• Published 5th Jul 2014
  • 1,811 Views, 10 Comments

Something Missing, Something Found - iPandacakes

Short story about (my headcanon) true reason Celestia chose Fluttershy to befriend Discord and not some other pony.

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Something Missing, Something Found

Something Missing, Something Found
(A Short Story)
By: iPandacakes (aka: K. S. Liberty)


“Are you sure it is alright for me to stay at your cottage, Fluttershy? I do not want to cause and needless corruption among your furry little friends.” Discord cooed as he poked his claw at Angel bunny's nose. Angel narrowed his eyes and swiped at Discord before hopping away in a huff.

“Oh, of course. It's no trouble at all. As long as you behave, you will always have a place to stay here.” Fluttershy smiled and picked up Angel. The bunny struggled in her arms for a moment, then sighed and stopped fighting, just glaring at Discord. “Come now, Angel bunny.. Stop your fighting. Discord is a guest and you'll have to get used to him. Now, let's go get you something to eat.. You must be hungry.” As Fluttershy flew off with Angel, Discord found a comfortable spot on the sofa and placed a sign on it that read, “Property of Discord”.

Fluttershy flew Angel into the kitchen and placed him onto the table. He grabbed Fluttershy by the ear and began throwing a fit.
“Oh, come now, Angel. Don't be like that. He won't cause trouble, I can be sure of that.” Fluttershy whispered, trying to reassure her tiny little friend.

“Oh Fluttershy, dear.” Discord called from the other room. “Would you be so kind as to bring me a glass of water? I am so very parched from all this friend-making.”

“Oh, of course Discord. I'll be there in a moment.” Fluttershy called back.
Angel bunny crossed his arms in an “oh really?” kind of way.
“He is staying here too, he is allowed to ask for such things. It is no problem at all, I'll just get him his water and I'll be right back to get your dinner ready.”
Fluttershy flew over to the fridge and readied a glass of water for Discord, leaving Angel on the table tapping his foot.
She knew keeping Angel waiting would result in him not eating, so she placed a bowl on the table for him as she flew by towards the living area.

“Thank you Fluttershy, you are too kind.”

“That's what they tell me.” Fluttershy smiled with a small squee. “Oh, Angel.. Right.”
She flew back to the kitchen to find Angel hopping out through the back door.
“Angel bunny, wait!” Fluttershy cried and flew out after him.

She found him hopping towards the chicken coop out back.
“Angel, please. Why are you behaving like this?” Fluttershy asked fluttering down in front of him.
Fluttershy watched and listened as Angel let out his mind.
“You don't understand why he has to stay here? Oh, well Angel, Discord has no where else to go. Would you prefer him sleep in a dark, cold, wet cave without food or water?”
The look on Angel's face wasn't objecting.
“Oh stop that right now, Angel bunny. Discord is our friend now and he has every right to be here.”
Despite her pleas, Angel just crossed his arms and refused to cooperate.
“Ooh.. why do you have to be so stubborn?” Fluttershy whispered, pinning her ears back.

“Hey Fluttershy!”
Fluttershy picked up her head and saw Rainbow Dash flying over head. Fluttershy braced herself waiting for Rainbow to come to a screeching halt, but instead found Rainbow fluttering down quietly, with a concerned look on her face.
“So, what exactly is going on in your head to think it's alright for Discord to stay here?” she asked.

“You too? Oh goodness..” Fluttershy frowned.

“Me too? So I'm not the only pony who objects to this?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, Angel bunny here has an issue with it..” Fluttershy frowned down at her pet. Angel turned his back and hopped away.

“For a good reason. Fluttershy, you know how much trouble Discord causes. You really think he's changed?” Rainbow argued.

“Oh yes, I believe he has.. Discord is very misunderstood..”

“Misunderstood?! Fluttershy, he turned this town into the center of chaos and sold us out to Tirek! How is that misunderstood?” Rainbow raised her voice and Fluttershy gasped and covered Rainbow's mouth with her wing.

“Quiet, he'll hear you...”

“I don't care if he does.. Better yet, he should hear me! He deserves it!”

“Oh Rainbow, please just try and be open to him, he really can help us..”

