• Published 27th Jun 2014
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The messed up life of Oak Wood - abnormalfreak

This story is about a boy from the EG universe who stumbles across the portal to the MLP universe. Or, more like DRAGGED into.

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Chapter 3: Twilight's gonna cut me!

Ugh, I’m exhausted.

I got up from the floor with a sore back and a stiff neck. I can already taste the morning breath and feel the bags under my eyes. Man, I woke up more tired than when I went to sleep last night, thanks to Ms. Purple pony’s snoring. Honestly, she needs to get a better pillow. I was half-tempted to stuff something down her throat to shut her up, but that’s not a very nice thing to do to a pony who gave you a place to sleep. Don’t bite the hoof that feeds you, that’s the moral of the day.

I got up from the oh-so-comfortable floor and looked at the empty basket. Right, the dragon. Heh, dragons. It was a small dragon, but a dragon nonetheless… wait a minute, that thing could of eaten me! I was right there, asleep and all, completely vulnerable. Wait, he could of eaten Twilight as well. I don’t think Twilight would be dumb enough to let something dangerous live inside her house. Speaking of Twilight…

I turned towards the bed where she was supposed to be sleeping in, but is now unoccupied. Hmm, must of woken up early to get some breakfast or something. Yep, that must be it, she’s probably downstairs cooking or taking a shower or…


why did she let me sleep here?

I sat down on the edge of the bed and thought about it. I mean, it’s nice and all, but I’m a guy, and she’s a girl, and she just let me sleep here! She didn’t even hesitate, now that I think about yesterday, she just went, “Ooh, you can sleep at my place!” without a second thought. She doesn’t even know me! Why would she…

Then I remembered why she wanted to bring me here.

All I ask of you is to come home with me so I can run some tests…

The tests aren't over, are they?

My overactive imagination got the best of me. What if she want’s to ‘figure me out’ by experimenting on my brain by cracking it open like a walnut, or cut me up like a frog and harvesting my insides to sell in the black market? A image of Twilight strapping me down on a operation table, scalpel in hoof, smiling maliciously. The dragon… it’s a guard dragon! She probably has it to make sure her victims can’t leave. Wait, what if she already done it! I looked down at my sides for any stitches. Ok, she hasn’t sliced me open yet, but what if she’s gonna as soon as I walk downstairs? I’m practically trapped meat for her and that carnivorous fire-breather!

Fearing for my soon-to-be harvested organs, I looked around in panic for an exit of some kind to get me out of this death trap. I looked around for any other doors. None. I looked for windows. Just one, but it’s kinda high up and I can’t really reach it…

I looked around for something I can use to get to the window. I see boxes in the corner of the room. Great. I walked over to them and put my forehooves on the top to see if it could hold my weight. It crushed. No good. I put the deformed box back with it’s brothers and looked for something else. The panic is gripping at my heart and taking me over as I searched more frantically for my key to safety and freedom. I noticed the dresser by the door. I galloped over to it and pushed it slightly to see if it was attached to the wall. It moved a couple of inches.


As Twilight finished her breakfast (a hay and daisy sandwich with orange juice, personal favorite), she saw spike walk in chewing on a ruby gemstone.

“Spike, it’s a little too early for gemstones, don’t you think?” Twilight asked.

“It’s never too early for gemstones,” Spike said cheerfully.

Twilight put down her cup of Orange Juice. “Spike, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” Spike said as he nibbled on the ruby.

“What are gemstones to you? Are they candy? A snack? Appetizers?”

Spike looked down at his dragon delicacy. “I dunno. I guess kinda little bit of everything?”


“Why you wanna know?”

Twilight waved a dismissive hoof. “No reason. Just curious.”

“Ok. So what are we gonna do with Oak today?”

Twilight took another sip of OJ as she tried to figure out the plans for today’s agenda for their Amnesia victim.

“Well, I guess we could-”

Her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of something scraping against floor. Very loud scraping.

“What’s that?” Spike asked as he looked at the roof.

“I don’t know, but it sounds like it’s coming from my room… “ she put her juice and walked towards the stairs leading to the bedroom. Ok, more like speedwalked. Borderline jogging.

Ok, she ran.

“What in Equestria is that pony doing?” she asked herself as she made way for the door.

When she finally got to the door, she stopped. Then, not wanting to be rude despite the alarming noises, she knocked.

