• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 1,789 Views, 37 Comments

Ebony and Ivory: Mother's love. - SGZone

Chrysalis receives terrible news and finds a very unconventional and scandalous solution.

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Chapter 8

The candle on Chryasalis’s desk flicked and twisted illuminating the spacious room. The once mighty wax stem was cut down to a stump by the long night. Chrysalis yawned. Re-examining the sheet of paper on her desk for the hundredth time that night. She had finished it hours ago but the implications of the list kept her awake.

Adopting Ebony and Ivory


-They’ll be with a loving family. Well at least me and Papillia will love them. Priamus will probably warm up to the idea. Even if Alexandrae and Arthemis disapprove they won’t hurt them.

-They’ll be Princes. They’ll have everything they could ever want or need.

-They’ll be safe. Even if the entire Hive hates the idea I will protect them.

-They may never be adopted. Even if they do they'll be separated most likely, they already love playing and just spending time together. It would be tragic if they were seperated.

-Who knows what could happen at an orphanage. Hunger, abuse and it could just worse upon being adopted.


-They’ll be treated differently. Even hated just for being human. Even if I can protect them from physical harm. Their words will cut just as deep.

-Being Princes they’ll be targets for assassins. Not just from outside Hives but from the hive itself.

-They’ll have trouble fitting in. Lots of trouble.

-It will be scandalous. Their lives will be against a microscope.

Chrysalis rubbed her forehead in frustration. While the pros did technically outweigh the cons. Each of the cons carried hefty consequences for the two.

“In the end, it will depend on the Hive’s reaction to them. While I am assuming the worst a lot has happened. Many of the younger generation have adopted a friendlier view of humans.” She muttered. “More importantly, though, is what the family says.” She muttered. Papilia’s words echoing in her thoughts.

‘I can’t put this off until morning.’ Chrysalis determined. Her horn lit up silver and her voice echoed through the hive-mind.

“Sisters please meet me in the meeting room. I have something to discuss with everyone.” Her magic dying down she left the room and down the hall. She had one more place to go to before confronting them sisters.

Quiet as a shadow she crept into the nursery and over to the twin’s crib. With the utmost care, she softly lifted the two into her arms. Disturbed by the sudden movements they squirmed in her grasp.

“Shh, Shh I’m sorry sweeties but mo-” The last word got caught in her throat. She wanted to say it but she shouldn’t get ahead of herself. “I need you two for a second,” Chrysalis whispered. Wrapping her adorable bounties in a blanket. She stole away from the nursery to the meeting room.

Alexandrae gave a great big yawn stretching her limbs till they popped. “Where is Chryssie? This had better been good for waking me up and she has the nerve to be late.” She growled.

“Don’t worry Alex. I think I know what she wants to say and it is pretty important,” Papillia responded.

“Wait if you know then why don’t you tell us so we can get some sleep,” Alexandrae said glaring down at Papillia.

“No, Chryssie needs to tell you. It’s that important.” She responded sticking her nose up defiantly at her big sister. Almost on cue, Chrysalis stormed into the room.

“Thank you all for coming. Sorry for the late night intrusion but this is important.” She said.

“It better be so why- what’s that?” Alexandrae asked pointing at the bundle in her arms.

“Well, this is Ebony and Ivory.” She responded pushing the blanket away from their faces so they could all get a better look.

“Ah yes, the Equestrian babies. They’re still here?” Alexandrae muttered. A hint of disdain in her voice.

“Indeed, would you like to see them?” Chrysalis asked walking over to Alexandrae.

“What? N-No thank you.” She stuttered surprised by her sister’s question.

“Come on they’ll be gone in a few days. This will probably be your only chance to see a couple of human babies up close. You’re not scared of them are you?” Chrysalis teased. Alexandrae stiffened like a board to her sister’s accusation but would not back down. Like her joints had rusted over she awkwardly crept over to Chrysalis. She peered down at the bundle as if she was overseeing a dangerous animal.

“They’re not going to bite Alex, you can get closer.” Chrysalis chuckled.

“I know they’re not going to bite.” Alexandrae snapped inching a bit closer. Bravely she took the next step and with a hesitant finger, she carefully poked Ebony’s belly. On reflex, the baby grabbed at the intruding finger. Alexandrae shot her hand back before Ebony could get a hold of her. Unfortunately, the sudden movements woke the baby. His face twisted and grimaced before turning into soft cries. Which in turn woke up Ivory and joined his brother in a chorus of wails.

“Alex you woke them up.” Chrysalis scolded trying to soothe them.

“What are they doing. Is it dangerous?” Alex asked looking down suspiciously at the two.

“No, Alex they’re crying because you disturbed them. Just like Arthemis’s hatchlings would do.” Chrysalis responded annoyed. “Shh, I’m here sweeties. I’m sorry Alex is a big coward and woke you two up.” She cooed calming them.

