• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 736 Views, 31 Comments

Star Fall - xXElite AlicornXx

One Night, Twilight and her friends watch shooting stars. . . . The later events are unexpected. (A Short story that takes place before somewhere in season three - before Twilight becomes an alicorn) Now Revised/Edited by Dumbgamer99; Thanks!! :D

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Request

* * * * *

Part 7: Back in Ponyville

Spike and Twilight walked along, in silence, as they headed back to Ponyville. After a little while, Spike finally snapped under the intense atmosphere and spoke up.

“Twilight?” He said.

“Hm?” The gears in Twilight’s head kept her body at a rhythmic trot, as she gave little heed to Spike.

“Yeah…” Spike began, searching for words. “About back there… I’m… sorry for what happened.”

Coming to a halt, Twilight looked over at Spike, eyebrow arched. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on Twi,” Spike murmured, looking down as he twiddled his thumbs. “If I had never went into the clearing in the first place, then this never would have happened…”

Twilight looked ahead of her and stared into space for a moment, a critical look of thought overcoming her face. Another bout of silence permeated the space between them. When Spike finally left his lethargy, and made an attempt to speak, Twilight burst into a sudden, abrupt fit of laughter and trotted onward.

“Really, Spike?!!” Twilight went on laughing, leaving behind a dumbfounded Spike.

Shaking himself of his trance, Spike ran up behind Twilight - speechless, for confusion had plastered his face, forbidding the movement of his mouth.

“Oh, Spike,” Twilight began, now recovered from her explosive guffaw, “It wasn’t your fault. I was the one who saw the star, remember? And besides - what’s the downfall here? The fact that I am to try and execute an investigation for an rare and unknown creature who used to inhabit some part of Equus, at one time, is just beyond extraordinary!” Twilight kicked her front legs in emphasis of her excitement.

“Oh… well… actually...”

“It’s fine, Spike,” Twilight said, dismissively trotting onward. “Let’s just get back to Ponyville. The sooner we do, the better, because we have a lot to talk about with the girls.”

A mixture of feelings caused Spike to stroke his arm, nervously. He then acquiesced with a nod and shuffled after Twilight. “Yeah… sure.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Now back in Ponyville, Spike and Twilight could see that only so much time had passed. They had started their little trek into the Everfree somewhere between nine and ten o’clock, so it was hardly noon.

“Spike, I am sure all of the girls are busy, so… why don’t we just head home and wait until later to talk about what happened, hm?”

Breaking through his thoughts of regret, Spike’s attention was drawn towards Twilight in that her voice carried a hint of uncertainty. He wasn’t sure where it came from, for she had just been so hyped about this whole thing just a moment ago…

“Sure”, was all the dragon said, his mind evidently elsewhere.

They walked on for a little while longer, until the tree house was just up ahead. Spike picked up the pace, moving ahead to open the door for Twilight when he was suddenly blown aside, Pinkie Pie’s boisterous voice landing him just a few feet from where he once stood;

“HEYA, SPIKE!” Pinkie yelled this while somehow managing to balance on the tips of her front hooves.

“Ah!!” Spike landed in the bushes, face first. Jerking his face upwards, it seemed as though Spike had suddenly reawakened. “Pinkie!! What’s the big idea?!”

Pinkie Pie snorted with laughter, “Oh, nothing! Just haven’t seen you all day, is all… Hey! Why haven't I seen you, today, at all? And you Twilight?! What’s going on? You’re not keeping something from me, are you?!”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie was standing over a compressed Twilight who had to bend herself so that she almost flattened on the ground - Pinkie Pie’s elongated eyes zipping all over Twilight.

“P - Pinkie!” Twilight stuttered, “Can you please stop looking at me, like that?! And —"

“Yeah,” An annoyed, but evidently recovered Spike cut in, arms folded across his chest. “Lay of Pinkie, we’re not hiding anything.”

“Oh yeah?” Pinkie Pie began closing in on Twilight.

“Sp - Spike!” Twilight managed, half pleading for her assistant’s assistance.

“Alright, fine.” Spike said, rolling his eyes. “We’ll tell you everything, later, Pinkie — later.”

Pinkie gasped, "I knew it!" she squeaked in emphasis, "I knew you two were doing something - otherwise I would've seen you two by now!” After somehow producing a familiar cap and pipe out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie - now standing beyond Twilight - eyed both her and Spike. “And when did you leave home? Hmm… very suspicious…” She stroked her chin with her hoof, glancing back and forth from Twilight and Spike.

After exchanging glances - Spike’s being rather annoyed and Twilight’s rather lost - they both headed towards the library door. Spike opened the door just as he had planned to, earlier on, and they both entered. Turning to close the door, he startled, for Pinkie Pie was right there.