I was just three-fourths of the way to the window. Man, this thing is heavy. What’s in it, bricks? I opened the drawers to find out. Inside were books, blank sheets of parchment, and quills with inkwells. Eh. Close enough. I resumed pushing when I heard knocking on the door.

I froze in place.

That knocking was the sound of my fate being sealed in an envelope, then locked in a safe, which was locked in a bigger safe, which was tossed in the middle of an ocean, which said ocean blew up.

I was a goner.

With newfound strength coming from a intense concentration of both fear and adrenaline, I pushed the dresser all the way to the window. I began climbing on top of it when the door opened and my death angel was standing there at the doorway.

Why didn’t I lock the door?!? Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!

Twilight cocked her head to the side and asked me, “What are you doing?”

My answer: “I’M TRYING TO LIVE!!!”

Then I jumped out of the window.

Let’s stop right there for a second. Due to my fear-stricken mind, I have completely forgotten where I am. The minute I looked out the window, I remembered.

I was at a second-story building. Two floors. Sooo that’s kind of a problem if you don’t want to get hurt while jumping out of a window. And all this ran through my mind as I felt nothing beneath me. I was in the middle of the air, about to eat a ton of dirt, when I remember something else. Also due to my fear-stricken mind, I also forgotten I had wings.



I could of avoid the whole ‘look for something to stand on’ bit if I just calmed down and looked at myself!

But luckily I remembered I did have wings while I was mid air, so as a last-ditched resort so I won’t become a red-green stain on the ground, I tried to fly, in which I found problem number 2.

I don’t know how to fly.

You might think it’s easy to fly, I mean it’s just a little flap-flap of the ol’ wings and you’re airborne, right? Wrong. Just because you have a hammer, doesn’t mean you know how to build a house. Same scenario for flying. Now let’s press play again and get’s some perspective from somepony else’s point of view.

Rainbow Dash was going to Twilight’s so that she can check on the pegasus she took to the hospital. She doesn’t get to meet new pegasi all the time, so she thought that maybe he might have some stories to tell. Who knows?

So when she sees said pegasus outside the second floor window, screaming nonsense and jumping out of the window, only to look like a airborne chicken, she thought 1:”he’s a nutter” and 2: “I should introduce him to Scootaloo”. Then as he face-planted the ground, she fell from the sky laughing.

In other words, I look like a idiot.

As I peeled myself from the ground, I heard laughter from a distance. I turned to the source of the laughter to find a light blue pony laughing her plot off. So, not only did I fractured about 175 out of 205 bones in my body, but now I have a hurt pride.

It hurts more than my busted up skeleton.

I heard a door open and close behind me, so I turned around to see who it was. Surprise, surprise, it was my soon to be murderer, Twilight Sparkle. Crap.

“Oak, what on Equestria were you thinking?” Twilight asked with a tone in her voice not unlike a mother scolding her child.

“What does it look like? I’m trying to save myself from my imminent demise!” I answered in reply.

“By jumping out a window?”

“Yes! No. Never mind that, listen! You can’t do any of your experiments to me now!” I pointed to the still laughing pony on the ground. “Now I have a witness! If I get killed now, she’ll know who did it. HA!” The pegasus laughed harder.

Twilight raised a brow at that remark. “What are you talking about?”

I replied with another question. “Why did you let me sleep at your house?”

“Because it’s the nice thing to do?”

I pointed an accusatory hoof at her. “That not it. Stop lying! No mare in their right mind would let some random stranger sleep in their house, let alone their own room!”

At this, the disrespectful blue pegasus stopped laughing. She looked at Twilight from the ground and said, “You did WHAT! Twilight, you’re the smartest pony in all of Equestria and you let this guy sleep in your house! That’s gotta be the dumbest thing I head anypony do ever!”

Twilight started to blush with embarrassment. “It’s not like he was gonna do anything to me. He’s the victim! And even if he does try something, I know an arsenal of self-defense spells. Besides, where was he gonna sleep then?”

Rainbow Dash raised her hoof like she was about to say something, but faltered and dropped it.

“That’s what I thought,” Twilight said with a smug look.

“Hold on!” I screamed. “Have we already forgotten that she tried to slice me up?!?”

Twilight then looked back at me. “I still don’t know what… hold on,” then she walked back into the treehouse. I wanted to tell her to come back and confess that she’s a blood-thirsty murderer, but something stopped me. As I waited, I exchanged awkward glances at the other pegasus. Then I noticed the small group of ponies gathering around the front of the treehouse. The other pegasus must of noticed too, because she cringed, knowing that everyone saw the entire debacle take place. I cringed as well, for the exact same reason.

