• Published 18th Jun 2014
  • 2,777 Views, 61 Comments

A Fool's resurrection - posponer

You, Minato Arisato, have met your friends and given your last goodbyes but, it wasn't the end. The dark hour still exists and only you can help the citizens fight against the darkness... But how?

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Chapter 1: New Game

You regain consciousness and look around noticing the absence of everything except yourself. You are surrounded by darkness that strangely feels welcoming rather than out of place. Taking time to think of the current situation, you sit down crossing your legs and listening to your device at it makes music, you close your eyes for better concentration when...

"Well, well, well... What do we have here? You are once again on the realm of the living my master?" a booming sound, almost screeching. You recognize this voice as it slowly gets closer to you as it somehow appeared from the darkness from out of nowhere. It tries to grab and get a hold of you with it's left hand when it was suddenly struck with a harp. The booming voice reeled its hand back in pain as it hissed towards its aggressor.

"You have no right to touch the master. You should know that right now, you are nothing but danger to him in his current state." another voice called out, as it's figure came out of nothingness

Before anymore damage can be dealt by the two gigantic figures in front of you, you decide to stop them. You explain to them your current predicament and how weak you are right now in terms of power and force. The damage of wielding someone as savage as Thanatos would be suicidal right now without proper strength and experience. It would seem like a weak thing to say but, as it stands you are too weak to even use Orpheus in his unsealed form. You decide that using Orpheus would be the ideal thing to do.

The place around you soon start to crack as you then suddenly notice the searing pain covering your entire being. You scream out into the air as both Thanatos and Orpheus vanish into thin air.


You wake up seeing a dark sky... Or what should suppose to be a dark black sky, now green and eerie together with an even creepier green moon. You scoff at the sight, remembering all the memories you had with this very same predicament. You then tried to get up and ultimately failing as you flail around like a toddler on his first try to walk, even falling face first a few times. You then soon grumble as you lift your face of the ground and suddenly pushed with all your might to stand up, succeeding for a few seconds and then miraculously losing your balance and landing head first on the ground. It wouldn't really hurt normally but you feel a surge of pain coming for the top of your head. A protrusion that one would normally call a ['horn'] exists on top of your head.

You would normally panic right now but, now is not the time. Lives are in danger and you plan to save them. If only you can actually stand up and walk. You gave up trying to stand up and question why you couldn't even do it in the first place. Giving it some careful planning and thought, you found yourself... Well... Not yourself! You notice your hands and feet were missing but instead were replaced with hooves. You thought of the most basic things of how to stand up now, you act as a four legged being, such as a dog or a cat or in this case, a horse.

You give it a few minutes of practicing with your newly transformed body to understand how to stand up better and after a few tumble and back flops did you finally succeed into standing up, giving yourself a pat on the back you decide to go to the nearest place that screams 'danger' but you then unceremoniously slid into a dive to the dirt as you haven't yet mastered the basic bodily functions other than standing up. Groaning, you give another few minutes of practice on how to walk and run with this body.

Covered in scratch and bruises that were not even gained from fighting big, masked monsters. You can't help but crack a smile at your current predicament. This was not cool in the least.

Charm - 5 > 3
Courage - 5 > 2

Shaking your head and removing those thoughts, you look up at the sky and wonder why it was still the dark hour. You were sure that it's already over an hour since you came here when suddenly...

"GROOAOOARRAAHHH!" a monstrous growl from the south followed by a scream. You decided that now is not the time to wallow in self pity but a time to help those in trouble.


As soon as you got to the site, you saw two figures, the same as your current figure, both were, if based on earth mythologies that you so loved to read, would be an Alicorn. A being that ascended from both Unicorn and Pegasus, a being of pure magical prowess. If so that would make you a unicorn?! A being that was said to be strangely connected to Gaia, the earth Titan.

You would delve deeper into this thought if it weren't for the fact that their colors were a little bit too... 'Bright' for no better word and also that those two Alicorns were under attack! They were able to navigate through the giant beast but it was able pin down the smaller Alicorn under its grasp and held one of its claws above, ready to strike...

"TWILIGHT!!!" The larger Alicorn wanted to help but it seemed to be hurt from a wound sustained by the dark being, you frantically look around for something, anything! That can resemble a weapon. Of all the mistakes you could make, it was forget to bring the Evoker or at the very least, bring a worthy weapon, hitting the ground in anger you grabbed a stick, albeit small was enough to be a makeshift sword. You almost spit it out in disgust but now is not the time

You ran and galloped as fast as you could, hoping that you'd make it in time, you saw the claw being brought down to the unlucky captive and in a last ditch effort, you gave your back legs a strong insert of energy as you jumped towards the monster! You spun your airborne body around and used the stick in your mouth as a makeshift shield, evidently getting it crushed and your body getting wounds, but this was nothing you couldn't handle. You've gotten worse before.

Only now noticing you, the monster and the two Alicorn were surprised by your sudden intervention. You didn't pay them any mind as you began to stomp at the limb that was holding the purple Alicorn and as it was supposed to, the monster reeled back and clutched its appendage in pain, causing both Alicorns to once again be surprised.