Veeeeeery suspicious.” She said, the bubbles she forced from the pipe apparently the essence of her voice as her mouth never moved.

With an irked brow still arched Spike said, “Look, I said we’ll talk later, alright? Tell the girls - later.” He then closed the door, Pinkie Pie’s suspicious look still following him.

Spike sighed, “Hey, Twi? I don’t really know what’s up, I mean… If it weren't for Pinkie then I never would have… I don’t know… I feel like I just woke up or something.”

Twilight just smiled back at the little dragon. “Guess it must be some sort of side effect from earlier.”

“Yeah...maybe…” Spike said, “But I mean… I don’t even know what I was thinking about, before now… Think I should be worried?”

“No, Spike.” Twilight said, coming over a giving him a bit of a hug. From what she would recall, all he had been doing was worrying about some kind of fault he had never made.

“Well, actually…” She began, trailing off of her thoughts.

“Yeah, I know.” Spike read her like a book, “Something’s bothering you.”

Twilight ceased the embrace and headed towards her room, “I guess you could say that."

“What is it?” Spike asked, his voice peaked with concern, now, more than annoyance. “Something to do with earlier, right?”

“Yes.” Twilight said, her voice coming to him, from her room. Spike entered and she continued to speak as she began rearrange the books on her bookshelf. “It’s just… I've had this sort of weird feeling within me since the day began." Twilight surveyed a book cover and then replaced it, elsewhere. "It was sort of the reason I couldn't eat, or why my mind drifted for no apparent reason… I thought it would be gone, by now, but…given the circumstances…”

“It didn't leave.” Spike finished.

“No, it didn't.” Twilight said, looking back at Spike. “In fact, it has sort of gotten a bit worse.”

“Well does it… does it hurt?” Spike asked, shifting with discomfort.

“No, it doesn't hurt, Spike,” Twilight reassured, “But it’s still there… just... in my stomach, I think. It’s just… it’s a feeling I can’t seem to shake, no matter what I do…”

“Well you haven’t done much,” Spike grunted, his voice a combination of concern and matter-of-factuality.

"Well, you're right, there." Twilight laughed as she finished her rearrangements.

"What was that for?" Spike asked.

"What? My laugh?" Twilight returned a question.

"No," Spike shook his head, "What you just did; isn't that... sort of my job?"

Twilight laughed again, all tensity lifted from her shoulders, "Oh, no - I was just tinkering, really."

"Oh." Spike said.

"Mhm." Twilight trotted towards the stairwell, "But I'm sure I'm going to do a whole lot more after the girls join us, today... Wanna finish breakfast?"

"Sure!" Spike headed down the stairs after Twilight, eager to join her and glad she seemed back to normal.

* * * * *

Part 8: Form and Fiction

There was lots of chatter as Twilight's friends piled into the tree house, library.

"Alrighty then." Twilight said shutting the door behind Rainbow Dash, the last one to enter. All of the girls took comfortable positions somewhere in the library; most of them just resting on their hooves. Rainbow Dash executed a few barrel-rolls and then decided to join the rest of them on the floor.

"Aw yeah! What a day it's been!" She stretched like a cat and yawned. "So, uh, what's down, Twilight?" There as a brief paused before she burst into laughter, "Get it?! What's down?!" She rolled around on the floor, laughing. Clearly, such a joke was pretty hilarious to Rainbow Dash... Apple Jack, on the other hoof —

"Oh, for ponies sake, Rainbow. We just got here and ready you're not letting Twahaht get her chance to speak." Apple Jack raised an unbelieving eyebrow at Rainbow Dash.

"Well actually —"

"Haha - sorry 'bout that Twi." Rainbow Dash straightened, "Couldn't resist."

"No, it's alri—"

"Yes," Rarity said, "Now. About all of this... what was it, again?" Rarity looked to Pinkie Pie for a refresher.

"Well, Rarity—"

"That's just it!" Pinkie Pie said, "I don't know! Twilight and Spike are keeping secrets!!" She pointed an accusing hoof in Twilight's - and then Spike's direction, as he joined the girls, standing besides Twilight.

Twilight sighed, "Pinkie—"

"You don't know?" Fluttershy asked, in a small voice, "But Pinkie Pie, you spoke to me for a long time, earlier... I know you said something about being here, but I can't remember much else..."

There was a pause before Twilight attempted another speak; "Well, girls, we—"

"Ahm sure Twah will tell us all about it." Apple Jack said, "It's why we're here, right?" There were murmurs of agreement from the rest of the group and they all turned their attention to Twilight.

"Um - uh - yes, yes, thank you Apple Jack." Twilight said, pulling her thoughts into focus, "Now what I was going to say was —"

"Hey Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said, raising a hoof.