Then finally, after what felt like a really long time, Twilight walked out of the treehouse, carrying what looked like a book with her magic. As she came towards us, I noticed that it was same book that has the failed memory spell she tried on me yesterday in it.

She opened the book and showed me a page. I started reading out loud at the top, the title reading: Memory Spell side effects.

I know where this is going.

Sure enough, the first thing listed in there is, “ ‘May cause mild or severe cases of paranoia.’ ”

She looked at me with a triumphant smile on her face. “That’s why you’re freaking out Oak!” She pointed at the book again. “Since you’re experiencing the side effects, that means the spell worked! Isn’t that great?”

I wasn’t listening because I continued reading the rest of the side effects, my voice getting louder as I read down the list. “ ‘May also cause hyperventilation, strong cases of fever , extreme forms of anxiety, and, if not performed properly, a permanent case of schizophrenia!?!’ Twilight, I hope paranoia is the only thing wrong with me!” I looked up to see her face red as a beet, looking behind me. I turn around to see what’s up. The ‘small crowd’ just got a lot bigger. It looked like the entire town was there, murmuring and whispering to each other.

Hmm. I don’t think a lot of stuff goes on around here.

Twilight leans into my ear and whispers to me, “Were they watching us the entire time?”

“Yup,” I whisper back.

“I think we should go back inside.”

I looked at the crowd again and back at her. “Agreed.”

Once we were back inside, none of us said a word as we made our way to the living room to sit down. Once we got comfortable, the blue pony was about say something, but was interrupted by the sound of laughter making its way down the stairs. We all turned to face the source of the laughter.

It was Spike.

The little dude looked like he was gonna kneel over as he made his way down the stairs, roaring with laughter. And he did. If it wasn't for Twilight catching him with magic on that last step, he would of fell face-first on the floor. He stopped laughing as he floated awkwardly in the air, but once he got down, he started all over again. He was red-faced and looked like he couldn't breath.

I wish he'll choke so he'll shut up.

All three of us was sitting there silently, glaring at the dragon while he went on his laughing fit. After what seemed like five minutes, he finally stopped his laughing and gasping for air, calming down to a few chuckles here and there, until he finally stopped.

All three of us spoke simultaneously, "You finished?"

He looked at each of our unamused expressions in turn. "Come on! You got to admit that was hilarious. Did you see the look on everyone's faces when Oak went coo-coo on Twilight? Ha ha. And when Rainbow fell from the sky laughing, it was too much for me! And when-"

I must have looked really menacing, because once he saw my face, he stopped. He put his claws behind his back and stared at his feet. "Sorry."

"It's fine," said Twilight, "you were saying Rainbow?"

"Huh?" Rainbow replied.

"You were gonna say something?"

Rainbow scratched her head in thought. "Oh yeah. I forgot."

Since she doesn't have anything to say, I asked a question. "So, your name is Rainbow Dash?"

"Yup!" she exclaimed with a thick sense of pride.

"The pony who took me to the hospital?"

"Yup!" she exclaimed with a thicker sense of pride.

"Can you fly well?"

"Can I fly well?!?" She repeated the question as if it offended her mother. "Kid-"

"My name is Oak."

"Oak," she corrected, "you are looking at the best flyer in Ponyville! I’m so fast that I can fly circles around you without you even noticing! I’m so fast, that I even performed the Sonic Rainboom, something everypony in Equestria thought was impossible!” Her pride is smothering me. I don’t even wanna know what a rainboom is.

“Well, if you say that you’re the best flyer in Ponyville, then can you teach me how to fly?”

Rainbow cocked her head to the side and looked at me in disbelief. “You’re joking. You look about my age! How can you not know how to fly?”

“I just don’t, ok! You saw me out there!”

“I know that you lost your memory and all, but did you forget how to fly too?”

“I don’t think I knew how to fly to begin with!”

Twilight came between both of us. “Enough both of you!” She faced Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, if he doesn’t know how to fly, then he doesn’t know. You shouldn’t make fun of him for that.”

“I wasn’t making fun of him! I was thinking that a pony his age should have been taught by somepony how to fly by now!”

“Well he wasn’t! You should at least appreciate the fact that he is turning to you for help!”