“I am no coward!” Alex shot back her face glowing red.

“Of course you aren’t. That’s why your hand flew back faster than the wind after being grazed. Their tiny wittle hands are awfully dangerous.” Chrysalis baby talked pinching Ebony’s hand causing him to giggle.

“Priamus you’ve been awfully quiet. What about you? Think you can last longer than our heroic general?” Chrysalis asked turning away from a sore Alexandrae.

“Oh me?” Priamus whispered eyes wide like a deer in the headlights.

“Sure come over here and meet Ebony and Ivory.” She gestured. Nodding her head Priamus walked over to Chrysalis. Like she was brought up to the front of the class and didn’t do her homework.

“Here, want to hold Ivory?” She asked as Priamus got closer.

“Hold him? Oh no, I don’t think I should. What if something happens?” Priamus fretted.

“You’ll be fine. You love holding hatchlings and it’s the same idea.” She assured holding out Ivory for her to take.

“If you say so Chryssie.” Priamus responded taking Ivory as if she was grabbing a piece of brittle glass. The two strangers looked at each other perplexed. Priamus was the first to break the ice.

“Hello there,” Priamus whispered smiling and gently waving at Ivory. Ivory smiled a big toothless smile and grabbed her palm. His tiny hands wrapping around her fingers inspecting the strange hand. “Aww nice to meet you too.” She cooed shaking his hands.

“I don’t know why you're so scared of these two Alex, they’re just babies.” Priamus smiled.

“I said I’m not scared of them!” Alexandrae growled. “Besides don’t forget what they will grow into. They’ll grow up and resent us just like every human. They won’t even remember this.” Alexandrae spat.

“Maybe, maybe not.” Chrysalis implied looking away from Alexandrae.

“Chrysalis what is this about? I don’t think you brought these two for no reason.” Arthemis said.

“You’re right I didn’t just bring them to you for nothing,” Chrysalis admitted. “You see I’ve been spending a lot of time with these two over the past week.” She took a shuddering breath before continuing. “And well I’ve fallen in love with these two.” She swallowed her hesitation. It was now or never. “And I want to adopt them.” She stated.

The room went dead. Not even the wind could move in the fresh tension that sprouted in the air. The three sisters’ eyes went wide in shock and disbelief. None of them moved a muscle. The only movement came from the two babies. Looking around in confusion from the sudden silence. Arthemis was the first to break the heavy silence.

“Chrysalis did I hear you right?” Arthemis asked in disbelief.

“Yes, I want to adopt these two and I wanted to hear what you all think about it before I decided. This will affect all you too.” Chrysalis explained.

“What we think? I-I wh- I-I don’t know what to think. You want to adopt two humans?” Arthemis asked flabbergasted. “What about the orphanage there are plenty of changelings you could adopt. What about them?” Arthemis pleaded.

“Yes, but I have no desire to adopt them. Over the past week, I’ve fed these two, changed their diapers even bathed them. With Papillia helping me I’ve been a mother to these two and I don’t want it to end.” Chrysalis reasoned. Arthemis didn’t want to hear it huffing and crossing her arms, but Chrysalis pressed on. “They will be safe with Ray of Light at the orphanage and I know she’ll make sure that they go to a good home. But I don’t know what will happen to these two once we hand them over and that terrifies me.” Chrysalis pleaded.

“Just stop Chrysalis!” Alexandrae barked. “I cannot believe what I’m hearing.” She groaned running her hands across her face. “Have you even thought about what this would do? What this would mean?” She asked.

“I have and I’m willing to accept the consequences but only if you all are willing to help me.” She said.

“So what you expect us to just go along with this?” Alexandrae sighed. “Chrysalis, I have been patient with you for these past several weeks. I know how much having a family and raising some hatchlings meant to you. Even when you were at your worst I accepted it and tried to help you. But this, I just don’t know Chrysalis.” Alexandrae sighed.

“I know how you feel Alexandrae.” Chrysalis said.

“Do you!” Alexandrae snapped water welling in her eyes. “245, do you know what that number means?” Alexandrae asked as the tears began to flow. Chrysalis shook her head. “That’s the number of my Changelings that the Equestrians have taken under my command. Radicals, zealots , extremists different names but cut from the same cloth. They stole my soldiers from me, many of them my friends. They destroyed families with pride. That’s what that number means to me!” She cried. the dam breaking. Chrysalis felt Ebony recoil in her arms from the loud noise. “Now you want me to help you raise two of them.” She spat convulsing from the sobs.

“What about Sandstorm?” Arthemis asked. Everyone's stomachs did a double back-flip at the mention of the name. Sandstorm was Arthemis’s husband and Alexandrae’s most trusted lieutenant. It was through Alexandrae that they met. Everyone in the family loved him and welcomed him with open arms. Then one day while investigating a bandit camp he didn’t come back. They thought he was captured by the marauders but there was no sign of him. After an exhaustive search, they found him, but they soon wished they hadn’t.

