• Published 5th Jul 2014
  • 1,353 Views, 27 Comments

Nothing Could Possibly Go Wrong! - Night_Wisp

We've always wondered what Luna was doing during the Canterlot wedding chaos. All she wanted to do was take a little break and relax.

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Many ponies around the world can be irresponsible. Whether it be not doing a chore or ignoring strict orders without regrets, they've all done it at least once. Children do it, adults may do it, and did you know.... even a princess may do it! The different statuses each pony holds will decrease when they're irresponsible, so it's not a habit of many. In this case, the irresponsibility level is through the roof.

A certain pony, who happens to be a gamer and always plays them, also has to maintain her royal duties as princess everyday. She claimed it was boring having nothing to entertain herself with while the night flys by to her elder sister. Constant nagging every night had made the elder one finally tell the younger about the existence of video game consoles. The younger one, Luna, had been very interested in learning what they were, and how advanced technology has gotten for modern day Equestria. Her older sister, Celestia, told her all about video games and how fun they are to play at night. After explaining it all and Luna getting a console and some games, Celestia had wondered why she never told her about it sooner.

Due to how late she stayed up, Luna didn't ever dream much. Maybe it was a small memory dream of a fun time she had with her sister, or something her imagination can work up for a short time. True she may be absolutely addicted to gaming, but it had never caused any problems for the castle, staff, or Celestia. Only on this day had it been a bad idea to play games later than usual, even if she had finally beat Skyrim.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, taking in only a small amount of sunlight since her thick blinds were made especially for that purpose. Her head and eyes felt heavy, only because she was having a blast last night finishing the game that had taken a few days for her to complete. When her eyes adjusted to the bedroom, she pulled off the covers and dragged herself over the edge, still a bit exhausted. It was the latest she had ever stayed up, completely ignoring the fact that a wedding was happening today. Peering at her alarm clock, the numbers had read 2:08 PM in a bright red color.

This was something she should've seen coming. After staring at the clock for about a minute, the memory came back. Celestia telling her that she shouldn't stay up as late as usual, warning her to get plenty of sleep and get ready for the wedding in case of an emergency. It made her mentally kick herself for getting too zoned into her game to notice the time. She was mad at herself for not waking up at the sound of the alarm because of it. Luna groaned as she lay back down on her bed, too frustrated to think of what to do.

After a good five minutes of staring at the ceiling, she made up her mind. It wouldn't be that bad if she skipped most of it, right? It's a wedding, the security is at it's utmost, so there should be nothing to fear. Besides, her sister was the most powerful pony she had ever known, nopony had her equal strength. That reminded her, an excuse would be needed if she wanted to be spared her wrath. Getting away from everything while being lazy in the most comfortable way was what she wanted to do today.

That's when an idea clicked in her brain. To be lazy comfortably, the best remedy would be a bubble bath! A small grin grew on her face as the faint idea of a bath washed over her thoughts. It had been forever since she took a bubble bath that had lasted a few hours. The warmth of it wrapped around her like a blanket, making chills go down her back. Quiet hoofsteps already started making their way to the nearest bathroom, which was pretty much right beside her room. Each bedroom of the princesses had bathrooms meant for them, making it easy to have a peaceful bath for as long as they want.

Luna trotted inside, turning the light switch on and shutting the door, locking it. She walked up to the large tub and twisted the knob labeled "H" for hot, then turned around to be faced with a large bookshelf of towels, rags, washcloths, her shampoo, and spare soap. Since she would only be getting in to relax and make bubbles, she used her magic to levitate a towel to the towel bar above the tub adjusted to the wall, and get her bottle of shampoo. Taking off a shoe, her dark blue hoof made it's way under the faucet where steamy hot water was pouring into the tub, sending a tingle through it. When it was pulled back out, she sat down there leaning on the tub, eager for it to be full while using shampoo to make the bubbles.