Rainbow was about to say something, but for the second time today, her words have failed her. She sighed. “Two for Two, I guess you’re right Twilight.”

Rainbow Dash turned to me with a stone-cold expression on her face. “When do you wanna start?”

Well, since I got nothing better to do. “As soon as possible,” I answered.

“Good. In that case, we start now.”


She cut me off with her hoof raised in the air. “But let me warn you: This is not going to be easy. I don’t know a lot of ponies your age who don’t know how to fly.” She paused. “Actually, you’re the first I ever met. Anyway, I know for a fact that it get’s harder for a pegasus to fly as they grow older.” She turned to Twilight. “Right?”


“Ok,” she turned back to me. “with that out of the way, I’m going to make sure that, if it’s the last thing I do, I get you to fly. And I swear upon that statement with the highest promise know to ponykind. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She crossed her heart and put her hoof on her eye as she said that last bit. What kind of promise is that?

“Now, let’s get started!”

We started walking through town, well me walking and Rainbow flying low to the ground. “Hey Rainbow,” I asked, looking up at her. “Why are you flying instead of walking?”

She looked up in thought. “I dunno. Habit I guess.”

“Don’t your wings get tired?” I asked.

“Not really. I kinda got used to it after a while. Did it for so long, I feel that it’s the same as walking, you know? I don’t put much effort into it.”

“Oh,” I said.

I look back down, only to trip over a hole in the ground.

“And also so things like that don’t happen to me,” she added with a slight chuckle.

I got up from the ground and dusted myself off as we continued our walk. “So, where are we going?” I asked.

“We are going to my friend Fluttershy. She has this cottage near the Everfree, at the edge of the town. It’s secluded, so it’s perfect for flight training.”

“Ah”. That’s when I thought of a question that was bothering me for a while since my first flying attempt. “Hey Rainbow?”

She looked back down at me. “Yeah?”

“Is flying hard?”

“No. Well yes, at first!” she added quickly when she saw my nervous expression. “It’s just that you need a little guidance before your natural instincts kick in. I’ll just show you some basic flapping techniques and some other junk, then your brain should take care of the rest.”

“Well, if you say so”, I said, still feeling nervous.

We stopped talking as we reached the outskirts of ponyville. We kept on walking until we reached a very small cottage. It looked very… homey, I guess? Or is it cosy? Whatever the appropriate word is, it was nice. The entirety of the house was made of wood, the only exception being the grass-covered roof and the stone chimney, along with a bunch of bird houses here and there. I assumed this is where “Fluttershy” lives, whoever she is. Kinda weird, her name. Wonder what kind of pony she is.

She sounds familiar though.

We went towards the front of the house. I realised that I felt a sort of happy anxiety. I don’t know why, but I think it’s because I’m getting to know more ponies besides Twilight. And Rainbow, I guess, but I don’t know her too well. Actually, I don’t know Twilight that well either. Hmm.

Anyway, I love meeting new people, so this should be a memorable experience.

When we reached the door, Rainbow knocked twice on the door. “Fluttershy, it’s Rainbow! Open the door, I brought a…” She gave me a studious look. “... friend, I guess.”

That was kinda rude.

We both waited a couple of seconds, but no sound could be heard from inside the cottage. After about a minute, Rainbow knocked several times, each one harder than the last. “FLUTTERSHY, ARE YOU HERE! HELLO!” Rainbow screamed.

This time, we actually heard some hoof steps, and soon enough the door cracked open. I couldn’t see much of the inside of the house since the door wasn’t open all the way, I what I could see was the face of a yellow mare with pink hair. For some reason, I starting thinking of strawberry pancakes and butter. Weird.

“Oh, It’s you Rainbow Dash. I’m so sorry I couldn’t answer the first time, but I was busy giving Angel his bath.” The mare named Fluttershy said in a small whisper.

Right off the bat, I know why her name is Fluttershy. Well, half know. Not sure on the “Flutter” bit. It’s weird how most of these ponies names seem to fit their personalities and talents, exception to Twilight. I wonder, since my name is Oak Wood, if I’m good with trees or something. Maybe.

“That’s fine Fluttershy. Oh yeah, I brought the pegasus”, Rainbow gestures to me, “that was in the middle of that field with me. Turn’s out, he can’t fly! Can you believe it! He’s as old as I am and can’t even get off the ground!”

