• Published 26th Jun 2014
  • 4,570 Views, 250 Comments

Six wishes for six elements - Malcolm Merlyn

Six humans are sent to Equestria in it's time of need. Should they follow up with the task given tp them, each will be granted any desire of the heart. Multi-crossover.

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Chapter 39

"So... it's magic then?" Raynor asked as he watched Sanya load the Fliegerhammer.

"Yes... without it, I doubt I could carry this." Sanya said as she loaded the rockets. Damn... that thing must have been at least 60 pounds UNLOADED. Loaded... it probably was heavier than it's user. "You don't seem surprised..."

"I've seen a lot of things. A girl with cat ears and a tail who could probably bench press a horse with no problems isn't too hard to get a grip on." Jim said. Things like the Protoss Mothership which could break the laws of physics came into mind right about here. "But the Neuroi... that's what you call them right? So the story is they're highly advanced alien race and eat the earth?"

"Something like that. They consume sects of land for... I don't know actually. I just know they consume land."

"Heh. Reminds of TWO things I didn't like fighting." Raynor said as he finished his cup of coffee and looked back down into the hole. His project was almost finished. Having found a way, the process was now automated which allowed him to take the time off instead of being cooped up down there.

"What are you building anyways?" Sanya asked. The only thing she knew about it was it was HUGE. Weighing about FORTY TONS probably meant that thing packed a punch. "Most tanks from where we come from weight about 40 tons... you building one?"

"Kid... I am gonna do better than that. You see... minerals have a good thing about them. They are VERY, and I mean VERY efficient in terms of weight to strength. A few ounces of theses babies is pretty damn hard to break by conventional means. You get a ton, and you're going to need to bring some pretty heavy things. 40 tons? I'd love to see a bunch of overgrown lizards try to get past that. When you see it... I promise you... you'll love it."

"Okay then." Sanya said as she finished loading her rockets and reached into her pockets, revealing two pairs of gloves and placing on a single pair.

"Whatcha got there?"

"Twilight found a way to further amplify my magic." Sanya said as she tested out her shield, noting the large increase in size. It would protect her well in the battle to come. "Though... the things I'd give for a Striker unit."

"I feel ya." Jim said even though he hardly had a clue to what that was. "I am missing the good ol' Hyperion right now. But... what do you think everyone else is up to?"

"I heard Slade wanted to train with Armin." Sanya said. That had been the most surprisingly thing anyone ever could of heard unless "train" meant cause an "accident" that involved Armin dying.

"Not bad." Slade chuckled as he saw the blade come up to stop his from crashing down. "Not bad at all...."

"Thanks." Armin said. The time he'd spent with Steve in the past few days had really helped. As of now, Captain America sat back on a lawnchair, watching the two fighters.

"Told ya." Steve said to Slade as he took a drink of his beer, watching as Slade practiced with Armin. Despite Armin's clear improvement at the point, it would be clear to everyone who would win if the two would actually spar. To drive this point home, that's what they did two seconds later. It took Slade the same time to tell Armin he wanted to practice, as well as beat him then.

"Well..." Steve grumbled as he watched Slade knock Armin on his back. "Okay. How about this... you pick with someone that's your own size?"

"I was hoping you'd be up for it." Slade said as he took out his ballistic staff while Steve grabbed his shield.

"Looks like we're not going to miss anything too exciting." Raynor said as he walked in, seeing the mercenary and the soldier stand opposite to one another. "I'll be right back kid."

"Where you going?" Sanya and Armin asked.

"To make popcorn." Raynor grinned as he went into the ship.

"Hey doc..." Jim said as he passed by the infirmary, taking a look at the German doctor. "Whatcha doing?"

"I am almost finished with zis medigun." Medic said as he continued to work on the kritz...medi...quick fix? "I present to you... ze Mehrzweck!"

"The what?" Raynor asked as he took a look at the medigun. "The Me... whatever. So... what does this baby do?"

"You see... I combined ze mediguns into one! Genius isn't it!... vait... vhy didn't I fink of zis sooner?"

"What do you mean?"

"Vell... you see... I've had zese mediguns for years now! Years! And... VHY DIDN'T I FINK OF ZIS SOONER?!"

Ummmmmm...... because outside powers (game devs) had forbade it.

Slade gave his first signs of him ever being in pain today as Steve punched him straight in the face causing the assassin to stagger back several yards, blood trickling out of his mouth.

From his blackened eye and heavily bruised face, Steve smiled a bit as he saw Slade hesitate for a moment to asses his opponent. His entire body was already sore. Slade wasn't an Iron Man and he sure as hell wasn't a Thor or Hulk. But he hit like a train and getting hit like a train hurt bad. Really bad.

He swung his fist again, though this time, the assassin would deal with it better than last time as his armored brace caught the blow and he swung with the staff straight for Cap who caught the staff in mid-air, the two men struggling, and struggling hard.

"So... who's your money on?" Raynor asked as he ate out of his bucket of popcorn.

"Slade's got this." Sanya said as she watched the mercenary strike the captain straight across the face, followed by another heavy blow to the gut area.

"Heard the Captain survived 70 years being frozen alive." Armin began. "He's invincible!"

Steve recovered quickly, inwardly thanking Dr. Erskine for his nigh-unlimited stamina. He swung at Slade and prepared to beatdown upon his opponent with a massive flurry of punches that could have easily killed a lesser man over and over. Perhaps expectedly, Slade only showed signs of pain and discomfort as he punched Cap away, wiping blood from his face.

"Call it a draw?" Steve asked as he felt as though he'd broken his arm. His gloves had been broken and his knuckles were covered in blood. His or Slade's... he had no clue anymore.

"I'll let you off the hook this time." Slade said as he wiped blood from his mouth and nose. "Besides... I can't beat myself up to hard... I got dragons to kill tomorrow."

"I think I am better." Steve commented.

"No... I am." Slade replied as he sat down in the lawnchair that Cap had previously occupied, mouthing words to Raynor.

"MEDIC!" He silently yelled at the man who quickly took the hint. He hadn't had such a tough fight in his life since Batman, Nightwing and Robin.

Steve only looked at his battered opponent. Two ugly rings of black had formed underneath his eyes and he felt as though he was missing some of his teeth.
This guy would have probably killed Skull the first time they meet. He was brutal... he was...
He couldn't help but feel respect for the man he had previously hated. He still did... maybe just not as much.
Slade felt the same way.