What she didn't know was that something had gone wrong at the wedding, and the changelings were already making their way through Canterlot, capturing as many ponies as possible. Since they weren't near her, she didn't hear anything from outside. A reason the changelings didn't come into her room yet was because they hadn't known of her existence, and Celestia surely was not going to spill any info, she only hoped that Luna was safe somewhere far away. If Celestia knew what Luna was actually doing, she might've been able to form a plan with her to get rid of the changelings and their queen.

She waited for what seemed like an eternity, each second dragging by as she stared at the tub. It had finally about reached it's peak so she twisted the knob "H" the opposite direction from before and placed the shampoo back onto the bookshelf. The water had looked so tempting that she felt like diving into it to melt into pure bliss, but she resisted. Instead she took off all her accessories and slipped all four hooves into the water, not thinking of how hot it really was. It made her jump when the boiling water touched all four hooves, but quickly got used to it. More steadily this time, she shifted her weight and slowly sat down inside the giant tub, almost purring at it's warmth as it engulfed her body. The dark blue alicorn immediately fell in love with it.

A few minutes later, she started closing her eyes because of how amazing she felt. As soon as they were completely closed, she could've sworn there had been a sound of lots of beating wings outside, but they didn't sound like Pegasus wings. Her eyes flew back open and she sunk a little deeper in the tub, feeling safer like that. She tried thinking of what could possibly make that kind of wing sound, but nothing came to mind. It sounded like buzzing wings, or maybe it was just a crowd of bees. When it got completely quiet again, she relaxed her muscles that had been tensed up after the noise. She kept reassuring herself that it was only bees.

Her head rested on the back of the tub, a few droplets of water seeping into her mane. She let out a sigh of comfort and relief, happy that she hadn't heard anything else since. A bunch of bees outside aren't going to hurt you, Luna. Quit getting so worked up about it and just enjoy the bath, a voice kept repeating itself into her head in a soft tone. Again she started to close her eyes and nothing happened this time. She began thinking of the last time she had a long bath like this. The memory was so fresh it had felt like yesterday when it happened, but reality told her it had happened a long time ago.

In the middle of her thoughts she started to drift off, not from exhaustion but from how comfortable she was. This bath was the hottest one she had ever taken and wanted it to last forever, but sadly it couldn't. Her breathing slowed, but before she was launched into dreamland an explosion rang in her ears. For a split second it confused her, but then her eyes slowly opened again and her heart started beating faster. W-was that an explosion? That couldn't of been part of a dream could it? She frantically wondered. Another one was heard, but farther away, and that's when she realized that it wasn't a dream.

She sunk deeper into the tub to the point where it almost went past her muzzle, trying to shake off the sound by reassuring herself again. It's ok, there are guards everywhere, if something goes wrong they can fix it. Seriously, why would something bad happen at a wedding? She thought of what Celestia told her again on accident and couldn't get it off her mind. She facehooved for being an idiot by skipping a wedding, a wedding of an alicorn for goodness sake! Not much was known about this princess to Luna, for she didn't really pay attention. That was her sisters job to keep up with them.

Something that sounded similar to a bass went off, making the ground shake from its power. It left Luna completely silent and as still as a statue, wide-eyed with fear. The sound seemed to echo into the air, and she could hear a faint yell, but it sounded distorted. It sounded like... a mare. Luna was terrified. She wasn't sure if she should go check it out or not. Maybe that explosion got rid of somepony? Maybe everything's alright now, but just to make sure I need to listen closely, she thought.

Her ears were strained as she tried to listen for the smallest noise, but heard nothing for the longest. She was still on edge, but she let out a sigh and tried to relax for the last time. Her ears were kept on alert though, in case she decided to get out and check what's up. She made a mental note never to take a bubble bath during a wedding ever again, for this had gone from the hottest bubble bath to the scariest bubble bath she had ever taken.

Time passed as Luna replayed the noise in her head over and over, trying to get an idea of what it could've been. She snapped out of her thoughts when she noticed the water for her bath had gotten a lot colder, so she turned the knob for the hot water to come out, and instantly felt the heat with her fore hooves. To make the bath completely hot like before, she swished the water around and around to get the heat in every area of the tub. Since the tub was so big, it took a while for it to get steaming hot. The built up stress inside of her instantly vanished when she lay back, letting the water refresh her. It always feels amazing when that happens.