He was not caught by marauders but by an encampment lead by anti-changeling extremists. They killed him and his men and nailed their mutilated bodies to posts as warnings. The image of him strung up like a scarecrow was still fresh in their minds. Chrysalis and Alexandrae were merciless in their retaliation. With their strongest warriors, they put everyone to the sword. Raising everything to dust and ash.

“Did you forget about him? Did you forget what they did to him!?” She barked. Ebony squirmed again. “Did you forget how they treated him like an animal to be strung up and put on display! How they went about their days without a care. Without a single hint of remorse that they stole my hatchlings’ father!” She screamed tears streaming down her head. Frightening Ebony and Ivory. “How they tortured him and made him suffer. For days I could feel his pain and I couldn’t help him. I will never forget that and I will never forgive them for it!” She roared. Ebony and Ivory began to whine. Fortunately, Chrysalis grabbed Ivory from a still shocked Priamus, and was able to calm them.

“Arthemis I know it must hurt but not all humans are-” Chrysalis started bouncing Ebony and Ivory but was cut off by Arthemis.

“Oh shut up Chrysalis just shut up, shut up, shut up!” She yelled stomping her foot. “I have tried telling myself they're not all bad but I just can’t believe it after what they did. I just can’t, I just can’t.” She sobbed holding herself. No one said anything. Only whimpers and sobs from the two sisters filled the room.

Chrysalis looked to Papillia giving her silent message to take the twins off her hands. Papillia nodded and quickly took the two in her magic and into her arms. Chrysalis crept over to her broken down sister and secured her in her arms.

“I know this isn’t an easy thing to hear. I understand you feel like I’m betraying you. I also know that I haven’t been the best sister these past weeks.” She said stroking Arthemis’s hair. “I’ve been completely selfish to you all. Wallowing in my own depression rather than being with you.” She admitted.

“Chrysalis I didn’t mean it like that.” Alexandrae sniffed.

“Thank you Alex but that doesn’t mean I should ignore the people that care about me.” She responded leaving Arthemis and walking over to Papilia.

“Papilia you have been an absolute life-saver not just this past week with these two…” She said rubbing Ivory and Ebonys’ heads. “But for everything before. You were a little ray of sunshine every day. Doing your best to cheer me up and also working hard on our relations. When we go to Canterlot later this year I’ll take care of all the meetings with Celestia. While you go and enjoy the city.” She said bending down and kissing her.

“Thanks, Chryssie.” Papillia smiled pulling away. Chrysalis turned her attention to Priamus.

“Priamus I don’t think I say it enough but I am incredibly proud of you.” She said caressing her cheek. “You’ve calmed the hive and kept them happy and assured. Despite recent events and I know I can always confide in you. Thank you so much for that.” Chrysalis said kissing her as well. Pulling away Priamus didn’t say anything but beamed at her sister.

“Alexandrae you are my rock. I can always lean on you just as I hope you know you can lean on me. This past week has been stressful but we will pull through this and bring them to justice, together. Just as we have all those times before.” Chrysalis said grabbing her hands and planting a sweet kiss.

“Of course we will Chrysalis, together.” Alexandrae smiled wiping away the last of her tears.

“Arthemis. You are my closest confidant. You’re the one I can always come to for advice and help. For whatever I need and it’s clear I haven’t been the same to you.” She said wiping away her tears with her thumb. “But first I need you to be open with me. It pains me to see that you were keeping this bottled up. So let me help you; like you have helped me.” Chrysalis continued hugging Arthemis. The room was silent for a few moments before Arthemis finally spoke up.

“Chrysalis, do those two really make you happy?” Arthemis asked pulling away to look her sister in the eye.

“They do, Arthemis, they do. They’re the highlights of my day.” She said wistfully.

“That’s all I want Chrysalis. For you to be happy and I won’t stay in your way from being happy. I can accept them into this home.” Arthemis sniffed. “I can’t promise that I’ll love them like you do or love them at all. I can try to though.” She said.

“That’s all I want Arthemis and I want you to be happy too. I believe that these two will help with that but you gotta talk to us about it, okay?” Chrysalis said caressing her cheek.

“Okay.” Arthemis responded.

“What about the rest of you?” Chrysalis asked looking at the rest of them.

“Ditto.” Alexandrae smiled while Priamus nodded. Chrysalis could feel hot tears stream down her face as she looked around the room. The dread that had filled her heart was extinguished.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.” She cried wiping away her overflowing tears. No-one said anything as they huddled around Chrysalis wrapping her up in their arms. While Papilla gave her back her new sons. Who smiled as they were wrapped in their mother's arms.

“Welcome home my babies. Welcome home.” Chrysalis cooed.

Author's Note:

Hey look at that a Chapter that didn't take 2 months. Next one will be the final chapter for this one. It will probably be a shorter chapter. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to point out any mistakes.