“Help us? HELP us?!” Rainbow Dash gasped and then sighed calming down a bit.
“Fluttershy, I will never understand you... Just tell me, why? Why do you feel its right for him to stay with you? I'm sure Celestia could find somewhere to put him.”

“It's just something I feel I have to do Rainbow Dash.. He needs me.”

“He doesn't need anypony.” Rainbow remarked.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, there you are!”
Rainbow and Fluttershy turned to see Scootaloo racing up the path.
“I've been looking everywhere for you! You told me you'd hang out with me today.”

“Oh hey squirt... I, uh, I was distracted, I'm sorry.” Rainbow smiled with an embarrassed chuckle, then turned back to Fluttershy with a straight face.
“If he does anything he is not suppose to, I myself will ask the Princess to find a new place for him. Understood?”

“Yes Rainbow... Don't worry, he will be on his best behavior.”
Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her, rolled her eyes and then bent down to let Scootaloo on her back.
Fluttershy watched as Rainbow and Scootaloo flew off, and she couldn't help but smile seeing how happy being in the sky with Rainbow made Scootaloo.

Fluttershy watched them fly off farther away for a moment, then looked back down towards Angel.
“Please come inside Angel, I'll get your dinner ready.. I'll even put in extra ingredients and a nice, big, cherry on top?” She asked leaning down.
Angel turned and lifted his paw.
“Alright,” Fluttershy sighed, “Two cherries.”
Angel waited for a moment, rubbed his face, and then hopped towards the cottage.
“That's a good bunny.” Fluttershy smiled and began following him.
She took one more look in the direction Rainbow and Scootaloo went, and then followed Angel inside.

“Thank you for everything today, Fluttershy.. I just don't know how I could repay you for your hospitality.” Discord said as he pulled the blanket over himself.

“Don't thank me, Discord. It's what I'm here to do. Take care of those in need.”

“Yes, but you don't have to. Celestia could've easily placed me in care of her Royal Guards or another, yet you volunteered to take care of me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit curious as to why you would do such a thing?”

“We're friends, Discord. That's what friends do for those who are in need.”
Discord's face froze and for a moment, Fluttershy almost could've sworn she saw a tear in his eye.

“I see.. well.. I. I must get some rest I suppose. I will see you in the morning, Fluttershy.”

“Alright. Sleep well Discord.” Fluttershy went to shut off the light. “And when I say sleep, I mean sleep. I don't want you causing trouble after I leave and shut off this light.”

“I promise to you, Fluttershy. My claws are tied.” Discord raised his hands and made a pair of cuffs appear around them.
Fluttershy stared for a moment, then nodded and shut the light off.
She flew around the corner, but waited. She wanted to make sure he really would live up to his word.

Within moments, she heard snoring, and peaked her head in.
From the moonlight outside, she could make out Discord's form on the sofa. He was, indeed, asleep.
Fluttershy smiled and watched him for a moment, then flew up quietly and tucked him in softly.
Then she flew up to her room and readied her own bed.
Angel was already asleep with lettuce stuck all over his face.

“Silly bunny.. You ate too much.” Fluttershy wiped her bunny's face off slowly as to not wake him up, then placed him back into his bed.
Then she flew into her bed, and stared up at the dark ceiling for a moment, deep in thought.
Rainbow doesn't understand.. it's different for her.” Fluttershy thought to herself. “It's different for everypony.. Applejack, Rarity, Twilight... even Pinkie Pie.. It's all different for them.. They don't understand.” Then her eyes began to close and Fluttershy drifted into a deep sleep.

Fluttershy opened her eyes and she was standing in the open field of Sweet Apple Acres.

“Oh my, how did I get here?” Fluttershy whispered looking around.
Fluttershy looked around and saw Applejack bucking apples near the border of the Orchard.

“Applejack, it's so good to see you. How did I get here? I was just in my room-” She asked flying over, but stopped she she saw Applejack trot right through her. She gasped in shock a bit and then sighed in relief. “Oh, this is a dream? I'm dreaming.. That makes more sense.”

“Hey AJ, wait up!” Apple Bloom ran out of the barn and up to her sister as she was dumping a barrel of apples into a wagon. “Can I come with you this time?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well sure thing, little sis! Just hop right up in there!”
Apple Bloom jumped into the wagon and smiled as AJ placed her hat over her little sisters head.