She was playing with the bubbles in her bath for about an hour now, giggling whenever she made a beard or eye patch or something silly. It didn't make sense as to why she never thought of playing with them until now, maybe because of how hectic things were earlier. Now she hadn't thought about anything from then, only paying attention to how silly she looked trying to use bubbles to mold things for her face. The tub was so shiny that Luna could see a slight reflection of herself doing these things, so it had been even funnier to do it. She made a bubble mustache next and checked herself out. She tried to look stern, then serious, then handsome. She burst out in a laughing fit, the mustache was now starting to disappear.

While she was gasping for breath from that long laugh, there was a very faint noise in the background. After listening for a minute, Luna figured out it was music. Has the party finally started? I want to join in the fun! She thought excitedly. Spending one last moment in her tub, she got out and levitated the towel on her body, trying to be a little fast. After she finished drying her mane and tail, she brushed them, then put on her accessories. Before leaving her room, she thought of what to say to everypony without sounding suspicious. When she finally decided, she walked out of her bedroom to the castle doors.

She flew towards the scene of the music and lights, then scanned the crowd for her sister, who was standing beside Twilight and her friends. Luna landed by her sister before saying, "Hello everypony, did I miss anything?" Celestia looked at her with an emotionless face, already preparing to give her the most appropriate punishment.

Author's Note:

Yay for first story! I was going to start something else first but this one gave me more inspiration after the advice I was given. Hope you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 27 )

:yay: This story is AWESOME. Straight to the feature box.

Your narrative voice sounds a lot like Douglas Adams. This was really funny!

This was the first thing you published. It BETTER not be your last.

If this is a one shot you might want to mark it complete.

Why would you write this?

Luna is love, Luna is life.

4643454 True poetry. I shall shows it to my bat pony brethren!

They are coming....:pinkiecrazy:

4643476 if they you mean changeling, I will protect the princess at all costs. Termi-ponies have learned to serve royalty. Since there are so few, I get princess Luna. My 'adopted brother' (non termi-pony vampire) Nightstalker will defend the weak Celestia. Why should she be protected? She's easily defeated with other magic. *keeps rambling as he goes to find Luna*

No, I just meant it as in a big horde of the bat ponies will look at this story.

4643815 *comes back with princess Luna in trail* I wasn't told this before... why?

4643873 well at least the princess can enjoy it. If you'll excuse me, I'll bask in the bright moonlight to get a charge for my batteries. I'm not solar, but lunar powered. *trots away, metal joints responding with sound from every sudden move*

All righty then!:pinkiehappy:


Pretty good, I liked it c:

:rainbowlaugh:Of course Luna would do that.

Well, the writing was fine, however, personally, I can't imagine Luna doing something like that (especially since she had gotten banished to the moon)

I know, I didn't make her words sound like how she usually talks either, but this is kind of a random story I made, and it was for practice.:twilightsheepish:

MOAR STORIES!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

Glad you liked it!:pinkiehappy:

4764984 alright as promised. First you get a free compliment. This was pretty good. Your writing style however is a bit long winded. You gave us two thousand words that said hardly anything. I found myself being unable to picture what was happening throughout most of the story. Details are a major component to writing. And yours (sorry) were shoddy at best. You used a near perfect amount of detail however you used the wrong details. Describe Luna's thoughts more instead the layout of the castle. Still describe the bathroom because most of the story takes place there. Her bed her room etc. But you didn't describe Luna enough, posture, thoughts, you get the idea. Spelling and grammar were fine. Now all in all you need to remember... you have immense potential. 7/10 great job.

Oh, I understand. Thank you for the criticism, this will help me out a bunch.:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Night_Wisp deleted Oct 11th, 2014

i came

“Living is Easy with Eyes Closed.”
― John Lennon

Oh poor Luna, just wanting to enjoy a simple bath. It was a wonderful and funny story.

Thanks for reading and commenting! I'm hoping to get something else out this year at some point..

6799666 I can't wait to read it.

4643281 I may not be able to stay true to that, I haven't been here in so long.

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