocked that the magic she was using to hold her cup up with shot it straight in the air.

I don't know whether it was dumb luck or what but I somehow caught her drink on my wing.

"Here ya go." I said giving her the drink back.

"Thanks!"she said with a smile.

The party was over and I had finally dragged my bedroom set into my room and set up everything. It was around 11:40 and I was dead tired so I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't because I kept thinking about one thing. I kept thinking about the beautiful violet colored eyes that had burned into my mind a soul forever.

Comments ( 4 )

It's a great story, but you seriously need to get it pre-read.

I agree with Coolioto. I like the story, but the grammatical mistakes kind of threw me off.
Hope to see more soon. :eeyup:

491667 yeah sorry. I was tired from my pre sol test but ill go ack through it today and fix all the errors

Whats up eerypony? Midnight here! No I know nopony will care but for those of you following luv sic I wanted to let you know that I will begin working on chapters again. I relly wanted to have more chapters but between a couple of near death experiences, SOL's, And some other stuff I have really had time to work on this like I wanted to. Ill have something out at least by Friday. Peace and much love to ya!

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