“You're the best sister ever, Applejack!” Apple Bloom laughed.
Fluttershy smiled as she watched them. Applejack took such good care of Apple Bloom.
Even Big Macintosh was well looked after, and he didn't even need taking care of.

Suddenly the scene shifted and changed, and Fluttershy was fading into a new location. She was at Rarity's. She saw Rarity working on some new dress, as usual. This one was a lovely shade of light blue and had white sparkles and shells all around it.

“That is very pretty, Rarity. You always do such wonderful work.” Fluttershy spoke, forgetting it was a dream and that she couldn't hear her.

“Sweetie Belle, darling!” Rarity stopped and called to her sister. “Would you be so gracious as to bring me the spare shells?”

“Sure thing, Rarity!” Sweetie smiled as she carried in the bucket with her magic. It was clumsy, but she succeeded in transporting the shells.

“Thank you, my sweet. Sapphire Shores wants the perfect amount of seashells on this hemline, and if I do not get it perfectly evened out, she would know right away!” Rarity turned and looked at her sister. “Ah! Your getting so good at your magic, darling. Soon enough you'll even be able to help me hold up the dresses. I won't even need to use this handle anymore.” Rarity smiled and nuzzled her little sisters nose.

“Twilight's been helping me. She said she'd be willing to help as long as I was willing to listen! But I'm still not there yet...”

“Well of course not, Sweetie Belle. Magic takes time to get down right. You will get there.”


“All little unicorns do!” Rarity smiled.
Fluttershy almost felt a tinge of jealousy as she watched Rarity and Sweetie Belle work together on the dress.

“It must be nice to have a somepony to take care of.. Even Rainbow Dash has somepony now.” Fluttershy whispered as her dream faded into the Cutie Mark Crusader's clubhouse and found Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo sitting by the swing set watching the clouds.

“Look, Dash! That one almost looks like your cutie mark!” Scootaloo smiled as she pointed to a bolt shaped cloud.

“Almost kid.. Hold on.” Rainbow smiled and flew up towards the cloud and Fluttershy watched as Dash beat the cloud into shape, and flew back down after she had created a perfect outline of her cutie mark with the cloud.

“That is so cool.. You're so awesome, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo laughed.

“So I'm told.” Rainbow raised an eyebrow and sat back down.
Fluttershy smiled and then frowned when she saw the worried look appear in Scootaloo's eyes all of a sudden.
“What's up, squirt? Why the mood swing?”

“It's.. It's nothing Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo smiled.

“That's bull.” Rainbow laughed and turned to the orange filly. “Just spill.”

“It's just.. No matter how many times you tell me, I'm still afraid I will never be able to fly. I want to so badly, and I've been trying so hard..” Scootaloo hung her head and couldn't look up at Rainbow. Rainbow Dash frowned and lifted Scootaloo's chin.

“Being able to fly won't change who you are, Scootaloo. Even if you don't learn to fly, you're still gonna be the same old Scootaloo we all know and love. And between you and me, kid, I think you're pretty cool as you are.”

“Really?” Scootaloo looked up at her finally.

“Really.” Rainbow Dash smiled.
Fluttershy felt the world spinning and images began flashing by all around her.

Twilight and Spike.. Spike was falling off the ladder and Twilight was there to help catch him.. Then she and Shining Armor were patrolling the Crystal Castle together. Then she saw Pinkie Pie and the Cake twins, she could hear Pinkie talk about when Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake were older, she would take them to meet Maud and the rest of her family. Even images of other ponies flashed by like Thunderlane and Rumble, Rarity and Sweetie's parents, even Diamond Tiara and her father.
Fluttershy felt a deep, dark sinking feeling and couldn't help but fall her to stomach and hide her face between her hooves.

“Get on your hooves, Fluttershy.” A soft voice came from above her.
Fluttershy opened her eyes and saw Princess Luna standing there staring down at her.

“Luna... What are you-”

“I have seen your dreams, and I have felt your angst. What is troubling you, my dear subject?”
Fluttershy stood up and sighed.

“I feel like something is missing, Princess. Everypony has somepony else to take care of.. They don't understand how I feel, I have no pony.”

