• Published 18th Jun 2014
  • 2,778 Views, 61 Comments

A Fool's resurrection - posponer

You, Minato Arisato, have met your friends and given your last goodbyes but, it wasn't the end. The dark hour still exists and only you can help the citizens fight against the darkness... But how?

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Chapter 2: New life, New links

Author's Note:

There always has to be that one guy... That same one guy that dislikes everything I and everyone else make... It's hilarious... :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Now if only those people that actually dislike the story would tell us why in the first place.... :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Also I noticed a liker turned to disliker... Wonder why? :unsuresweetie:

Well enough of my rant... Enjoy the newest chapter...

I'm going to sleep...

Oh last note. Have you guys seen How to Train your dragon 2? I haven't but I'm waiting for myself to gather enough money to watch it on the big screen... I've seen lots of spoilers online and instead of being annoyed... I get more anxious to watch it :rainbowlaugh:

You once again wake up and stare into nothingness. You know this is somehow connected to the rifts of space, yet you wonder, why is your body like this? Why has your body changed? A small blue butterfly appeared in front of you and you stared at it with little to no interest other than boredom. It transformed into the masked man, Igor's colleague if you remembered correctly.

"It seems you have questions? Tell me what troubles you and I shall answer when possible. But be wary, this will not last as long as possible. You are currently asleep and as soon as you wake up, the connection will automatically be cut." he explained thoroughly, no mistakes and perfectly given to you. You ask him the first questions that comes to your mind.

"I explained to you before, your body will change but, as to your power. I regret to inform you but, since you have changed your body in accordance to this world's rule, you are currently 'back to level one' so to speak." the man before you just made a game reference but, it seemed to be the perfect explanation on how something as weak as that was able to last long and hit hard. You once again ask another question.

"Only a few choice belongings were brought here, normally those within you are brought here, your gadgets for example, are here in this world as it has never left your body. Weapons and the like however are not brought here as you yourself did not have any when you traversed here." now that he explained it, it did seem that was the case. Well even if you have no weapons right now, it doesn't matter, as long as you have your portable music player that charges using the solar powers of the sun. It was made especially for you by the kirijo group. You think to yourself, you should probably thank her when you meet her again.

For the other gadget however, was a gift from a teammate, Fuuka Yamagishi, she was a shy and sweet girl, who was not that good in cooking now that you remember. Though cooking was not her forte, never giving up was a strong point of hers, add to the fact that she was quite the techy girl. She made the headphones you were using in battles. It was styled especially for you, durable to sustain any fall and not break. You bet that the headphones are a lot stronger than the current you right now. Chuckling at the thought, you ask the man another question.

"As you suspected. There are others here with the power to summon one's persona from the sea of souls but, having the potency and doing it are two different things. Normally, having potency would guarantee one would be able to damage the shadows. But something from the other side is messing up the natural order. Something else is happening." this caught you by surprise. What was happening over the other world?

"Sadly, I am no longer a part nor a relevance to whatever is happening but fear not. Other chosen ones are 'on the case' as they called it. Worry not about the other side, they have experienced combatants such as your former allies, here however, right now only you are able to fight back against those monsters and with the appearance of Tartarus on this side, things are about to go downhill." you wanted to ask more but the person in front of you started fading as he shook his head.

"I will answer your other questions in due time, for now, it is time for you to awaken." as if it was a magical phrase you woke up, lying in a bed inside a room, you deduce that you are currently in a hospital room or the like. You try to sit up only to be greeted by pain. If only you had some bead chain or maybe a diarahan spell.

Without any immediate danger, you use this chance to assess the situation, you've already accepted the fact that you are now an equine being, a unicorn at that. Taking the time to look at yourself, you notice a tattoo near your... Er... Buttocks, for no better term, it was the shape of a number. Zero to be precise, you pay it no heed as you look around once more. You notice your S.E.E.S. Uniform was missing, you remember from yesterday the feeling of cloth was vaguely touching you yesterday, now you feel the cloth missing. Even though covered in fur, you find yourself strangely, naked for some weird reason, you give up trying to feel comfortable as you rummage around the bed searching for your music player, trying and failing to find it. You deduce that it, along with your uniform was gone.... NOW you really are naked.

