• Published 18th Jun 2014
  • 2,775 Views, 61 Comments

A Fool's resurrection - posponer

You, Minato Arisato, have met your friends and given your last goodbyes but, it wasn't the end. The dark hour still exists and only you can help the citizens fight against the darkness... But how?

  • ...

Chapter 4: The News / ǝsıɹdɹnS ǝɥʇ

"First and foremost, I congratulate you for earning an ally in this new world." You have been talking to Igor's acquaintance for quite a while now and still you don't know his name but it doesn't matter, if he wants to tell you, then he will. For now, for the limited them you have with him, there are better things to talk about.

The man looks at you, as if studying you. An awkward silence envelop the both of you until he decided to speak again.

"Ah I see. I understand that you know. As you assume, I am not here for idle chatter. I... We of the velvet room regret to inform you that our plan to stop erebus ended up in a slight failure." What?! Then could it be that all this would be for naught? Would earth really perish?! You glare at the man to explain what he meant.

"Relax. As I said, we ended up in a slight failure. Rest assured that our plan was sure to work. Until that is, something happened in the other side. We will try to fix and mend things back together and put the plan back in action but if things do not go well as planned. We would need you back to act as a seal once more until we fix everything back." his voice was laced with a slight venom, he must also be distraught by whatever it is that derailed the plan. You ask him for how long you'll have in this world.

"As ironic as it sounds. Should the plan fail, we would require your assistance in exactly a year's time. Forgive us for the sudden interruption. We know that you have your own duties to fulfill here, as well as your original duties that we promised to hold for you. It seems our interruptions have only caused to make things worse for both worlds. Again I ask for your forgiveness." you ran all this information in your head, everything seems right and normal... or as normal as it could be at the very least. You reassure him that it's okay.

"Ah. Thank you for your kindness Mr.Minato. I would love to tell you about the other side but it seems best that you awaken posthaste before your newly found comrade makes a mistake in terms of persona handling. A little [Agi] spell would probably hurt quite a bit wouldn't you think?" You wonder what he means until you feel a sudden itch, an itch that turns into a specific hotness and finally... You wake up and screamed out in pain!

You jump around searching for the nearest place that could soothe the pain around your backside, it was a feeling as if you were being burned, you soon find a bucket with water in it, doesn't matter whether it was drinking water or muddy water or if it wasn't even water at all! As long as it could release the pain you feel, you dived straight for it and *SPLASH*

"Pfft! Bwahahaha! That was hilarious Twilight!" Rainbow Dash told her friend while laughing out loud at the spectacle, Pinkie Pie beside her was also giggling a little.

"Ah tried ta warn ya Twilight, but ya didn't listen now did ya?"

"Hey! I was curious okay? This is a whole other magic, unknown to Equestria! Think of all the experiments and possibilities that could cause an impact! Not to mention the fact that, I didn't expect a fireball to suddenly shot out straight in front of me!" You were now standing a few meters away from the group as you cleared your throat to gain their attention and semi-glaring at the laughing ones, as they turn to face you, you looked at Twilight with the same bored expression except this time, there was a slight twitching of your left eye. You ask them what the sudden and rude awakening was for.

"Ah tried ta warn her but she just wouldn't listen." Looking around, you notice the only ones here are Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. You already see who the perpetrator was as you then accusingly look at Twilight, who, under your stare only shrunk back as she said her apologies

"But I couldn't help it! I was curious about this new magic! Also I wanted to see my persona again but... I couldn't get her to come out." she sounded dejected as she said that last part, with her looking like this you couldn't really stay mad at her could you? You sigh as you decided to forgive her, but still you were curious about how and why she used the spell, or if it was really the [Agi] spell. So you decided to ask her about it.

"Well, I tried using your fire spell first but I couldn't make or do it, when I kept on trying, a ball of fire albeit small suddenly shot out and you know the rest... it still makes me wonder why I couldn't control it as easily as you do? Probably has something to do with what you call the magic or maybe some kind of incantation. I do however, partially remember saying the name of that one spell when I first summoned Circe... strangely enough, it was as if Circe told me what it was called... I think it was called [Maragi--" you cut her off before she can cause any kind of damage. If she was able to shoot out an agi spell without calling the persona then who knows what she could unconsciously do? You explain your reasoning of why you cut her off.