At this, I’m red as a beet from embarrassment and anger. Rainbow sees this and her smirk goes away. “No offense.” she said.

“All taken,” I replied slowly, a cold tone overtaking my voice, making me sound much meaner than I’m actually am.

I look back at Fluttershy and notice that she is visibly shaking. She’s also hiding her face with her hair, clearly trying not to make eye contact with me.

“Are you alright? You’re shivering,” I ask.

“Y-Yes. I’m just cold.” she replied in a small whisper.

“But it’s the middle of summer.”

“I have a cold.” she’s said in a smaller whisper, so I could barely hear her.

“But it’s the middle of summer.”

She started retreating back into her cottage and instantly, I felt bad. I mean, it’s not like she’s trying to be rude, she’s just, well, shy.

I held the door opened. Fluttershy let out a tiny squeak from the sudden motion, shaking even more visibly than before.

“Look, I’m sorry. I’m new and you probably don’t like to meet new people, but honestly you should try to get a bit more spine.”

At this she shook her head left and right in a frantic manner. “Oh, no. Not after what happened last time.”

Last time?

I look at Rainbow for clarification. “Let’s just say it involve a really buff bull and ‘Shy here being a real jerk.”

“Ok. Wait, why are we here again?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Flight training.” Then she looked at Fluttershy. “Hey shy, can we use your back yard? I thought it’s the best place for him so nopony else sees him eat dirt.”


“You are going to eat dirt. That’s a fact.”

“Well at least pretend to have some faith in me!”

“Whatever.” She turned back to Fluttershy. “So can we?”

“Well, as long as you don’t disturb the animals or break anything, I guess it’s fine.”

“Great. Thanks ‘shy.” She opened the door all the way and went inside. I went inside as well.

The inside was just as homey as the outside.The living room has a chair and a guest couch, a table with a photo of butterflies. At the side of the wall, there was a fireplace with various pots and pans, so it must be used for cooking. At the corner, I see a bird cage with tiny stairs leading up to the door of the cage. To the left of me, I see a mouse hole on the wall, also with tiny stairs leading up to the hole. Also, I see stairs leading up to what must be her bedroom.

That’s weird, I just had a chill.

Shrugging off the ominous feeling in me, I followed her through the house and out the back door. The backyard had the same simple theme as the house, which I like. On the left of me, there is a chicken coup. Kinda made me wonder why she has a chicken coup, but it’s her life, who am I to judge? To the right, a table with two pillows on both sides, and the entire yard was surrounded by a pink fence with hearts on the bases. Cute.

“Alright Oak, now that we’re here, there is no time to waste. Hey Fluttershy, where are you going?” Rainbow asked.

I looked back to see that the yellow pegasus(fluttershy now I get it) was walking back inside. She froze in place as she slowly turned around to face Rainbow.

“Well, I was gonna give you guys some privacy-”

“Nonsense Fluttershy, it’s just you here. Hey, why don’t you practice with us? Celestia knows you need it, and it’s be perfect considering that you and Oak both are around the same skill level.”

“Uh, I dunno. I gotta get back to Angel’s bath…”

“Leave him, he’s a little jerk anyway.”

Fluttershy was taken aback from the insult about her little Angel bunny. Then again, he was getting a little persnickety lately. Actually, he was always like that…

“Well, maybe a little practice might do me some good…”

“Great! Get over here and we’ll get started.”

She slowly but surely made her way over to the two of us. She awkwardly sidled up to the next of me, keeping a reasonable distance. I didn’t mind, since being next to her made me feel awkwardly intrusive, if that even makes sense.

“Alright,” Rainbow said in a stern voice, “now it’s time to get serious.”

She suddenly came to the front of the both of us and yelled, “Drop down and give me twenty wing-ups!”



I instinctively dropped down to the ground, doing my best to assume the wing-up position. I don’t actually know what a wing-up is, but I can’t ask her now, can I?

“You too Fluttershy!”

I heard a tiny squeak as I see Fluttershy drop down with me. I notice that she’s using her wings to prop herself up into a planking position. Assuming that was what a wing-up was, I quickly did the same.

And ate dirt.

I wasn’t able to hold up my bodyweight, so I just gave up and fell to the ground with a large thump.

“Come on Oak, get back up! You haven’t even done one yet!”

“What does this have to do with flying?” I asked in an irritated tone.