You chose to ignore the facts of reality as you calmly looked outside the window, thinking of what you should do now? You hear steps coming nearer, your senses seem to be stronger right now, you ignore them and continue lazing on. The door opened and came in seven equines, this room is quite big now that you think about it. You look at them with half lidded eyes and then looked back to the window paying them no attention. They seem to be talking to one another, you'd rather not get in their way. This doesn't have anything to do with you being lazy, nope. Not a thing. They however, think that you are needed in the conversation.

"Umm, excuse me, sir? I am Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends, along with Princess Celestia. We need to ask you about something." You notice she was beating around the bush, you turned your eye towards their direction, still looking bored apparent by how it was half lidded. You already know that whatever she wants to know was about what happened last night but you decide to humor her. You raise your eye as if telling her 'What?'.

"Well, I never! We are here to ask you of something, the least you could do is look at us while we are talking to you." You look at her, unable to comprehend what she means, could she not know your current status? You sigh. You try to get things over with as you grunted to change your position so you can directly look at the group.

"O-oh. I'm sorry, I never expected you to be under that much pain." All your years of being passed around from family to family, you've learned to read the expressions of people but, could you read the expressions of the equines? You have two choices, you can try and read the white equine's facial expression and tell her something, or you'll just ignore it.

You decide to gather your courage and read her expression, if you fail this, your charm might just lower and possibly your first impression as well. You looked at her intently even though your eyes remain at half lid like you always do. You discern her expression as regret or humility? You waved your ha.. Hoof! Hoof! This could get really confusing, you waved your hoof at her and reassured it was fine.

"Oh, sorry, and thanks." She was somehow caught off guard, maybe she thought you'll be angry? She was thankful nevertheless and that's all that mattered.

"I'm Rarity." You were asked a question but, you guess this is a better start than a question? You see her holding her hoof out. Normally you'd do a shake, some sort of handshake except with hooves but, you've already gathered your courage to be a bit more daring, so instead of the shake. You stand up and slowly grabbed her hoof and planted a kiss. Something that Bebe taught you was more courteous towards other females. As you let go of her hoof, you tell them your name.

"I-I see... Forgive me Mr. Arisato Minato, I have not expected you to be quite the gentlecolt." You see her a bit flustered. You guess what you did was a bit too much but you thank Bebe for the info anyway.

Charm - 3 > 4

She seemed truly happy to have met you and you the same.

Thou art I... and I art thou...

Thou has established a new bond...

The Empress has given you her blessing, go forth on your path...

Thou shall be blessed to find those of the Empress Persona.

The Empress Lv.1

You hear the faint sound that you memorized as the voice that tells you of your connections. It seems this unicorn in front of you is more than meets the eye? But what do they mean about 'find'? Aren't you supposed to create them instead of finding them?

The two of you got acquainted with one another and you thought, all the equines have unbelievable colors. You look from one to the other, from purple, to orange. There was even a Pegasus that had technicolor hair! You ignore the fact of the colors and just go straight to business and it seems so did Twilight.

"First of all, I'd like to personally thank you for saving my life last night." You understand where she wants this talk to head so you nod your head and listen to her. It may seem as if you don't really care however since your eyes still bore the same expression but, you already told them that this was normal for you.

"Before you came, the princess and I have fought with that monster and no matter what we do, it seemed to be a futile action since it was not getting hurt at all, however as soon as you came, you were able to hurt it. With your hooves! There was also something about that big creature besides you at the time. We think you know something about it and if so, we'd love to hear everything about whatever is happening right now." Based on her voice, you know that she wasn't asking, she was commanding. You're the type of guy that would rather resolve things peacefully to avoid further trouble so you decide to walk outside of the room but before then, you look back at them as if to tell them 'follow me'.

You arrive to an area far from others, you look at each of them and then looked back to Twilight. You asked her important things regarding the issue at hand.

"This phenomenon has started around a month ago, it kept on happening ever since then and it got worse, those dark things started coming out from nowhere and attacking everypony in sight! Some of the ponies tend to be stuck in some kind of coffin and they were safe from the creatures but us... We aren't a part of those coffin ponies. And now we are one of the targets. Please we need answers." Even though she was still in her commandeering voice, you pick up the faint sound of hesitance, grief and sadness. She's on the verge do breaking down, it was normal, it even happened to Junpei!