"Yes, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight raised an expectant eyebrow, in Rainbow's direction.

"Nah, it was nuthin'." Rainbow Dash said, laughing a bit.

"Oh." Twilight positioned herself so she was facing the group, as a whole, "Well then back to what I was going to say... Ahem." Twilight then expounded on the events of that day - and last night. She explained to the girls just what had happened after they had left the hill and how she had seen the star fall. She told them about the weird dreams she had experienced - both during the night and that day. She told them about how she had apparently been acting strangely, which was the reason why Spike had told them whatever he had. She then went on to tell them about how she and Spike had gone into the forest and their meeting with Diana.

She explained what had happened with Spike and then relayed to them the same story Diana had told her and Spike, back in the Everfree. Twilight left out not a single detailed when she spoke about the request Diana had made to herself and Spike, as well as the mission they were going to embark on and why she needed their help.

"So as you can see, girls, this is what has been occupying myself and Spike, all of this time... We really need your help." Twilight looked from one mare to the next.

After a brief silence, most of the girls standing and staring at Twilight - as well as Spike - Rarity was the first to speak up this time.

"Ehem. Well. That was, uhh... very interesting story you told, there, dear!" Her enthusiastic tone died, immediately - Rainbow Dash picking up where she trailed off;

"Yeah, and completely unbelievable! Do you really expect us to believe that, Twilight?! I mean, come on! What was this supposed to be some kind of lame-attempt egghead prank?" Rainbow Dash was in the air, as she spoke, but ended up in Twilght's face, poking her muzzle.

"Yeah, Twilight!!" Pinkie Pie said, "Everypony knows stars don't fall down to the ground..." Thinking a moment Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "Ohhhh! I know! That must make you a cracked egghead!!" Apparently, that made the most sense to her.

Rainbow Dash fell away from Twilight, laughing, "Haha - yeah! Good one, Pinkie Pie!"

"Hey, that's not true!" Twilight snapped, "For one thing, I am not an egghead! And for another - why would I just lie to you all?! It's no joke - just ask Spike!"

"Simmer down, Sugarcube." Apple Jack said, resting a reassuring hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "We're here for ya. Now, about that story... Ah can't say it's not hard to believe, but ah can say that ah believe ya. A'course what yall're sayin' is that we need to find some kahnda species that used to exist - only now it doesn't - since they all left, eons ago?"

"Well not exactly." A now calmed Twilight said, turning her attention to Apple Jack, "We have only to find one creature that used to inhabit Equestria... Something that can relate to Diana..."

"Well, I'm not sure how you plan to do that, dear." Rarity spoke up, again, "But I believe you and from what I've heard, I am just not sure how we could possibly let that poor - um - whatever it is - whatever she is - go back, alone! Or, wait? Did I miss that part? Can she even go home, of you find nopony else to go with her?!"

"Yes, Rarity." Twilight said, "But the thing is - we don't know when." Twilight glanced over at Spike who had not moved, all attention turned to her, once again. "What Diana told us - told myself and Spike - was that she can only return to her home when...when... she said something, I just don't remem—"

"She said - and I quote - When the white light doth flood the second earth and turns it to be as the sun, and it shall sit among its brethren and shine as they - whole. This is when I shall return to my kind." Spike intervened, with astonishing accuracy.

Twilight's mouth was the only one to drop at that remark, the rest of the mane six shot awkward looks at Spike.

"What? I was there, wasn't I? I happen to remember things." Spike's tone was un-amused, entwined with annoyance at there apparent forgetfulness. He crossed his arms over his chest, gazing back at the mares.

Looking over at Twilight and gently closing her mouth, shut, Apple Jack said, "Uh, Twah? Was that really what th' creature said or is Spike, here, just talkin' all willy-nilly?"

"No, no, not at all." Twilight responded and then blushed, sheepishly. "Actually, that's what makes Spike such a great assistance, he does tend to remember things, well... That is exactly what she said."

Spike's expression was smug, "Oh, what can I say? Guess I'm just good, that way."

"Haha - whatever." Rainbow Dash said, noogying Spike, "But anyways, Twi , what's that even mean? Second earth and light and sun and stuff - what's that?"

"That's what I was wondering!" Pinkie Pie put in.

"I'm not sure." Twilight admitted, "But once we know that we will be able to tell how much time we have."

"Well, my dear, why are we even looking for this - I don't know, creature or whatever - when Diana can go home, by herself?" Rarity asked.

"I don't really know that, either," Twilight sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck, "But all I know is that finding somepony - someone or something - to go back with her means a lot to Diana, so...."

"Poor dear... what if she is the only one left?" Rarity's words hung in the air, for a while; no one talking, everypony thinking.