“Do you truly have none to care for? What of your animal friends?” Luna asked.

“My animals are like family, yes. But they are very independent creatures and they don't need me to survive.. they just like my company.” Fluttershy answered.

“And what of Discord? Does he just enjoy your company?” Princess Luna asked as the scene faded to him sleeping on the sofa.

“Discord? He needs me..” Fluttershy whispered.

“Why do you think he needs you? I'm sure we could've found a place for him.”

“Discord... I felt how lonely he was. I just couldn't say no to the chance of giving him a better life. He has no friends, no pony to trust him or believe in him.. I felt so awful seeing him in that position, I couldn't turn him down. He had no one..” And then Fluttershy gasped and her eyes widened as she turned to the Princess, and Luna smiled.
“Princess Luna, did you and Celestia plan this?”
Luna said nothing more, but smile and slowly began fading away.
“Princess Luna?” Fluttershy called out a few more times, but there was no answer.

“Fluttershy.. Fluttershy, wake up!” Fluttershy could feel herself being shook a bit, and slowly, her eyes opened up to see Discord staring down at her.

“Discord? What-”

“You were moaning in your sleep, Fluttershy, and I couldn't help but be aware you were having a bad dream.” Discord spoke and then crossed his arms. “Not that I was worried or anything, of course.”
Fluttershy sat up and rubbed her eyes looking at Discord. Then she gasped and noticed a tiny burn mark on his left palm.

“What did you do?” Fluttershy asked.

“What? This?” Discord hid his hand behind his back. “It's nothing. Just a little accident from trying to heat up the tea kettle. Don't mind it.”

“Oh come now, let's go take care of that. I'm sure Nurse Redheart has a cream that can help fight infection and swelling.”

“You mean go outside? To the hospital? With other ponies around?”

Fluttershy was surprised to see a look of skepticism in Discord's eyes.
“I'll be right by your side the entire way. If anypony has an issue with you, they'll have to speak to me about it.” Fluttershy smiled and led him downstairs to the door.
Discord smiled and followed her.

“Thank you, Fluttershy.”

“No, thank you, Discord.” Fluttershy smiled back. “And thank you, Luna!

Finally, that feeling that something was missing within her heart had been filled. All this time, Fluttershy had filled the void of loneliness in her heart with her animal friends. Finally, she had somepony to take care of. Finally she had somepony that depended on her to survive. Finally, she had family. And most importantly for Discord, a true friend.

Author's Note:

(Locate/Contact me @ iPandacakes.deviantart.com)

Comments ( 10 )

Please feel free to comment :twilightsmile: ~ Panda

Hey, Panda! It's me Rarity from deviantART. ''UnicornRarity'' :raritystarry:

Can'wait to read your fanfic. :raritywink:

4647101 Well, it's already on here! Just click on the link below the synopsis and read away!

well wife and husband is also a family :twilightsmile:
anyway its a heartwarming little fic
didn't find any mistakes
also headcanon accepted:pinkiehappy:

So cute!!! I think that Celestia and Luna had a plan for it all along too. I think they both need family and that's part of why Celestia chose Fluttershy, other than the fact that she's the Element of Kindness. This was written pretty well...You should try more stuff out, and see what happens. :twilightsmile:

4647689 Ship what you want, but this story in particular is not a romantic relationship.

I ship Bulk biceps with Fluttershy, which will be my next fanfiction. But thank you lol

4647728 Celestia plans everything ahead of time, lol

I have a question: is it OK if I use your mane seven next generation ponies for a fan fiction that I am working on?

Glad this fic exists, because I see Fluttershy and Discord having a 'surrogate mom and surrogate son' sort of relationship myself. I even have this theory that Discord's mother was a lot like Fluttershy (his dad however was - to put it bluntly - a jerk), but she died thousands of years ago to Discord's grief. Hence why he's so protective/possessive of Fluttershy, he doesn't want to lose two 'moms'.

Don't mind them being siblings instead to be honest, but frankly I think Fluttershy already has too many 'brothers' with Zephyr Breeze around anyway. :rainbowlaugh:

Excellent story!

Exactly like my headcanon. They start bonding over feeling like they finally met someone who GETS them, and it grows from there.

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