• Published 11th Apr 2012
  • 598 Views, 7 Comments

Luv sic - Librapony

When a stallion moves out to ponyvile to started his music career he finds something more than that

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Marcus D feat substantial - Enjoy yourself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6anld0ga3P8)

(Cue song 1) As the sound of chirping birds and a relaxing melody flowed into my ears I opened my eyes only to be met by the orange morning light. I looked at my clock where my music was coming from. It read 7:42 AM. I sat up and stretched before looking around my room. It was mostly empty except for my bed, my alarm clock, my sling bag and most importantly my turntables. Now normally I'd be worried that somepony had broken into my room and stole all my stuff while I was asleep but I didn't freak. There was a reason my stuff was gone and when I thought about the reason I smiled.

"Man I'll never forget this place."

Today was special because I was moving out of my moms house into my own place. After a few months of searching for a new house after I turned 18 I found a nice little place about a two hour flight from my hometown manehatten. I jumped out the bed and headed for my bathroom for a quick shower. As I washed up I thought about the new place I would be calling home.

It was a quiet little town by the name of ponyville. A friend of mine told me that there was a house for sale there and if I was looking for a place to settle down to check the place out. When I went to visit the house I was surprised at the amount of activity there. It was like a mini city but much more cheerful and friendly. I had ponies who didn't even know me waving at me for what seemed like the whole time I was there.

Once I saw the house I fell in love with the place and couldn't say no so I bought it, packed up my stuff at home, and mailed it to ponyville. Now I just had to get a few things done and I was flying to ponyville with my stuff on my back. It felt great to be able to fly freely through the skies at my own whim.

I unfurled my wings and washed them feeling the warm water soak into my coat. After a few minutes of this I decided to end my shower and get ready to leave. Once I dried off and went back into my room. I stared at my turntables. As you might have guessed by now I'm a Dj but I'm not like the Dj your thinking about. Your thinking about those electronic Dj's who ,And no offense to any of them, prerecord their mixes. Although I Dj all types of music I almost always do hip hop music.

I'm what's called a true Dj. No fancy effects, no cd mixes or anything. All my mixes are live and raw so if I screw up then I screw up on spot. I picked them up and looked at the name inscribed on the side. It read 'Midnight Muzic' which is my real name although I sometimes go by 'Mugen Midnight' on stage.

"Midnight breakfast is almost ready!"

"Coming ma!"

I set my turntable down before I flew downstairs landing in the kitchen taking a seat at the table. My mother noticed my fast yet stealthy entrance and smiled at me.

"There's my little stallion! I can't believe your already leaving home and going out into the world. Seems like yesterday I was just teaching you how to fly."

In the corners of her eyes I could see tears slowly forming. I knew this would happen but I never really thought of what to say to her to make here feel better.

"Ma I know your worried about me but I'll be fine. If I can survive living in manehatten using what you taught me I'll be alright. I'll even visit during the holidays."

"I know you'll be alright." she said trotting over to me and hugging me tightly before walking back over to the stove.
"I just-" she started "I just wish your father was here to see the incredible young stallion you've become."

I slowly Sank into my chair. My dad was one thing in my life I wish I could erase. When I was around two years old he left my mother and came back when I was five. Then he left again and I haven't heard from him since. Not that I really wanted to. Let's just say I hated the guy with a passion. He just up and left us twice for no reason. But eventually I let it go. He's living his life and I'm just starting mine. No use crying over it.

"Uh oh."

"Ma you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine it's just I was going to make you your favorite pancakes but I don't have any flour. You wouldn't mind running down to the market and getting some would you?"



By the time she turned around I was already flying down the street bit bag in mouth. If there was one thing I would miss about living with my mom it was definitely her chocolate blueberry pancakes. I was a sucker for them as you can see. I knew a little place out in the market that was always overlooked but sold the best flour in the world.

I knew where all the sweet spots were in the city but when you've grown up in this city for 18 years you know where all the hot spots are. I found the place And the salespony instantly recognized me. We had become good friends over the years and he was a cool guy. He asked me what I was up to lately and when I told him I was moving out my moms place he gave me a bag of flour for free as a going away gift.

After leaving the market I landed at my doorstep about 15 minutes later. Once I walked inside I noticed it was unusually dark for this time of day and before I could find a light switch the lights flicked on by themselves and I nearly had a heart attack.


The whole downstairs was decorated for a party and in the middle of the room hanging from the ceiling was a banner that said 'Goodbye Midnight we love you'. All my friends I had made living here were packed into one room. I'm a very sociable pony so there were a lot of ponies there. The party started once the cd player was on full blast and soon even more ponies showed up and we partied hard. Laughs were had And overall the party was awesome but one thing caught my attention. On a table at the other end of the room was a bright colored box wrapped up with a neon colored bow.

I tried to ignore it but I couldn't help myself. The box was really big so whatever was inside must have been massive.

'Argh I'm dying to know what's in that box!'

I didn't have to wait long to find out because my mom called everyone over to the table.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the sending off of my son and my angel Midnight. Now you've all become friends with my son over the course of his life and I don't think he'll forget any of you. But just to make sure he doesn't ,Midnight we got you a little going away gift. You wanna open it?"

"Do you even have to ask?" I said lunging at the box. I started tearing into the box sending packaging peanuts flying everywhere. Eventually my hoof hit something hard and I stopped digging. I pulled out a box that matched my color scheme, grey brown with my name written in dark blue lettering. I stared at it and wanted to hug everypony in the room.

"Open it up theres a couple of surprises in there."

I slowly opened the box and nearly freaked when I saw what was inside. Inside was a pair of blue headphones with black accents. They had the number 15 and an ace of spades sign painted on them. They even had my name engraved along the side. My own pair of custom headphones.

I would have been happy with that but there was another pair of headphones in the box and when I saw them I broke down in tears. The other set o headphones belonged to my Dj teacher and bet friend Seba tunze. He died a year ago in a chariot accident and later I found out he left me a gift for my birthday but I never expected it to be this.

As I bawled like a little foal everypony in the room wrapped around me in a tight embrace. I felt so loved and calmed myself down. The party died down but everyone stayed to see me off. I ran upstairs and packed my headphones, MP3, And turntables into my bag. I thanked everypony for supporting me and after all my goodbyes were said and done I flew off into the golden morning sky.