"I understand. Can you at least enlighten me on this whole [Persona] thing?" you open your mouth to say something when you remember that you were asking the questions around here. You easily got led to her pace but, you were used to it. You'd rather go with someone's pace instead of against it as it would only make things harder.

You tell her that you don't know much about the personas but she was fine with what you can tell her and the others. You look around noticing the other three spectators were also listening quite intently, bearing different facial expressions. Curiosity, Excitement and something that looks... Amazement? It's a little awkward that you thought they'd be scared of the power, but this world and the previous world you were from are similar yet very, very different after all.

You notice Twilight prepping up as she levitated a quill and pen as she looked intently at you. You smile nervously as you chuckled at her antics. Mitsuru-senpai would love a studious person like her... or pony in this case. You tell them everything you know about persona such as they are a being that is part of one's psyche and soul. While leaving out some of the facts like yourself being able to wield other personas, you'll tell them once you can use other persona but for now, you decide to keep it a secret. Just like the other information that you kept a secret from them... the fact that describe more of the more 'Outlandish' looking ones. You shudder as you remember 'that' undeniably strong yet grotesquely wrong looking [Mara]. Not to mention other less grotesque looking yet very similar personas. No, you decided to spare these girls from that horrible monster or it might just steal their sleep tonight, or every other nights to come. You just hope that if they ever awaken their personas... it wouldn't look like an abomination that would scar the persona user and others around it for life.

You contemplate on never using Mara and other grotesque lookalikes would be the best option. If you remember correctly, even Elizabeth was somehow keeping her distance from you whenever you had 'it' as the current persona. Sighing at the distant and slightly disturbing memory, you continued to tell them what you know, just for the fact that it may steer your mind away from any thoughts about... 'that thing'.

"Hmm... So in other words, they are somewhat a 'self' with powers? Or something like the power of one's soul or something?" you think about it for a while before nodding. Twilight just kept writing on her paper. Rainbow Dash was the one who summarized about the personas and she seemed very interested about it.

"Dude! I am so jealous! I want to get mine now!" she reminds you of a child waiting for a present. You slowly shake your head in amusement as you looked around, as was told, Rarity had to take care of her little sister so she had to go home, Fluttershy was the same with her animals while the princesses had duties to do. Same as the old world, everyone else had something to do about their own lives other than getting swept away by the [Dark Hour]

You ask them about the surroundings, the city and the landscape in general. If you were going to be living here for a while, you should at the very least know about the place you're staying at right?

You notice Pinkie Pie gaining a sudden burst of energy were just moments ago, she was dozing off.

"Gotta go. Need something to do right now." and she soon upped and away, leaving a small pink smoke of dust? You notice the three remaining girls in the room looking at one another and saying stuff like [it's got to be that] and the likes. You ask them what 'that' is.

The three of them only gave you vague answers that were more excuses than answers itself

"Just relax partner! It'll come when it comes. Just take yer time!"

"Yeah! And if you need a tour for the town then, I'm the best one to give it, Also the fastest in town."

"I'll come as well, just to cool off from this whole 'Shadow' thing." the other two giving her sympathetic looks as they heads towards the door that leads outside of this room. You decided to just follow them for better land understanding. You walk around town with the three girls leading you and telling you about the here and there of the town... It struck you as odd.

Even though the town was quite small, it seemed odd not to see one citizen outside.

The others with you either seemed to notice and just chose to ignore it or they haven't noticed at all... or it could be like this normally?

You all spent a good five to ten minutes walk around town, you find the town quite well sustained even at the small size but it only made it odder that not one pony from this town were outside. Could something have happened?! You look at the three worriedly but they were instead wearing smiles on their faces? Are they not worried that something could be happening right...



You heard a multiple voices formed by shouts from different ponies. You were on a fighting stance for a good second or two before finding out what was happening and you sigh. You have been on battle mode ever since you saw Tartarus... and it might stay that way for quite a while so surprises like this might be a good idea...

You see Fluttershy and Rarity chatting up near the table as you nodded in their direction and they did so too. Apparently, they didn't want to take your time on them as it is currently your welcoming party, you understood what they meant and said your goodbye.