Eventually, a tiny voice spoke up, breaking the silence; "Well...um... she did say "sun" and "earth" and "shine", so... may be Celesta might know what she means?" Fluttershy rubbed a forearm, emphasizing the insecurity of her tiny voice.

"Oh, excellent idea, Fluttershy!!" Twilight's eyes shone, "We should ask Celestia!"

"Right, right, but even if we did understand when she was going to leave, we still don't know where to find someone who is just like her, to go back with her!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Shouldn't we figure that out, first? I mean, what'd be the point, right?"

"Well ah think we should know how much tahm we got," Apple Jack said, "So ah guess you can work on that, Twah." Twilight nodded, "And th' rest of us will go and look for some creature that might resemble Diana."

"And how do you supposed we do that, Ms.I'mincharge? "We can't just walk out th' door, run all over Equestria, and then expect to find some creature we've never even seen before - one that might not even exist - just like that!" Rainbow Dash was eye to eye with Apple Jack, within seconds.

"No, what ah meant was - look over there!" She spun Rainbow Dash around, pointing her like an arrow, towards the bookshelves. "See all that? There's a mother load a' information in this here library an' all we gotta do is look for the answer! Now get goin'!" Apple Jack rammed Rainbow Dash towards the shelves, and the other girls followed behind.

Twilight approached Spike and was about to speak before Rarity said, "Twilight, you told us of Diana's... um... bizarre appearance, but you didn't exactly tell us how she looked."

"Oh, that!" Twilight laughed, "Sorry, girls, I forgot something!"

All of the mares stopped their worked and looked at Twilight. Twilight trotted over to the group and began to pull books off of the shelves, with her magic. She flipped through a few, as she spoke;

"After Spike and I spoke to Diana and before she left, she had transformed into an entirely different creature... She looked so strange, I can't believe I forgot that part!" Twilight flips a few move pages of a book and then returns it to its place.

The mares exchanged glances and then Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah? And what did she look like?"

Twilight defined Diana's transformation form as best she could, leaving out no details.

"Wow, that does sound weird." Pinkie Pie's expression was calm and thoughtful...That is until she exploded, saying, "I'M GONNA FIND IT, FIRST!" She raced up the stairs, into Twilight's bedroom.

"Hey, wait! Pinkie Pie!" Twilight hardly saw the blur of pink as it dashed up the stairway, but knew where Pinkie Pie had gone.

"I know it has to be in one of these books, Twilight! You're room's full of 'em!" Pinkie Pie called from above.

Twilight sighed, "Yes, well, anyways..." She turned to the rest of the group, "What?" Twisted, unreadable expressions sat on their faces.

Rainbow Dash dragged her hooves down her face, "How am I supposed to remember all that?!"

"That does sound bizarre, Twilight - even more so than before!"" Rarity's voice was a mix of horror and delight.

"Which one are we s'posed to be lookin' for, here?" Apple Jack concluded.

"The second one," Twilight assured them, "Definitely the second one."

"But Twilight!" Rainbow Dash groaned, "I can't remember all that!"

"Then I will be right here, to remind you." Twilight smiled, "After all, this is a team effort."

"You got that that right." Apple Jack mumbled her approval, her nose deep into a book.

"Hey Twilight!" Spike ran up behind Twilight and patted her on the flank.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight turned her head to look at the little dragon.

"What should I do?" Spike asked, "Kinda been standing around for a while and-

"That's alright, Spike, we got this." Twilight said, turning to nuzzle him. "You go ahead to bed."

"Oh... well, you sure?" Spike asked.

"Definitely." Twilight hugged Spike. Her pressing into him only caused the butterflies in her stomach to explode into a frenzy and she wearily backed off.

"You alright?" Spike asked, a few steps away from the stairs.

"I'm fine, Spike." Twilight returned a reassuring smile. Spike took it, nodding, and headed up the stairs. Twilight turned her attention to the rest of the girls, but her mind wasn't really there. "The feeling" was still there and refused to go away; she felt like she still had something to do... or was it that something was there and she wasn't looking at it? Maybe there was somewhere else she was supposed to be searching? She couldn't read the feeling and decided to let it be, for the time being.

Comments ( 6 )

Update! Very nice :pinkiehappy:

This is one great story, keep going! I want to know what happens next!:rainbowderp:

5662214 Thank you very much! :twilightsmile: :heart:
But if you didn't read my bio then you might want to.
I will be inactive (as for as story or chapter postings go) for quite a while....
I expect to return, soon, but not now.
I truly appreciate your enjoyment of this; stick around if you care too.
It's one of the first I'll be updating, on my return. :twilightsmile:

I shall await your return with great anticipation for the next chapter!:derpytongue2:

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