You sigh inwardly as you told them about everything basic, the shadows, the tower of Tartarus and most importantly Personas. You explain to them those that are not inside the coffins are holders of a Persona, and these holders were able to hurt the shadows.

"But me and the princess weren't even able to damage that 'shadow'." You tell them you don't understand either but you tell them that something is changing and whatever that change is, is affecting this world and the shadows.

"Then how are we going to fight back?! We can't just sit still and wait for whatever dark fate is going to happen!" You tell them the only way you know how to fight back against a shadow right now. Summon your Persona.

"Is that the same creature from before?" You nod. It would seem faster to just show them rather than explain so you silently called out.

"Per-So-Na..." a sound of shattering glass then resounded in the area, as Orpheus came out and held its harp and played soothing music for the atmosphere. They were startled and a bit frightened but were also marveled at the sight. You then decide to tell them. The truth about you. Needless to say they were stunned at what you said.

"You mean... You were once 'Human'?" It was your time to be surprised this time, you ask her, she knows what you are? And she nodded. This would be a fun chat but you currently have to explain to them more information.

After explaining about yourself and how you ended up here in Equestria, they thanked you for coming to help but you tell them you helped others once, you're willing to do it again. It was your turn to ask them who they were in this world now.

"We are the Elements of Harmony. You could say we're like the S.E.E.S. of this world. And now with you here, we're really thankful that you're willing to help our world. And about your clothes and that weird device with you, we have it in Rarity's home." You got acquainted to the group and learned of their somewhat 'original' names. You nodded, at least your clothes and music player and headphones were fine.

"Uhh dude? I just wanna ask... What do you call that thing? That persona of yours." It was Rainbow, she seemed to want to know about Orpheus, you decide to humor her. You tell them it's name was Orpheus, a mythos or mythology of humans. You also tell them it was under the fool's arcana.

"Arcana? What the hay is that?" You wanted to ask her if she was serious but, she didn't seem to be the type who'd do fortune tellings and the like.

"Arcana? As in fortune telling?" Rarity however was into it. As you expected. You nodded, confirming her belief.

"So do you have any idea on who my Persona could be? Or what arcana I represent? Please don't tell me it's death." You chuckle at her unexpected giddiness about arcana but, you chose to lie for now. It would do her no good even if she knows what arcana she is. She needs to know it herself after all.

"Oh boo. Well on the bright side, at least there's still a chance I'm not death." You chuckle again but you soon heard a distinct bell sound, it was vaguely familiar... Your eyes widen in realization. It's Gekkoukan's bell! The dark hour is starting! As soon as you noticed it. Everything turned into what happens every dark hour. The creepy and dark look.

"I will never get used to this." The seven of them huddled together, while you stood on your position.

"eep! I-I'm scared." the pony named Fluttershy hid behind her friends as she cowered, you understand her, even you would act like that if you weren't so used to it. This pony sort of reminds you of Fuuka, albeit more scared than her.

"Remember my words Fluttershy, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears!" The pink one called Pinkie Pie tried to reassure her friend, you notice that she was also afraid but, you decide that telling them that would only lower the morale. This one was kind of Junpei-ish. Not as stupid as Junpei mind you, but helps in raising morale.

"Don't ya worry Fluttershy! We'll be here with ya!" The orange one named Applejack was not afraid however and was ready for anything, she sorta reminds you of Akihiko-Senpai.

"I'll protect you my little ponies. Do not worry." The bigger Alicorn Princess named Celestia. Calm, cool and collected. Leader type. Definitely like Mitsuru-Senpai.

"Yeah! Don't worry! You have me!" Rainbow screamed out. Way to go, telling the enemy of our current location. If anything she's like Kenji mixed with Junpei's brashness.

"Don't worry girls. We've been put to tough situations before, we can do this." Twilight reassured the group. She reminded you of... You. You both don't know how you became the leader of the group, you just are. You chuckle at them and told them to trust you and that you'll start your mission for coming here in this world starting with them.

They smiled and thanked you for the reassurance.

Thou art I... And I art thou...

Thou have established a new bond...

Thy journey starts now with the fool... Find your path...

Thou have been blessed to find the Fool Persona.

The Fool Lv.1

You get into a fighting stance in front of the girls and called out...