You say your thank yous as they welcome you and introduced their selves, you see the ponies with their friends and families... Bonds, these are a great and special form of friendship with one another, friendship can be broken and bonds severed but they will be and can always be mended... currently right now... you have a good starting bond with the others... You head towards the main attraction of this so called 'surprise party' to thank her.

"Aww Shucks, it was nothing! I mean, I do this for everypony in town! After all what better way to be happy than with a new friend right?" she held a great and sincere smile and you thought that she's a very friendly girl. You smile back and she smiled even wider as she suddenly inhaled a good amount of air... apparently to bombard you with a lot of questions and her answer to said questions and then some.

"So are you liking the party I threw for you? I didn't know what you like so I got everything I like and everything everypony likes so everypony will like the party thus, liking you and you liking everypony back!!" you decided to ignore her rambles at the start and just pick up keywords that may be helpful into conversing with the bubbly pony in front of you.

You answer her a little bit awkwardly as you failed to decipher half of what she said mainly because you still haven't gotten used to the pony equals person thing but, your answers seem to be sufficient enough for her as she smiled and squealing a bit in giddiness. She inhales some air again but you stop her before she stampedes another load of words onto you. You tell her to take it easy since the party has just started, she saw what you really wanted to say but she smiled back as if to give you a positive answer.

"So what kind of food do you like?" you answered straight away, no delays, no mistakes. You told her... "As long as I can eat it." she made an 'ooh' sound as she suddenly, out of nowhere, gave you three different colored cupcakes.

"Taste them. They're delicious. I made them." she smiled once more as you put down the other two and held one in your hooves... you bite into it and didn't expect such a good flavor! Cinnamon. It was the faint yet delicious taste and fragrance of cinnamon, it was so delicious for you that you found yourself finishing it within a fast moment. You looked around for the other two and ate them as well. All cupcakes were different but they held one similar taste... they were a little too sweet? You guess that the saying 'The food reflects the cook' was actually true as you find Pinkie Pie smiling happily as you devoured her cupcakes, you found her and the cupcakes... in a lack of better term 'Sweet' as you smile back.

You gave her a sincere thank you for both the delicious cupcake and the great surprise birthday and told her if she ever needed help with anything in anyway, you'd be okay to help her.

Thou art I... And I art thou...

Thou have established a new bond...

The goddess have spun her wheel...

Thou have been blessed to find the Fortune Persona.

The Fortune Lv.1

The party went on until the DJ, who was apparently a friend of Pinkie felt awful and told the crowd she's retiring for the night, guess that's the end of the party for tonight.

Everypony around said their goodbyes as they head on to their homes, you really haven't been introduced to the lively, and busy town because of the surprise party but, this should be good as well, you can always go have a tour tomorrow.

The night was nearing it's time and they all asked you a question... "Is it coming?"

You tell them that, yes the dark hour is and will always come unless it is stopped, but no shadows will venture out of the tower as one of the ['Prime'] shadows had been dealt with. All in all you told them that tonight is a safe night for them. Understanding your explanation, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

You all said your goodbyes to one another but before anyone could go anywhere they remembered something quite crucial at the moment...

"Where does he sleep?" everyone in the vicinity was silent, and here was Rainbow Dash breaking that silence, you thank her silently as this was also a question bugging your mind... all of you spent minutes talking with one another about where you should be sleeping right now.

You now lay down on a bed as you yawn, you currently reside at the library for now until you find a suitable home for yourself, you might need to get a job and an inn or some sort sooner or later as you feel you're leeching off Twilight.

The talk about where you should sleep took more energy away from you as you though... quoting the most ridiculous thing you've heard tonight...

"Well, he could always stay with me at my house... but then he'd go Crash and Splat since you know... I live in clouds and stuff..." you sigh remembering that comment... suddenly, Junpei might not be so bad when it comes to jokes...

Author's Note:

I sorta, kinda made a subtle sexual joke there.... anybody of you notice it?

Yeah, I made a sexual joke.. get over it :rainbowlaugh:

I actually had two Arcanas that I found were perfect for Pinkie...

first was Death and the second was this... the one in the canon of this story...

they both fit her... but TWoF fit her most perfectly so I chose that...

time to find some pony that fits with that arcana...