"How... How were you able to hurt it...?" Normally, anyone can hurt it. Guns, swords, axes, staves, even a good old one two punch can hurt it, but of course you'd have to be able to carry inside you a persona or else you'd be 'playing dead' inside a coffin. And seeing as these two here was still lively and energetic, then they have the possibility to summon their respective personas. So why couldn't they be able to at least damage the shadow?

"Aargh!" you scream out in pain from being blindsided by the enemy, apparently what you did wasn't enough to make it go away, you see the two going near you, but you yelled at them to find a safe place to hide.

"What about you?! You're injured!" The purple Alicorn worriedly asked you but you still told them to go, hesitantly, they nodded and went farther away from the monster, dodging all attacks from the monster until you could no longer see the two. Once they were far, you decided it was time to fight back, but how? You don't know. But you will try! That's why you went here in this world in the first place.

Courage - 2 > 3

As soon as you resolved your will to fight, you suddenly ducked away from a swipe from the lupine like arm that went swinging to you and stepped backwards from a smash from those very same arms. You can fight back easily, but damaging it was a far probability. You can only deal small amounts of damage using your Han... Hooves but as far as doing any real damage, it was still impossible without being able to summon your persona.

"Princess Celestia! What should we do?! The stallion that saved us is in trouble!" Though frantic, and even borderline close to passing out, the purple Alicorn was worried for the safety of the pony that saved them, however the other Alicorn was in grief knowing that there was nothing they could do at the moment.

"We tried, Twilight. We tried as hard as we could! We used all sorts of magic! Binding magic, elemental magic, even destructive magic were nothing to that monster! All we can do now is gather our strength and take that pony away from danger once we get our strength back." Grimace showing on both their faces, they could do nothing but wait and rest to help the savior to escape... But nothing could have prepared them for what would happen next.

You were in trouble, grave trouble, but even then, you felt yourself getting lighter and lighter, faster and faster as if the strikes, swings, jabs and bites aimed at you were nothing but a slow moving bug in the air. You dodge and dodge continuously but, even you know your dexterity wouldn't last long under your current wounds. You need to find a way to end this fast. Not paying attention to the geography of the land, you accidentally slipped and the shadow saw this as an opportunity to strike as it swooped in for the kill, minutes, seconds, milliseconds away and everything around you slows to a halt.

"Thou art I, and I art thou. From the sea of thy soul, I cometh... I am Orpheus, master of strings, call my name and I shall come to thy aid." hearing this voice, you suddenly grinned as you wasted no time in yelling out.

"ORPHEUS!" and as what was said, a bright light soon then flashed from between you and the shadow, momentarily stunning the shadow and stopping its attacks.

As soon as the light dimmed down, a being larger than you and a little bit smaller than the shadow was now floating above you. It was a relief to know that you needn't the evoker anymore but it would definitely be harder to summon other personas if you don't have the evoker. You grin while looking at the shadow thinking to yourself 'It's time'. Taking advantage of the still stunned shadow, you wasted no time yelling out a command.

"Agi!" the large being above you then strummed its harp gently as a ball of flames the size of a watermelon appeared just right above your face, it came from your horn which was now glowing slightly bright. You instinctually threw the ball of fire towards the enemy hoping it would at least do decent damage and as it hit, the shadow screeched out in pain indicating it caused more damage than what you hoped for. If only Fuuka was here to scan the enemy. You yelled out another command hoping it would once more do damage.

"Bash!" you feel your muscles in your hooves contracting, gathering power as Orpheus itself was holding the large harp as a club, you ran to the left side of the beast as Orpheus ran to the right side of it and you both delivered the final attack as Orpheus bashed it with the harp, so did you with a well delivered kick.

The damage was too much for it as it suddenly burst into small particles of darkness and into nothingness, you felt yourself grow stronger as your persona once again gains battle experience and both you and your persona grew stronger once more

Level Up!

Strength - 2 > 3
Magic - 2
Endurance - 2 > 3
Agility - 2
Luck - 2

Persona: Orpheus
Additional Stats: Luck +3

You often see these numbers before, and it often baffles you about what they could mean, you remember these exists on games you've previously played but this is no game... This is all real... You thought this but the thought was cut off as the pain caused you to lose strength and black out, and Orpheus putting its harp to its back before vanishing.

The two that you had previously saved, now slowly and cautiously walked towards you.


"I know what plagues your mind Twilight Sparkle, but for now, we need to help this colt and tend to his wounds. We will deal with Tartarus and whatever transpired here when he wakes up. For now he needs help." The now named Twilight wanted to argue but nevertheless agreed as they lifted you up and carried you away towards a certain direction, a few minutes later and the weirdly long time of 'The Dark Hour' has finally ceased and the normality of everything came back once more.

"We will need answers soon."

"That we do Twilight, that we do."

Author's Note:

Apparently, prologue chapter wasn't connected to MLP:FIM enough to make this story go online. So i decided to make chapter one now. And I also had a good idea to maintain game stat likes (although it would be at random and would make everything much much harder.) just to make it seem more interesting. Anyways I hope you all like it!