“Everything!”, Rainbow said, “You can’t fly if you don’t have the wing power to keep you in the air! I saw that lame excuse for flying you did at Twilight’s. That only proves that you have little to no wing strength. Now get pushing! We don’t got all day!”

“Uh, Rainbow? Aren't you being a little hard on him? He is trying his best,” Fluttershy said in a small whisper.

Rainbow replied by staring at her with such ferocity that she hid behind her hair and began doing her wing-ups.

Rainbow let out an audible sigh and said, “Listen Fluttershy. I know that you’re supposed to be kind and stuff, but you need to know that some people need kindness and other need tough love.” Then she looked at me. “And if you want to fly as half as good as me, you are gonna have to work hard. Got it?”

“Yeah,” I replied. I think I understand what Rainbow was trying to say. Sometimes, we need to be tough on people we care about so that they can become better people in the future. At first, Rainbow seemed like a jerk, but now I know that she has some flaws, but she also has good intentions.

“Now that we have that out of the way, PICK UP THE PACE WITH THOSE WING-UPS!!!”

Ugh, I wish she didn’t care about me so much though.

“Hey Oak! How was the training?” Twilight asked in that annoyingly chipper voice that grates on my eardrums like jagged rocks as I walk in the treehouse.

Wow, that was dark.

“It went fine,” I replied, imitating her tone. “She made me and Fluttershy do wing-ups ‘till we collapsed from exhaustion.” I said in a tone that showed how tired and grumpy I actually was.

“Oh. Wait, Fluttershy too?” She said with genuine interest.

“Yeah. Something about ‘how were in the same level’ or something like that. I don’t care, I just want to go to sleep.”

“Well you don’t have to be so grumpy about it.”

“I like to see you do wing-ups,” I mumbled in a low tone.

“What was that?” she asked in a testy voice.

“I said ‘yay, you’re so awesome and cool ‘cause you read and stuff,’” I replied sarcastically.

“Well, thank you,” she said, clearly oblivious to the sarcasm. “Well, have a good night sleep! You’ll need it for tomorrow. I gonna introduce you to all my friends. Well, the one’s you haven’t met yet.”

“Great,” was all I could reply in my clearly exhausted state.

I walked up the stairs into the second floor, where my sleeping bag awaited me. The snoring from the basket at the foot of the bed told me that Spike was already dead-asleep. Heh, dead-asleep.

Wait, that’s not funny.

Thinking that it’s was due to my tired brain, I shook it off and got in my bag. Spike wasn’t snoring too loud, so I could sleep easy tonight. As long as Twilight doesn’t decide to turn in, that is.

I got comfy and lay on my side as I closed my and drifted to sleep.


Why don’t you sleep on the bed? That bitch Twilight isn’t here, so it’s fine.

I snapped my eyes open. What’s that voice?

I’m you.


No shit.

I looked around to see where the voice was coming from, panic slowly invading my rationality.

You won’t find anything, the voice said in a sing-songy voice, this is all in your head. You and us are gonna spend a lot of time together.


Us. All of us.


Fluttershy was tired like nobody’s business. All those wing-ups really did a number on me, she thought, I could barely get to the bedroom without falling asleep.

Well, she didn’t. As she turned in for the night, something was still nagging her. Like she forgot something.

She closed her eyes and began to drift into a peaceful sleep…

Until she heard a noise.

All hints of sleep soon disappeared as a new but all too familiar emotion overtook her: fear.

She began to tremble as she hid herself under the covers, hoping that the noise will go away. But no the noise got closer. It’s sounded like a wet mop being thrown at the floor. The noise got closer, and closer, ‘till soon enough it was outside her bedroom door. Fluttershy started trembling even more violently as she heard the door creak open. Soon, the noise got closer to the foot of her bed. At that point, she started silently weeping, knowing that her demise was upon her and that there was nothing she can do about it.

She felt something on her bed, and she started audibly whimpering. “P-please,” she fearfully whispered as she lay under the covers, “don’t hurt m-me.”

She felt something moist land on top of her. It wasn’t heavy, and it wasn’t hurting her. A little bit of her fear fell away and curiosity took it’s place as she uncovered the blanket from herself. She looked to see Angel bunny, soaked in water and shivering, either due to being in water, or being very angry.

“Oh, so that’s what I forgot!”

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long. Had a lot on my plate. Also, If you notice any mistakes, please point them out and I will get right to them. I appreciate constructive criticism. Thanks for Bubble Butt for pre-reading

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