• Published 23rd Jun 2014
  • 1,629 Views, 21 Comments

Twilight's Prison - Vale Decem

Twilight and Tirek have disappeared, Equestria has been abandonded and left without magic. Can one of the most despisded and evil forms of magic save them?

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4- Below Equestria...

Oh, did Twilight Sparkle feel free! Her entire body coursed with endless magic, filling her with the feeling of strength and freedom. Her own limits of magic had always held her back, even as an alicorn. Unlike many ponies thought, she and the other princesses were not goddesses. Their magic had limits, although those limits were much smaller compared to a normal unicorn's. However, alicorn magic got stronger with time, so Celestia's felt quite powerful and eventually Twilight would have reached that strength had she lived the hundreds of years her teacher had. But when the four magics where brought together, she had yet to reach her limit. Spells that Twilight had dreamed of preforming by chance were now at the tips of her hooves. Mass teleportation? That was her favorite, she would teleport large rocks and even the occasional mountain of Tarturus onto Tirek. Magical blasts? No problem. Whereas they would have drained a normal unicorn and left her weak before, she preformed them with ease and had no back-lash. Her body, which was once normal-sized and one drab color, had changed. She had doubled in size and would have rivaled Celestia in the past. Her mane now flowed in some non-existent wind, and her wing had taken a sunset hue at its tips. Twilight had become very experienced in flying, only touching ground when dodging other attacks by Tirek, and her speed would have bested even Rainbow Dash's. She darted around Tirek, fliting here and there and teleporting if need be.

Speaking of Tirek, Twilight found him incredibly boring. The villan only choose to use his typical blast and would sometimes charge or swat at her, but he was terribly predictable. She always dodged his attacks easily, and would always retaliate- but what Tirek lacked in attack, he made up for in unrelenting defense. Twilight would send blast after blast at him, but he would still remain standing. Not to say it didn't effect Tirek, as it still stung him, but he was strong enough to remain standing. He did look a bit worse for wear (compared to Twilight), and where she had become more goddess-like through her magic, Tirek resembled the worst of demons. From time to time, his dark fur glowed like the hottest embers of a fire, his eyes were red and slitted like dragons, and his horns were blackened at the ends, as if had been scorched. Yes, the magic of all ponies in Equestria had changed them both.

Twilight had almost forgotten her friends. She remembered having friends, and some of the things she had done with them, but her friends themselves and the joy they brought was gone. If Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack were dropped in front of her, she'd not be able to give names, talents, or even what element they embodied. However, for now she fought in the hope that her "friends" were worth it. She was not quite sure anymore. But one pony could still be faintly remembered. Her mentor: Princess Celestia. Twilight hoped that what she was doing would make her proud and tried to maintain the memories of the alicorn, but it did prove difficult. The constant fighting and dodging made it hard to focus enough, not to say she didn't enjoy fighting. Although the whole "fighting to protect her friends" motive was forgotten, Twilight still fought, but for herself. She knew that if she stopped fighting and let Tirek return to Equestria, the princess would make her return all her power. When she thought of having limits put back on her magic, it disgusted her. No, she couldn't go back, and if staying here was the only way to keep all this raw and unlimited power, she was not leaving Tarturus.

At the time Luna was tutoring Blood Stone, Twilight was flying over Tirek's head, sending a blast at his horn. The ball of energy slammed him and disappeared. Lord Tirek flattened his ears and charged a fiery ball of magic above his head. Twilight sighed.

There he goes again with that attack, She thought to herself and waited for Tirek to release the blast. When the red-orange fire ball launched towards her, Twilight teleported with ease and reappeared right at Tirek's chest, levitating a large amount of rock with her multicolored magic and rocketing it towards Tireks mouth, who just rubbed the underside of his jaw a bit then retaliated. The two enemies continued sending attacks back and forth, seemingly endlessly and without tire.

Before Tirek's return...

"Sister, please!' Luna begged, standing determinedly in front of Celestia, blocking her sister from continuing any further down the hall. "Let Us, Cadence, or even thy's student to stop Tirek- but Discord? Has thou lost thy mind!?!"

"He has changed, Luna, and I believe that he can stop Tirek with the least amount of damage. I also believe that the ponies of Equestria, and even you, need some reassurance that he is reformed." Celestia said firmly. "Though I am not putting all my faith in him. I do have a back-up plan."

"And it is..?" Luna asked.

"Our alicorn magic can be combined, and Twilight happens to be the perfect catalyst. If-" Celestia began to explain.

"No! Thou cannot be thinking of giving her all our magic! Sister, that will leave Equestria otherwise defenseless- not to mention what all that power might do to her!" Luna exclaimed.

"It's the only other option, Luna! I-I was not expecting Tirek to return so suddenly. I was preparing the Elements of Harmony to be able to beat Tirek on their own. You remember the box released by the Tree of Harmony, correct?"

"Yes, it is hard to forget about. But what of it?" Luna answered.

"I sense the box contains a magic that even Tirek cannot stand against. The elements have found their keys, except for Twilight. I estimate she would have found it within the month, but we do not have that time. However, I believe in my student. She will not fail."

"We hope thy is correct, sister- for the sake of Equestria." Luna stated, removing herself from Celestia's path and allowing her to continue along the palace hall. She sighed and left for the Library of Canterlot. She had research to do. Though Celestia had decided her options, just maybe she could find another way.